Virginia’s bar exam is one of the hardest bar exams by virtue of the wide variety of topics. It is another state-specific exam (although also requiring the MBE), and 24 different areas of law can be tested. That is far more than most other states. Do you want to learn about the latest findings virginia bar exam requirements ? Get ready! Find out all the information you need right here on so you don’t have to go looking again. Find all the specifics you need, such as virginia bar exam pass rate, virginia bar exam passing score to virginia bar exam study materials
The Virginia Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. Day 1 consists of nine essay questions and ten short answer questions with emphasis on Virginia law. Day 2 is the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, multiple-choice exam.
How Many Times Can You Take the Bar Exam?

Taking the bar exam and passing the first time with flying colors is a dream. But what happens if you don’t pass the first time around?
Each state has varying passing rates for the bar exam, ranging from about 45% in California to as high as 81% in Oklahoma. These values come down to many factors like population and available law schools in each state. With these passing rates in mind, it is certain that some will have to take the bar exam multiple times.
Understanding which states allow limited attempts at the bar exam is important. Being informed on the limits for your state or jurisdiction can dictate your studying strategy if you are on your last attempt.
Luckily, most states allow unlimited attempts to pass the bar exam. There are 21 states that limit bar exam attempts, that range from 2-6 attempts. Some of those states have discretionary limits that allow additional attempts outside of their limit with special permissions. But there are some states that have absolute limits that barr applicants from retaking the exam in that state. States with discretionary limits will vary. Some may require extraordinary circumstances to permit another examination, while some may be more lenient.
Please note that the information presented below is based off various resources like the NCBE Comprehensive Guide to Bar Admission Requirements and a journal from the St. Johns Law Review. Be sure to double check the requirements for your jurisdiction. One way to do this is by contacting your state’s board of law or office of bar admissions.
States with No Limits on the Number of Times You Can Take the Bar Exam
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee
- Washington
- Wisconsin
- Guam
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Palau

States with Discretionary Limits on the Number of Times You Can Take the Bar Exam
- Arizona [3]
- District of Columbia [4]
- Idaho [6]
- Iowa [2]
- Maryland [3]
- Montana [3]
- South Carolina [3]
- South Dakota* [3]
- Texas [5]
- Utah [6]
- Virginia [5]
- West Virginia [4]
- Wyoming [4]
- Puerto Rico [6]
- Virgin Islands [3]
States with Absolute Limits on the Number of Times You Can Take the Bar Exam
- Kansas [4]
- Kentucky [5]
- New Hampshire [4]
- North Dakota [6]
- Rhode Island [5]
- Vermont [4]
Start Studying Today
Once you are aware of your jurisdiction’s limits on taking the bar exam, you should have a better idea of how much effort to put into your exam preparation. Good news for you, we have free MBE practice tests to help brush up your knowledge. Additionally, we have a premium program that guarantees you will pass.
What to do if You Failed the Virginia Bar
If you failed the February 2020 Virginia Bar Exam, you are not alone. Hundreds of people retake it each year. Take heart in this: The vast majority of people who retake the bar end up successfully practicing law after they pass. You will succeed. The exam was a tough one, and I’m sure that more than a handful of test takers failed the bar this time. But don’t sweat it. Instead, take action.
What to do After You Failed the Bar Exam
Take a little time to gain some perspective. Realize this is not the end, but rather another opportunity to accomplish your goal of practicing law. Don’t wait too long, though. Delay can be an excuse not to move forward. Take concrete steps soon to guarantee yourself that you will retake the bar. If you failed the February 2020 exam, register for the July 2020 exam right away. You must submit your application for re-examination by May 11, 2020. Some of the rules and deadlines have been modified due to COVID-19, and you can get the most recent information on that here. Complete this process now, and see it as a commitment to yourself that you will pass this time.
Analyze Your Virginia Bar Results
The Board of Bar Examiners will send your results to you, and you can take a look at how you did. Many people immediately assume that they should work extra hard on whatever part of the exam they scored the lowest. Someone who didn’t do particularly well on the MBE, might conclude they should do much more MBE practice this time. That conclusion, however, is not always right.
Remember that scoring for the Virginia Bar is cumulative. In other words, a better performance on one part of the test can overcome a weaker performance on the other. Some students find that with practice they are able to increase their essay section scores dramatically, but they have been unable to significantly improve their MBE.
