If you have been searching the internet lately for the latest information on how to become a digital marketing specialist, then you’ve come to the right place. You need not search further as all you’ve got to do is to read on to know more.
The digital world today is so advanced and lucrative that digital marketers often find themselves in a very competitive marketing environment. If you want to expand your business in this kind of environment, becoming an expert seems to be the best thing that you can do in order to attain a competitive advantage within the digital network. The way marketers pursue marketing leads, close a sale and build partnership seems to involve more of digital technology and complex strategic search engine optimization process and digital marketing campaigns.
Discover up-to-date information on how to introduce yourself as a digital marketer, how to become a digital marketer with no experience, what makes a good digital marketer, how to start digital marketing from home. You will also find related posts on how to brand yourself as a digital marketer on Collegelearners.
What makes a good digital marketer

Building your brand reputation and positioning yourself as an expert in the digital world provides you a vast opportunity of influencing others and making prospect customers gain confidence on your capabilities and expertise in addressing their needs. If you are not convinced why you need to exert the effort of making yourself standout as an expert within your industry niche, here are some of the benefits why this is the key solution of gaining competitive advantage in the digital world:
Build your reputation by making a name as expert
Your reputation can highly influence people to believe in your marketing solutions and services. It is a logical consequence for experts to gain more competitive advantage because their reputation is a magnet for people to gain confidence on their expertise and eventually trust their business and any solutions that he may give them.
Make your brand popular
Whatever digital marketing solutions you may offer to your potential customers, your brand will definitely become more popular because of your expertise. Search users always look for experts online to get opinions, help, assistance and advice to find solutions for their needs. By making yourself an expert in the field of digital marketing world people will likely come to you for help that makes your brand popular eventually.
You can charge a higher fee for your expertise
By becoming a digital marketing expert, you are able to gain wider experience, more knowledge and skills, broader social media network and build a reputable name within the digital marketing industry that makes you one-of-a-kind expert in your field. By this alone, you can charge a higher fee for your expertise because people are willing to pay for someone’s skill, knowledge, experience and quality of services in order to receive assistance in their business needs.
Draw out partnership opportunities
Digital marketing experts are likely to find better partnership offers that can help in the rapid growth of their business. Partnering with other experts in their own field of expertise can be quite tricky however because most of the time experts always prefer to work with fellow experts in order to draw out a more satisfying and productive marketing solutions for their business. By making yourself an expert in the digital world you might find yourself as not the one offering a partnership but instead the one receiving these offers from other experts.
Your expertise makes you a standout digital marketer
Your expertise can highly influence how people see your business. In a crowded digital marketplace it is difficult to make your business and services a standout. However, your claim as an expert provides you a better competitive advantage that makes potential customers prefer your services than the other non-experts in the field.
Steps on how to promote yourself as a digital marketing expert
Where and how to start building your name as an expert in the digital marketing world may not come easy. Just like any other newbie in the industry, you need to exert both the time and effort in order to grow your reputation as a digital marketing expert. If you want to build competitive advantage it is crucial to follow these steps to help you start to gain a better positioning in the digital marketing industry.
Step # 1. Leverage in using technology to your advantage
Being in a digital world requires you to expand your knowledge about using technology for marketing your business. The same can also provide you with the tools that can help you expedite the process of building a name and making your expertise known within your industry. In the digital age, people use electronic devices and internet technology to look for solutions and you can also use it too for building your reputation and name in the digital marketplace.
Create your own professional blog site and highlight your portfolio and expertise. If you are a web designer expert, showcase the various websites that you have created as part of your portfolio.
Create different social media accounts in order to introduce your expertise within the social media industry. Using the social media technology can help you become popular online faster by interacting with people.
Use email marketing to introduce your services to prospect customers.
Use Press Releases in order to announce to the online community about your latest projects and undertaking.
Step # 2. Position your digital expertise with a platform
It is important to become consistent in making your name popular on search and to your social media networks. By building a platform for your services such as a blog you have the opportunity to publish your expertise, the digital solutions you are capable of providing your clients and generally in helping you gain search positioning for better popularity online.
Use popular blog platforms like WordPress, Blogger, Drupal and Joomla. These are known to be reliable blogging tools with plugins that you can use to optimize your SEO campaigns in promoting yourself as an expert.
Use content marketing as a platform in promoting yourself as an expert. Writing helpful articles on your blog to keep the interests of your followers. Demonstrate your skills and expertise using your chosen platform and by doing so people who visit your site might turn as a consistent followers, supporters and loyal customers.
Publish videos about your expertise and work and introduce your profile. Create short videos about helping people solve a problem such as How-To’s videos. This will make your video valuable to them and so is your expertise.
Step # 3. Build relation with other experts
Building a partnership and good relation with influential people in your industry can be a power medium of expanding your business. Experts in their fields are able to gain maturity and stable positioning in their fields of market and by building linkages with them you find yourself learning and maturing on your own field of expertise too.
Start following the blogs and social media accounts of social influencers. Join their social networks and take active participation in discussions.
