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About is Kaiser Permanente Medical School Accredited
For an exceptional premed student applying to medical school, the array of choices can be staggering. Many familiar, old guard names are likely to come up in your search—Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins, and so on. Now applicants have a new institution to add to their lists: the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine, where the inaugural class matriculated in July 2020.
Located in Pasadena, a few miles from Los Angeles, Kaiser Permanente Medical School has a strong focus on patient care, taking advantage of six clinical locations in Southern California. You may have heard of Kaiser Permanente, which has had residency programs since 1946, and offers health insurance and healthcare facilities, primarily in the western U.S.
Kaiser Permanente Medical School is also notable because it has promised to waive all four years of tuition for each of its first five classes. The prospect of a tuition-free MD alone makes Kaiser Permanente a more-than-appealing option for graduating premeds. It can, of course, lift the debt burden, and also free students to go into traditionally lower-paid specialties, or to pursue community health opportunities.
(Note: Although many hope that tuition-free medical schools will lead to more students pursuing primary care specialties, it is important to note that the Kaiser program does not place specific emphasis on any particular specialty. In fact, their website says, “We don’t require students to commit to any particular specialty. We encourage you to explore your interests at the school.”)
In this guide, we’ll provide the information you need to get into Kaiser Permanante Medical School, including admissions statistics, requirements, and advice and examples to help you tackle Kaiser’s secondary essays.
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Part 2: Kaiser Permanente Medical School MD programs
Kaiser Permanente offers several combined degree opportunities, in addition to the MD. Additional doctoral and master’s degrees are offered in partnership with other institutions in Southern California, and students must apply and be accepted at both schools.
Here are the paths via which you can earn an MD at Kaiser Permanente Medical School:
The traditional, four-year MD program
Doctor of Philosophy (MD/PhD) offered in partnership with the California Institute of Technology
MD/Master of Public Health (MD/MPH) offered in partnership with UCLA
MD/Master of Health Administration (MD/MHA) offered in partnership with the University of Southern California
MD/Master of Healthcare Systems Engineering (MD/MS) offered in partnership with Loyola Marymount University
Is Kaiser Permanente Medical School really free?
Kaiser Permanente Medical School has pledged to waive all four years of tuition and fees for its first five classes—through the 2024 entering class. This includes health insurance. However, according to their admissions website, students should expect estimated living expenses of $34,500, though “students with demonstrated financial need may be eligible for substantial grant aid to offset living expenses.”
Students admitted after the first five cohorts can expect to pay annual tuition as well as the aforementioned living expenses and health insurance costs. Tuition is currently advertised as costing $54,719 per year, but Kaiser notes that costs are subject to a 3 percent increase each year, meaning that the cost of attendance will certainly be higher by the time paying cohorts matriculate.
However, a variety of scholarships, loans, and grants are available to admitted students, regardless of the tuition and fee waiver, and Kaiser Permanente has a Financial Aid Officer to help you determine your eligibility.
Part 3: How hard is it to get into Kaiser Permanente Medical School?
Kaiser Medical School admissions statistics
Because the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine is such a recent addition to the medical school landscape, admissions data is scarce. They accept 48–50 students per class, and the promise to waive tuition attracted nearly 10,500 applicants for the inaugural class of 2024. Given such a large number of applications, we can estimate that the Kaiser acceptance rate is around 1 percent.
Who are the students that make the Kaiser cut? Here are some admissions statistics for Kaiser Medical School’s most recent class, the class of 2025:
Average MCAT: 516
Average GPA: 3.68
Median GPA: 3.74
(Suggested reading: Average GPA and MCAT Score for Every Medical School)
Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine is one of the newer medical schools— it matriculated its inaugural class of 50 students in 2020—but it is already one of the most competitive programs in the United States. With nearly 10,500 applicants in 2020-21, the medical school acceptance rate hovers around 0.05%.
