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5 Easiest Languages To Learn For Arabic Speakers
One of the biggest benefits of learning Arabic is the fact that it can help you learn other related languages. Here are some of the easiest languages to learn if you speak Arabic.
Learning Arabic is not just a walk in the park. Hours upon hours of experience and practice are needed before you can consider someone a proficient speaker. It’s probably one of the hardest languages to learn, especially if you’re a native English speaker (or other similar languages). However, once you master one (or some) of its dialect, you can use your Arabic knowledge to learn more.
If you’re planning to learn your first ever foreign language, you can check out some of the easiest languages to learn first. Otherwise, let’s take a look at what you can do with your Arabic knowledge. Here are the five easiest languages to learn for Arabic speakers.
5 Easy Languages To Learn If You Speak Arabic
1. Amharic
Amharic is the first language of Amharas, an ethnic group from the Highlands of Ethiopia. There are more than 22 million native Amharic speakers and about 4 million L2 speakers worldwide. Both languages have similar structures like the all-consonant roots, uses of suffices, and vowel-sound usage.
Although Amharic and Arabic are Semitic languages, Amharic doesn’t have any Greek elements. And unlike Arabic, Amharic uses a script called Ge’ez for writing. Amharic can be easy or hard to learn based on the Arabic dialect that you know.
2. Tigrinya
Tigrinya is also a language spoken in Ethiopia, but most of its speakers are from the Tigray region (specifically in Eritrea). In 2012, there are more than 9 million native Tigrinya speakers. Like Amharic, Tigrinya uses the Ge’ez script as the official writing system.
If you have plans to stay in Eritrea, you will have an easier time conversing with the locals because of your Arabic knowledge. Eritrea uses both Arabic and English as official languages. Picking Tigrinya is relatively easy to pick up for an Arabic speaker because there’s a lot of borrowed Arabic words even among the recognized Tigrinya vocabulary. Tigrinya also borrowed some words from the Italian language.
3. Hebrew
Hebrew is a language from the Northwest Semitic subgroup and is widely used in Israel. It has five million native speakers worldwide, with about 2 million L2 speakers. The next most significant Hebrew speaking population resides in the United States, with over 220,000 proficient speakers. This language is an easy pick for Arabic speakers because of how the sentence structures and pronunciation are similar. Both languages also use the BiDi writing code, in which which the alphabet is written from right to left.
4. Maltese
Not to get confused with a dog breed, the Maltese language is the national language of malta. It is also the only Semitic language certified by the European language by the European Union. Because of the consequences of historical events, Maltese is the only language close to Arabic, which doesn’t have any diglossic relationship with Modern Standard Arabic.
Hence, Maltese is separately classified from the 30 Arabic dialects today. Additionally, the language has been heavily influenced by Italian and Sicilian language, which makes it more different than other Arabic dialects.
5. Aramaic
Not to get confused with Amharic, the Aramaic language (without the “H”) is widely used in divine worship and religious studies. As of now, only a few people speak this language. It is reported that only 500,000 people know and use it throughout Iraq, Turkey, and Syria. Most Aramaic speakers had converted into Arabic a long time ago. Still, it is one of the easiest languages to learn if you speak Arabic. English TutorsSee MoreSpanish TutorsSee MoreGerman TutorsSee MoreSee More Tutor
Non-Semitic, Afro-Asiatic Languages That Are Very Similar To Arabic
The following languages are far from being considered as Semitic. However, the influences of Arabic on these languages are great.
1. Swahili
Swahili is a Bantu language used by the Swahili people in African Great Lakes, East Africa, and Southern Africa. Among the countries that speak this language are Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of the congo. It is estimated that there are 150 million Swahili speakers worldwide, with more than 90 million L2 speakers. Although it is a Bantu language, Swahili uses words with Arabic origins (40%).
2. Farsi (Persian)
The Persian language or Farsi is considered a Western Iranian language of the Indo-European group. It has over 110 million total fluent speakers, with 70 million natives. Just like Swahili, Farsi has a huge amount of Arabic loan words. In addition, the Farsi script is based on the Arabic Abjad, with four additional letters (پ چ ژ گ). However, due to the difference in language families, Farsi and Arabic have different phonologies.
