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About Skills Required For Electric Vehicles
Design electric power systems and solve future challenges in how electricity is produced, transmitted, distributed and consumed by using wind- and solar power or smart grids.
This master’s programme will equip you with a sustainable mindset and deep technical competence that will prepare you for a career in the electric power engineering industry.
Sustainable Electric Power Engineering and Electromobility picture
Sustainable Electric Power Engineering and Electromobility master’s programme at Chalmers
The global use of electricity and electronics is continuously increasing, and in the coming decades, electric vehicles in combination with renewable electricity production will change our energy systems fundamentally. The paradigm shift in the development will also affect how and when electricity is produced, transmitted, distributed, and consumed.
The master’s programme Sustainable Electric Power Engineering and Electromobility at Chalmers is aimed towards students who are interested to face these challenges and work towards a career in the power engineering industry, the utility industry and other related areas. The recent advancements in information and communication technology also offer new opportunities in e.g. the design and operation of electric power systems.
In this programme, you will learn to combine sustainable thinking with deep technical competence. You will gain practical experience through laboratory exercises (experiments) in combination with computer exercises (simulations) You will also get in close contact with the Swedish industry through guest lectures, study visits and opportunities to carry out master’s thesis work in the industry.
Please note, this master’s programme was previously named Electric Power Engineering, MSc
Topics covered
The subjects of electric power systems, electric drives, high voltage and power electronics System Transmission, Electric power distribution, Electric drives, High Voltage and Electric Machines are fundamental areas in the Sustainable Electric Power Engineering and Electromobility programme.
The courses handle topics such as Wind power, Solar power, Electric Vehicles, Smart Grids, Renewables, Ancillary service, Demand-side management, Demand response, Li-ion batteries, Battery management systems, Electromagnetic fields, Power electronics, HVDC and FACTS.
Master’s programme structure
The master’s programme runs for a duration of two years. During each year, students can earn 60 credits (ECTS) and complete the programme by accumulating a total of 120 credits. Credits are earned by completing courses where each course is usually 7.5 credits. The programme consists of compulsory courses, compulsory elective courses and elective courses.
Compulsory courses year 1
During the first year the programme starts with four compulsory courses that form a common foundation in Sustainable Electric Power Engineering and Electromobility . Each course is usually 7.5 credits.
Power system analysis and control
Electric machines –design and analysis
High voltage engineering
Power electronic converters
Compulsory courses year 2
In the second year you must complete a master’s thesis in order to graduate. The thesis may be worth 30 credits or 60 credits depending on your choice.
Power engineering design project
Master’s thesis
Compulsory elective courses
Of the compulsory elective courses you need to select two out of four during year one, and one out of four during year two. Two courses per study period including the compulsory courses are required for the degree.
Advanced power system analysis
Electric drive systems
High voltage technology
Power electronics devices and applications
Sustainable power production and transportation
Applied computational electromagnetics
Power system monitoring and protection
Power electronic solutions for power systems
Elective courses
You will also be able to select courses outside of your programme plan. These are called elective courses. You can choose from a wide range of elective courses.
Programme plan, syllabus, course description and learning outcomes
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Entry requirements (academic year 2021/22)
General entry requirements
An applicant must either have a Bachelor’s degree in Science/Engineering/Technology/Architecture or be enrolled in his/her last year of studies leading to such a degree.
General entry requirements
Specific entry requirements
Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) with a major in: Electrical Engineering, Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, Energy Engineering or Engineering Physics
Prerequisites: Mathematics (at least 30 cr. including Linear Algebra, Multivariable Analysis, Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Statistics), Electric Power Engineering (including Basic Electric Circuit Theory, Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Power Systems) and Automatic Control
English language requirements
English language requirements
Chalmers Bachelor’s degree
Are you enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree programme at Chalmers now or do you already have a Bachelor’s degree from Chalmers? If so, different application dates and application instructions apply.
