If you want to study medicine in Europe, but aren’t sure which medical schools accept transfer students, we have prepared a list of the most important medical schools in Europe where you can study medicine and start your career as a doctor after finishing 2 years of study. We hope that this list will be helpful to you and that you won’t face any problems finding information about medical schools in Europe.
Looking for a list of medical schools that accept transfer students? Here are every medical school in the U.S. and medical schools outside the U.S., as well as some transfer-friendly colleges with full-time M.D. programs that do not require applicants to complete pre-requisite undergraduate classes after transferring as juniors from community college or another four-year school.

How to Transfer Universities in Europe
If you are already enrolled in a University that we are not affiliated with studying medicine, dentistry or veterinary science, or any programme related to medicine at large, we can help you shift gears in your academic career by transferring you to one of our partner Universities.
At Study Medicine Europe we receive numerous requests every year from students who are not happy with their current university programme, either because they are paying very high tuition fees for what they receive at their current school, or because there is little or no financial support or funding (such as bursaries, scholarships or student loans) to cover their tuition and other expenses.

There is even the circumstances where the student’s current course is in a language other than English and they may wish to study in an English-taught programme, or they may have just began studying at an academic institution in a field that they do not enjoy and wish to switch into a course track that leads to a medical degree in order to become a physician, dentist or veterinary.
Whatever the case may be, we can help you pursue your academic dream at one of our partner Universities with which we have special agreements, by finding solutions that are aligned to your dreams and qualifications as well as your budget. We may even be able to help you count some or all of your existing credits to accelerate your studies by one or many semesters into senior years.
More specifically, even if you already have or are working on acquiring a degree from a university inside or outside the EU, or have credits from university courses that are not officially recognized in the UK, the EU or elsewhere, we can help you get these credits recognized by placing you in a study stream that overlaps these with medical studies subjects, thus placing you in good stead for entering a medical degree stream (even within a higher semester or year), especially if your current, previous, or incomplete studies were or are in fields related to sciences, biomedics, pharmacy, nursing, or dietetics, among other related fields. To ensure that your existing credits in any field,

Medical Schools that Accept International Transfer Students
- Find out about medical schools in Europe that accept transfer students.
- No entrance exam required for a successful transfer in Europe.
- Guaranteed successful transfer or a full refund back.
- Lots of services and full support throughout the transfer process and while studying at your new university.
- Transfer to medical universities with lower tuition.
- Get an instant answer on your year of entry by simply submitting an application.
- We count every ECTS credit you have and transfer that to your new medical program.
- No matter how complicated your case is, we will transfer you into the year you ask for, or you will get a full refund back.
- Full recognition and equivalence of academic studies in previous medical university.
- Entry into a higher course, so you do not have to start from year one. Skip the years that you have already studied.
- Guaranteed medical university transfer from Biomedical Science to Medicine or Dentistry.
Why Should I Consider Studying Medicine Abroad?
The number of applications for places on UK medical programmes far outstrips the number of places available. This places UK admissions teams, schools and students in a very difficult position.

Many aspiring doctors feel they are able to apply to Medical Schools in the UK. And a lot of those that do apply miss out on a place.
Studying an alternative degree, such as Biomedical Sciences, has been seen as the logical alternative, giving the student the chance to make another application to Medical School later, with a more developed academic profile.
There is, however, still no guarantee of a place, and not many students choose to spend £27,000 in tuition fees for a degree that is not their first choice.
Now, hundreds of aspiring doctors are looking to Europe to complete their medical training. And many report that the education and facilities are of an impressive standard. Plus the tuition fees and living costs are lower.
Are European Medical Courses Taught In English?
With English being the international language of education and research, more and more overseas universities are teaching their Medicine programmes in English.
This gives students from all over the world greater access to the benefits offered by what are often highly regarded and respected universities.
Which European Universities Teach Medicine In English?
This is a selection, but is not exhaustive. You can see more information about these, including entry requirements and tuition fees, in our European Medical School Comparison Table.
- University of Nicosia Medical School, Cyprus
- Plovdiv Medical University, Bulgaria
- Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
- Humanitas University, Italy
- Palacky University, Czech Republic
- Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- Riga Stradins University, Latvia
- Debrecen University, Hungary
- Lithuania University of Health Sciences, Lithuana
- Universita Degli Studi Di Milano, Italy
Can I Practice In The UK After Studying Medicine Abroad?
Many European universities have a long history of medical education and are at the forefront of research, with graduates working in medical posts around the world.
British graduates from a Medicine programme in the European Economic Area are eligible to apply for General Medical Council registration in the UK without sitting the PLAB exam.
We have a dedicated page on transitioning back to the UK after studying Medicine abroad.
Is Studying Medicine Abroad Right For Me?
Studying Medicine abroad is a good option for some, but won’t be right for everyone. It should not be considered an ‘easy’ option.
You will be signing up to studying a challenging degree in another country for six years of your life. You will also be learning the language of the country you are studying in, because, while your studies and exams are in English, you will be communicating with patients in their native language.