3. Pashto
Pashto is an Eastern Iranian Language native to Afghanistan and Pakistan. There are more than 50 million Pashto speakers worldwide, with 15 million being native. Just like Farsi, Pashto uses the Arabic alphabet but added 12 more letters to the script. In addition to Pashto, Arabic speakers can also learn Dari, a language also spoken in Afghanistan. Arabic speakers would also recognize Arabic loan words in Pashto, but it can require ear training and more familiarity with the language.
4. Kurdish
Kurdish is a primary language spoken in Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. As of 2010, there are about 30 million native Kurdish speakers all around the world, with 20 million speakers in Turkey alone. Like Farsi and Pashto, the Kurdish alphabet is heavily inspired by the Arabic Abjad and has borrowed a lot of words from the Arabic vocabulary, albeit with slight pronunciation differences.
But What About English?
Unfortunately, English is not an easy language to learn if you speak any form of Arabic dialect. Using Modern Standard Arabic in learning English might help in connecting universal ideas to English vocabulary. However, since English is a part of the Germanic language group, it can be tough to learn.
It’s one of the things that you have to accept if you aspire to become a polyglot. Some languages are more challenging to learn because of your background. The reverse is also true for English speakers: the Arabic language is not and easy to learn.
Fortunately, English is actually one of the most widely taught languages in the world. Materials and tutors can be found online (both for free and paid services). And sites like Justlearn have native English speakers to help you in your language learning journey.
Final Thoughts
Not a lot of popular languages are similar to Arabic. Hence, if you’re an Arabic speaker, you might have to work harder to learn in-demand languages worldwide. But nothing is impossible with effort and dedication! Don’t forget to practice and add some fun elements to make the learning experience more enjoyable.
If you encounter any difficulties while learning other languages, you can check out online tutoring services like Justlearn to supplement your study. In addition to English, the site also offers German, Spanish, French, and Swahili tutoring services.
Easiest language for arabic speakers to learn
Arabic is the second most difficult language to learn in the world. That is because it can be difficult to learn the dense grammar and structure of language.
If you are a native Arabic speaker, only then you can have full command of the language unless you get dedicated to learning it.
It can be pretty challenging to learn a new language. Not just for native Arabic speakers, but for anyone.
So, while looking for a new language to learn. You ought to look for languages that are easier to learn.
If you’re an Arabic speaker looking to learn another language. Then you’re in luck – there are plenty of languages that are relatively easy to pick up for speakers of Arabic.
Whether you’re interested in learning a new language for work, travel, or fun. Check out our list of the easiest languages to learn for Arabic speakers.
Top 9 Easiest Languages To Learn For Arabic Speakers
If you’re a native Arabic speaker looking to learn another language, you’re in luck. Arabic is a “Category IV” language by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI).
Meaning it’s hard for speakers of other languages to learn. Arabic is a very old language and has evolved over time.

It is the language of the Quran, the Holy book for Muslims, which makes it an ideal archetype language.
To find the languages that are easier to learn for any language speaker. The first step is to find languages that are similar to your language.
The same is the case for Arabic speakers. Arabic is an ancient language with deep roots in history. Because of that and its history, impact, and its connection to Islam.
Arabic has spread to many different parts of the world. Likewise, it has impacted other languages of its time or modern times.
Here is a list of languages similar to Arabic. And are easier to learn for Arabic speakers.
1. Aramaic:
Aramaic is the closest living language to Arabic. And is mutually intelligible with Hebrew.
Aramaic is also the easiest living language to learn for Arabic speakers.
There are many reasons for this, the first being that both languages have the same alphabet.
The second reason is that both languages have similar grammar structures.
Lastly, both languages share a lot of vocabulary. For these reasons, it is an estimate that. It would take an Arabic speaker 600 hours to be proficient in Aramaic.
2. Hebrew:
According to the FSI, Hebrew is a category II language. It is “expected to take roughly 44 weeks (1,100 class hours) of full-time instruction.” to reach proficiency.
But the learning process for Arabic speakers is easier. Because the two languages share many similarities. Regarding writing system and pronunciation.
Similarities Between Arabic And Hebrew:
Some of the common features between Arabic and Hebrew include:
– Both use a Semitic alphabet (although Hebrew uses the more ancient form of this alphabet).
– Both languages are read from right to left.
– The grammar of both languages has similar roots. In both cases, the basic unit of root words is trilateral or three-consonant.
– Vocabulary in both languages includes many words that are cognates. Cognates are words that have a common etymological origin.
3. Tigrinya:
Ya is an African language spoken in Eritrea and Ethiopia. It is also the third-easiest language for Arabic speakers to learn. After Maltese and Somali.
