
is manhattan school of music good

Manhattan School of Music is ranked #1,230 out of 1,472 for value nationwide.


Based on our analysis of other colleges at similar price points, we believe Manhattan School of Music is overpriced for the quality education it provides. (This takes into account average financial aid and may not apply to you if you have further scholarships, grant or aid provided to you.)National Value Ranking  1230 out of 1472OverpricedGreat ValueNational Value Score  16.44 out of 100OverpricedGreat Value

Prices of Institutions with Similar Quality Scores

SchoolTotal PriceValue Grade
John Brown University$118,204A
Texas Tech University$119,907A
University of North Dakota$120,432A
Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health$124,844A
Oklahoma State University – Main Campus$129,776A-
California State University – Long Beach$134,867B+
Westminster College Utah$140,120B
Azusa Pacific University$163,387D+
Rowan University$169,813D
University of Hawaii at Manoa$190,636D-
Manhattan School of Music$217,410F

*Total price is determined by multiplying average annual cost by time to graduate.

Request More Info About Manhattan School of Music

Request More Info About Manhattan School of Music

We’re Looking at a Total Cost of $217,410 for a Manhattan School of Music Degree

On average, a bachelor’s degree from Manhattan School of Music will cost you about $217,410. This is based on an average price (with and without aid) of $53,948 and a typical 4.03 years to graduate.

Average Yearly Cost$53,948
Average Years to Graduate4.03
Estimated Avg Total Cost of Degree$217,410

Many Factors Affect Net Price

There are many ways you can lower the cost of a college education. Consider taking advantage of in-state tuition, or shortening the length of your degree by taking summer classes. Learn more about Manhattan School of Music cost for other factors that may affect net price such as the financial aid you qualify for that is largely based on your family’s income.

Does This School Make Financial Sense To You?


Net price can vary based on your unique situation.

Look at the table below to get a sense of how Manhattan School of Music value for your educational dollar might vary.

Nationwide Value by Aid GroupAvg Degree CostValue RankValue Grade
Students with no Aid$285,828#1,215F
All Students$217,410#1,230F
Only Students Receiving Aid$198,111#1,252F
In-State Value by Aid GroupAvg Degree CostValue RankValue Grade
Students with no Aid$285,828#85D-
All Students$217,410#87D-
Only Students Receiving Aid$198,111#85D-

Note: the Value Grade for in-state students is calculated by looking only at other schools in the state of New York.

About 75% of Manhattan School of Music students receive financial aid. Get more details on what Manhattan School of Music financial aid you may qualify for.

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