iowa state vet school admissions
Often times, it could be quite exhausting to get the right information on the internet as there can be loads and loads of information on the internet that aren’t necessarily correct. So, if you have been searching for some good information on iowa state vet school admissions, you need not search further. The article below brings you all you need to know on it.
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Apply to the College
Applying to the College of Veterinary Medicine is an exciting step on a student’s road to becoming a veterinarian. ISU-CVM requires both the VMCAS Application as well as a supplemental application. It is our hope that the links below will be helpful as you navigate the application process. Please contact us with questions you have about our admissions or application processes.
- Application Workshop Recording
- VMCAS Application
- Supplemental Application
- Transcripts
- Application Checklist
- Contract/State Programs
- FAQs

College of Veterinary Medicine
1800 Christensen Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011-1134
Contact Us
How to Apply
Preparing your application is the first step you’ll take on your journey to becoming a veterinarian. The AAVMC’s VMCAS is a user-friendly system for applying to veterinary medical schools.

VMCAS is the centralized application service for Colleges of Veterinary Medicine. Through VMCAS you can complete one application and send all your required materials through this service. Your application is then processed, verified for accuracy, and sent to the veterinary medical schools you designate.
Make sure to bookmark this page because it will be your hub of information throughout the VMCAS Application Cycle! Return often for updates!
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the VMCAS application process
2021-2022 VMCAS Application Cycle is now Open Progams Available: May 12 | Deadline: September 15 @11:59 PM ET
Please review the “Before Applying” section for information about school prerequisites, general information, and cost comparison (VMSAR Directory of schools and requirements), among and other tips to help you prepare for applying to veterinary medical school. Also, join us for interested applicant Webinars and Other Events throughout the year.VMCAS Application 2021-2022Application Instructions
Contact VMCAS customer support for help with application-related questions
Phone: 617-612-2884
Fax: 617-612-2051
Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Eastern Time
(subject to change)
Supplemental Application
ALL APPLICANTS are required to complete the brief online ISU Veterinary Medicine Supplemental Application. The supplemental application will open May 12, 2021 for the 2021-22 admissions cycle. The FINAL deadline for submitting the Supplemental Application is September 15, 2021, 11:59 pm EST.
IMPORTANT – You must start your VMCAS Application first and then your Supplemental Application. You need your VMCAS ID number to create your Supplemental Application account. Once your Supplemental Application account is created we are able to record information on your Status Page and communicate with you via the Message Board which is our primary method of communication. Your VMCAS application does not need to be submitted before creating your Supplemental Application. Students applying again– You must fill out a new supplemental application. Unlike VMCAS, the information from your previous year’s application cannot be saved.
After completing the Supplemental Application and hitting submit, print a copy for your records. A non-refundable $75 processing fee for US citizens or $95 processing fee for international applicants must be paid via credit card online or via check or money order mailed to the address below. Processing fees are good for two consecutive years. If you applied last year to enter Fall 2021, you do not need to pay the fee for this year, entering Fall 2022. (Degree-seeking Iowa State University students and Iowa State University alumni do not need to pay the processing fee.)
Veterinary Medicine Admissions
2270 Veterinary Medicine
1800 Christensen Drive
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-1134
Checks for the processing fee should be made payable to Iowa State University. Please be sure your VMCAS ID is written on the signature page and on the check.
Application Fee Waiver – If you receive an application fee waiver from AAVMC/VMCAS, you may be eligible for a supplemental processing fee waiver. Please put a message on your Message Board via the Supplemental Application Portal.
The FINAL deadline for submitting the Supplemental Application is September 15, 2021.
Updated 04/22/2021
Application Requirements
PLEASE NOTE: Questions concerning the application will only be discussed with the applicant. Due to confidentiality we cannot discuss the application with anyone else including parents, spouses, friends, employers, etc. All application deadlines are firm.
Applicants who have an academic record, 1 complete semester or more, at another veterinary school must apply as a transfer. Please see Transfer Admissions information.
Electronic Letters of Recommendation
Three electronic letters of recommendation (eLOR) are required. Up to six eLORs will be accepted. You are strongly encouraged to ask for at least 4 evaluations in case an evaluator is not able to get their evaluation in on time. Evaluations must be submitted by Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time. No letters of recommendation sent directly to the school will be considered.
CASPer is a situational judgement test that assesses behavioral tendencies in tough situations, measuring elements of professionalism that are important to success in our DVM program and beyond. CASPer helps you demonstrate the diversity of strengths you bring to veterinary school, complementing factors such as academic performance and prior experience. CASPer must be taken no later than September 9, 2021. Learn more about CASPer and reserve your test date here.
