
Gavilan College Nursing

Gavilan College is located in Gilroy, California.  They offer an LVN program, an RN program, an LVN to RN program and a 30-unit option program.  Gavilan College was founded in 1919, and originally was named San Benito County Junior College.  In 1963, the name was changed to Gavilan College.


Gavilan College nursing school is a public institution located in Gilroy, California. Its nursing programs are accredited.

Degree types you can earn at Gavilan College include Registered Nursing, and the school provides it offerings to students via campus formats. The level of nursing programs offered to nursing students include Associate level degrees.

For nursing students in California, the average NCLEX passing rate for ADN programs is 88.72% and for BSN programs is 87.43%.

The average national NCLEX passing rate for ADN programs is 85.48% and for BSN programs is 87.22%.

The latest NCLEX passing rates, and RNCareers’ ranking for Gavilan College is

Research the Gavilan College nursing program. Compare it to the other nursing programs offered in California, to online nursing programs and to nursing programs offered in the United States for:

  • State Rank
  • National Rank
  • NCLEX Passing Rate
  • Programs Offered
  • Award Levels Offered

gavilan college nursing program requirements

RN Prerequisites

The following prerequisites must be completed by the due date stated in the current Application Instruction Packet in order to be eligible to apply to the RN program.

 Course Requirement Minimum Semester
 Cuesta Equivalent 
  Microbiology, including lab 4.0  BIO 204 (5 credits)
  Human Anatomy, including lab 4.0  BIO 205 (4 credits)
  Human Physiology, including lab 4.0  BIO 206 (5 credits)
  English Composition 3.0  ENG 201A (4 credits)
  • Grades of ‘C minus’ and below are not accepted in any course
  • A combined GPA of 2.5 or higher is required in the science courses (GPA calculator)
  • Online and distance education science labs are not accepted

       *Exception- Online science labs from Spring 2020-Fall 2021 are accepted.

  • 3 or more repeats result in ineligibility. Repeats include grades of C-, D, F, I, U, W, and FW
  • No substitutions are accepted.  See below for course equivalencies from other colleges.
Prerequisite Course Equivalencies If you completed prerequisite coursework at a college other than Cuesta, check for pre-evaluated Cuesta course equivalencies in the chart below.  For colleges or courses not listed, schedule a Counseling appointment with Carol Hurd (805) 592-9827 or Cindy Stever (805) 592-9922. Both counselors are also available for appointments through the online scheduling portal for a 15-minute drop-in or a 45-minute full planning appointment (select “Nursing and Allied Health students” in the list of appointment types). For the best guidance, it is recommended that you submit all transcripts from other colleges/universities to be evaluated prior to your counseling appointment.
including lab*

(Cuesta BIO 204  Equivalent)
Human Anatomy
including lab*
(Cuesta BIO 205 Equivalent)
Human Physiology
including lab*
(Cuesta BIO 206 Equivalent)
English Composition
(Cuesta ENGL 201A Equivalent)
Allan Hancock College BIOL 128BIOL 124BIOL 125 ENGL 101 
Bakersfield CollegeBIOL B16BIOL B32BIOL B33ENGL B1A
Cabrillo CollegeBIO 6BIO 4BIO 5ENGL 1A
Cal Poly, SLO MCRO 221 ORMCRO 224BIO 231 + 232BIO 231 + 232ENGL 134
College of the SequoiasBIOL 40BIOL 30BIOL 31ENGL 1
Feather River CollegeBIOL 210BIOL 110 BIOL 112ENGL 101
Gavilan CollegeBIO 8BIO 7BIO 9ENGL 1A
Hartnell CollegeBIO7
Moorpark CollegeMICR M01ANAT M01PHSO M01ENGL M01A
Oxnard CollegeMICR R100
BMS 157
BMS 107BMS 108ENG 110/110H
Taft CollegeBIOL 2260BIOL 2250BIOL 2257
BIOL 2255 AND BIOL 2256
ENGL 1500
Ventura CollegeMICR V01ANAT V01PHSO V01ENGL V01A
West Hills College*BIO 38BIO 32BIO 35ENG 1A


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