Do you want to find out about isabela state university college of nursing? There are a variety of courses available at universities located overseas that allow international students to excel in many different fields and get a quality education. We provide information about isabela state university college of nursing.
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Isabela State University College of Nursing is a nursing school located in the City of Santiago, Isabela. The school was founded in June 1975. It has a total land area of 8,000 sq. meters and can accommodate up to 1,000 students.
The college offers the following courses: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Nursing, Post-Master Certificate Program in Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nurse Midwife.
The college also offers non-degree courses such as Diploma in Midwifery, Diploma in Nursing Practice and Certificate Course on Home Health Aide. There are also various short-term training programs offered by the college such as Certificate Program on Emergency Care and Management of Severe Trauma Patient, Certificate Program on Triage & Assessment for Medical Emergencies and First Aid Training for Health Professionals.

Isabela State University
Echague, Isabela, Cagayan Valley

- Type: State University
- Entrance exam: Required
- Religious affiliation: Non-sectarian
- Term structure: Semester
- School year: starts in August
Tuition Fees
Included in the Free Tuition Law
Bachelor’s degree:
Master’s degree:
₱ 6,000-9,600 per year
Courses Offered
- Bachelor’s courses (27)
- Master’s courses (13)
- Doctorate courses (4)
- Certificate courses (1)
Based on the Weighted Board Exams Ranking
Rank in Isabela | 2nd out of 5 schools | View |
Rank in Cagayan Valley | 8th out of 18 schools | View |
Rank in Philippines | 102 out of 273 schools | View |
Centers of Development
- Agriculture
- Information Technology (IT)
Board Exams Performance
Displaying the passing rates of First Time Examinees only.
Based on the results of the past 4 exams of each board exam.
Exam | Passing Rates (First Timers) | Rank in Philippines |
Address: Isabela State University, San Fabian, Echague, Isabela
Scholarships at Isabela State University
1. Entrance Scholarship
• Valedictorian or Salutatorian from a class of not less than 30 in a recognized elementary school or high school, or
• Baccalaureate honor graduate of ISU or recognized state/private universities.
• Full tuition fee exemption for Valedictorians and half for salutatorians.
• Full tuition fee exemption for baccalaureate honor graduates.
2. University Scholarship (graduate students)
• General Weighted Average of 1.5 or better.
• Must have a regular academic load prescribed by the University or at least 15 units for working students.
• Free tuition and laboratory fees
3. College Scholarship (college students)
• General Weighted Average of 1.75 or better.
• Must have a regular academic load prescribed by the University or at least 15 units for working students.
• Free tuition fee
4. Class Scholarship (high school students)
• Bonafide Secondary Student obtaining highest and second highest General Weighted Average (GWA) of their final grades
• Must not be lower than 85%
• Free tuition fee for Highest GWA
5. ISU Science High Scholarship
• Must belong to the upper 10% of the graduating class certified by a School Principal.
• Must possess a special inclination in the sciences.
• Must be in excellent health.
• Must pass two (2) screening and Interview.
• Free Loan of textbook
• Free tuition fee
• Free Lodging.
6. Barangay Offcial Scholarship (BODA)
• Must be a legitimate child of a duly elected/appointed barangay official as certified by the Municipal Mayor of his duly appointed representative.
• Must carry each semester the full load prescribed by his program of study except when he is graduating where he may be allowed to enroll more than 21 units but not to exceed 27 units.
• Must have not incurred a grade of “INC”, “4”, he/se must be able to remove/complete then before the next registration period.
• Must be in good health as shown by a medical certificate issued by a government physician.
• Must be of good moral character and has not been the subject of any disciplinary action.
• Free tuiion and registration/matriculation fee for both high school and college students.
• Two (2) slots for college levels
7. Scholarship for Cultural Communities
• Cultural communities such as the Kalinga, Bontocs, Benguets and Ifugaos who graduate of public or private high schools and vocational schools with a general weighted average of 85% or better, certified by the intitution concerned and recommended by their respective Mayors or Governors.
• Free entrance fee
• Fifty percent (50%) exemption from tuition fee
• Echague and Cabagan (3 slots each)
• Ilagan, Jones, Roxas and San Mateo (1 slot each)
8. Editor’s Scholarship
• Must be a bonafide student of ISU
• Must pass the examination/interview given by the Publication Staff of ISU
• Must have a minimum load of 15 units per semester
• Must have a GWA of 2.0
• Must be a creative writer.
• Must abide by the rules and regulations of the University.
• Editor-in-Chief – Free tuition fee
• Asst. Editor-in-Chief – 50% free tuition fee
9. SSC/CSBO President Scholarship
• Duly elected President of SSC/CSBO for the school term.
• Must have a minimum load of 15 units per semester.
• GWA of 85% or better.
• Must abide by the rules and regulations of the University.
• Free tuition fee
10. Drum and Bugle Corps, Combo & Rondalla Members
• Skill in musical instrument certified by trainor.
• Must have a musical instrument
• Genuine interest in music and willingness to participate in all rehearsals and presentations.
• No failure, incomplete or conditional grades.
• Free tuition fee

