Becoming a judge is hard work. First, you must study hard at your college or university to get the best grades possible, so you can apply for law school. Once in law school, you will spend no less than three years learning the art of practicing law. With that set out for you, all that’s left is to be cautiously optimistic that it all works out in the end.
Becoming a judge is a unique way to serve your community, and a judgeship is one of the most rewarding legal careers you can pursue. However, there’s a lot to learn before you can become a judge and you should be aware that it’ll take years of work in order to reach that goal. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about becoming a judge. You’ll learn how long it takes to become a judge as well as what it takes in terms of education, skills and experience.
Regardless of whether you’re looking for some general information about the requirements for becoming a judge or you’re wondering if your current career trajectory will lead you toward the bench, this article will give you all the information you need about what it takes to become a judge.
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How To Become A Judge In Pakistan?
Job Introduction or What They Do?
A judge is an appointed or an elected person who previously was a lawyer. Judges conduct court proceedings, they have to be impartial and have to understand the meaning and significance of the law. Judges need to know that justice is much more than comprehending the law, they also have to display understanding for the people on both sides of the case. The role of the judge depends on the presence or absence of a jury. When the jury is present then the judge just ensures that everything that is happening in the courtroom or in the jury room is according to the law. Otherwise without the jury the judge decides the fate of the case.
How to Steps:
1. Appointment:
Before the 18th constitutional amendment, appointments of judges in the Supreme Court were made by the president of Pakistan through the recommendation of the Chief justice of the Supreme Court. This led to a lot of favoritism; hence the role of governments in judicial appointments was reduced. Hence in May 2010 a new judicial Commission and parliamentary committee are established for appointments. The parliamentary committee oversees the recommendation of the judicial court. In the high court judges are appointed in the same manner as in the Supreme Court.
In the case of additional district and session Judges are appointed by the provincial high courts, from a group of lawyers and subordinate judges. However they must also pass an examination held by the High Courts. The subordinate judges are promoted from senior civil judges.
Even the Civil judges are appointed by the Provincial High Courts on the recommendation of the provincial public service commission. These commissions have competitive exams annually, which are promoted in national newspapers. The main qualifications are LL.B from a well-recognized university and three years of experience as an advocate in the jurisdiction in question. The exams include various papers for many subjects.
So in order to become a judge you have to first become a lawyer and then be appointed as a judge. In order to become a practicing lawyer you have to first get enrolled in the Provincial Bar Council. After passing the LL.B in Pakistan, an individual can get himself enrolled in the Bar Council. The enrollment as an advocate depends upon the individual passing through the subjective or MCQ type written exam within a period of 2.5 years in 4 attempts. After that they have to complete 6 months of apprenticeship and pass Viva Voce Examination.
2. In order to become an advocate in the high court which is the second level position, a license is obtained after you have completed practicing for two years in the lower court. This is done by application. These applications are reviewed by high court judges.
3. After successful practice as an advocate at high court level for 10 years, an application can be placed to the Bar council to become an advocate at the Supreme Court, this application is also reviewed by a panel of Supreme Court judges. If you fail you can also re apply. If you want to become a judge than you can also apply for that and pass any examination requirements or stand in front of the respective deciding committees after applying.
Course Structure:
In order to become a member of the Bar Council or in order to first become a practicing lawyer you have to pass a questionnaire which contains the following subjects: Civil procedure Code, Criminal Procedure Court, Limitation Act, Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act 1973, canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocate as framed by the Bar council of Pakistan, Court fees act, suits validation act and Qannon-e-Shahdat.
In order to become a civil judge you have to be recommended by the Provincial Public Service Commission and you also have to give an Examination. This examination has many papers, for example in Punjab these papers include English language and essay, Urdu Language and Essay, Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies, General knowledge, Criminal law, Civil law 1 and 2, and General Law.
Job Opportunities:
There are job opportunities for judges in Pakistan; they are mainly appointed however they are also hired at times depending on the court and government requirements. These judges are respected and advertisements are also placed in newspapers or even online
In 2010 President Zardari approved an increase of 30 percent in the salary of Supreme Court and high court judges. Chief justice salary would be Rs. 259, 838 and the salary of other Supreme Court judges would be Rs.245 457, high court judges will have a salary of Rs.231, 563. The chief justice of high courts would also have an increase in their salary. Above the increase there will also be a judicial allowance for judges of the Supreme Court and high courts.
Top 10 Law Schools of Pakistan
University of Dhokhar Jhang
Bahria University Sargodha
University of Sindh, Hyderabad.
University of Baluchistan, Quetta.
Bahauddin Zakria University, Multan.
Peshawar University, Peshawar.
Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan.
Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur.
Islamia University, Bahawalpur.
