Individuals in NSW, including the ACT, who exhibit a passion for rural life and devotion to any job that will ensure the future success of rural and regional NSW are eligible for VET (Vocational Education and Training) Scholarships.
Read more on this post to see details on free veterinary college, veterinary phd scholarships, veterinary masters scholarships, hispanic veterinary scholarships, and vet nursing scholarships.

How do I become a DVM in Canada?
To join a vet school in Canada, you will need to attend 1-2 years of a pre-veterinary program. You must complete all 4 years of vet school to specialize as a small animal or large animal veterinarian. Veterinary school in the US takes 4 years, while it takes up to 6 years in Canada.
dvm scholarship in canada
Who can apply for a VET Scholarship?
Applicants must be school leavers having completed a minimum of year 10. Students completing school-based apprenticeships and traineeships are not eligible to apply.
Eligibility guidelines
Applicants for a VET Scholarship must:
- Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
- Be enrolled in or applying for study in any accredited VET (Vocational Education and Training) course at an approved Australian education provider
- Demonstrate a desire to contribute to the future of rural NSW
- Demonstrate how a scholarship would assist them in achieving their education or training goal
What type of courses qualify for the VET Scholarship?
There is no limit on the types of courses that qualify. You could be studying anything from metal fabrication to child care.
You could be studying at a registered VET (Vocational Education and Training) institution e.g. College or TAFE courses, on campus or by distance learning. All applicants will have one thing in common – a desire to play an active part in the future of rural NSW.
What Scholarships are available?
Scholarships of up to $6,000 for full-time study or up to $3,000 for part-time study are available.
13 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became a Veterinarian
You’ll work with people as much as you work with animals.
1. Training to become a veterinarian takes almost as much time as becoming a human doctor, and it’s just as involved. You typically do four years of undergraduate and have to complete the prerequisites and required tests to get into veterinary school, which is another four years of school. And then if you decide you want to specialize in a field, you do an internship for a year and three more years of residency after you graduate. As a general practitioner, you’re not required to do a residency or internship. But even if you ever only plan on practicing on household pets, your training encompasses all fields of veterinary medicine. So you go from seeing small animals, like dogs and cats, to exotic animals like birds and reptiles, to farm animals, like sheep, cows, and goats. And there are rotations where you’re on-call in the middle of the night, where you work weekends and holidays. A lot of people sort of have this impression that you play with puppies and kittens all day, and that it’s inferior to human medicine. As a veterinarian, I need to know how to do dentistry, surgery, internal medicine, and X-rays, where in human medicine, you specialize in one of those things.

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2. Working with people is as much a part of this job as working with animals. It’s the owners that need to decide what treatment they want done or what their budget is, which limits what you can do. And then you have other staff, like receptionists and technicians, and occasionally you have an outside specialist or veterinarian you have to collaborate with. It’s sort of surprising how much training you have working with animals in veterinary school and how little training you have working with people. It’s a steep learning curve to figure out how to communicate in a way that is effective for the owner, you, and the pet.
3. Putting down a pet is the most difficult part of the job, but it will become more bearable over time. It’s a really difficult time for the owners. What I personally try to do is present them with every option available, whether that’s additional diagnostics and treatments or hospice care, and try to help them make the best decision for themselves and for the pet. And if they do decide on euthanasia, I do everything in my power to make sure it’s as dignified as possible. Most of the time, the owners are right there the entire procedure. I always tell them exactly what to expect and what will happen. And there are certainly times I cry right along with the owners. I think that most of my sadness comes from the loss the owner is experiencing, because I wouldn’t perform euthanasia unless I truly believed it was in the best interest for the pet. I think I’ve gotten better at handling it over the years. I don’t think you ever become numb to it, but I also think you become a little more realistic. If we have a cat that lives to 18 years old, you come to appreciate that the cat has had 18 years and a fantastic life with a family that loves them.
4. Some animals will be difficult to handle, but it’s usually because they’re scared. I encounter cats on a daily basis, and occasionally dogs, that are aggressive and difficult to handle. I don’t have a lot of fear of small dogs or cats because while they might try to bite me, they’re much easier to control, restrain, or sedate if necessary. But there have been times where I’ve been nervous examining a 100-pound dog I don’t know very well. To examine a dog, you really have to be right in their face, so you have to have a lot of faith in whoever is restraining the animal for you. I’ve come to realize that probably 95 percent of the time when those animals are acting aggressively, it’s really all based out of fear instead of behavioral issues. They’re terrified because they’re in a new environment with new people, and they’re having things done to them that they don’t understand. Because we understand that perspective, we do everything we can to minimize their fear, provide care for them, and make them feel comfortable, and I think that helps significantly.
