The Master’s Program in Economics and Business at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (Switzerland) announced its admission process to applicants who have already finished their bachelor’s degree in economics or business. Undergraduate Degrees are not required to be a candidate for this program.
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Eth Zurich Master’s Admission Process
ETH university for science and technology dates back to the year 1855, when the founders of modern-day Switzerland created it as a centre of innovation and knowledge. The successful combination of cosmopolitanism and strong connections at national level transformed the fledgling educational institution into one of the driving forces behind Swiss industrialisation. Show less
ETH Zurich trains true experts and prepares its students to carry out their tasks as critical members of their communities, making an important contribution to the sustainable development of science, the economy and society. More than 400 professors teach and conduct research in the areas of engineering, architecture, mathematics, natural sciences, system-oriented sciences, and management and social sciences.Show less
ETH Zurich carries out fundamental research to broaden the knowledge base and provide the starting point for future innovative applications. The research is focused on the needs of society be that at local, national or global level and so makes a valuable contribution to the economy, politics and society in general.Based on the Strategy 2012-16, ETH Zurich is focusing, amongst others, on the areas of world food system, cities of the future, climate change, energy, health, risk research, information processing, new materials and industrial processes. ETH Zurich orients its research strategy around global challenges such as climate change, world food supply and human health issues.Show less
Transferring its knowledge to the private sector and society at large is one of ETH Zurichs primary concerns. It has succeeded in this, as borne out by the 80 new patent applications each year and the 215 spin-off companies that were created out of the institute between 1996 and 2010. ETH Zurich orients its research strategy around global challenges such as climate change, world food supply and human health issues.
Master’s degree programmes
Programme structure
Each ETH Bachelor’s programme is followed by at least one consecutive Master’s degree programme. Several specialised Master’s degree programmes are also offered.
Master’s degree programmes are intended to provide deeper and more specialised knowledge in the field of study.
Master’s degree programme structure
Students may select from one or more consecutive Master’s degree programmes and, in many cases, one or more specialised Master’s degree programmes.
- Each consecutive Master’s degree programme is linked directly to a particular Bachelor’s degree programme in terms of content.
- Several specialised Master’s degree programmes, mostly interdisciplinary in nature, are also offered. These are open to graduates with outstanding performance records from various Bachelor’s degree programmes.They are subject to specific admission requirements, and the number of places available is often limited.
- A few specialised Master’s degree programmes, the so-called “Joint Master’s” programmes, are offered in cooperation with domestic and foreign universities.
The Master’s degree programme comprises study achievements amounting to 90 or 120 credits, and is designed to take three or four semesters, to a maximum of six to eight semesters, respectively.
After attending lectures and practicals for two to three semesters, students carry out their first independent research work and write the Master’s thesis.
Doctoral Studies
Doctoral studies can follow on from all Master’s degree programmes. They involve the first independent research work.
Master of Advanced Studies
In addition to doctorates and consecutive and specialised Master’s courses, ETH Zurich also offers a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS, MBA) This is aimed at specialists and managers in employment who already have a Master’s degree from a Federal Institute of Technology plus professional experience, or an equivalent level of higher education. It aims to give greater depth or interdisciplinary breadth to the original area of study and is worth at least 60 ECTS credits, but does not give access to a doctorate.
Main content
Students apply to an ETH Master’s degree programme at the ETH Zurich Admissions Office. As an exception, applications to some Joint-Master’s degree programmes are handled by the respective partner universities.
Architecture and Building Sciences
Architecture MSc
- Language: German
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 293 KB)
Civil Engineering MSc
- Language: German
- Specialisations: Construction and Maintenance Management; Geotechnical Engineering; Structural Engineering; Transport Systems; Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management; Materials and Mechanics
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 232 KB)
Environmental Engineering MSc
- Language: English
- Specialisations: Urban Water Management; Environmental Technologies; Resource Management; Water Resources Management; River and Hydraulic Engineering
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 262 KB)
Geomatics MSc
- Language: English and for some majors German in addition
- Majors: Engineering Geodesy and Photogrammetry; Space Geodesy and Navigation; Geoinformation Science and Cartography; Planning
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 227 KB)

Integrated Building Systems MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 59 KB)
Landscape Architecture MSc
- Language: German and English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 215 KB)
Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems MSc
- Language: English and German
- Specialisations: Spacial and landscape development, Transport systems and behaviour, Network infrastructure
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 291 KB)
Engineering Sciences