PLEASE NOTE: Altus Suite lists three assessments: CASPer, Snapshot and Duet. We only require the CASPer assessment. You do not need to take Snapshot or Duet unless another institution requires them.
Graduate Record Exam (GRE) – NO LONGER REQUIRED
Because this is no longer required, we do not evaluate GRE scores. Students should not submit GRE scores to Iowa State Universtiy College of Veterinary Medicine. Submitted scores will not be reviewed.
Veterinary Medical College Application Service
All applicants must apply through the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS). Their web application may be accessed online. The deadline for the VMCAS Application for the 2022 entering class is September 15, at 11:59 pm Eastern Time.
Supplemental Application
International Student Requirements
Course Requirements
Applicants for admissions to the College of Veterinary Medicine must have completed 55 semester credits by the end of the spring term of the year in which the applicant seeks to be admitted to the College of Veterinary Medicine. If a course is repeated, the most recent grade received will be used in the GPA calculation and replaces any previous grades.
Minimum GPA Requirements
- Cumulative undergraduate GPA – 2.50 on a 4.00 scale
- Required Science GPA – determined yearly based on applicant pool. Transcripts submitted to VMCAS are used. No pending or planned coursework is considered in calculating this initial cutoff. (For 2021 cycle, cutoff was 2.8 for Residents/Contracts and 3.0 for Non-Residents)
- Last 45 Credit GPA – no minimum required
Applicants must complete the following prerequisite coursework. Credit earned must be equivalent of the Iowa State University courses listed. Prospective students and applicants are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to contact if there are questions concerning whether a course will fulfill the ISU-CVM requirement.
Please note: A bachelor’s degree is not required for admission to Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine unless it is being used to fulfill a requirement such as Oral Communication or three credits of English Composition.. Applicants must complete the specified prerequisite courses at a regionally accredited college or university to fulfill the academic requirements.
Course and Title | Semester/Quarter Hours Required | ISU Course Equivalent |
English Composition One year of composition or writing emphasis courses. May include business or technical writing. A bachelor’s degree counts for one-half of this requirement. | 6 sem/9 qtr cr | English 150, 250, 302, 309, 312, or 314 |
Oral Communication May include public speaking, interpersonal communication, group or organizational communication or speaking emphasis courses. A bachelors degree fulfills this requirement. | 3 sem/4-5 qtr cr | Speech Communications 212, 223, or 312, OR Ag Ed 311 OR Communications Studies 102 or 214 OR English 312 |
General Chemistry I & II* One year series (2 semesters or 3 quarters lecture) for biological science majors with one semester (2 quarters) lab | 7 sem/11-12 qtr cr | Chemistry 177, 177L, and 178 OR Chemistry 201 and 201L |
Organic Chemistry I* First semester of a two-semester series with lab (Organic Chemistry I with lab). Organic Chemistry II is no longer required. One semester overview organic chemistry courses will not fulfill this requirement. | 4 sem/6 qtr cr | Chemistry 331, 331L |
Biochemistry* One semester (no lab required). Must be metabolic biochemistry and cannot be biochemistry of proteins and enzymes alone. Upper-level (junior or senior) course. | 3 sem/4 qtr cr | BBMB 301, BBMB 316, BBMB 404, or BBMB 420 |
Physics I* First semester of a two-semester series with lab (Physics I with lab). Includes mechanics, fluids, heat and thermodynamics, vibrations, waves and sound. One semester overview physics courses will not fulfill this requirement. | 4 sem/6 qtr cr | PHYS 131X/131LX (Previously PHYS 111) or PHYS 231/231LX (Previously PHYS 221) or Physics 115/115L |
General Biology I & II (Organismal and Cellular)* One year series with lab each term which includes both cellular and organismal biology (i.e Biology I and Biology II OR a single organismal biology course with lab and a single cellular biology course with lab. A bachelor’s degree in biology also fulfills this requirement. If appropriate courses are taken, the grades in these courses will be used in GPA calculations even if a biology degree is earned. Microbiology will not fulfill the cellular semester of this requirement. | 8 sem/12 qtr cr | Biology 211, 211L, 212 and 212L (previously Biol 201, 201L, 202, 202L) |
Genetics/Animal Breeding* Mendelian and/or molecular genetics (no lab required) or animal breeding course. A general genetics course is preferred, but animal breeding/livestock improvement courses will be accepted. | 3 sem/4-5 qtr cr | Biology 313 (previously Biol 301), Genetics 320 or Animal Science 352 |
Anatomy and/or Physiology* (no lab required) Animal or human anatomy and physiology will fulfill this requirement but must cover all systems. Upper-level comparative anatomy or physiology or, upper-level vertebrate anatomy or physiology WILL fulfill this requirement. A single course in anatomy or physiology is recommended over an anatomy/physiology combined course. If you take an anatomy and/or physiology I course, you must also take the second course in order to fulfill the requirement. Avian and marine mammal anatomy and/or physiology WILL NOT fulfill this requirement. | 3 sem/4-5 qtr cr | BMS 329, BMS 547X, BMS 538, Biology 155, 255 (previously Zool 155, 255), Biology 335, 351, or Animal Science 214 |
Arts, Humanities and/or Social Sciences (Skill courses such as music lessons of any type, art courses such as drawing & painting, foreign language courses where you are specifically learning the language, etc. do not fulfill this requirement.) | 6 sem/9 qtr cr | |
Electives | 8 sem/12 qtr cr |
*Science requirement – These courses are used to calculate the required science GPA.