5. Pet owners might get offended or won’t always listen to your advice, and it can be frustrating. Obesity in pets is probably one of the biggest health issues that I deal with on a daily basis, and it’s a very touchy issue. If the pet is just a little overweight, I try to approach it with some humor and tell them their pet is a bit on the chunky side. The owner will usually laugh and we’ll come up with game plan to fix it. I try to educate them about why being overweight is a concern. It’s not a cosmetic concern. It’s that their pet is at an increased risk of diabetes and painful arthritis. Usually when you go into those things, owners understand, but there are situations where every single visit we have the same talk and the pet weighs the same. It’s very frustrating because I know that they’re doing the best they can and I know that they’re not intentionally trying to harm their pet, but a lot of people equate food with love. ADVERTISEMENT – CONTINUE READING BELOW
6. Even when you don’t work late, you’ll be totally exhausted. I’m pretty fortunate to have a job where I leave by around 5:30 and have weekends off. But there are days that it’s a very emotionally draining job. From 7:30 in the morning until 5 at night, you’re seeing appointments nonstop, and if you’re not in an appointment, then you’re fielding phone calls. And every single one of those owners has a different concern and a different priority and you have to be completely engaged for it all. I’m often exhausted by the time I get home and have to switch to mom and wife mode.
7. You won’t always be working with kittens and puppies. It’s not super common, but we do see some guinea pigs, ferrets, hamsters, bunnies and occasionally birds and lizards for annual exams. I’ll do the best I can even if I’m not as familiar with that species. I have all my class notes scanned on my iPad so I refer to them a lot, and I can call the specialist at a nearby exotic animal hospital and ask for their opinion. If something is really wrong and I feel like it’s out of my comfort zone, I tell them it would be in their best interest to see a specialist, but if they don’t want to or can’t go, I do my best to help in any way I can.
8. Being a pet owner will make you a better veterinarian. Our patients can’t tell us what’s wrong, so I think living with animals in my personal life helps me be a little bit more in tune with them. And it certainly helps me understand my clients’ perspective because I’m a pet owner as much as they are.
9. It will be hard to separate your professional life from your personal life. When we’re out at a social setting, I often honestly don’t mention that I’m a veterinarian because it becomes the focus of conversation. Even with friends and family, if it becomes a very involved conversation, I give them my card and tell them to make an appointment. It’s important to have boundaries so you can still have a personal life because animals are a topic most people feel pretty passionate about, especially their own animals.
10. People will mistakenly think their expensive vet bill contributes to a high salary. They may not understand the cost of education, staffing, medications, and supplies, since their personal health insurance hides those expenses when they go to their doctors. And student loan debt for veterinarians is so high. The average veterinarian graduates with around $135,000 in student loan debt, and salaries are far below what medical doctors make. Different types of veterinarians make different amounts, but the median salary for a veterinarian is around $85,000. So most veterinarians have significant debt and are not living extravagant lifestyles at all.
11. Not every pet owner will be able to do — or want to do — everything for their pet. I might have a client whose pet is the equivalent of their child, where they decided not to have children and they would absolutely do anything for their pet. And then my next appointment might be a client with a very different perspective on pet ownership, who may think it’s ridiculous to pay over $100 for a service for a pet. Everyone has a certain budget, so while I know what the best medicine is, sometimes you have to decide what’s best when you’re given a set price. For example, we see inflammatory bowel disease in older cats pretty often. If we suspect it’s that, we start with blood work or ultrasounds, which aren’t too expensive. From there, really the only way to confirm the diagnosis would be to send them for a biopsy. That’s fairly invasive and expensive, and the majority of my clients draw the line there. I would love to have the biopsy results to know what I suspect I’m treating, but if they can’t do that or they’re not willing to do that, we give them other options.
12. Preventative medicine is just as important for your pet as it is for you. It’s very easy to give pets their yearly vaccine and send them on their way until they’re due for their next vaccine or a crisis happens. But if you take the time to ask those extra questions, to dig a little deeper into their medical history, or you spend that extra time to educate the owner about proper nutrition or lifestyle, it can have such an impact. If you can do preventative things early on like a diet change, you can increase quality of life for the pet and for the owner.
13. You’ll be there for the pet from the beginning to the end, and you’ll be there for the owner beyond that. One of the reasons I absolutely love being a general practitioner is that you can meet people when they come in that first day with their new puppy. You’re part of that excitement, you’re part of educating them on how to best take care of that puppy, and you’re seeing them every month for a while, and then every year, and then it reaches a point where that animal starts getting elderly and you help them through that with senior care for their pet. And then at the very end, you help them to have a very peaceful, dignified end of life, if that means euthanasia or something else. I get incredibly bonded to not only our patients but also the owners. You get to know them and their family and what’s going on in their lives. One of the most rewarding parts of the job is that you really form a bond because you’re seeing them so often. It’s not like they pop in once and you never see them again. The majority of our patients, even after they lose their pet, come in two months later with their next pet.