Hamdard University, Karachi.
judge salary
Judicial Compensation
District Judges
Associate Justices
Requirements to Be a Judge
Degree Level
Bachelor’s degree and Juris Doctorate (required)
Degree Field
Undergraduate degrees in political science, history, business or economics are beneficial
State-specific license to practice law
Lawyer experience generally required
Key Skills
Critical thinking, reasoning, decision-making, communication
Median Salary (2018)*
$133,920 annually
Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
How Many Years Does It Take To Become Judge
Judges preside over court hearings and trials, supervise legal proceedings and uphold the rights of individuals involved in a legal process. They ensure that trials are conducted according to established rules and procedures, which may include determining how testimony is given and evidence submitted. In non-jury criminal trials, judges decide a defendant’s guilt or innocence, and in civil cases they rule on liability and compensation.
These professionals can be elected by the public or appointed by governments. Judge job requirements include long hours in preparation for hearings and sometimes must travel for them. They must also be available on call for emergency situations.{“level”:1} –>
How Many Years does it Take to Become a Judge?
The length of time it takes to complete this career pathway can vary greatly. It typically takes around 7 years to become a lawyer, including four years of undergraduate courses and three years of law school. After that, most people spend several years practicing as an attorney before seeking a judgeship.
How to Become a Judge
The following sections outline the steps one must take to become a judge.
Step 1: Attend Undergraduate School
Aspiring judges can prepare for careers in law during undergraduate school. No specific major of study is required to attend law school, but prospective law students commonly earn an undergraduate degree in political science, history, business or economics. Law school admissions can be competitive, and it is helpful to prepare during your undergraduate years.
Step 2: Earn a Law Degree
Do you have to be a lawyer to become a judge? In most cases, yes. Most judges begin their careers as lawyers, and prior legal practice is a prerequisite for many state and federal judgeships. Lawyers must hold Juris Doctor (J.D.) degrees, which require completing three years of legal education at a law school approved by the American Bar Association (ABA). Some schools offer part-time programs, which typically take four years to complete.
During the first year of study in law school, students typically focus on fundamental law coursework, including contracts, torts, civil procedure and criminal law. In the final two years, students complete elective classes in specialized topics, such as family law and tax law. Clinical internships are also typically available. Completing an internship during law school can provide students with experience working in the field and networking opportunities, which may make it easier to find employment after graduation.
Step 3: Pass a Bar Exam
After earning a J.D. degree, prospective lawyers must apply for admission to the bar in their state or jurisdiction of practice. Although admission and testing requirements vary, admission to a bar usually requires being licensed, which is gained by passing numerous exams. Exams may include the Multistate Bar Exam, which is a 200-question, 6-hour exam, which tests knowledge of various law fundamentals, such as criminal law, contracts and torts, and an ethics exam and a state-specific exam.
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) offers past examinations for sale on its website. These exams provide students with an idea of what to expect on the bar examination.
Step 4: Work as an Attorney
Most judges work as attorneys prior to acquiring their judgeship. An attorney represents clients before a court or in other legal proceedings to resolve disputes. Their tasks may include appearing in court, drafting court documents and conducting legal research.
Step 5: Obtain a Judgeship
To become judges, one must either be appointed or elected. Lawyers may apply for judgeships by submitting their names for consideration to a judicial nominating commission, or they may be recommended by senators or other politicians. Generally, becoming nominated for a judgeship requires a strong history of legal practice and support from politicians. Some federal judges are appointed to life-long terms, while other federal, state or local judges have fixed or renewable terms of office. At the end of these terms, judges often either retire or teach law school.
Step 6: Complete Training
After being elected or appointed, judges may be required to complete state-administered introductory training or attend training programs led by legal organizations, such as the ABA, National Judicial College or National Center for State Courts. The Federal Judicial Center provides training programs for federal judges and other federal court personnel. In these programs, trainees participate in court trials, review legal publications and complete online exercises. Most judges are required to complete continuing education courses throughout their careers to stay informed about changes to the law.
Judges preside over legal proceedings such as hearings and trials. Lawyers argue their cases in front of a judge, and the judge makes sure each side follows the rules of the courtroom and meets standards set by the law. In certain types of cases, judges hear evidence from both sides and come to a ruling on their own. In other cases, judges give a jury instructions so that they can come to a ruling.