Biomedical Engineering MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Majors: Bioimaging; Bioelectronics; Biomechanics; Molecular Bioengineering; Medical Physics
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 181 KB)
Biotechnology MSc
- Language: English
- Biomolecular-oriented track, system-oriented track
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 231 KB)
Cyber Security MSc
- Language: English
- Offered jointly with the EPF Lausanne
- Application possible only to ETHZ or EPFL, not to both universities at the same time
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 254 KB)
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Offered jointly with the University of Zurich and the University of Basel
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 222 KB)
Computer Science MSc
- Language: English
- Tracks: Software Engineering; Information Systems; Theoretical Computer Science; Distributed Systems; Information Security; Visual Computing; Computational Science
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 317 KB)
Data Science MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Portrait Degree Programme Requirement profile (PDF, 186 KB)
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology MSc
- Language: English
- Specialisations: Communication; Computers and Networks; Electronics and Photonics; Energy and Power Electronics; Systems and Control; Signal Processing and Machine Learning
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 248 KB)
Energy Science and Technology MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 178 KB)
Materials Science MSc
- Language: English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 245 KB)
Mechanical Engineering MSc
- Language: English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 209 KB)
Micro and Nanosystems MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 193 KB)
Neural Systems and Computation MSc
- All applications handled by the University of Zurich
- specialised Master’s degree programme
- Offered jointly with the University of Zurich
- Portrait Degree programme
Nuclear Engineering MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Offered jointly with EPF Lausanne
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 196 KB)
Process Engineering MSc
- Language: English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 200 KB)
Quantum Engineering MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 191 KB)
Robotics, Systems and Control MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 180 KB)
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Biology MSc
- Language: English
- Majors: Ecology and Evolution; Microbiology and Immunology; Cell Biology; Biochemistry; Plant Biology; Systems Biology; Structural Biology and Biophysics; Biological Chemistry; Molecular Health Sciences
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 200 KB)
Chemical and Bioengineering MSc
- Language: English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 222 KB)
Chemistry MSc
- Language: English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 224 KB)
Computational Science and Engineering MSc
- Language: English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 104 KB)
High Energy Physics MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Offered jointly with Ecole Polytechnique Paris
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 167 KB)
Interdisciplinary Sciences MSc
- Language: English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 202 KB)
Mathematics MSc / Applied Mathematics MSc
- Language: English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 253 KB)
Pharmaceutical Sciences MSc
- Language: English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 238 KB)
Pharmacy MSc
- Language: German and English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 241 KB)
Physics MSc
- Language: English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 252 KB)
Quantitative Finance MSc
- All applications handled by the University of Zurich
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Offered jointly with the University of Zurich
- Portrait Degree programme
Statistics MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 211 KB)
System-oriented Natural Sciences
Agricultural Sciences MSc
- Language: English
- Majors: Animal Sciences; Plant Sciences; Agricultural Economics
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 277 KB)
Applied Geophysics MSc
- All applications handled by Delft University of Technology
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Offered jointly with RWTH Aachen and TU Delft
- Portrait Degree programme
Atmospheric and Climate Science MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 199 KB)
Earth Sciences MSc
- Language: English
- Majors: Geology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Engineering Geology, Geophysics
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 195 KB)
Environmental Sciences MSc
- Language: English
- Majors: Atmosphere and Climate; Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics; Ecology and Evolution; Forest and Landscape Management; Human Health, Nutrition and Environment; Environmental Systems Policy
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 279 KB)
Food Science MSc
- Language: English
- Majors: Food Processing; Food Quality and Safety; Nutrition and Health; Human Health, Nutrition and Environment
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 248 KB)
Health Sciences and Technology MSc
- Language: English
- Majors: Human Movement Science and Sport; Health Technologies; Molecular Health Sciences; Neurosciences; Human Health, Nutrition and Environment
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 196 KB)
Management and Social Sciences

Comparative and International Studies MA
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Offered jointly with the University of Zurich
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 147 KB)
History and Philosophy of Knowledge MA
- Language: German
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
- Specializations: Philosophy; History; Science of Literature and Culture
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 175 KB)
Management, Technology and Economics MSc
- Language: English
- Portrait Degree programme Requirement profile (PDF, 197 KB)
Science, Technology and Policy MSc
- Language: English
- Specialised Master’s degree programme
Application to a Master’s degree programme
Application procedure
- Do you meet the application prerequisites?
- Do you have the necessary language skills?
- Fill in the online application form.
- Send your complete set of application documents by letter or submit it in person at the information desk before the application deadline.
- Your application will be evaluated in the admission procedure.
- You will receive a decision in writing (see application schedule).
- To accept an offer, submit your registration before the given deadline.
Particular cases
- There is additional information for holders of a Bachelor’s degree from EPF Lausanne.
- Special conditions apply to holders of a Bachelor’s degree from a Swiss, German or Austrian University of Applied Sciences.
- An application is also needed for re-entry or change of degree programme at Master’s degree level.
- There are tight restrictions on recognition of previous study achievements (credit transfer).
eth zurich admission requirements