Dr. Biasillo is a veterinarian in Ithaca, NY.
2018 Top Chinese Universities Ranking in Veterinary by NSEAC
Filter by Province Hebei Shanxi Liaoning Jilin Heilongjiang Anhui Shandong Zhejiang Jiangsu Henan Hubei Hunan Jiangxi Fujian Guangdong Hainan Guizhou Sichuan Yunnan Gansu Shaanxi Inner Mongolia Guangxi Ningxia Xinjiang Uygur Beijing Shanghai Tianjin Chongqing
Rank | University | More |
![]() | China Agricultural UniversityBeijing 985211 | Learn More |
![]() | Nanjing Agricultural UniversityNanjing 211 | Learn More |
![]() | South China Agricultural University | Learn More |
4 | Northwest A&F UniversityYangling 985211 | Learn More |
5 | Northeast Agricultural UniversityHarbin 211 | Learn More |
6 | Shanxi Agricultural University | Learn More |
7 | Yangzhou UniversityYangzhou | Learn More |
8 | Huazhong Agricultural UniversityWuhan 211 | Learn More |
9 | Sichuan Agricultural UniversityYa’an 211 | Learn More |
10 | Inner Mongolia Agricultural UniversityHuhehaote | Learn More |
11 | Southwest UniversityChongqing 211 | Learn More |
12 | Jilin UniversityChangchun 985211 | Learn More |
13 | Jiangxi Agricultural University | Learn More |
14 | Yunnan Agricultural UniversityKunming | Learn More |
15 | Henan Agricultural UniversityZhengzhou | Learn More |
16 | Jilin Agricultural UniversityChangchun | Learn More |
Veterinary medicine is a branch of health care science and deals with the well-being of animals, including pets, food animals, horses and wild animals. This field covers diagnosis, therapy, prevention of diseases and injuries, as well as narrow fields such as blood transfusions.
Veterinary medicine studies begin with a Bachelor’s degree in life sciences, zoology, biology and others and should continue with a Master’s degree in veterinary medicine or a PhD. Students usually specialize in certain fields such as physiotherapy or dentistry or in groups of species. By monitoring and constantly improving the health of animals, public health is also maintained. Medicine schools and colleges offer competitive degrees for students passionate about animals, preparing them in both theoretical and practical expertise.
Graduates can become researchers focused on developing treatments and medicines for animals or practitioners who are known as veterinary physicians or vets. Career prospects are wide in the field and range from science teachers, marine biologists, park managers, zoo animal care specialists, to veterinary pathologists or animal assisted therapists.

Universities, Institutions, Colleges and Schools Awarding Veterinary Degrees
Jiangsu–Yangzhou University, College of Veterinary Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine has five secondary disciplines, among which the Preventive Veterinary Medicine is the National and Provincial Key Discipline, the Clinical and Basic Veterinary Medicine is the Provincial Key Discipline. Due to its high academic reputation with over twenty research directions of characteristics, the Central Government has selected the College as the Station for Post doctor Circulation. In addition, the College has six secondary disciplines (Preventive, Clinical and Basic Veterinary Medicine, Animal Immunology, Safety of Animal-derived Foods and Zoonosis) conferring PhD Degree and five secondary disciplines (Preventive, Clinical and Basic Veterinary Medicine, Microbiology, Zoology) for MS Degree. The College also confers PhD Degree and MS Degree in Professional Veterinary Medicine. The College has the Key Open Lab of Animal Infectious Diseases of the Agricultural Ministry, the Key Open Lab of Preventive Veterinary Medicine of Jiangsu Province, the Key Lab of Zoonosis of Jiangsu Province, the Lab of the Agricultural Ministry for Special Toxicity Detection of New Animal Pharmaceuticals and Model Base for Training Applied Graduates. Besides, the College has three specialized subjects, including Veterinary Medicine, Quarantine and Inspection of Animal Products, and Laboratory Animals, among which the Veterinary Medicine is the National and Provincial prestigious specialty. According to recent National survey by the Center for Degrees and Graduate Education of the Ministry of Education, Veterinary Medicine of our College comes in No.4 on the list of the primary disciplines of Veterinary Medicine and No.1 in terms of the Graduate Potential Development.
The College has a consistent focus on and a high reputation in scientific research. Since implementation of the seventh “Five-Year Project”, over 100 research achievements have won awards from the National, Departmental or Provincial Governments, including World-first isolation of gosling plague virus and development of effective vaccines against the diseases, generation of cloned goats from somatic cells of transgenic animals (collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Developmental Science), and development of attenuated vaccines against infectious bursa disease in chickens. Both integration of research into teaching and quick transfer of research achievements into industries are unique characteristics of our College.
The College holds it as her mission to build first-class disciplines, to cultivate fist-class graduates, and to provide first-class service to the society.