Master Programme in Exploration and Environmental Geosciences | Luleรฅ  University of Technology - Luleรฅ University of Technology

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This course introduces whole-Earth materials & processes with a focus on the formation of & human interaction with surficial environments. We examine phenomena such as volcanoes, earthquakes, wasting, flooding, desertification, & climate change. Discussions and lectures employ case studies allowing students to place geologic phenomena in human context, including analysis of sustainable development, water supply, mining, agriculture, and waste disposal practices. Laboratory and field trip exercises employ maps, specimens, real-world datasets, and local geological sites and resources. This course is designed for students who want to understand Earth and how it works.

Course URL:
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Environmental Geology
Resource Type: Course Information
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Environmental Geology
Course Size:less than 15

Course Context:

This course fulfills the Quantitative Reasoning and 1/2 of the Scientific Inquiry requirement of Earlham’s general education curriculum. Most students take the course to satisfy the Scientific Inquiry requirement. This course is one of two possible introductory courses for the Geology major, Geology minor, and Environmental Geology minor (the other course being Physical Geology). It also serves as a possible cognate for the Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Biology, and Peace & Global Studies majors.

Content includes minerals and rocks, tectonics, volcanoes, deformation, surface and groundwater, oceans, deserts, glaciers, and sustainability (energy, resources, and climate). Students gain experience contouring and graphing data, reading maps, applying basic calculation, and reasoning geoscientifically.

Course Goals:

-to contribute an understanding of Earth systems to the student’s scientific literacy

-to provide the student with the tools necessary to interpret change in global environments

-to encourage critical thinking & effective problem-solving methodologies for sustainability in human-landscape interactions

At Collegelearners, we provide the finest and latest information on environmental geology, environmental geosciences pdf, introduction to environmental geology, environmental geology topics, environmental problems of geology and environmental geology modules. You can also find up-to-date, related articles on environmental geoscience syllabus on Collegelearners.

Environmental problems of geology

Environmental Geology and Contaminated Land Sector

Karst terrains are generally regarded as a fragile and vulnerable environment. Chinaโ€™s karst is mainly developed in pre-Triassic, old-phase, hard, compact carbonate rock. The lack of soil cover in bare karst land can enhance desertification. Its underground drainage system can aggravate both drought and flooding problems; the interconnected surface and subsurface conditions allow for easy contamination by pollutants. Moreover, karst terrains quite often suffer from a series of engineering problems, such as water infiltrating into mines or transportation tunnels, leakage from reservoirs, and failure of building foundations. As resources and energy exploitation intensified in recent years, karst areas in Southwest China faced some severe geo environmental problems. In order to find out how the problems action and evolution in recent years, field and laboratory investigations were conducted in Guangxi autonomous region, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei provinces, and Chongqing municipality. About 100 experts from the Provincial Geological Survey and graduate students took part in this project. Several symposiums were held during those 3ย years. Besides the in situ survey, data were collected from hydrogeological survey results since 2000 when the new round of land resources investigation began. After analyzing these data, rock desertification, drought and flooding, and contamination and engineering geological environmental problems were considered the most prevalent problems in karst areas in Southwestern China. The status of each problem is elaborated upon in this paper and should be considered for future sustainable development.

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