Tigrinya belongs to the Semitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic family of languages. That includes Arabic, Hebrew, and Amharic.
The Tigrinya alphabet is closely related to the Ge’ez alphabet. It is used for Amharic, Tigre, and other Ethiopic languages.
Tigrinya has relatively simple grammar; most words get derived from Arabic or Ge’ez.
The language has three dialects. Northern Tigrinya (Eritrea), Central Tigrinya (Ethiopia), and Southern Tigrinya (Ethiopia).
4. Amharic:
Amharic is the national language of Ethiopia. It is also one of the most widely-spoken Semitic languages in the world.
It is not related to Arabic but uses a similar alphabet.

Amharic is also one of the oldest continuously-written languages in the world. With a literary tradition that dates back over 2,000 years.
For all these reasons, Amharic is an excellent choice for Arabic speakers. Who want to learn a new language.
5. Maltese:
Maltese is Malta’s national language, a Semitic language most closely related to Arabic.
It is also one of the easiest languages for Arabic speakers to learn.
Maltese has a very regular grammatical structure. Also, its vocabulary is mostly borrowed from Italian and English.
Maltese also uses the Latin alphabet. Which makes it even easier for Arabic speakers to read and write.
6. Pashto, The Easiest Language To Learn For Arabic Speakers:
Pashto is one of the world’s easiest languages for Arabic speakers.
Pashto and Arabic are so similar that many words are identical or similar in both languages.
For example, the Arabic word for “book” is “Kitab,” while the Pashto word for “book” is “كتاب.” Likewise, the Arabic word for “school” is “madrasa,” while the Pashto word for “school” is “مدرسه.”
7. Kurdish:
The Kurdish language is most similar to Arabic in terms of grammar. However, vocabulary has many similarities.
These qualities make it one of the easiest languages for Arabic speakers to learn.
The Kurdish language gets spoken in many countries. Such as Iran, Turkey, Syria, Armenia, and Pakistan.
Similar to Pashtu, Arabic inspires the Kurdish alphabet. Moreover, many Kurdish has borrowed many words from the Arabic language.
8. Swahili:
Swahili is a Bantu language spoken in East Africa. There are about 5 million Swahili speakers, most of whom live in Tanzania.
Swahili is the official language of Kenya and Uganda. Also, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The Swahili alphabet consists of 26 letters, while Arabic has 28.
However, a few letters are unique to Swahili, such as D, G, P, and V. The grammar of Swahili is also similar to Arabic.
For example, both languages use the word order subject-verb-object.
9. Persian:
Persian is one of the oldest Romance languages. It is a West Iranian language in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.
Persian is most similar to Arabic for Arab speakers learning another language.
It has many loan words from Arabic and shares a common writing system. That makes it an easy transition for those already familiar with the Arabic alphabet.
Other Languages That Are Similar to Arabic
Many languages are similar to Arabic, making them easier for Arabic speakers to learn.
These languages share common features with Arabic. Such as the root-and-pattern system of word formation.
Also, the grammatical features, such as gender agreement and left branching.
Some languages are similar to Arabic in terms of grammar and vocabulary. If you are a native Arabic speaker, you may find it relatively easy to learn one of these languages.
Some other similar languages to Arabic include:

Similarity to Arabic makes it easier for Arabic speakers to learn these languages. Compared to learning an entirely different language, such as German or Chinese.
Learning A New Language For Arabic Speakers
The United States Foreign Service Institute considers Arabic a Category IV language. That means it is one of the most difficult languages for English speakers to learn.
However, several languages are easier for Arabic speakers to learn. Due to their shared features with Arabic. These languages include Persian, Turkish, Kurdish, and Pashto.
But these are not the only options for Arabic speakers while learning a language.
You can learn any language if you put your mind to it. Of course a similarity between the language you know and the one you are about to learn. It helps a great deal.
Final Thoughts:
The above languages are some of the easiest languages to learn for Arabic speakers.
While many other languages can be an addition to this list. These nine languages are a great starting point.
That is for anyone looking to expand their linguistic skills as Arabic speakers.
Of course, you can learn any language you like with enough dedication and time. As learning a new language is a skill that stays with you forever.