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Degree: Master of Science (MSc)
Credits: 120
Duration: 2 years
Level: Second Cycle
Rate of study: 100%
Instructional time: Daytime
Language of instruction: English
Teaching form: On-campus (Location: Campus Johanneberg)
Tuition fee: 140 000 SEK/academic year
*EU/EEA Citizens are not required to pay fees.
Application Code: CTH-21099
Application Period: Mid-October – Mid-January every year
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Specific questions about the programme:
Jimmy Ehnberg, Director of Master’s Programme,

Sustainable development
Access to modern energy, in practice electricity, is a prerequisite within this field. You will learn how to make well-founded sustainable choices based on good technical knowledge in order to be able to make a real difference in the world. The programme is highly interlinked with the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development goals (SDGs). The table below provides an overview of the sustainable development goals and the associated targets within the programme.
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Students and teachers are actively engaged in projects and discussion aiming for to make electricity affordable, reliable and sustainable for all.
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Both projects and courses address e.g. how future power lines shall be built to be a part of a resilient power infrastructure. Issues like electricity access for development and innovation is another overall question discussed in the programme.
Goal 13: Climate action
Many assignments in this programme address the challenges of how to integrate more renewables into the power system, currently focusing on wind power but more and more questions related to solar power and distributed generation are being raised. Design assignments of electric drivetrains for the cars of the future are also part of the programme as is development of charging technologies and charging infrastructure.
Career opportunities
The Sustainable Electric Power Engineering and Electromobility master’s programme at Chalmers will lead to professional roles such as Designer of electric systems, researcher, developer, power system analyst, tester, project manager and technical specialist within introduction of renewables in the power system or other areas related to electric power engineering.
Many of the programme’s courses and master’s thesis project areas provide a strong link to research activities within the Electric Power Engineering division at Chalmers. Besides moving on as PhD-students, graduates from the programme can be found at companies such as ABB, Volvo cars, Volvo AB, Scania, Hägglunds,Bombardier, Svenska Kraftnät, Göteborg Energi, Ellevio, E-On, Nexans, NKT Vattenfall incl. Ringhals and Forsmark, Ericsson, AFRY, ALTEN, ALTRAN, SWECO, Aros electronics, research institutes like RISE and Chalmers and other top technical universities.
Research connections
The programme is closely connected to the graduate school in electrical engineering, and the research at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Chalmers. Students who have completed the programme are thus expected to form a strong pool for recruitment to the above-mentioned doctoral programme.
The Electric Power Engineering division also has a well-established link to the power industries in Sweden such as Vattenfall, Volvo AB, Volvo Cars, ABB, RISE Svenska kraftnät, Ellevio, E-on and Göteborg energi. In the past few years, cooperation with the car, telecom and wind power industries has increased through several master’s theses and research projects.
Learn more about the Department of Electrical Engineering
Student interview
“We design machines and power systems”
Yuning Li, China, Electric power engineering
Why did you choose this programme?
– I come from an electrical engineering background and wanted to come to Gothenburg, a city famous for the automotive industry and Volvo. This programme touches on both the automotive industry and the electrical engineering industry which is a good fit for me. We have lectures, labs and work in group projects and get to choose to work in different fields. The knowledge that we gain from the lectures we later apply in the labs or assignments to design either a machine or a power system.
What have you been working on?
–I have designed different electric drive systems and evaluated the performance of the implemented systems when using different control methods, for example, what is a suitable operating region and how different systems cope with disturbances.
What do you like the most about your programme?
–We have such a close connection with the industry with guest lectures and several study visits to different companies where we get to see how their machines work and what the companies are doing right now. It makes us understand what options we have after our studies and in which way we can contribute to the companies. My classmates are from all over the world and it’s pretty nice to get to know people with the same background but from different cultures.
What do you want to do in the future?
– My education at Chalmers has actually helped me decide what I want to do in the future. I have realized that I would like to work in a research department with vehicle electrification and battery technology. There is a lot left that we can do there and the job opportunities within this area look promising.
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