You will have to finance your studies and living costs with limited access to student finance, although studying Medicine in Europe does tend to be much cheaper than doing so in the UK.
Medical University Transfer
Medical University Transfer: based on ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), most of medical University partners accept medical student transfer from accredited university. Thanks to ECTS system, medical transfer students can move from one faculty (medicine, dental medicine – dentistry, pharmacy etc. in English, French, Romania, Bulgarian etc.) in Europe .
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System is the system used by universities and higher education institutions in the mobility context across the European Union and other collaborating European countries. It is used to draw up the study contract between the student, the host institution and the home institution, each course being credited with an ECTS value. Like credits, the ECTS weighting for each course is calculated according to the overall volume of work required of the student; it is not limited exclusively to hours attending courses.
The course programmes are presented in credits or ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). A credit is a unit corresponding to the workload of a student for a module, within the course programme. It takes into account the hours spent in lectures but also the practical work, seminars, laboratory work, work experience, individual work, research and practices, etc.
The numerical value between 1 and 60 allocated to each course expresses the total amount of work which the student must put in for the course, including attendance at theoretical and practical classes, seminars and laboratory sessions as well as placements, research work or prices, and individual work – in the library or at home. The time needed for exams and other assessment methods is also included in the calculation. ECTS is closely related to other efforts to modernise higher education in Europe.
In the context of ECTS, 60 credits represent one academic year’s work and in general, 30 credits are equivalent to a term’s study.
Medical Transfer Students Application

As international medical transfer student for placement in advanced year of the academic program, you have to follow the same admission in the same way as for the new student unless he has been studying in Romania before.
As international transfer student, after your arrival in Romania, you will be assessed individually by a committee of professors at the university who take into account various criteria. So we cannot tell you in advance in which academic year your will be placed in.
The professors committee will match your credits to the program in Romania and then make a list of “difference” subjects/credits that you will have to complete (in case of need) to get on level with the Romanian program. This commission decides for 100% upon the papers you bring in, so it is advisable to present the most complete documentation of your previous School or University results.
Each outstanding subject credit must be recovered via a difference exam. These exams are taken at the faculty at an agreed upon date. You cannot advance to the next year if you have more than 5 difference exams; or lacks a subject that is a pre-requisite for the preceding year.
In Romania you can apply for a transfer up to the 5th year for the study program of 6 years. 4th year transfers would usually be coming from a university where they completed 4 years of study or more. For the study program of 4 years, you can apply for transfer up to third year. You need at list 2 years at Romanian university in order to have un Romanian diploma.

It is also possible for someone who completed 3 years of study to get accepted into the 4th year of the Romanian program if the course structure at the previous university was closely matched to the Romanian program.
Medical university transfer: Who can transfer to Romanian/Bulgarian medical university?
Medical credit transfer students to Romanian/ Bulgarian medical universities are from Dentistry or General Medical program abroad. Medical Transfer students come from UK, Caribbean schools, Poland, Czech Rep, Ukraine, Russia, India, South Africa, Hungary, China, etc. Each medical student transfer has its own reason to transfer his credits to Romania University.

Medical university transfer: Why transferring to Romanian/Bulgarian medical university?
- Exclusion from their previous program: student excluded from previous university can transfer their previous credits to Romanian/ Romanian medical Universities. We had students who were hapless from their university after 5 years of study. Today, they have become goo doctors after transferring their credit to Romania/Bulgaria and get their qualification.
- Want to take advantage of the high recognition of the Romanian qualification: Romanian/ Bulgarian medical university diplomas are recognized in all European Economic Area (EEA)and beyond.
- Looking for more affordable options: Romanian/ Bulgarian universities are the cheapest in EEA and beyond. Combined with the low cost of live, they attract most of international students
- Unhappy with their previous study environment: Romanian/ Bulgarian medical Universities are international Universities and Romanian/Bulgarian populations are very sociable.
- Program in English, French or Romanian/Bulgarian: why losing one-year learning preparatory year of foreign language?