Hardest Languages To Learn For Arabic Speakers
Learning a new language can be difficult for anyone, but for Arabic speakers, there are a few languages that can pose a particular challenge. Among the hardest languages to learn for Arabic speakers are English, French, and German. Each of these languages has its own unique features that can make it difficult for Arabic speakers to master. For instance, English is a Germanic language with a complex grammar system, while French and German are both Romance languages with their own set of rules. That being said, there is no one language that is universally the hardest to learn for Arabic speakers. It ultimately depends on the individual and their level of proficiency in both Arabic and the target language.
The Arabic language, Chinese language, Japanese language, and Korean language are the most time-consuming to master. Because of its simplicity, Spanish is an easy language to master. If you want to live in Asia, you must speak at least two or three languages. If you’re from the Middle East, Arabic, Hebrew, and English are all good options. It is widely accepted that learning Spanish is more difficult than learning French. In the language, there are few words, and there are some grammar and pronunciation rules that are similar to those found in Arabic. Experts said Maltese was the easiest language to learn because it is made up of Arabic, English, and Italian.
Arabic is ranked second among the most difficult languages for English speakers to learn. Which is the most difficult Arabic language in the world? Some words derived from MSA differ significantly from those derived from Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. It is simple to gain an understanding of the language by speaking with Arabic-speaking friends.
Arabic is frequently ranked as one of the most difficult languages to learn, behind only a few languages, such as Japanese, that are easier to learn. It is even more difficult (or so they say) if you speak English as a native speaker or have romantic interests.
So on. As an Arabic speaker, you’ll quickly realize that Japanese grammar is fairly simple. It is much simpler than Arabic, but much more regular: there is no plural, no duals, no conjugations, no tenses, no gender, no article, no cases.
The Arabic language has 28 consonants and 8 vowels, which is significantly less than English, which has 203 consonants and 8 vowels. The key to learning English is to understand how to write, grammar, phonology, and pronunciation differ from Arabic speakers.
Because the majority of vowels are not present in words in Arabic, learning how to read and write for beginners is particularly difficult. The following is an example of a direct response to the unsubscribed. Although Arabic is written in the form of letters, rather than in the form of straight lines, some may find it difficult to understand.
What Language Is Easiest For Arabic Speakers?
Credit: YouTube
There are many borrowed Arabic words included in Tigrinya’s vocabulary, making it relatively simple for an Arabic speaker to pick it up. Tigrinya also borrowed some words from Italian.
If you speak Arabic, learn Tigrinya, Hebrew, Maltese, Aramaic, Swahili, and other easy-to-learn languages. These languages are Afro-Asian and have a lot in common with Arabic. Although the Arabic influence on these languages is not as strong as that of Jews, they do have a lot to offer. The Swahili language, which is spoken in parts of Africa, is a Bantu language. There are approximately 150 million speakers worldwide, with over 90 million L2 speakers. Farsi, like Swahili, contains a large amount of Arabic loan words. Pashto can also be learned by Arabic speakers, as can Dari, which is spoken in Afghanistan as well.
Arabic speakers, who may come from countries that also use French, are more likely to struggle with English writing than non-Arabic speakers. Swahili, a Bantu language, is influenced by Arabic, English, French, German, and Portuguese, among other things. While Italian grammar is similar to that of other Romance languages, verb forms are sparse. Swahili is the second language that English speakers can learn. Like English, Swahili’s verb tenses and subjects are expressed by roots and affixes. It is not uncommon for the languages to have a lot of vocabulary, such as the seasons vinter and sommer. In addition to relatively simple grammar rules, Swedish uses a similar word order to English.
The Spanish language is one of the simplest languages to learn for English speakers. This language’s words are phonetic in nature, which means they are pronounced in the same way they were written. Despite this, Spanish grammar allows for a wide range of different verb tenses and exceptions to grammar rules. Three Germanic languages are among the top four on this list. It is the fourth and fifth easiest language in English to learn, with Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish making up the top five. No one would label German grammar as simple because it shares cognates with English, despite the fact that German has more cognates than English does. Swahili is perhaps the most difficult language to learn, in my opinion. It is regarded as one of the easiest languages to learn by English natives, owing in part to the surprising amount of English loan words. The large amount of shared vocabulary that a student gains by learning French is one of the most significant benefits of learning it.
You can quickly and easily solve this issue by studying Turkish. Turkish has two voiced sounds: b/ and p/. As a result, it is much easier to learn how to pronounce Arabic words correctly.