All applicants, regardless of major, must complete these courses or their equivalents.
All science requirements should be fulfilled by the time of application or scheduled for completion by the end of the fall term in which the applicant applies. However, if necessary, the applicant may complete up to two required science courses after the fall term providing a transcript with the courses and grades listed is postmarked by July 1 of the year the applicant would enter. There is no maximum number of non-science required courses that may be completed but the transcript deadline of July 1 applies. The July 1 deadline for transcripts and grades is firm.
All required coursework must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or better to fulfill the requirement. A “C-minus” or lower is not acceptable. Any required science course taken more than 8 years ago may be subject to review and the applicant may be asked for further information or to repeat the course.
All required coursework must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or better to fulfill the requirement. In order to accommodate multiple institutions’ adaptations to grading as a result of COVID-19, coursework taken Pass/Fail in Winter/Spring 2020 through Spring 2021 will also fulfill the requirement if completed with a grade of “Pass.”
Advance Placement (AP) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
The specific courses to which the AP/CLEP credits were applied must show on your official transcript or a signed letter on letterhead from the institution’s registrar must be submitted showing to which specific courses the AP/CLEP credits were applied. This letter must be emailed to
2020-2021 Applicant Events

Want to learn more about Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine? A series of open houses and virtual visits will be scheduled to give applicants to the Class of 2025 an up close and personal look at the college and what you can expect as a student at Iowa State.
Class of 2025 Preview Days – Saturday, March 20 and 27, 2020
Please save the date for our preview days. Invitations will be sent via email for admitted and alternate students.
Preview days for admitted and alternate students will offer a fantastic opportunity to visit with students and faculty, tour the college and teaching hospital, and learn about financial aid and career counseling. A full schedule will show you what earning a DVM from Iowa State University can mean for you. Here is what you can expect:
- 10:00am – Welcome and Admissions Updates
- 10:45am – Virtual Tour
- 11:45am – Student/Faculty Panel
- 1:00pm – Financial Aid/Career Session
Previous Recordings (Class of 2025)
- Discussion with Dr. Grooms, CVM Dean, and Faculty Panel (View recording here)
- Financial Aid Discussion (View recording here)
- Student Panel Q&A (View recording here)
Virtual Visits
Applying this cycle? Join us for an information session each Thursday at 3:00pm CST. Learn more about our program, admissions requirements, and application process. Register here!
If you can’t visit our beautiful campus, you can still learn more about student life at the College of Veterinary Medicine, regardless of where you live. These electronic events will be broadcast live in webinar form. This list will be updated regularly. Please bookmark this page and/or watch for emails about upcoming virtual visits.
International Student Requirements
We sincerely appreciate your interest in Iowa State University! The information given below provides additional instructions regarding application procedures specifically for nonimmigrant international applicants.
Application Form
Foreign applicants applying from outside the U.S. must complete equivalent preveterinary academic requirements and must follow the same application process as all other applicants. Under “permanent address,” please use your address in your home country; a foreign address is required by the U.S. government for visa issuance purposes.
The application fee for nonimmigrant applicants is $95. Please disregard any reference to an application fee of $75; that is the fee required of U.S. citizens and immigrants.
Transcripts and Course Descriptions
Foreign applicants must have completed the required coursework either at a U.S. college or university that has regional accreditation, or at a foreign university that is recognized by the Ministry of Education in that country. If completed at a foreign institution, transcripts must be evaluated by World Education Services as required by VMCAS. Course descriptions may be requested.