There are many different types of cases judges can preside over. Some may preside over civil cases such as small claims, family law, juvenile, probate, or contract cases. Some preside over criminal hearings and trials, while others hear challenges to state and federal laws and determine whether or not those laws violate the state or federal constitution. Judges may be appointed to their posts by government officials, or they may win their posts in elections. Some judges have a limited term of service, while others hold their positions for life.
how hard is it to become a judge
Become a Judge: Education Requirements and Career Roadmap
Judge Job Duties
Judges preside over court hearings and trials, supervise legal proceedings and uphold the rights of individuals involved in a legal process. They ensure that trials are conducted according to established rules and procedures, which may include determining how testimony is given and evidence submitted. In non-jury criminal trials, judges decide a defendant’s guilt or innocence, and in civil cases they rule on liability and compensation.
These professionals can be elected by the public or appointed by governments. Judges often work long hours in preparation for hearings and sometimes must travel for them. They must also be available on call for emergency situations.
What Are the Responsibilities of a Judge?
Depending on the court they have received judgeship in, there are different types of judges, so their responsibilities may vary. As a U.S. District Court judge, you would be presiding over criminal and civil cases first. The Court of Appeals is the next step. Here defendants who feel wronged by the law can appeal to a different judge, who is there to determine whether the appeal has merit or not.
The last step in the career as a judge is the U.S. Supreme Court, which has the power to interpret the law of the land, and as a result, make decisions that will guide other judges in case a similar case is heard in their courts.
That is not to say that these are your only options as a judge. The courts in the U.S. are divided into Federal and State Judicial systems, so let’s check what other career choices judges have.
What Kind of Judge Can You Become?
In the federal system, which we have already touched upon earlier, you can expect to find the following judge positions:
Federal District Court Judge – Presides over the federal trial court
Federal Magistrate Judge – Special federal court judge who is there for pre-trial and post-trial hearings.
Federal Circuit Court Judge – Appellate judge
US Supreme Court Judge – Presides over the highest appellate court
Federal Administrative Judge – Presides over various administrative courts
Specialty Court Judge – Presides over specialty Congress-designed courts, such as bankruptcy or eviction
Then, in the State Judicial System, you will find:
Municipal Court Judge – Presides over municipal hearings
State Magistrate Judge – Presides over a county or small claim court
Intermediate State Court Trial Judge – These judges preside over special trial courts with limited jurisdiction
Superior Court Judge – This judge’s career path involves presiding over a trial court of general jurisdiction.
State Appellate Court Judge – Hears appeals from trial courts in their jurisdiction.
State Supreme Court Judge – Appellate judges who preside over the highest appellate court for the whole state.
State Administrative Judge – Preside over administrative agencies
Specialty Court Judge – Preside over courts created by the state legislature or constitution, such as family courts.
It is important to mention here that a lot of these positions are based on tenure. That means that the person holding one of them will be doing so until the mandatory retirement age, providing they do not do anything that breaks the law. While this sounds very lucrative to any new judge, it also limits the number of available posts within the system.
What kind of training is required to become a judge?
In most cases, judges are lawyers who have several years of experience practicing law. To become a lawyer, one must complete a three-year Juris Doctor (JD) program after earning a bachelor’s degree. After completing law school, JD graduates must pass their state’s bar exam, an accomplishment that requires months of preparation and study.
Lawyers may work for the public in a government agency or prosecutor’s office, represent clients in a law practice, or provide legal consultation to individuals and organizations. New lawyers start in entry-level associate positions and put in many hours of work to advance to higher positions within their firm or office. While they are working, lawyers also complete continuing education to become more familiar with certain areas of the law.
Lawyers who want to become judges may be more likely to earn appointments or be elected to positions if their experience includes a large amount of time spent at trial.
how old do you have to be to be a judge
There is no minimum age for becoming a federal judge, but should there be? After all, good “judgment” is a quality of experience, right? And who wants a judge young enough to be your child? President Trump does, at least in nominating a 35-year-old to be a federal judge.
How can I learn more about becoming a judge?
You can learn more about the requirements for becoming a lawyer and a judge through your state’s bar association website. Since judicial requirements can vary by state, it may help to check what standards your own state has set. States often make this information available through the website of their judicial branch of the office of the governor.
how long must you have been a citizen to be a judge
Current appropriations law prohibits the use of appropriated funds to pay the compensation of any employee of the U.S. federal government where the duty location is in the continental U.S. unless such person is a:
U.S. citizen;
person who owes allegiance to the U.S. (i.e., nationals of American Samoa, Swains Island, and the Northern Mariana Islands, and nationals who meet other requirements described in 8 U.S.C. 1408(link is external));
person admitted as a refugee or granted asylum who has filed a declaration of intention to become a lawful permanent resident and then a citizen when eligible; or
lawful permanent resident who is seeking citizenship as outlined in 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3)(B).
