
Gavilan College Radiology

Online Clinical Dental Assistant from Gavilan College

It is required that all prerequisites be completed before applying to the program. In progress courses will be not be considered. We recommend that you meet with a Hartnell Nursing and Health Sciences counselor to review your academic plan. To comply with federal, state and local regulations for health care providers, students accepted to the Hartnell College Respiratory Care program are required to meet all current Health Sciences programs clinical compliance requirements according to program guidelines; including health screening, vaccination and drug testing requirements, and provide documentation thereof. Students are also required to complete a criminal background check. Information will be provided at orientation which all incoming students are required to attend.


Required General Education Courses: 


Hartnell CollegeMonterey Peninsula CollegeCabrillo CollegeGavilan College
BIO‐5 – Human Anatomy ANAT 1 & ANAT 2BIO 4BIO 7
BIO‐6 – Introductory PhysiologyPHSO 1BIO 5BIO 9
BIO‐6L – Physiology LaboratoryPSHO 2BIO 5BIO 9
BIO‐27 – Principles of MicrobiologyBIO 25 &  BIO 26BIO 6BIO 8
ENG‐1A – College Composition & ReadingENGL 1AENGL 1A
MAT‐123 – Intermediate AlgebraMATH 263MATH 152MATH 240 or 242
PSY‐2 – General Psychology PSYCH 1PSYCH 1PSYCH 10 (Beg 2013)

Required Major Courses for an Associate’s Degree (9.5 units)

Hartnell CollegeMonterey Peninsula CollegeCabrillo CollegeGavilan College
ANT‐2 – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology  ANTH 4ANTHR 2ANTH 3
SOC‐1 – Introduction to Sociology SOCI 1SOC 1SOC 1A
Ethnic Groups Course
(2020-2021 Hartnell College Catalog, see page 66)
COM‐1 – Introduction of Public SpeakingSPCH 1 COMM 1CMUN 1A
COM‐3 – Survey of Human Communication n/an/an/a
HES‐120 – American Heart Association Basic Life Support   

PLEASE NOTE: Science courses with labs that must be taught online will be accepted as prerequisites to the registered nursing, vocational nursing, and respiratory care programs.  These courses include BIO-5, BIO-6, BIO-6L, BIO-11, BIO-27 and their equivalent courses taught at other colleges.  

gavilan college programs


Take this opportunity to learn skills that will increase your understanding of yourself, your relationships and your ability to communicate with other people. The Communication Studies Department welcomes you and encourages you to pursue one of the courses of studies listed above and empower yourself. You’re only a few classes away, get started today!

Students who successfully complete the required coursework can use these degrees to enhance their resumes for both future college work and professional institutions. Take this opportunity to learn skills that will increase your understanding of yourself, your relationships and your ability to communicate with other people.

Certificate of Achievement: Communication Studies

The knowledge and skills gained by completing this Certificate of Achievement are designed to promote positive communication and increase problem-solving skills in work and personal environments. Those interested in psychology will also benefit.
Choose 4 classes (12 units) from the following list:
CMUN1AIntroduction to Public Speaking3
CMUN2Oral Interpretation OR3
THEA4Oral Interpretation3
CMUN4Intercultural Communication3
CMUN5Fundamentals of Communication Studies3
CMUN8Interpersonal Communication3
CMUN10Small Group Communication3
CSIS129Presentation Graphics – MS PowerPoint OR1
CMUN129Presentation Graphics – MS PowerPoint1
CMUN 12Business Communication3
CMUN6Introduction to Conflict Resolution3

: Communication Studies

Communication is a vital part of today’s world, whether a skill used professionally, socially or in your personal life. We welcome you to explore one of the many areas of Communication Studies by taking a class at Gavilan College. The Communication Studies AA degree will provide students with the knowledge and skill about human communication that can be applied to various contexts in life. Whether it be improving on public speaking skills, working with a culturally diverse group or developing skills to better communicate ones wants and needs to family and friends, the curriculum is academically structured to meet your needs based on the specific course that you choose.
Core Courses :
CMUN1AIntroduction to Public Speaking3
CMUN4Intercultural Communication3
CMUN8Interpersonal Communication3
CMUN10Small Group Communication3
PSYC10Introduction to Psychology3
Choose one from the following:
CMUN5Fundamentals of Communication Studies3
JOUR10Mass Media and Society OR3
SOC10Mass Media and Society3
GUID27Contemporary Leadership OR3
PSYC27Contemporary Leadership OR3
POLS27Contemporary Leadership3
PHIL4Critical Thinking and Writing3
Choose one from the following:
CMUN6Introduction to Conflict Resolution OR3
POLS6Introduction to Conflict Resolution OR3
PSYC6Introduction to Conflict Resolution3
ANTH3Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
SOC1AIntroduction to Sociology3
SOC21Marriage and the Family3
SOC4Sociology of Women and Men3
General Education Requirements: (35 – 39 Units)
A student may complete the Gavilan College A.A./A.S. general education, the CSU-GE Breadth or the IGETC pattern, plus sufficient electives to meet a 60 unit total. See a counselor for details. NOTE: A course may be used to satisfy both general education and major requirements. See “Double Counting Rule”.

A.A.-T Degree: Communication Studies

Upon completion of the Associate in Arts in Communications Studies for Transfer degree, students will be prepared for pursuing a BA/BS in Communication or Communication Studies.


(1) Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units that are eligible for transfer to the California State University, including both of the following:

(A) The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education – Breadth Requirements.

(B) A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis, as determined by the community college district.

(2) Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0.”

ADTs also require that students must earn a C or better in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis. A “P” (Pass) grade is not an acceptable grade for courses in the major.

Program Learning Outcomes:

After completing an Associate in Arts in Communications Studies for Transfer degree, a student will be able to:

Apply theory and research findings in communication studies to their professional and personal relationships.
Engage in professional public discourse with application of research, organization, reasoning and oral presentation.
CMUN1AIntroduction to Public Speaking3
LIST A: Choose two: (6 units)
CMUN8Interpersonal Communication3
CMUN10Small Group Communication3
LIST B: Choose two (including any List A course not used above):
CMUN4Intercultural Communication3
CMUN5Fundamentals of Communication Studies3
JOUR10Mass Media and Society3
CMUN2Oral Interpretation OR3
THEA4Oral Interpretation3
LIST C: Choose one (including any List A or B course not used above):
ANTH3Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
PSYC10Introduction to Psychology3
SOC1AIntroduction to Sociology3
ENGL1BComposition and Literature3
ENGL1CCritical Reasoning and Writing3
Units Required for the Major: 18
Double Counted Units:
General Education Requirements: CSU GE: 39; IGETC: 37
Electives needed to get to 60 Units:
Total Units for the Degree: 60 Units

Certificate of Achievement: Interpersonal Communication

The knowledge and skills gained by completing this Certificate of Achievement are designed to promote positive communication and increase problem-solving skills in work and personal environments.
Choose eighteen (18) units from the following list:
POLS6Introduction to Conflict Resolution OR3
CMUN6Introduction to Conflict Resolution OR3
PSYC6Introduction to Conflict Resolution3
POLS27Contemporary Leadership OR3
PSYC27Contemporary Leadership OR3
GUID27Contemporary Leadership3
CMUN5Fundamentals of Communication Studies3
CMUN8Interpersonal Communication3
PSYC10Introduction to Psychology3
SOC1AIntroduction to Sociology3
CMUN 12Business Communication3

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