Entrance Examination Requirements
Nonnative English speakers are required to present a TOEFL score of 600 (PBT), 100 (IBT), or IELTS 7.0 at the time that they apply. Information about these examinations can be obtained at or Applicants with scores below the minimum will not be given consideration. Students who have graduated from U.S. institutions may be exempted from the English examination requirement at the discretion of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Financial Certification Requirements
If admitted or placed on the alternate list, you will be requested to complete the “Undergraduate Financial Statement.” This form should be used to document your ability to cover all educational and living expenses for the duration of the four-year program of study. You can download the form at There is no financial aid available for nonimmigrant international applicants. Click here for the cost of attendance for 2020-22 For information for international students about scholarships, loans, and student employment, please visit this link:
Admissions Process Calendar
Class Entering Fall 2022 (Class of 2026)
The VMCAS application will open January 21, 2021 to give applicants more time to complete their application. Applicants will not be able to select specific veterinary schools until May 12, 2021. Iowa State’s Veterinary Medicine supplemental application will also open May 12, 2021.
May 12, 2021
- VMCAS web application – School selection is available
- ISU-CVM supplemental application available
May 12, 2021 or ASAP
- Contact or remind recommenders. Verify they are willing to provide a letter of reference for you.
August 1, 2021 (or earlier)
- Order transcripts from ALL post-secondary schools you have attended.
August 15, 2021 (approximate)
- Check VMCAS for receipt of transcripts, recommendations. Follow up with transcript institution or recommender FIRST, then check with VMCAS if necessary. Give yourself time to correct problems BEFORE the deadline.
September 9, 2021
- Last date to take CASPer test
September 15, 2021, 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time
- VMCAS application submitted
- At least 3 letters of evaluation submitted (Up to 6 will be accepted)
- Send all transcripts to VMCAS no later than September 15, 2021 (September 1, 2021 recommended) – If you want your Summer 2020 grades to be considered in your initial academic evaluation, the transcript with grades must be received by VMCAS by September 15, 2021
- ISU Veterinary Medicine Supplemental Application (electronically submitted with fee paid online or signature page and fee postmarked)
January 20, 2022
- Transcripts forSummer 2021 (if not sent initially) and Fall 2021 due – THIS IS A FIRM DEADLINE in order to get final statuses out by February 15. Official transcripts need to be sent directly to Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine. If your school has the option of sending the transcripts electronically (preferred), please email When ordering electronic transcrips, you may need to put this email in the “third-party” option. Do not send to Iowa State University (general).
- If sending via mail, please use the following address.
CVM Admissions2270 Veterinary Medicine1800 Christensen DriveIowa State UniversityAmes, IA 50011-1134February 15, 2022
Notification of final application status (admit, alternate, deny) will be given no later than February 15, 2022
March 15, 2022
Deadline for submission of Remain on Alternate List Form
April 15, 2022
Postmarked date to accept offer of admissions and pay deposit
July 1, 2022
Postmarked date for Spring 2021 transcripts (see email and mailing addresses for January 20 transcript process)
Fast Facts
We’re the First
Iowa State University established the first public veterinary college in the nation in 1879.
We’re Also One of the Biggest
- DVM Students: 625 (2nd among 30 U.S. veterinary colleges)
- Graduate Students: 160
- Living Alumni: 6,739 (2nd largest alumni base in the country)
- Faculty: 176 with 74 board-certified specialists
Degree Opportunities
- Master’s including our popular 1-year, non-thesis professional master’s program in biomedical sciences
- PhD
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center underwent a $105 million renovation and expansion program for our small and largeanimal hospitals.
We See Patients
No other vet school sees as many large animal patients than the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center does. And we see our share of small animal patients in a number of specialty areas.
Large Animal Patients: 4,617
Small Animal Patients: 14,949
We’re All Accredited
- College of Veterinary Medicine – American Veterinary Medical Association
- Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center – American Animal Hospital Association
- Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory – American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians
We’re #1
The Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory is Iowa’s only full-service, fully accredited veterinary laboratory. The VDL processes 85,000 cases and performs more than 1.25 million tests annually, more than any other veterinary diagnostic lab in the country.
We’re #1 Again
Research plays a significant in the College of Veterinary Medicine. No other veterinary college receives more USDA funding than we do. Plus, we’re in the top 1/3 in funding from the NIH.
Research Prowess
Our researchers play key roles in efforts to control infectious diseases, developing vaccines, developing new diagnostic tools and delivery methods to improve food safety and security, and controlling and eradicating animal diseases.
Students Conduct Research as Well
Last summer, more than 15% of our student body had a research experience, including our popular Summer Scholars program that pairs students with faculty researchers.
One of a Kind x2
The Center for Food Security and Public Health is an international resource for information on animal and zoonotic diseases and emergency responses while our Swine Medicine Education Center is the country’s only national center devoted to swine education.
Practice Ready, Day One
From day one you will receive hands-on training that will prepare you for your veterinary career.