
do dental schools require biochemistry

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The following topics also appear at Collegelearners.

Dental School Requirements • Become A Dentist
The 10 Easiest Dental Schools to Get Into (2021) - Own Your Own Future

Dental School Prerequisites

Prerequisite requirements vary slightly between schools. It is important to check the requirements of each school you are considering to make sure you complete all requirements. Some schools may have additional requirements and/or recommended courses so it is important to begin your research on the schools sooner than later (preferably by your sophomore year). To find a list of dental programs, go here. You may also want to consider buying an online edition of the ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools

In general, you should not plan to use AP credit to satisfy prerequisite coursework for dental schools since many dental schools will not honor AP credits. Even though AP credits can be used towards satisfying your degree requirements at Cal, the way in which you use AP credit in these two cases is completely separate.

The following are some of the most common required and recommended prerequisites:

Course subject# semestersUC Berkeley course sequence most students use to fulfill requirements
General (Inorganic) Chemistry & Organic ChemistryMost schools require 2 semesters of general chemistry with lab, 1-2 semesters of organic chemistry with lab, and 1 semester of biochemistry Chem 1A/1ALChem 1BChem 3A/3ALChem 3B/3BLMCB 102 or MCB 100A or Chem C130
 Please note: We highly recommend that students take Chem 1B in order to stay eligible for all dental schools. Not ALL dental schools will accept Berkeley’s unique four-course chemistry sequence (including many out-of-state programs and notably, USC School of Dentistry in California). Taking Chem 1B equivalent at a community college after graduation (if taking a gap year) is fine. 
BiologyMost schools require 2 semesters with labBio 1BBio 1A/1AL
PhysicsMost schools require 2 semestersPhysics 8APhysics 8B 
English2 semestersCourses that satisfy the Reading and Composition requirement at Berkeley will fulfill dental school English coursework requirements for most dental schools.
Humanities, Social & Behavioral ScienceMost schools require at least 1 semester of introductory courseworkPsych 1 (for majors) 
Psych 2 (for non majors) AND/OR
Sociol 1
 Additional Coursework
*Check individual school websites for specific required/recommended courses
Calculus1 semesterNot many dental schools require calculus at all- always a good practice to research all the schools you may apply to. 
Additional Biology courses1 semester (with lab in some cases) for the biology courses listed in this section.Histology
Microbiology1 semester w/ labPH 162A/162L   OR   MCB C112/112L
Anatomy1 semester w/ labIB 131/131L
Physiology1 semester w/ labMCB 32/32L,
IB 132/132L, 
MCB 136/133L
Additional BiochemistryFor those that have already taken MCB 102 as part of their chemistry sequence, here are some additional options for fulfilling an additional biochemistry requirement.MCB C100A,
Chem 135,
Maybe MCB 100B if taken with C100A
Statistics1 semester is strongly recommended by a number of schoolsStat 2
Stat 131A
ORStats 20
Basic Business CourseA basic business or computer course is recommended due to the fact that many dentists choose to pursue private practice. 
Applied Art CourseSculpture, jewelry-making or other courses where one’s manual dexterity is used and developed are strongly suggested by dental programs. 
Foreign LanguageKnowledge and cultural competency in at least one foreign language is recommended 
Speech/Public Speaking1 semester is recommendedCollwrit 10A or 10B
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