Want to find out specifically finland education system? Have you been looking for an answer to that question for a long time and getting no results? You don’t have to look anywhere else. The following article may provide answers to your questions.
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1. Equal opportunities 
The central objective of Finland’s education system is to provide good quality universal education. This means that the same free, inclusive, and comprehensive educational opportunities are provided for all citizens.
2. Learning through play
At the early years phase, there is a strong emphasis on learning through play, before the children enter schooling. Finnish daycares and preschools follow the national Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) curriculum that strongly believes in letting children be children, by focusing on play, health, and the overall wellbeing of the child. All activities are planned around the holistic wellbeing of the child, supporting their overall development and learning journey. Let kids be kids, empower them to explore their natural creativity!
3. Personalized learning
Schools and their students are not ranked based on exam scores as there are no national standardized exams. Learning is personalized for each student by empowering their strengths and supporting their challenges. Each student’s progress is followed through the national curriculum’s learning outcomes. From the early years onwards, ‘learners have an active role in what and how they learn and truly hold a key to unlocking their own potential’ (Education Finland). Students are encouraged to follow their own personalized learning path through a system that encourages their strengths and supports their challenges – there are no ‘dead-ends’. Their learning path is flexible, as shown below in the education system’s structure.
4. Lack of standardized testing ?
The lack of standardized testing is another aspect that comes as a surprise to many. Students’ learning is assessed through various qualitative methods that focus on the overall development of the student and learning soft skills, rather than their memorization skills and quantitative scores. As Pasi Sahlberg says,
“By rejecting standardized testing and concomitant school and teacher accountability measures, Finland has instead charted its own path by focusing on equity, professionalism, and collaboration. Much as Finland has learned from the United States, Canada, Germany, England, Sweden, and other nations about pedagogy and curricula, Finland may now be looked to for lessons about educational policy.”