international management entrepreneurship and finance university of bergamo
The master degree in Management, Marketing and Finance (MMF) – former a.y. 2020-2021 International Management, Entrepreneurship and Finance (IMEF) – totally taught in English, aims to develop skills, knowledges, competences and abilities needed to become managers, entrepreneurs, analysts and professionals of tomorrow. People that are able to cope with the most pressing and urgent social and economic challenges of the present and of the upcoming future. MMF’s trained students will be professionals able to develop, govern, and exploit massive trends of change in three fundamental business functions: management, marketing and finance.
Attending this master degree students will have the opportunity to:
1) experiment the most advanced learning-by-doing teaching practices;
2) live a teaching experience which is highly affected by the most advanced and cutting-edge academic research;
3) learn by using a set of digital technologies made available to us by the most reputed and globally known suppliers of digital technologies used in business practice;
4) learn from dozens of visiting professors from the best business schools of the world;
5) study and live in a multicultural environment due to the great number of exchange and foreign students that increasingly choose our master degree as the best way to begin their professional career;
6) participate to further educational programs and training initiative organized by the faculty;
7) take advantage of the wide net of Italian, European and extra-European companies with which we have internships agreements.
Program Director: prof. Daniela Andreini
International Management, Entrepreneurship and Finance
University of Bergamo
Selected programmes 2 years Duration 400 EUR/year Tuition fee Aug 2022 Apply date Oct 2022 Start date
The Master of Science in International Management, Entrepreneurship and Finance from University of Bergamo, totally taught in English, is the evolution of the English curricula of the Master Degree MAFIB. University of Bergamo Bergamo , Italy 601st (WUR) World ranking 4.0 (55) Read 55 reviews
Key information
- Full-time
- 24 months
Start dates & application deadlines
- Starting October 2022
- Apply before Aug 2022
120 ECTS
On Campus
Entrepreneurship Finance Management, Organisation & Leadership View 105 other Masters in Management, Organisation & Leadership in Italy
The Master of Science in International Management, Entrepreneurship and Finance from University of Bergamo is a two-year learning experience that approaches the dynamics of international management, entrepreneurship, and finance. This Master Degree trains students to develop hard and soft skills necessary to become successful managers, entrepreneurs, analysts and consultants.
IMEF offers an international environment, providing the opportunity for students to work with international colleagues, professors and managers: more than 20 professors of MAFIB come from primary international universities all over the world: United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria, France and, of course, Italy.IMEF has strong relationships with Italian and Foreigns firms: each year, students participate in more than 55 internships all over the world (in the EU, in the USA, in Africa and Oceania).Thus, in line with the job market requirements, students will learn how to effectively work in multicultural economic, social and financial contexts. I want to find another Master Course
Career prospects
Graduates are expected to successfully compete for jobs in firms, financial institutions, in consulting companies, in national and international corporates, or even start an entrepreneurial activity. 85% of graduates in MAFIB in English (from 2016 IMEF) finds a job within 12 months since the Master graduation,
Programme Structure
Courses include:
- Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Marketing
- Social Change
- Management and Finance for International Marlets
Check your academic match with this programme
Academic requirements
We are not aware of any academic requirements for this programme.
English requirements
We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.
Other requirements
General requirements
- Applicants are an English level B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
- For students holding an Italian bachelor degree in classes 18 or 33 (Economics and Business) it is required a minimum mark of 80/110 in the bachelor degree.
- For students holding an Italian bachelor degree in classes other than 18 or 33 it is required a minimum mark of 90/110 in the bachelor degree and a minimum of overall 60 cfu in one or more of the following areas: at least 18 cfu in Economics, Business and Management + Statistics, Mathematics, Law.
Tuition Fee
To alway see correct tuition fees
- International 400 EUR/year Tuition Fee Based on the tuition of 400 EUR per year .
- EU/EEA 400 EUR/year Tuition Fee Based on the tuition of 400 EUR per year .
- The first installment can range between 0,00 and 400,00 €
- The second installment is up to an amount of 430,00 €
Living costs for Bergamo
700 – 1000 EUR /month Living costs
The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.
Admission requirements
NEW! a.y. 2021-2022 Management Marketing and Finance: Pre-Enrollment and Enrollment deadlines
For the academic year 2021/2022, the M.Sc in Management, Marketing & Finance MMF has 160 places available. Please carefully read the Bando
Italian, EU- and EU-assimilated students have to follow the same admission requirements:
There are three different pre-enrollment rounds, you can choose when to pre-enroll:
- from 12.04 to 31.05.2021
- from 16.06 to 19.07.2021
- from 02.08 to 27.08.2021
If admitted, you have to enroll by completing the online application and paying 156 euro fee within:
- 02.07.2021 (I selection round)
- 20.08.2021 (II selection round)
- 24.09.2021 (III selection round)
If you are not among the admitted candidates, check the availability of places following any changes in the ranking or following the repechage procedure.
For further information, please contact Student Services Office to arrange for an appointment ,to submit documents and receive complete information about deadlines and enrolment process.
For pre-enrollment information please visit
or send an email to (link sends e-mail)
(link sends e-mail)
Applicants are required an English level B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
For information on how to apply, pre-enrolment form, admission test and enrolment, please see prospective students website.
Per l’accesso al corso di Laurea magistrale in Management, Marketing and Finance occorre:
1) essere in possesso di una laurea o del diploma universitario di durata triennale, ovvero di altro titolo di studio conseguito all’estero, riconosciuto idoneo (che consenta l’accesso nel Paese di conseguimento a corsi di laurea di secondo ciclo).
Potranno iscriversi alla prova di selezione ed immatricolarsi con riserva in caso risultino utilmente collocati nelle graduatorie di merito, anche i candidati che conseguiranno i la laurea di primo ciclo (che consente l’accesso) entro il 30 aprile 2022 (sessione straordinaria a.a. 2020-2021).
In caso di ammissione con riserva i candidati laureandi potranno pre-immatricolarsi al corso, cioè immatricolarsi con riserva, a condizione che al momento dell’immatricolazione risultino in debito di non più di 24 cfu (eventuale tirocinio compreso) oltre la prova finale.
I candidati che non conseguiranno il titolo entro il 30 aprile 2022 saranno esclusi dalla procedura concorsuale e decadranno a tutti gli effetti dall’iscrizione alla laurea magistrale.
2) il possesso dei seguenti REQUISITI CURRICULARI:
A – aver acquisito la laurea italiana in una delle seguenti classi
– Classe L-18 – Scienze dell’economia e della gestione aziendali
– Classe L-33 – Scienze economiche
– Classe 17 – Scienze dell’economia e della gestione aziendale
– Classe 28 – Scienze economiche
– ante D.M. 509/99: Diploma di laurea di durata quadriennale del vecchio ordinamento corrispondente alle predette classi.
B – aver acquisito complessivamente, entro la scadenza per l’iscrizione alla selezione, i seguenti CFU:
Per i laureati o laureandi provenienti da altre classi di laurea, requisito curriculare per l’accesso è avere acquisito minimo 60 cfu (nel percorso triennale e/o master, iscrizione a corsi singoli) nei settori scientifico-disciplinari presenti nelle seguenti aree (v. Allegato A del D.M. n. 159 del 12 giugno 2012):
– Area 13 – Scienze economiche e statistiche: tutti i SSD
– Area 12 – Scienze giuridiche: tutti i SSD
Dei suddetti 60 CFU, almeno 18 devono riguardare i SSD: SECS-P/07, SECS-P/08, SECS-P/09, SECS-P/10 e SECS-P/11.
C – possedere altro titolo di studio conseguito all’estero, riconosciuto idoneo