Harvard Extension School’s pre med admission requirements are designed to evaluate your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal qualities. We consider each applicant individually, so it is difficult to predict an applicant’s chances for acceptance.
If you’re interested in applying to our program, you’ll need to provide us with the following:
-Your SAT or ACT scores
-An explanation of why you want to go into pre med
-A list of extracurricular activities that reflect your interest in the medical field, including leadership positions and awards received for medical-related work
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harvard pre med requirements
How to Apply to the Premedical Program
Who Is Eligible
Admission to the Premedical Program is selective. In evaluating your application, we attempt to be holistic and take many factors into consideration. These include, but are not limited to, experiences that indicate you are making an informed decision about your career choice and are capable of working to the academic standards of Harvard. Although there is no minimum GPA, it is unlikely that applicants with an undergraduate GPA below 3.0 will be accepted.
To be considered for the Premedical Program, you must:
- Have already completed a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Graduating college seniors are not eligible to apply. If you will earn your undergraduate degree in May 2020, for example, you’ll need to apply next year, February 2021.
- Be able to demonstrate achievement in your past academic pursuits and an interest in the healthcare field.
- Be in good academic and financial standing with Harvard University, with no disciplinary or administrative procedures pending (applies to current or former students only).
- Be a US citizen or permanent resident. We are not able to accept international students.
- Prove English proficiency. If your native language is not English and you have not earned a high school, bachelor’s, or graduate degree (master’s or doctorate) from a college or university in the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, or United Kingdom, you’ll need to submit a satisfactory English proficiency test score. Read more about the English Proficiency Requirement for Registration and review the list of acceptable exams and scores.

harvard extension school application deadline
When To Apply
You should apply to the Premedical Program at least a year before applying to medical or dental school.
We accept applications each year between February 1 and May 1 or until the program has reached capacity. Because we accept students on a rolling basis, the program often fills well before the May 1 deadline, so we strongly recommend you apply as early as possible.
How To Apply
Application Materials
A complete application includes the following:
- Online application. Beginning February 1, you can access the application by clicking on this link to open the Premedical Program Application Portal. A nonrefundable $50 application processing fee is required to submit the application.
- Essay. The online application requires an essay of no more than 500 words addressing the following question: Why do you want to prepare for a career in the medical field?
- Résumé. Upload a current resume to the online application that includes all your work experience, including volunteer jobs, with dates. Also include any research you have done or research positions you have held, with dates.
- Transcripts. We require an official transcript from each college or university in which you have enrolled for credit, including those from which you have earned a degree. Note: To be eligible to apply, your degree must be awarded, not pending. If you earned a degree outside the United States, you must have your official transcript(s) evaluated by the Center for Educational Documentation (CED). The CED should send an electronic copy of your general evaluation directly to the Premedical Program Office. See our guidelines for verifying international credits for more information. We accept electronic transcripts, but only if they are sent from the institution or the institution’s transcript service directly to hcp@extension.harvard.edu.

harvard pre med undergraduate
Why Choose the Premedical Program?
- You have an undergraduate degree but need to complete some or all of premedical coursework before applying to medical or dental school.
- You are looking to study part-time, in evening courses on the Harvard campus.
- You need flexible, affordable, yet rigorous coursework that prepares you for medical or dental school and that demonstrates your competency to admissions committees.
- You are seeking a program that has a strong medical school placement record. See a list of schools our program candidates have been admitted to recently.
Benefits of The Program
- Advising as you prepare your application.
- A Harvard University ID card, which grants you access to the Harvard library system and other on-campus resources.
- Sponsorship consideration (includes a composite letter of recommendation and a personal assessment).
- Access to federal financial aid.
- Membership in the Harvard Alumni Association upon completion of the program.
- Discounted access to Harvard Medical School’s HMX online courses upon program completion.
If you are a US citizen or permanent resident who has earned a bachelor’s degree, you are invited to apply. We invite you to review the admission criteria and learn
Our 2020–21 undergraduate tuition is $1,880 a course. Given that most students in our program complete 20 to 32 credits, the total tuition cost is between $9,400 and $15,040.

is harvard extension school prestigious
Anyone can take a class at the Extension School, but students who want to study for a degree have to prove they can walk the walk before they are admitted. Unfortunately, the reputation of the Harvard Extension School in the eyes of the public is not as good as it should be.
*We know that Harvard’s Extension School is a great place. We know it’s a great place because you’re all smart, hard-working people who don’t let anything get in your way when it comes to your education.
*But there’s a problem: outsiders aren’t aware of how wonderful this school is. They think that the Extension School is for people who weren’t smart enough to get into Harvard or people who are trying to scam the system somehow. They don’t realize that it’s just as much a part of Harvard University as any other school on campus, and that its graduates go out into the world and do amazing things every single day!
*We just want everyone to have all of the facts about this school, so they can make an informed decision about whether or not they’d like to apply here.
is harvard extension school hard to get into
Harvard College, the undergraduate school at Harvard University, can be difficult to get into. Admission to the undergraduate Extension program is less stringent, though. Anyone can sign up for a course at any time.
We get it—you’ve got a busy schedule. You don’t have time to hunt down a textbook, or you’re on a tight budget and can’t afford to pay full price for your course materials. That’s why we created our Extension program: You can study all of the same Harvard courses as our students on campus, and you don’t have to wait for them to be offered again when you can fit them into your schedule.
As an Extension student, you’ll have access to online versions of the same textbooks and lectures used at Harvard College. We’ve done everything we can to make sure that the content is identical—you’ll even find the same famous professors here that teach in Cambridge! And if you ever want a taste of what it’s like to be on campus, talk with us about joining us for an upcoming symposium or event in Boston!

Harvard Pre-Med Acceptance Rate
Harvard accepted 227 applicants or 24% of applicants interviewed. There were 165 medical school matriculants. The overall Harvard Medical School acceptance rate is 3.3%.