11. Assistance to Atheletes
• Bonafied student of the university, a duly certified outstanding athlete if newcomer
• Outstanding performance in certain fields of athletics and sports
• Willing to undergo training without sacrificing time for classes
• Must have a minimum load of 15 units per semester
• No failing, 4 or incomplete grades
• Has qualified for provincial/regional/national meets during the school year and garnered at least 2 points in any of the meets.
• Regional/Provincial/SCUAA Meets
5 points – 75% exemption from payment of school fees except matriculation fees
3-4 points – 50% exemption from payment of school fees except matriculation fees
2 points – 25% exemption from payment of school fees except matriculation fees
• National Meets
2 points – 100% exemption from payment of school fees except matriculation fees
12. C.M.T. Assitance
• A bonafide student with at least 18 units of academic load.
• No failing, 4 or incomplete grades
• Uphold the dignity of being called an Officer of the C.M.T.
• Limited to 5 slots per C.M.T. Unit of teh University.
• Free tuition fee
13. Government/National/Provincial Scholarships/Assistance Programs/Other Scholarships
• Philippine Veteran Administration Office (P.V.A.O.)
• US Veterans
• Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
• National Integration Study Grant Programs (NISGP)
• Provincial Board Scholars (PBS)
• Study Now Pay Later (SNLP)
• Contact the Office of Student Services for Details.
14. Other Scholarship Grants
• Agriculture ScholarshipFree Tuition Fee
• Sanguniang Kabataan Scholarship (SK)Free Tuition Fee
Sponsored (Smart Scholarship Program)
• Bojie- Rodito Opportunities for Education (BROE)
• CHED One Town, One Scholarship ProgramP15,000.00/Semester
• CHED Students’ Grant In Aide Scholarship ProgramP30,000.00/Semester
• Dept. Of Agriculture Scholarship (Cong. Ana Go)
• National Indigenous Commission People (NCIP)
• Vice President Jejomar C. Binay Scholarship
• Provincial Scholarship Board
BS in Nursing
at Isabela State UniversityDURATION: 4 yearsDuration may change due to K12 integration
» Read the BS in Nursing description by
Nurses Licensure Exam60%Passing rate (first timers)
40%Failure rate (first timers)
based on the results of 2 board examsIsabela:
Ranked 4 out of 6 schoolsCagayan Valley:
Ranked 10 out of 14 schools9 schools
rank above ISU4 rank
Ranked 246 out of 317 schools78% of schools
rank above ISU22% rank
Freshmen | Transferees | Foreign students
D. P. studied Nursing, graduated 2012
“My school was originally an agricultural school. It’s ambiance is pure nature. Trees and rice fields are everywhere. Fresh air and shady park are present at any side of the university. It is a nature-friendly school that makes it very unique.The professors in our college are very intellig…”
Isabela State University College of Nursing is a good choice for students who are looking for a well-established institution that offers quality education. The small class sizes and close relationships between teachers and students help create a nurturing environment that can be difficult to find at larger schools. The nursing program itself is rigorous, but the professors are always available to discuss any concerns you may have about your studies.
Overall, Isabela State University College of Nursing offers an excellent education in a friendly atmosphere.