Do not hold back from sharing your unique point of views with others. This will make you a standout if you are able to show that you are very well versed about your area of expertise.
Use LinkedIn to find professional business partners and create a professional headline that will hook the attention of other professionals. Make sure to include a description about your profile and highlight your area of expertise.
Ask for recommendations from your fellow professionals. A good word of recommendation from others is a good way of growing your popularity as an expert and also open more opportunities of connecting with others.
Step # 4. Use the power of the social media
Popular websites today harness the power of the social media. Even digital marketing experts have several accounts in various social media platforms that provide them the social marketing advantage of becoming a popular expert. Digital marketers are getting more inclined to use popular social media platforms that offer the best potential of exploring marketing possibilities of making their expertise known in the World Wide Web today. Here’s how:
Choose popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google +. These platforms have millions of people as members which offer you the opportunity to showcase your expertise.
Find social influencers and get involved as an active follower. Share your expertise by giving advice and sharing your knowledge to help others.
Market yourself as a thought leader. By using social conversations you can actually leave the impression that you are an expert within your field by influencing others. Social engagement is a medium that you can use in order to spread the word about your social influence and expert ideas.
How to become a digital marketing specialist

What does a Digital Marketing Specialist Do?
A digital marketing specialist is a professional with a diverse set of skills, responsible for the online promotion of a website (business or products), using all available digital marketing channels.
He / She needs to have a good knowledge of all Digital marketing disciplines and tools. The job responsibilities include:
Designing, implementing and monitoring SEO campaigns
Analyzing and optimizing PPC campaigns
Supervising content marketing campaigns
Utilizing social media networks (for traffic, awareness, and sales)
Managing the other members of the digital marketing team
Coordinate the activities of all digital campaigns
Set goals and analyze the performance of all digital marketing channels
The difference between a digital marketing specialist an SEO specialist or a PPC specialist is that a DMS needs to be an expert in more than one area and have a broad knowledge of how digital marketing works in general and not just a single discipline.
10 Steps to Become a Digital Marketing Specialist
Becoming a digital marketing specialist requires a lot of effort and hard work but it’s the best digital marketing job you can get in the online marketing industry.
Nevertheless, if you are willing to put in the required effort, there is nothing stopping you from pursuing a digital marketing career.
Digital Marketing Training
These are the 10 steps to follow to become a digital marketing specialist.
Learn Digital Marketing Essentials
Work as an SEO Expert
Master PPC Advertising
Build Social Media Marketing Skills
Implement Content Marketing Campaigns
Learn how email marketing works
Build team management skills
Learn how to use data analysis / Reporting tools
Get a Digital Marketing Certification
Stay Updated on the Latest Digital Marketing Trends
Step 1: Learn Digital Marketing Essentials
The first step to becoming a digital marketing specialist is to learn what is digital marketing and how it works.
Digital marketing is not a single discipline but it’s a term that encapsulates a number of techniques and methods you can use to promote a website or products online.
The most important digital marketing channels are:
Website Marketing
Search Engine Marketing (includes SEO and PPC advertising)
Content Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Email Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Video Marketing
As a digital marketing manager, you need to know what is the role of each channel, what it does and how to use it.
Resources to learn Digital Marketing Essentials
Website Marketing – How to effectively promote a website
Search Engine Marketing – An introduction to SEM
Search Engine Optimization – An introduction to what is SEO and why it’s important
Email Marketing for Small Business – A handy guide on how email marketing can be used for small businesses
How to Learn Digital Marketing – A step-by-step guide on how to start learning digital marketing (for free).
Step 2: Work as an SEO Expert
Once you get a general idea of what do we mean by digital marketing, the next step is to master SEO and become an SEO expert.
SEO has a critical role to play for the success of a digital marketing campaign, that’s why it’s important to learn how to optimize a website for search engines.
Building your SEO skills will also make it easier to work with other online marketing techniques.
Although it is more likely that you will have dedicated SEO experts in your team, as a digital marketing expert you’ll have to supervise them and the most efficient way to do this is to have working experience with SEO.
Resources to become an SEO Expert
How to become an SEO Expert – A 10 step guide on how to become an expert in SEO.
SEO Certifications and Courses – The fastest way to learn SEO is to follow a course and get certified and these are the best courses available online.
How to pursue a career in SEO – Explains the job responsibilities of an SEO, includes resources on how to get a job as an SEO.
How search engines work – Knowing how search engines work, will help you understand SEO
Step 3: Master PPC Advertising
A considerable amount of your time and budget will be allocated on managing PPC campaigns either on Google Ads or Facebook.
As a digital marketing specialist, you need to know about the different types of campaigns you can run and how to correctly measure and analyze the results.
Depending on the size of your team and industry, it is common for a digital marketing campaign to only have PPC campaigns running so mastering PPC is more than critical.
Resources to use to master PPC advertising
Google Ads Guide – A guide to Google Ads for beginners
Bing Ads Academy – Free guides and courses on how to use Microsoft Advertising Platform and Tools
Facebook Blueprint – Free guides and courses on everything you need to know about Facebook Marketing.
