
master of business in uow

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Master of Business

Testamur Title of Degree:Master of Business
UOW Course Code:1528
1529 – double specialisation
CRICOS Code:082826A
082829J – double specialisation
Total Credit Points:72
96 – double specialisation
Duration:1.5 years full-time or part-time equivalent
2 years full-time or part-time equivalent – double specialisation
Home Faculty:Faculty of Business
Intake Session(s):Trimester 1, 2, 3
Delivery Mode:On-campus (Face-to-face)
Delivery Campus:Sydney*, Wollongong
Additional Information:Course Finder

* A limited number of specialisations are offered at Sydney campus including: Financial Management, International Business and Management.


The Master of Business is designed for middle managers, or those aspiring to middle management in local or multinational organisations.

The Human Resource Management, Marketing, Financial Management, International Business and Management specialisation options will enable students to develop and demonstrate technical knowledge and skills in these areas as well as general business knowledge gained through the foundation subjects and, research skills gained through the research subjects. Those who aspire to progress their career through these functional areas or to a general management role would benefit from completion of this degree.

Entry Requirements

Academic requirements and English requirements are available from the Course Finder.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an advanced discipline-specific knowledge in core areas of business.
  2. Synthesise relevant principles and concepts in a business context.
  3. Explain research principles and methods relevant to business contexts.
  4. Propose integrated solutions to a wide range of problems using theoretical knowledge, technical skills, critical and/ or creative thinking.
  5. Plan and execute a substantial business research project.
  6. Apply principles of social responsibility when critically evaluating situations and making business decisions.
  7. Communicate complex disciplinary information for the intended audience and purpose; (a) orally and, (b) in writing.
  8. Reflect on professional interpersonal skills whilst working with others to produce agreed outputs. 

Course Structure

Candidates are required to complete 12 subjects (72 credit points) in accordance with the list below. The 12 subjects comprise 4 foundation subjects, 7 subjects from one of the specialisations and 1 capstone research project subject (TBS922).  

Subject CodeSubject NameCredit PointsSession(s)
Foundation Subjects
TBS 801Accounting and Financial Management6Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3
TBS 802Exploring Global Business Challenges from Multiple Perspectives6Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3
TBS 803Organisational Behaviour and Management6Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3
TBS 804Principles of Marketing Management6Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3
Financial Management Specialisation
FIN 922Investment Management6Trimester 2
FIN 958Financial Institutions6Trimester 2
TBS 907Financial Strategy6Trimester 1, Trimester 3
ECON940Statistics for Decision Making6Trimester 1, Trimester 2
FIN 924Financial Statement Analysis For Business6Trimester 1
Plus select two elective^ subjects (12 credit points) from the list below:
ECON910Economics for Professionals6Trimester 1, Trimester 3
FIN 923Portfolio Management6Trimester 3
FIN 925 Banking Theory and Practice6Trimester 1, Trimester 2
FIN 927Entrepreneurial Finance6Not offered in 2015
FIN 928Multinational Financial Management6Trimester 3 
FIN 955International Banking6Trimester 2
FIN 956Bank Lending and Securities6Trimester 3
FIN 959Enterprise Risk Management6Not offered in 2015
LAW 970Banking and Financial Institutions Law6Trimester 2
TBS 923Contemporary Issues in International Business6Not offered in 2015
GWP 900International Workplace Practice**6Trimester 1, Trimester 3
Human Resource Management Specialisation
MGMT908Human Resources Development6Trimester 1, Trimester 2
MGMT930Strategic Human Resource Management6Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3
MGMT949Performance Management6Trimester 3
MGMT963Management of Workplace Health and Safety6Trimester 2, Trimester 3
MGMT969Job Analysis, Recruitment and Selection6Trimester 1
Plus select two elective^ subjects (12 credit points) from the list below:
MGMT910Strategic Management6Trimester 3
MGMT911Organisational Behaviour6Trimester 2
MGMT915Management of Change6Trimester 2
MGMT920Organisational Analysis6Trimester 1, Trimester 3
MGMT978Cross Cultural Management6Trimester 2, Trimester 3
TBS 923Contemporary Issues in International Business6Not offered in 2015
TBS 935Project Management6Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3
GWP 900International Workplace Practice**6Trimester 1, Trimester 3
International Business Specialisation
FIN 928Multinational Financial Management6Trimester 3
MGMT978Cross Cultural Management6Trimester 2, Trimester 3
MARK957International Marketing Strategy6Trimester 2, Trimester 3
TBS 983International Business Environment6Trimester 1, Trimester 3
TBS 984International Business Strategies6Trimester 1, Trimester 2
Plus two elective^ subjects (12 credit points) chosen from any of the Master of Business specialisation subjects. Students may choose to complete TBS923 Contemporary Issues in International Business or TBS908 Supply Chain Management as elective subjects.
Marketing Specialisation
MARK935Marketing Strategy6Trimester 1, Trimester 2
MARK936Consumer Behaviour6Trimester 1, Trimester 3
MARK920Social Marketing6Trimester 3
MARK977Research For Marketing Decisions6Trimester 1, Trimester 2
MARK940Marketing Communications6Trimester 3
Plus select two elective^ subjects (12 credit points) from the list below:
MARK901Digital Marketing6Not offered in 2015
MARK938Managing Services and Relationship Marketing6Not offered in 2015
MARK956Creating and Marketing New Products6Not offered in 2015
MARK957International Marketing Strategy6Trimester 2, Trimester 3
MARK980Strategic Brand Management6Trimester 2
MARK997Retail Marketing Management6Not offered in 2015
TBS 908Supply Chain Management6Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3
TBS 923Contemporary Issues in International Business6Not offered in 2015
GWP 900International Workplace Practice**6Trimester 1, Trimester 3
Management Specialisation
MGMT910Strategic Management6Trimester 3
MGMT920Organisational Analysis6Trimester 1, Trimester 3
MGMT915Management of Change6Trimester 2
MGMT978Cross Cultural Management6Trimester 2, Trimester 3
TBS 935Project Management6Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3
Plus two elective^ subjects (12 credit points) chosen from any of the specialisation subjects. Students may choose to complete TBS923 Contemporary Issues in International Business or TBS908 Supply Chain Management as elective subjects.
Research Capstone Unit
TBS 922Management Project*6Not offered in 2015

^ Note that a limited number of elective subjects will be offered each session.

* This capstone subject is to be completed by all students at the end of the degree.

** GWP900 Global Workplace Practice is available only to international students, once they have successfully completed 36 credit points within the degree.

Double specialisations

Students may enrol in a double specialisation by selecting any two of the above specialisations. Under this option, students will complete a total of 16 subjects (96 credit points) including: four foundation subjects, followed by 10 specialisation subjects (comprising the 5 core subjects for each of the two specialisations), 1 elective subject from either of the specialisation electives along with the capstone research subject.

PLEASE NOTE: Subject and session offerings may change prior to the commencement of session. Students are advised to check the latest information available on the Subject Database.

Credit Arrangements

Credit and articulation arrangements are available from the Course Finder. Refer to UOW’s credit arrangements for information on how to apply for credit.

Other Information

Further information is available at:
UOW Course Finder

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