Student working on a computer
Medical school student preparing her applications PHOTO BY ARTEM PODREZ FROM PEXELS
Interview with Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine
Moon Prep sat down with Dr. Lindia J. Willies-Jacobo, MD, the Senior Associate Dean for Admissions. This interview reveals what the new medical school is prioritizing in their applicants and how students can be competitive applicants with resumes full of meaningful experiences, even during a pandemic. The full interview can be viewed here.
Dr. Lindia Willies-Jacobo is the Senior Associate Dean for Admissions and Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity; Professor at Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine
Dr. Lindia Willies-Jacobo is the Senior Associate Dean for Admissions and Equity, Inclusion, and … [+] KAISER PERMANENTE BERNARD J. TYSON SCHOOL OF MEDICINE
Kristen Moon: What are the advantages and disadvantages of attending a newer medical school like Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine?
Dr. Lindia J. Willies-Jacobo: It’s something we talk with students about during recruitment. Students are extraordinarily risk-averse, making it more difficult to commit to a brand new med school. However, I would argue that being part of a new school allows students to be innovative at our school.
For example, one of the things we’ve said to our students is they get to provide us with a lot of feedback. As the inaugural class, they have a significant impact on the direction in which the school goes. It tends to be the class that leaves a legacy.
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The other piece I point out to students is that when you are building something new, you can think out of the box. I think when one goes to a traditional school that’s been around for 10 or 50 years, it’s a lot harder to enact even simple changes. With a new medical school, I think of it as a blank canvas that students really get to paint on.
Moon: What was the motivation for offering free tuition for the first five enrolling classes?
Willies-Jacobo: At our school, we do have free tuition and fees for any student who enrolls with us from between 2020-24. Many new schools do something similar and have built into that some level of tuition remission.
When you look at the cost of medical school education, it’s astronomical. By offering free tuition, it allows students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to consider coming to medical school.
It also allows the students the opportunities to select specialties that really align with their personal and professional values without thinking too much about how much they’re going to be remunerated as physicians later on. The reality is there are loans to be paid off. Students who may want to pursue primary care may decide otherwise because then the remuneration for someone who does primary care is often quite a bit less than someone who does a surgical specialty or another specialty. This frees students up to make specialty decisions beyond thinking about loan payments.
Moon: In 2020-21, the medical school received more than 10,000 applicants, with an acceptance rate of 0.05%. What did you prioritize in your evaluation?
Willies-Jacobo: It’s important to know and understand the mission of the school to which you’re applying. When mentoring students or talking to pre-med students, I emphasize putting together a portfolio that demonstrates mission alignment.
I’ve had people say, “Well, every application must look exactly the same,” but it doesn’t. We utilize a holistic approach, and what we are always looking at is whether the student’s personal narrative coupled with the experiences they’ve listed on their application and supportive letters of recommendation fit together in ways that show us that they are mission-aligned.
We designed our secondary or school-specific application and interview process in a way that allows students to demonstrate if their professional and personal goals are aligned with those of the school.
Moon: Another interesting statistic is that 30% or more of your students are non-science majors. How can these non-science majors stand out?
Willies-Jacobo: Unlike when I went to med school when it seemed like everyone was a science major, we now know that depending on the school, you can have upward of 30-40% of non-science majors in your applicant pool. Each year, we see more and more of these types of students applying for medical school.
When we are assessing applicants for readiness for medical school, there are still prerequisites and recommended courses that every student has to take. We want to ensure that students who are non-same majors can also demonstrate readiness from a science perspective. Many non-science students are still academically strong, but they also bring so much value to the institution. Many non-science majors often see things very holistically and with an entirely different set of lenses.
Moon: Can you tell me about your interview process?
Willies-Jacobo: We use the hybrid model because we know that some students tend to thrive in one-on-one interviews, and others may do better in the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI). The hybrid method allows us to attract a diverse pool of students.
This past cycle, we did something very similar but pivoted to a virtual platform. To do so, we cut back on the number of MMI stations because we knew that Zoom fatigue is real. With the hybrid approach, we often will compare how they performed in the MMI versus the traditional interview.

We do find that extroverted students tend to do a lot better in MMI stations. You have to be a self-starter in terms of conversation, and we find that more extroverted students tend to warm up more quickly than introverted students who require a little bit more time.
