
Free Online Forestry Courses

One of the best ways to innovate has been found in the use of online learning tools and courses, which have seen an unprecedented growth. Whilst we acknowledge the need to further bridge the digital divide and not leave behind an estimated 3.6 billion people who remain off-line, it should also be recognized that virtual learning platforms facilitate greater outreach to a wider audience and can help transfer skills, competences and knowledge without having to leave your lounge room. To paraphrase an old adage, if the students wonโ€™t come to the classroom, then the classroom must go to them.

Letโ€™s have a closer look at some of the latest free and self-paced online courses from various partners and leading institutions which can help boost your skills and competencies in forest monitoring.

If you want to learn more about how forest data is used for reporting to international processes, you would like the next two e-learning courses recently launched by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO):

  • Forests and transparency under the Paris Agreement (1), available in English, French and Spanish. This course helps to understand the importance of forest-related data collection, analysis and dissemination to meet the Enhanced Transparency Framework requirements of the Paris Agreement on climate change. The course has been developed under FAO/GEF the โ€œBuilding global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest)โ€ project in close collaboration with the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC).
  • SDG Indicators 15.1.1 and 15.2.1 – Forest area and sustainable forest management (2), available in English, Spanish and French โ€“ shows how FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) collects data and supports countries to report on and track progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 โ€“ Life on Land.

After having successfully completed the English versions of the courses, you will receive a digital badge which you can add to your social media profiles and use to progress your career.

These courses are available through the FAO e-learning Academyโ€™s portfolio of over 350 multilingual e-learning courses, which includes other forest-related courses.

The REDD+Academy is part of the UN-REDD Programme’s capacity development initiative. It includes two comprehensive online courses (second edition 2018) to support partner countries to deliver REDD+ on the ground. They courses are available in English, French and Spanish and are structured into 6 modules, each one taking around 2 or 3 hours to complete:

  • Fundamentals on REDD+ (3) covers the basics of REDD+, from the elements required under the UNFCCC to how to prepare and implement REDD+ at the national level through a National Strategy or Action Plan, including financial resource available.
  • Advancing on REDD+ (4) discusses more in detail the other three REDD+ elements, the importance of engaging in the process the relevant stakeholders and the principles of a good governance.

Similarly, the Global Observation of Forest Cover and Land Dynamics Project (GOFC-GOLD), in cooperation with the World Bank, has created a series of training modules (5) covering good practice guidance on REDD+ Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) topics ranging from design to reporting. The materials include video lectures, slides, exercises and country examples, which are available in English, French and Spanish. Moreover, on the GOFC-GOLD website you will also find the video recordings of the REDD+ MRV webinars (6).

For a technical audience, the US SilvaCarbon programme, in collaboration with Boston University, has recently published an e-learning course on Sampling-Based Estimation of Area and Map Accuracy (7), available in English, Spanish and French. The course is part of a new series of e-learning courses focused on forest monitoring and MRV for REDD+ and is applicable to tropical forested countries right around the world.

Last but not least, if you are interested in Earth Observations (EO) we invite you to explore the resources made available from EO College, a dedicated online education/capacity platform. On their website you can find the e-learning course Echoes in space (8), which teaches you how to use the Radar Remote Sensing; and many other resources which are relevant for monitoring forests from space, including Biomass estimation using Synthetic Aperture Radar data (9) and Change detection – Introduction to principles and methods (10).

This isnโ€™t enough? If we havenโ€™t got you covered, comment below to share your experience with existing or โ€˜missingโ€™ online courses on forest monitoring. We look forward to hearing your suggestions to expand the list and boost our skills to better understand, protect and sustainably use the worldโ€™s forests during these extraordinary times and beyond.

Online Forestry Courses Canada

Directory of Canadian Technical Schools Offering Post-Secondary Education in Forestry and Forest Products Technology

Algonquin College’s Forestry Technician Diploma Program is an exciting, fast-paced, 49-week immersion in natural resources management on the doorstep of Algonquin Park in Ontario, Canada. One third of our forestry courses are conducted in the field.

British Columbia Institute of Technology

Forest and Natural Areas Management program is a two-year diploma program with a focus on forestry, vegetation management, arboriculture for supporting sustainable community development in both rural and urban environments.
Geographic Information Systems The Advanced Diploma program in Geographic Information Systems is designed for university or college graduates with a background in a related discipline or technology.
College of the North Atlantic – Forest Resources Technician program. We are Newfoundland and Labradorโ€™s public college โ€“ one of the largest post-secondary educational and skills training centres in Atlantic Canada.

College of New Caledonia – Natural Resources and Forest Technology: In this nationally accredited program students study a core of forest technology courses enhanced by studies of wildlife and fish habitats, bird identification, indigenous plants, First Nations issues, outdoor recreation/tourism, and Earth sciences. The core of traditional, forestbased courses includes technical skills such as measurements, forest protection/health, forest operations and silviculture.

Confederation College Forestry Program – Forestry Technician – Ecosystem Management two-year co-op diploma program prepares you for a career in all areas of forestry including forest management, forest resource conservation and protection, silviculture, fish and wildlife, research support, recreation, project development with Aboriginal communities, community economic development and adventure and eco-tourism.

Fleming College – In the two-year Forestry Technician program, you’ll acquire the right stuff to work effectively in natural resources management — from identifying trees to working with high-tech computers. In an ideal combination of theory and technical hands-on experiences, your studies in the classroom will be complemented by numerous field excursions.

Hinton Training Centre A leader in the delivery of forest-related education, research and technology, participants from around the globe visit the Centre to learn more about managing forest, land, and wildfire resources.

Maritime College of Forest Technology is recognized by the forest industry as one of the leading forestry educational programs. In 2003 we changed our intensive 12-month program to a two-year program with September to April semesters plus a summer work practicum.

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology – This program is designed to produce technologists capable of carrying out the delivery of central core forestry practices. Graduates might typically find themselves supervising or carrying out field operations involving timber inventory, protection, harvesting or reforestation, engineering and GIS.

Okanagan College – The Advanced GIS Certificate – a 500-hour program will introduce students to the essentials of using GIS to create maps and edit and manage GIS data.

Portage College – Natural Resources Technology diploma program attracts individuals who not only love the outdoors, but who have a strong interest in environmental sustainability. Graduates of the NRT program are equipped with the tools and the attitude to challenge the world’s most current and crucial environmental issues.

Selkirk College – Forestry Technology Diploma Program. Forestry requires a more scientific and complex approach, and this program at Selkirk College is designed to train people to meet this requirement. The objective of the program is to graduate forest technologists who have the skills and competencies to be immediately employable.

Sault College: Forestry Technician – Conservation – This program prepares graduates with a wide range of skills necessary to contribute to environmentally sound management of forest ecosystems. Students learn practical skills such as the identification of such diverse ecosystem components as soils, trees, shrubs, plants, and bryophytes. Insects and diseases that attack forests are introduced and you will learn how to identify and control them.

Sir Sandford Fleming College – The Forestry Technician career path will appeal to you if you are passionate about the outdoors, and concerned for the responsible management of forest resources.

WoodLINKS – WoodLINKS is a non-profit society dedicated to quality education in the wood industry. Our mandate is to ensure that students, teachers and parents are knowledgeable about the wood industry and the high growth potential careers it offers

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