Here is how the VBE explains the scoring:
”[T]he essay raw scores are converted to the same scale of measurement as that used to report the MBE scaled scores. As a result of this step, the average essay scaled score in Virginia will be equal to the average MBE scaled score.”
The VBE scaled score is a calculation where the MBE scaled score is weighted at 40% and the Essay scaled score is weighted at 60%, and then the two scores must be added together to calculate the final scaled VBE score. That final score must be a 140 or higher to pass.
It looks like this:
Total Scaled Score = (.40 x MBE scaled score) + (.60 x essay scaled score).
As an example, someone who scores 130 on the MBE would need to score 147 on the essays, in order to pass the exam. Conversely, someone who scores 130 on the essays would need to get their MBE score up to a 155 to pass the exam.
So even if your MBE score was weak, it may be that you should focus on driving up your essay score to compensate rather than trying to increase your MBE score. My point is this: think outside the box and use study strategies that are proven to work. Just because you failed the bar, doesn’t mean a new strategy won’t ensure you pass this time around.
After a failed exam, should I retake the MBE or just retake the essay (state) part of the exam?
A recent rule change from the Virginia Board of Bar Examiners makes it possible for students who fail the exam but who scored 133 or higher on the MBE to retake only the essay exam. This is an individualized decision, but I generally advise people who scored 137 or higher on the MBE not to retake it. This is especially true if their essay score was also in the 130’s. Many students can increase their essay score dramatically but their MBE score is relatively stable from attempt-to-attempt. To learn more about whether LexBar might help you if you are just retaking the essay part of the Virginia Bar Exam, take a look at our FAQ page.
LexBar Helps Many Students Who Failed the Virginia Bar Exam
If you think improving your essay score would be helpful, register for the LexBar Online Virginia Essays Course.
Many people retake the Virginia Bar and succeed. You can be one of them. Take some time to regroup, but don’t wait too long. Don’t let your mental impression of what others may think of you take over. The truth is, every bar exam taker realizes that there are no guarantees with that exam and it could have been any one of them that didn’t pass. If you have the idea that everyone will think less of you, it’s not true. Everyone knows a handful of high-achieving, successful lawyers who took the exam more than once. Don’t let your concept of what others believe hold you back.
Jump back in. Don’t throw a pity party — the legal world awaits your contributions, regardless of whether you failed the bar exam.
Virginia Bar Exam Information
Learn about the Virginia Bar Exam format, subjects tested, dates, and requirements.
- Based on past exams
- Exam-like questions
- MBE Exam Simulator
Virginia Bar Exam Dates, Cost & Location
Exam Type: | 2-day exam |
Dates: | July 28-29, 2020 |
Bar Exam Fee: | $475 |
Character and Fitness Fee: | $475 |
The Virginia Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. Day 1 consists of nine essay questions and ten short answer questions with emphasis on Virginia law. Day 2 is the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, multiple-choice exam.
What subjects are tested on the Virginia Bar Exam?
Agency, Commercial Paper, Conflict of Laws, Corporations, Creditors’ Rights, Domestic Relations, Equity, Federal Jurisdiction, Local Government Law, Partnerships, Personal Property, Professional Responsibility, Secured Transactions, Suretyship, Taxation, Trusts, VA Practice & Procedure, Wills, Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Constitutional Law, Evidence, Real Property, and Torts.
What’s the minimum score for MPRE?
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE achieved during the same calendar year, two calendar years immediately prior to or following the year the Virginia Bar Exam is passed, is required for admission.
How is Virginia Bar Exam scored?
MBE (weighted 40%) and essay (weighted 60%) scores are scaled and combined to determine if a passing score of 140 was achieved.
When are Virginia Bar Exam results released?
Results are released in late April for the February exam and in mid- to late October for the July exam.
Can I transfer my MBE scores from another jurisdiction?
Virginia does not accept MBE scores from other jurisdictions.
What about VA Bar Exam reciprocity?
Contact the Board of Bar Examiners for information on reciprocity or admission on motion.
What are Virginia Bar Exam application deadlines and fees?
Please visit the Virginia Board of Bar Examiners website for details on application deadlines and fees, as well as for more information on other topics.
How can I contact Virginia State Bar?
Tel:(802) 828-3281