Moon: How would you recommend students prepare for the hybrid interview?
Willies-Jacobo: I’m a huge believer in practice. Of course, some people suggest that you can’t practice, but I disagree with that.
I typically encourage students to meet with a mentor and review practice MMI stations or questions to have them practice responding to them. In a virtual space, it is a little harder to answer interview questions because you’re not getting as many cues as you would in person.
I remind students that anything that they put in their application is fair game, so remember what you listed. For example, review your research experience, community-based experiences, extracurriculars because inevitably it’s going to come on their interviews. There’s nothing worse than applying in June, getting interviewed in November and having not a clue what you wrote down.
Moon: How many students do you interview each year and accept?
Willies-Jacobo: We interviewed a little over 700 candidates for about 50 spots. Typically it ends up being about a two-to-one ratio in terms of acceptance versus who ends up matriculating, which is about average for a school of our size.
Moon: How important is it to apply early in the cycle?
Willies-Jacobo: Please apply early. This past year, 60,000 candidates applied to med school, and in any given year, about 60% of students don’t get into med school.
If you apply in September or October, it takes four to six weeks for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) to verify the files. Even though you’re a phenomenal candidate, you might not get an interview because school runs out of interview spots.
Moon: How has Covid-19 affected the admission process for students?
Willies-Jacobo: On the national level, there was an 18% increase in applications. Personally, we had an 11% increase in our applications. But another thing that we saw was to make adjustments for the number of experiences that students list on their applications. Students had Fulbright Scholarships canceled. Students had research or volunteer experiences go virtual or canceled altogether. In-person shadowing was also completely off the table.
We did see an increase in students working as Covid-19 contact tracers or virtual medical scribes. Although they couldn’t go into hospitals, they still found virtual experiences. We had a lot of students being innovative and really rose to the occasion and made do with what was a very, very challenging admissions cycle.
Moon: What type of services do you provide students to help them succeed?
Willies-Jacobo: Support comes from our Office of Student Affairs. Wellness is a core value, so we have the wellness program coordinator. We also have a clinical psychologist on-site, and one of the things we’ve tried to do at the school is to normalize mental health. We’ve encouraged every student to check in with our clinical psychologists at least two to three times in the first year.
We also have pretty robust academic support for the student. We have someone who works with them on study skills and strategies. I also want to highlight our coaching program; every student is paired with a physician coach. Students meet several times a year with their coaching groups. This is a pretty distinctive and forward-thinking aspect of our program.
Students can learn more about Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine and submit their application through the American Medical College Application System (AMCAS).
Kaiser Permanente Medical School admissions requirements
There are no minimum requirements for GPA and MCAT scores, according to their admissions website. However, based on the admissions data above, we can see that the average GPA and MCAT score are relatively high. Applicants can assume, based on the class size (48–50 spots), that Kaiser Permanente’s standards will be selective and rigorous, as is the case for most California medical schools.
Kaiser Permanente lists the following required coursework:
Behavioral or social science: One semester or quarter (examples include anthropology, economics, ethnic studies, psychology, and sociology)
General biology: One year with lab
General or inorganic chemistry, or equivalent: One year with lab
General physics: One year with lab
Humanities: One semester or quarter (examples include art, English, history, literature, and philosophy)
In addition, courses in organic chemistry and biochemistry, calculus, statistics, public health (e.g. population health or epidemiology), and foreign language are recommended.
To apply to Kaiser Medical School in the 2021–2022 application cycle, you’ll need to submit an MCAT score earned between July 2019 and September 2021.
Their admissions website stresses, however, that each applicant will be considered holistically, and that admissions officers will be looking not only at your grades and test scores, but at your achievements in context. They’ll want to understand who you are, what you started with, and how you made the best of your opportunities. There’s no better place to showcase these qualitative aspects of your application than in your secondary essays.
