What if I told you that your search just ended and you need not stress your self anymore about looking for the right information on the list of hbcu in Virginia as the article below brings you the best information on it.
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Best Colleges In Virginia
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Black Colleges In New York
Norfolk State University
4 Year Norfolk, VA
Rating 3.49 out of 5 1,453 reviews
Junior: Behold the Green and Gold! Norfolk State University is a 4 year historically Black college that is known for its immaculate STEM and athletic programs. It has a very rich and diverse culture within its student body campus. This school is located in the Norfolk/ Hampton Roads area and is the highlight of Norfolk’s education system. As a student at Norfolk State, you can always expect to be doing something on campus. The Spartan tradition offers daily activities during the day that are inclusive for all types of students. This type of learning environment offers hands-on and top of the line resources such as the new Writing Center and the Spartan Sucess center. The main goal for the students of Norfolk State is to create professional individuals to become leaders in the world. Therefore, If you are looking for a school with diversity, culture, and tradition; then, Norfolk State is for you!
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Hampton University
4 Year Hampton, VA
Rating 3.23 out of 5 2,072 reviews
Sophomore: Hampton University is one of the most prestigious HBCUs in the country; it’s rooted in tradition and history. Hampton pushes me out of my comfort zone, and pushes me academically and socially. Professors create warm and fun learning environments, that allow for open discussions. The buildings need updates, especially considering how expensive the tuition is, and the quality of the food could be much better. Hampton opened a plethora of networking and connections for me. I constantly get emails about opportunities to grow my skills and resume. There are numerous clubs on campus, and if there is not a club that suits your interests, teachers, and mentors will help you get one started. Hampton prepares young African American and black students on how to be great adults and professionals in the real world, while still teaching them how to embrace diversity. Looking for a university that pushes you academically and has amazing support, then Hampton University is the place to be!
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Virginia State University
4 Year Petersburg, VA
Rating 3.45 out of 5 1,252 reviews
Freshman: When i think about my college experience at VSU , there are many things that come to mind. Some of them are: good memories, bad memories, mistakes, lessons, happiness, heartbreak, misfortune, joy, drama, and most importantly, fun. College to me seemed like it past by really fast, almost too fast sometimes. I learned many valuable life lessons as well as made life long friends. I learned the value of hard work, dedication, and also how to tell your real friends from the others. It was tough but overall a great experience that i will soon miss. When I think about college and all the memories, some of them were good, an some of them were bad. Most of the good memories involved my good friends and most of the bad memories involved just me. Some examples of good memories in college is just like going to the different sports games with my friends. My friends and I attended many of the football games, basketball games and some baseball games.
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Virginia Union University
4 Year Richmond, VA
Rating 3.3 out of 5 523 reviews
Freshman: It’s a great school! They truly care about their students!I always wanted to attend a black college.It was HOME. Having grown up in a predominately white neighborhood, I had never been around so many beautiful black people at one time!
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Virginia University of Lynchburg
4 Year Lynchburg, VA
Rating 3.32 out of 5 25 reviews
Sophomore: I feel that Virginia University of Lynchburg is a great college to attend. The instructors are awesome with their teaching. The campus is small and so are the classes therefore its more of a comfortable learning environment. I would not change anything this is a great college.
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