Step 4: Build Social Media Marketing Skills
Besides using paid ads on Facebook, you also need to learn how marketing works on other networks.
Depending on the type of website to promote, you may have to explore other social media networks like Twitter, Pinterest or LinkedIn, and thus is important to have the necessary skills.
Resources to use to build social media marketing skills
Social Media Marketing Tips for Beginners – An introduction to social media marketing
Pinterest Guides and Resources – Get started with marketing on Pinterest
LinkedIn Guide – The marketer’s guide to LinkedIn
Step 5: Implement Content Marketing Campaigns
To power all your digital marketing campaigns, you need content that has the following characteristics:
Satisfies the user intent
Interesting for users to read
Optimized for each platform (SEO, FB, etc.)
Generates rankings, leads, and conversions
Content can be in the form of text, video or audio and can be in different formats like articles, YouTube videos, landing pages, podcasts, etc.
As a digital marketing expert, you need to prepare a plan on what type of content to produce and when and how to measure the performance of each content type.
This is what content marketing is all about.
In a well-structured digital marketing team, your job will not be to provide the content (you will have dedicated writers for this task), but it’s your responsibility to ensure that the right type of content is produced for the different campaigns.
Resources to learn Content Marketing
Content Marketing Tips for Beginners – 15 tips to get started with content marketing
Content Marketing Guide – A beginners guide to content marketing
SEMRUSH Content Marketing Guide – A free eBook on everything you need to know about content marketing
Step 6: Learn how email marketing works
Email is still one of the most popular selling tools. Despite the rise of social media networks, marketers use email marketing to finalize a sale, get more leads and engage with their customers.
Email marketing is usually the last step of a marketing sales funnel. All other digital marketing campaigns (SEO, PPC, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing), generate leads for email marketing and email marketing will do the sales (or any form of conversion), through a series of targeted emails.
In most teams, the role of email marketing specialist is missing so the responsibility of running email marketing campaigns falls directly under the supervision of the digital marketing manager.
Resources to learn Email Marketing
Email Marketing Tips for Small Business – A guide on how to get started with email marketing
Email Marketing Made Simple – A beginner’s guide
Step 7: Build team management skills
To become a digital marketing professional, you need to have good team management skills.
The reason is that part of your job responsibilities will be to lead and manage a team of other specialists that make up a digital marketing team.
In big digital marketing agencies, the digital marketing manager is essentially the manager of the team (or team leader if you prefer) and besides the technical knowledge, he/she needs to have the necessary skills to manage a team of people.
This means knowing how to work with project management tools, setting goals and targets, training your team, and all other tasks that a person in a managerial position is supposed to do.
For small teams or digital marketing experts who work as freelancers, you may not have to manage people but you still need to know how to create project plans, set milestones, and monitor the progress of a project.
Resources to Build Team Management Skills
11 Team Management Skills you need to lead – Essential skills every manager should have
Step 8: Learn how to use data analysis / Reporting tools
Besides monitoring and optimizing digital marketing campaigns, part of the daily tasks of a digital marketing professional is to analyze data and prepare reports.
Whether is reports to the marketing department or to the client directly, a digital marketing manager needs to know how to use several digital marketing tools.
The must-know tools are:
Google Analytics
Google Data Studio
Google Search Console
Facebook Ads Reporting
SEMRUSH or similar (Ahrefs, Moz, HubSpot, etc)
Resources to Build Analytical Skills
Google Analytics for Beginners – A list of the most popular analytics reports to use on a daily basis
SEMRUSH Academy – Guides and resources on how to use SEMRUSH
SEO Reporting Tools and Must Have Features – A list of the best reporting tools as voted by 52 digital marketing experts
Google Search Console – a step-by-step guide for beginners
Step 9: Get a Digital Marketing Certification
One of the fastest and most efficient ways to become a digital marketing specialist is to follow a comprehensive digital marketing course.
A digital marketing course will teach you everything you need to know about digital marketing without having to read separate guides or look for additional resources.
Getting a digital marketing certification from a reliable company, it’s a great way to show that you know Digital marketing.
Becoming certified does not prove that you are a good digital marketing professional but it does show that you have the necessary knowledge for the job.
Of course, to secure a position in a big agency or company, you need to have several years of working experience and ways to demonstrate your expertise (success stories and case studies).
Resources to get certified in Digital Marketing
Best Digital Marketing Courses – The 10 best courses to learn digital marketing. The list includes both free and paid courses
Step 10: Stay Updated on the Latest Digital Marketing Trends
Google is making thousands of updates per year to its search results and algorithms, Facebook is adding/changing new features all the time, Google Ads move towards AI, etc., etc.
The changes happening in the digital marketing industry are continuous (I would say daily) and are a lot.
Learning never stops for digital marketing experts and this is something that makes this profession very interesting and challenging. You never get bored as there are always new things to learn.
If this is something you cannot accept, then becoming a digital marketing specialist is not the best choice for you.
If on the other hand, you like working in a dynamic environment, you need to make sure that you stay informed of all the latest trends and the resources below will help you do that.