(Suggested reading: Medical School Requirements: The Definitive Guide)
Kaiser Permanente Medical School application timeline
You’ll submit your application to Kaiser Permanente Medical School via AMCAS. Here is a timeline of dates you’ll need to be aware of during the admissions process:
May 3, 2021: AMCAS application opens
May 27, 2021: AMCAS application can be submitted
July 2021: Kaiser secondary application opens
August 2021–March 2022: Interviews conducted
October 1, 2021: AMCAS application deadline
October 2021–March 2022: Offers of admission sent
November 1, 2021: Kaiser secondary application deadline
April 30, 2022: Deadline to commit to only one school
Kaiser Medical School employs rolling admissions, so you should plan to submit your primary and secondary applications as early as possible without sacrificing quality. Kaiser does not pre-screen for its secondary application, so all applicants who complete the AMCAS application will be invited to complete the secondary application as well.
(Suggested reading: The Ideal Medical School Application Timeline)
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Part 4: Kaiser Permanente Medical School secondary application essays (examples included)
With your AMCAS application behind you, you can devote your energy to crafting exceptional secondary essays. These essays tell the story of who you are in a way that can’t be accomplished with grades and test scores alone, and for this reason, they’re a vital part of your Kaiser Permanente Medical School application.

The 2021–2022 Kaiser secondary prompts are listed below, as well as strategies and sample essays.
Question 1: During your career as a physician, you will potentially encounter many obstacles and be required to overcome many challenges. Resilience is a prerequisite for success in medical school and beyond. Describe your experience with a situation that had an unfavorable outcome. How did you react, and how might you have responded differently. What did you learn about yourself? (250 words)
This is similar to the standard “adversity prompt,” which we cover in our guide to secondary essays. The difference is that, rather than ask how you overcame an obstacle, this prompt asks how you dealt with “an unfavorable outcome” and grew as a person because of it. Instead of asking for an example of success, as one would expect, it asks essentially for an example of disappointment. This is tricky, as there are obvious pitfalls to admitting an unfavorable outcome.
As with the standard adversity prompt, admissions officers want to see that you’ve handled obstacles and disappointments with grace, and that you emerged a better, wiser person after these experiences. Obviously, you don’t want to list an unfavorable outcome that makes you look really bad or negligent.
But disappointing outcomes are par for the course in the medical field, and how you deal with them will be an important part of what makes you an exceptional physician. Your focus with this prompt should be on your growth as a person—“what you learned about yourself”—rather than the unfavorable outcome itself.
Here’s an example:
For the past few years, I’ve been a volunteer for a community garden in Denver. We work with local food banks and community organizers, delivering fresh produce in the warmer months to low income residents, as well as advocate for plant-based diets.
My first year in the program, I got to know Hector. He was in his 50s and had diabetes. His left leg had been amputated, and he was wheelchair-bound. We delivered to him three times a month, discussing how a plant-based diet would lead to better health outcomes and help him manage his diabetes.
I grew close to Hector and his Boston terrier, Kermit. He was one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. We talked about the Broncos, which he loved. I hoped we could help Hector change his health situation, and while we improved his quality of life, enabling him to better manage his diabetes, in the end, he passed away.
This broke my heart. It showed me that, in many ways, our intervention was “too late” for Hector and made me determined to get involved in patients’ lives earlier, on a personal and population level, before they get diabetes. I also understand that sometimes the best you can do is help someone manage the illness they’re living with, and I want to be the best physician I can be for that, too. I would bring this understanding to Kaiser Permanente Medical School.
What makes this a good response?
The applicant chooses an example of an “unfavorable outcome” that doesn’t actually involve failure or negligence on her part, but which does demonstrate that she understands challenges, and which inspires her to adopt exactly the kind of attitude toward health that Kaiser hopes to cultivate.
Question 2: Kaiser Permanente is nationally recognized for its achievements in the realm of equity, inclusion, and diversity. How will you contribute to the diversity of Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine? (250 words)
This is a straightforward example of the typical “diversity prompt,” which is also given a full treatment in our aforementioned secondary essay guide. Diversity is crucial for medical school admissions officers because, as a physician, you’ll encounter a wide variety of patients from different cultures and contexts. They also want to foster an eclectic student body, in which students’ varying experiences contribute to a rich fusion of ideas and perspectives.