1. Formal prerequisites
- Complete application:
The printout of the online application form and the complete set of supporting documents must arrive at the Admissions Office by the deadline. - Bachelor’s degree or equivalent first degree from an internationally recognised university:
- Recognised universities are recognised or accredited as a university in their own country by the responsible national authority.
- The Bachelor’s degree is based on at least three years of study (full-time equivalent) or 180 credits ECTS (European credit transfer system), respectively. 1 credit ECTS corresponds to a workload of 25-30 hours.
- The Bachelor’s degree qualifies the holder to enter, without additional requirements, Master’s degree programmes at a university within the education system where the the Bachelor’s degree was acquired.
- The Bachelor’s degree must have been awarded before lectures commence at ETH Zurich, but not necessarily at the time of application.
- Recognised universities are recognised or accredited as a university in their own country by the responsible national authority.
2. Prerequisites with regard to content
- good to excellent study performance record in the preceding course of studies
- conformance to the requirement profile:
The requirement profile of each Master’s degree programme determines the prerequisites precisely and in detail. The profiles also serve as a tool for self-assessment of a candidate’s prospects for admission. Notably they contain:- the qualifying disciplines for each Master’s degree programme
- the presupposed knowledge and competences in each subject area which must in content, scope and quality be equivalent to those covered in an ETH Bachelor’s degree programme
- the required language skills (German and/or English)
- the performance-related requirements
eth zurich master’s admission
Master’s degree programmes
ETH Zurich offers a variety of different Master’s degree programmes. Consecutive Master’s degree programmes provide a direct continuation to a corresponding Bachelor’s degree programme. Specialised Master’s degree programmes are offered in areas of particular expertise at ETH Zurich. These programmes can also be interdisciplinary.
Application and admission
Excellent students holding a Bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field are cordially invited to apply for admission to the Master’s Program in Computer Science. Accordion. Press Tab to navigate to entries, then Enter to open or collapse content. Open all Close all
To be eligible for admission to the Master’s program in Computer Science, applicants must:
- Hold a Bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics or mathematics.
- Must have a strong background in theoretical topics in computer science and mathematics.
Application with a non-computer science degree:
Excellent graduates from related fields such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics or mathematics are welcome to apply for the Master’s Program in Computer Science.
Application with a Bachelor’s degree from a Swiss University of Applied Sciences (FH):
Students holding a Bachelor’s degree in computer science issued by a Swiss University of Applied Sciences (FH) with a grade point average of at least 5.0 or equivalent will be admitted to the Master’s Program in Computer Science. Admission is always subject to the acquisition of the missing academic and methodological knowledge and skills in the form of additional studies comprising 47 credits.
Admission principles:
Admission decisions are based on the curriculum of the Bachelor’s program, the level of mastery reached in the subjects, the personal statement of purpose, GRE general test scores, reference letters,
university reputation and others.

ETH Zurich does not impose a minimum GPA, but excellent grades in the Bachelor’s degree are expected.
The GRE General Test is required for students who have not obtained their Bachelor’s degree in one of the EU-27/EFTA Member Statescall_made. For all other students the GRE Test score is strongly recommended and their applications without GRE General Test scores will be evaluated, but in case of uncertainty excellent GRE General Test scores can make the difference. Please find herecall_made your nearest GRE test center.
Language requirements:
The program is fully conducted in English. Therefore, evidence of English skills has to be provided at the latest by the application deadline. Please find here a list of the recognized English certificates as well as a list of exemptions. German skills are not required.
ETH Zurich has two application periods:
The first application period is from 1 November – 15 December and is recommended to all students.
It is compulsory for
- students who require a visa holding a Swiss or foreign degree
- students who wish to apply for the ESOP Scholarship Program
The second application period is from 1 April – 30 April and is only available for students who do not require a visa. Applicants with visa obligations cannot be considered during the Bologna application period.
Further information can be found on our application schedule.
Duration of the Program:
The Master’s in Computer Science is a full-time program of 2 years official study duration. On average, students complete the program within 2.5 years, but the program must be completed within 4 years (new regulations).
Term of enrollment:
The Master’s Program in Computer Science can only be commenced in September. Spring enrollment is not possible.