Excellent Student to Faculty Ratio

Student to faculty ratio is a common metric used to gauge the number of teaching resources a school provides for its students. With 7 students for every one instructional faculty member, Kenrick Glennon Seminary ranks among the best colleges when compared to the national average of 15.

Breakdown of Instructional Staff

The following table shows all the employees the school considers instructional, and therefore, part of the above student-to-faculty ratio. These include both those employees designated as either “primarily instructional” or as “instructional combined with research/public service”. It does not include employees that have been identified by Kenrick Glennon Seminary as primarily performing research or public service.

TotalFull TimePart TimePercent Full Time
Total of Instructional Employees27161159.3%
โ€ƒโ€ƒTotal of Those With Faculty Status27161159.3%
โ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒTenured Faculty
โ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒOn Tenure Track
โ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒNot on Tenure Track27161159.3%
โ€ƒโ€ƒWithout Faculty Status
โ€ƒโ€ƒGraduate Assistants

This Campus is Filled with Full-Time Teachers

Kenrick Glennon Seminary has more full-time teachers than the average school, with 59.0% of instructors teaching full time.


  1. Choose a Degree LevelDiplomaCertificateAssociateBachelor’sContinuing EducationGraduate CertificateMaster’sDoctoralPost-doctoral Certificate
  2. Choose a CategoryArt and DesignBusinessCriminal Justice and LegalEducationGeneral StudiesHealthcareInformation TechnologyPsychologyScience and EngineeringTrade Skills
  3. Sponsored Schools

No Such Thing as Tenure at This School

This school does not have a tenure system, and so we are unable to call out the number of ‘adjuncts’ due to all teachers being considered non-tenure track. This can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the school. We encourage you to understand this topic more deeply, and how the colleges you are interested in approach faculty hiring. It’s your education and your money on the line. Make sure you know what you are getting for it.

Fr. James Mason, J.D.
Formation Advisor

J.D., 1993 University of Minnesota Law School
S.T.B., Pontifical University of St. Thomas – Angelicum, Rome
KGS since 2014
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Hoesing New
Fr. Paul Hoesing
Vice Rector for Formation

B.A., 1998 University of Saint Thomas
B.A., 2001 Pontifical Gregorian University
S.T.L. 2003 Pontifical Gregorian University
KGS since 2015
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Fr. Fadi Auro
Director of Pre-Theology and Assistant for Formation
Assistant Professor of Philosophy

B.A., 2003 Christendom College
Ph.L., 2008 Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome
M.A. and M.Div., 2012 Kenrick School of Theology
KGS since 2017
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Fr. Jason Schumer
Vice-Rector for Cardinal Glennon College
Assistant Professor of Sacramental and Liturgical Theology

B.A., 2006 Cardinal Glennon College Seminary through Saint Louis University
S.T.L, 2011 Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome
S.Th.D., 2017 Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome
KGS since 2012
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Dr. Edward Hogan
Academic Dean
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology

B.S., 1992 University of Scranton
Ph.D., 2001 Boston College
KGS since 2010
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Fr. Donald Anstoetter
Director of Worship
Assistant Professor of Sacramental-Liturgical Theology

B.A., 2007 Catholic University of America
Ph.L., 2008 Catholic University of America
S.T.B., 2011 Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome
S.T.L., 2013 Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm
KGS since 2013
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Dr. Andrew Chronister
Associate Professor of Patristics and Ancient Languages

B.A., 2009 University of Notre Dame
M.T.S., 2011 University of Notre Dame
Ph.D., 2016 Saint Louis University
KGS since 2016
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Mrs Joanne Criscione
Assistant Director of Psychological and Counseling Services

B.A., 1977 Saint Louis University
B.S.W., 1978 St. Louis University
M.S.W. 1984 University of Missouri-Columbia
KGS since 2018

Fr. Paul Eberle
Spiritual Director

B.A., 2002 North Dakota State University
M.A., M.Div., 2005 Kenrick Glennon Seminary
Certificate in Spiritual Direction, 2011 Institute for Priestly Formation
KGS since 2021
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Dr. Stephen Fahrig
Associate Professor of Biblical Theology

B.S., 1996 Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
S.T.L., 2008 Weston Jesuit School of Theology
S.T.D., 2013 Boston College
KGS since 2019
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Dr. Lawrence Feingold
Associate Professor of Theology & Philosophy

B.A., 1981 Washington University
M.A., 1983 Columbia University
S.T.B., 1995 Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome
S.T.L., 1998 Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome
S.T.D., 1999 Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome
KGS since 2011
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Dr. John Finley
Professor of Philosophy

B.A., 1999 Thomas Aquinas College
M.A., 2003 University of Dallas
Ph.D., 2010 University of Dallas
KGS since 2012
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Fr. Benjamin Sawyer
Assistant Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology
Formation Advisor

B.A., 2005 University of Dallas
M.A., M.Div., 2009 Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary
S.T.L. 2017 Pontifical Gregorian University
KGS since 2020
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Dr. Susanne M. Harvath
Director of Psychological and Counseling Services
Professor of Pastoral Counseling

B.A., 1972 Saint Louis University
M.A., 1974 Washington University
Ph.D., 1982 Saint Louis University
KGS since 1990
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Fr. Donald Henke
Associate Professor of Moral Theology and Bioethics
Formation Advisor

B.A., 1988 St. Louis University
S.T.B., 1991 Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome
S.T.L., 1993 Accademia Alfonsiana, Rome
D.Th.M., 2004 Accademia Alfonsiana, Rome

KGS since 2016
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Dcn. James Keating
Professor of Spiritual Theology