The diversity prompt is not limited to those from racial and socioeconomic minorities. If you examine your experiences closely, you’re likely to find a way in which your perspective is unique.
Though not required, if you can answer this question in a way that feels specific to Kaiser Permanente, you should do so. Perhaps you or a family member have had medical issues in the past and have sought treatment at a Kaiser Permanente heath center. Or perhaps you grew up in an underserved community in the Los Angeles area and hope to take part in one of Kaiser Permanente Medical School’s community outreach programs. If it’s at all possible to connect your unique experience to Kaiser Permanente specifically, then this is the place to do it.
Here’s a sample:
I was lucky to grow up in Brookline, Massachusetts around all the healthcare I needed. When my mom got breast cancer, it was detected so early that the doctors called it “stage zero,” which I didn’t know existed. When a friend needed emergency contraception, I drove her to the pharmacy, where she got it easily and affordably.
I also grew up with an understanding that this was the exception, rather than the rule. My progressive Synagogue taught me it was my job as a young Jewish person to practice “tikkun olam,” the healing of the world. When I started to express interest in medicine, my mom suggested I volunteer with Planned Parenthood. I held women’s hands as they asked me if their abortions would be painful, and watched healthcare providers offer nonjudgmental care to women afraid to disclose information about their sexual partners. As my fluency in Spanish grew, I served as interpreter sometimes.
I learned to simply normalize the experience of being there. I came to understand how much I don’t know about other people’s experiences, and I developed a default attitude of humility that I will always carry with me.
I’m applying to Kaiser because I’m drawn to the school’s clear mission: to prepare students for specialties like pediatrics and family medicine. I’ll bring my respect for others’ experiences to California.
What works about this essay?
The applicant doesn’t try to manufacture difference—she discusses how she has interacted with a diverse array of patients while also explaining her philosophical orientation toward and respect for diversity.
We get to know who she is and encounter her humility, which draws us directly into her career plans and how Kaiser can help her achieve them.
Question 3: Lifelong learning is an essential process for continued professional development in physicians that includes reflection and being open and responsive to constructive feedback. Tell us about an area of intellectual exploration you are passionate about and have sustained over time. What means have you used to explore this area? (250 words)
This prompt gives you the opportunity to talk about what motivates you, intellectually, and the steps you’ve taken to pursue your interests. While you should be honest here, whatever passion you choose to write about should have to do with healthcare or health-related sciences. If it isn’t, you should try to connect it to healthcare!
You want to show that you’re intellectually serious, and that what motivates you now will motivate a career’s worth of research and service. Though it’s not absolutely necessary to write about a medical specialty here, feel free to do so.
Here’s an example:
My earliest memory of going to the doctor involves my pediatrician’s necktie. He had a Christmas tie with Rudolph on it, and if you pressed a button, a battery-powered speaker in the tie played “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” I was going to the doctor a lot then because of serious health issues. What I remember most is not the anxiety, but rather this friendly man with his zany tie who made me feel better.

In part because of these experiences, I’ve always wanted to work in pediatrics. I love working with children and want to give them the same childhood experience of doctors that I had: one that is free of fear and anxiety. In my junior year at UC Berkeley, I’ve worked part-time with CERCH (the Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health), helping to study the impacts of poor air quality on children—particularly children from vulnerable socioeconomic backgrounds. I believe that this kind of research is necessary and important, especially as we confront a world increasingly affected by climate change and relaxed environmental regulations.
I wanted to apply to Kaiser Permanente Medical School partly because of the flexibility provided by the tuition waiver. Pediatrics is one of the least lucrative specialties, but with the freedom from student loan debt that Kaiser Permanente provides, I can pursue my passion without having to worry so much about financial factors.
What’s working well here?
The applicant focuses on a single specialty and imbues her passion with an emotional core. She’s not just interested in pediatrics on an intellectual level. For her, it matters on principle, as a part of who she is. This lets admissions officers know that pediatrics is a lifelong interest, rather than just a temporary fascination.