Arabic, for a variety of reasons, can be difficult to learn. As a first step, Arabic has a large number of irregular verbs. In addition, it can be difficult to understand Arabic grammar. There are many dialects in Arabic, making it difficult to understand the language.
The Turkish language, on the other hand, is as simple to grasp as English. The Turkish language is written in a Latin alphabet, which makes it simple to read and write. Turkish grammar is also much simpler than that of Arabic, with far fewer irregularities.
It is also a difficult language to learn, but it is not as difficult as Arabic. Despite the fact that Arabic employs a large number of irregular verbs, it also employs a large number of complex grammars. Furthermore, Arabic is a dialect-dense language, making it difficult to understand. Turkish is, in my opinion, a much simpler language to learn.
What Is The Hardest Language Is It Arabic?
Credit: YouTube
It is no surprise that Arabic is the most difficult language to learn for an English speaker. A foreign alphabet is used here. Furthermore, the script and direction are both difficult for the readers to follow.
Only a few languages, such as Japanese, are more difficult to learn than Arabic. Most people find Egyptian Arabic to be far easier to learn than Standard Arabic. It is impossible to identify Arabic dialects by their pronunciation; if you speak Arabic as if it were the way Arabs actually speak, you are speaking a dialect. This is true regardless of whether the dialect is Standard Arabic or Arabic. It takes some time for your mouth to adjust to making sounds that are not common in European languages. There are 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet, with the majority of them slightly changing shape depending on where they are located. When you first see Arabic grammar, it can be difficult.
In contrast to Standard Arabic, it has a refreshing air to it. Grammar rules in the Egyptian dialect are less strict, and the rules that it does have are easier to enforce. Despite this, Egyptian Arabic grammar is not simple. There is simply no room for error, in my opinion. Furthermore, grammatical structure isn’t that important. In general, Standard Arabic will serve as the primary source of formal study materials. You will frequently find outdated, rather than interesting, overly difficult, or applicable to daily life, Egyptian Arabic-related items.
To overcome the lack of materials, two advantages of learning Egyptian Arabic are that hiring online Arabic tutors is reasonably inexpensive, and students need to speak Egyptian Arabic. There is a significant drop in English proficiency in Egypt compared to other countries around the world. Egyptian Arabic is easier to learn than Standard Arabic, and some people believe that Arabic dialects are more difficult. Getting spoken practice in Egypt is simple, whether you’re going there on vacation or hiring an online tutor.
The Arabic language has many voiceless consonants, which is uncommon in Russian. Furthermore, Arabic has a number of obstruent consonants, which can stifle vocal airflow. It can be difficult for beginners to learn Arabic due to this difficulty in producing the sounds.
A little practice and a good sound library can make Arabic a rewarding language to learn if you want to continue learning it. In addition to a wealth of intriguing words and phrases, Arabic culture is rich and diverse in terms of history and culture. Arabic, as a result, should be at the top of your list of languages to learn if you’re looking for a new language to learn.
Why Is Arabic So Hard To Learn?
Why Arabic is so hard to learn?
Arabic, with its rich grammar, is a complex language with many consonants and vowels. It is a language with a different alphabet and pronunciation that may make learning it difficult.
Arabic is a difficult language to learn due in large part to its unique alphabet and pronunciation. It is also characterized by a high level of poetic expression as well as a complex grammar. If you want to learn this ancient and beautiful language, it may be a good idea to enroll in Arabic classes.
Is English Hard To Learn For Arabic Speakers?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual. Some people find learning English to be quite difficult, while others find it to be relatively easy. It really depends on the person’s native language, their level of English proficiency, and their motivation for learning the language.
An English speaker will face a number of challenges as he or she learns Arabic. Its grammar and writing style differ from that of English, its script is written from left to right, and some of its sounds are distinct. If you learn English, you can reach the same age as your firstborn child. Despite its dominance, Spanish remains one of the most widely spoken languages after English and Chinese. Arabic is the most widely spoken language in the world, and Japanese is also widely spoken. Despite this, English and Arabic share 14 similarities that are listed in the letter. For Arabic speakers, watching English can be difficult.
As a result, you will gain a valuable language skill that will allow you to advance in your career if you devote this amount of time. Furthermore, Arabic is spoken in over 20 countries, with over 300 million native speakers, making it one of the world’s most widely spoken languages, allowing you to live and work in some of the most diverse cities and countries.
What are you waiting for? Begin your Arabic journey with us today.