Formation Advisor/Spiritual Direction

B.A., 1980 Siena College
M.A., 1983 Fordham University
Ph.D., 1995 Duquesne University
KGS since 2020
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Dr. David Morris
Director of the Library

B.A., 2004 University of Illinois at Chicago
M.Litt., 2006 University of St. Andrews (UK)
M.S., 2014 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ph.D., 2018 University of Notre Dame
KGS since 2021
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Msgr. James J. Ramacciotti
Cardinal Burke Chair of Canon Law
Assistant Professor of Canon Law
Formation Advisor

B.A. 1981 Cardinal Glennon College
M.Div., 1985 Kenrick School of Theology
J.C.L., 1995 Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome
KGS since 1995
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Fr.M. Ross Romero S.J.
Associate Professor of Philosophy

B.A., 1989 Loyola University New Orleans
M.A., 1997 Louisiana State University
M.Div., 2005 Boston College
Th.M, 2005 Boston College
Ph.D., 2013 Boston College
KGS since 2021
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Fr. Charles Samson
Assistant Professor of Biblical Theology

B.A., 2009 Cardinal Glennon College
S.T.B., 2012 Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome
S.S.L., 2015 Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome
S.T.D., (anticipated 2021) Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome
KGS since 2018
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Kenrick Glennon Seminary Application



The formation program of Cardinal Glennon College admits young men who:

  • are desirous to discern a call to the Priesthood and
  • are sponsored by their local Ordinary (Bishop or Provincial Superior)

Applicants should not apply directly for the College for admittance, but should first contact the proper representative of the Bishop or Provincial Superior, usually the Director of Vocations.

Young men from the Archdiocese of Saint Louis who seek an application to Cardinal Glennon College should contact Fr. Brian Fallon, Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Saint Louis, at BrianFallon@archstl.org.

For further information about Cardinal Glennon College, please contact Fr. Jason Schumer, Vice-Rector for Cardinal Glennon College, at schumer@kenrick.edu.

*Note: men who are admitted as seminarians to the formation program of Cardinal Glennon College need to apply to become students at Saint Louis University. Admission to Saint Louis University is a separate process. For additional information regarding Saint Louis University and their admission process to the School of Philosophy and Letters, please visit the SLU Website. The Registrar of Cardinal Glennon College can answer most questions about this process.


A man begins the application process for admission to Cardinal Glennon College with the Director of Vocations. Often this meeting is not the first contact between the Vocation Director and the aspirant, as the slow cultivation of a relationship which creates a certain level of trust is usually necessary for a young man to open up enough to approach the Vocation Director about an interior desire to consider the Priesthood more formally. But through the first contact conversation or series of conversations, the Vocation Director obtains basic information to determine suitability of the aspirant for seminary formation. Information includes residence, family, home parish, educational background, academic performance, marital or vowed religious status, and personal history.

For men aspiring to the diocesan priesthood in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis, the application for acceptance as a seminarian for the Archdiocese and the application for admissions to Cardinal Glennon College Seminary are united in one comprehensive application package. Specific application components include:

  1. The Director of Vocations will interview each applicant, inform him of the process of application, and gather the following documentation:
  2. Completed application to Cardinal Glennon College (includes in-depth record of personal, family, educational, employment, ecclesiastical/canonical, legal and financial history)
  3. Official Academic Transcripts to Cardinal Glennon College.
  4. Report of Health Examinations and Immunization Records, including HIV test results, eye and dental examinations
  5. Behavioral and Psychological Assessments
  6. Sacramental Records (Baptismal and Confirmation Certificates)
  7. Autobiographical Essay which communicates the desire for the priesthood and a personal autobiographical interpretation of how God has worked through significant others and events in the applicantโ€™s life; the essay also requires an applicant to reflect on the gifts he believes have been given to him by God and how they might be employed in the priesthood
  8. Insurance Information (health and automobile)
  9. Criminal Records and Identification Information
  10. Letters of Recommendation, one of which must be from the applicantโ€™s Pastor
  11. Evaluation Summary Requests from the Rectors of any previous seminaries attended
  12. Once the application package is complete, the Vocation Director makes a final review of the application, and if the applicant is deemed suitable, the application is forwarded to the Vice-Rector for Cardinal Glennon College. (Note: For those men applying to enter first or second year, admission to Cardinal Glennon College is dependent upon an applicantโ€™s admission to Saint Louis University.)
  13. An interview with the Vice-Rector for Cardinal Glennon College is scheduled for the applicant. Upon positive recommendations from this Admissions Committee, the Vice-Rector for Cardinal Glennon College communicates his decision for admission to the Vocation Director who, in turn, sends a letter to the Archbishop asking him to sponsor the applicant.
  14. The Archbishop of Saint Louis sends a letter of sponsorship to the applicant, formally completing the application process to Cardinal Glennon College. A copy of this letter is sent to the Vocation Director and the Vice-Rector for Cardinal Glennon College.

Application Deadline:All applications for admission to the Formation Program of Cardinal Glennon College Seminary and the Academic Program of Saint Louis University for the Fall semester must be completed and received by the Vice-Rector for Cardinal Glennon College Seminary and the Office of Undergraduate Admission at St. Louis University before April 30 for early registration privileges and no later than July 31.

In order to be considered for admission to the Formation Program of Cardinal Glennon College, all applicants must be graduates of accredited secondary schools or must have successfully completed and passed the General Educational Diploma (GED) examination. Under ordinary circumstances, applications to Cardinal Glennon College Seminary are considered only for the fall semester. Transfer applicants who seek to enter the Seminary during the spring semester will be considered under special circumstances (for example, previous seminary enrollment).


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