She’s honest about how the elimination of a tuition burden will enable her to practice her desired specialty. One of the main benefits of waiving tuition is that it encourages medical students to be motivated by their passions rather than their pocketbooks. Students are much more likely to pursue careers in lower-paying fields (pediatrics, family medicine) if they can avoid exorbitant student loan debt. The applicant here knows this and illustrates why she’s a perfect candidate for just such a program.
Question 4: Please describe how you have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. (Optional) (Unlimited length)
Let’s break down the intent of this prompt: it provides space to explain how the COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted you, allowing you to be seen holistically in the event that the pandemic disrupted your education, test taking, application preparation, or other relevant circumstances.
While it’s highly likely that the pandemic has impacted you in one or more of these ways, keep in mind that this is an optional essay. As such, we don’t recommend using it to excuse relatively minor missteps or outcomes you wish had turned out differently, such as receiving a B in a virtual class when you believe you would have received an A in person.
Rather, an essay that responds to this prompt should discuss reasons why the pandemic has truly kept you from putting your best foot forward. For example, perhaps you were supposed to work in a lab during your gap year but the lab has been shut down. Or, to offer another example, maybe you were prevented from taking the MCAT because testing centers near you were closed and then booked solid for months.
Whatever the circumstances are that you believe merit explanation, keep your response concise and factual, remembering that your goal is to explain why the scenario should not prevent you from being considered a strong applicant.
Our secondary essay guide offers further insight on the COVID essay, plus an example essay.
Part 5: Kaiser Permanente Medical School interview
An invitation to interview is cause for relief. It means that you were impressive on paper. Now they want to see how you are face-to-face, and whether your interpersonal skills make you a good match.
In the 2021–2022 application cycle, all interviews will be held virtually. Kaiser Permanente uses a combination of the MMI format and the standard one-on-one interview format. In addition, your virtual interview day will include a welcome from the Associate Dean for Admissions, virtual student engagement, a tour, and remarks from other Kaiser Deans.
MMI interviews tests your thought processes in various hypothetical situations and are therefore harder to prepare for, but there are frameworks you can use to work through any scenario. If you’ve written in your secondary essays about research in which you’ve participated or a field of medicine about which you feel passionate, you should be prepared to talk about it at length with your interlocutors. It will also help to have a working knowledge of the programs on offer at Kaiser Permanente, and how you might be able to further your research there.
Above all, remain consistent with your essays in your one-on-one interviews, and if possible, find a way to tie your experiences or interests to the opportunities Kaiser Permanente has to offer.
Final thoughts
With their generous tuition waiver and their commitment to equity, inclusion, and diversity, the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine is an exciting new choice for anyone pursuing their white coat.
The Kaiser Permanente name is a renowned one in healthcare, and therefore, if you plan on applying to the Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine, you’ll inevitably face tough competition.
Though the cohort is only 48–50 students, what will set you apart from other applicants will be the qualitative aspects of your application, such as the comprehensive picture portrayed in your secondary essays. The program will want to see that they are as right for you as you are for them. This means you’ll need to understand and appeal to the unique opportunities offered by Kaiser Permanente Medical School to seal the deal and get accepted.
About the Author
Dr. Shirag Shemmassian is the Founder of Shemmassian Academic Consulting and one of the world’s foremost experts on medical school admissions. For nearly 20 years, he and his team have helped thousands of students get into medical school using his exclusive approach.
Kaiser Permanente is Unranked in Best Medical Schools: Research and Unranked in Best Medical Schools: Primary Care. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.
The Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine is an medical school associated with the Kaiser Permanente health system and located in Pasadena, California.
Kaiser Permanente created the school to train “future physicians in 21st century medicine. The school plans to use modern educational techniques and integrate the three disciplines of clinical, biomedical, and health system science in each week’s curriculum. The school will also emphasize equity, inclusion, and diversity; service learning; student wellness; advocacy and leadership; interprofessional collaboration; and global health in its curricular experiences.