To comply with requirement No. 4 above, an individual must be a lawful permanent resident (have a green card) and apply for citizenship within a short time of first becoming eligible to do so. An individual is not eligible to apply for citizenship until he or she has been a permanent resident for at least five years (three years if seeking naturalization as a spouse of a citizen). When that occurs, he or she must apply for citizenship within six months of becoming eligible and must complete the process within two years of applying (unless there is a delay caused by the processors of the application). NOTE: A lawful permanent resident who is not yet eligible to apply for citizenship at the start of judicial employment may lawfully be employed by the judiciary, if the person submits an affidavit indicating the intent to apply for citizenship when eligible to do so. A sample form of this affidavit has been provided to the courts.
The appropriations law requirements apply to anyone appointed into a paid position within the judiciary in the continental U.S. The appropriations law requirements do not apply to employees with a duty station in Alaska, Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Northern Mariana Islands, nor do the requirements apply to unpaid volunteers.
Judiciary offices must obtain concurrence from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Office of General Counsel, to appoint an individual who is not a U.S. citizen.
In addition to the above appropriations law, The United States Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), mandates all federal government agencies in the continental U.S. comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) which states that federal government agencies must hire only U.S. citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States. All individuals appointed by a judiciary office must complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (Form I-9) certifying their eligibility to work in the U.S.
How To Become A Judge In Pakistan?
Job Introduction or What They Do?
A judge is an appointed or an elected person who previously was a lawyer. Judges conduct court proceedings, they have to be impartial and have to understand the meaning and significance of the law. Judges need to know that justice is much more than comprehending the law, they also have to display understanding for the people on both sides of the case. The role of the judge depends on the presence or absence of a jury. When the jury is present then the judge just ensures that everything that is happening in the courtroom or in the jury room is according to the law. Otherwise without the jury the judge decides the fate of the case.
How to Steps:
1. Appointment:
Before the 18th constitutional amendment, appointments of judges in the Supreme Court were made by the president of Pakistan through the recommendation of the Chief justice of the Supreme Court. This led to a lot of favoritism; hence the role of governments in judicial appointments was reduced. Hence in May 2010 a new judicial Commission and parliamentary committee are established for appointments. The parliamentary committee oversees the recommendation of the judicial court. In the high court judges are appointed in the same manner as in the Supreme Court.
In the case of additional district and session Judges are appointed by the provincial high courts, from a group of lawyers and subordinate judges. However they must also pass an examination held by the High Courts. The subordinate judges are promoted from senior civil judges.
Even the Civil judges are appointed by the Provincial High Courts on the recommendation of the provincial public service commission. These commissions have competitive exams annually, which are promoted in national newspapers. The main qualifications are LL.B from a well-recognized university and three years of experience as an advocate in the jurisdiction in question. The exams include various papers for many subjects.
So in order to become a judge you have to first become a lawyer and then be appointed as a judge. In order to become a practicing lawyer you have to first get enrolled in the Provincial Bar Council. After passing the LL.B in Pakistan, an individual can get himself enrolled in the Bar Council. The enrollment as an advocate depends upon the individual passing through the subjective or MCQ type written exam within a period of 2.5 years in 4 attempts. After that they have to complete 6 months of apprenticeship and pass Viva Voce Examination.
2. In order to become an advocate in the high court which is the second level position, a license is obtained after you have completed practicing for two years in the lower court. This is done by application. These applications are reviewed by high court judges.
3. After successful practice as an advocate at high court level for 10 years, an application can be placed to the Bar council to become an advocate at the Supreme Court, this application is also reviewed by a panel of Supreme Court judges. If you fail you can also re apply. If you want to become a judge than you can also apply for that and pass any examination requirements or stand in front of the respective deciding committees after applying.
Course Structure:
In order to become a member of the Bar Council or in order to first become a practicing lawyer you have to pass a questionnaire which contains the following subjects: Civil procedure Code, Criminal Procedure Court, Limitation Act, Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act 1973, canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocate as framed by the Bar council of Pakistan, Court fees act, suits validation act and Qannon-e-Shahdat.
In order to become a civil judge you have to be recommended by the Provincial Public Service Commission and you also have to give an Examination. This examination has many papers, for example in Punjab these papers include English language and essay, Urdu Language and Essay, Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies, General knowledge, Criminal law, Civil law 1 and 2, and General Law.
Job Opportunities:
There are job opportunities for judges in Pakistan; they are mainly appointed however they are also hired at times depending on the court and government requirements. These judges are respected and advertisements are also placed in newspapers or even online
In 2010 President Zardari approved an increase of 30 percent in the salary of Supreme Court and high court judges. Chief justice salary would be Rs. 259, 838 and the salary of other Supreme Court judges would be Rs.245 457, high court judges will have a salary of Rs.231, 563. The chief justice of high courts would also have an increase in their salary. Above the increase there will also be a judicial allowance for judges of the Supreme Court and high courts.
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