Chemical Engineering is an interdisciplinary subject that deals with transforming raw materials into useful products. People who work in Chemical Engineering focus on developing and optimising the processes used to create and refine products. Chemical engineers also strive to create better materials, which have improved properties, are more durable and last longer.
Chemical Engineering is a broad field of study that encompasses Chemistry, Biology, Applied Mathematics and Engineering Science.
Some of the things you’ll study during courses in Chemical Engineering are mechanics, thermodynamics, chemical reaction kinetics, and process design. You will need these engineering and scientific principles for your research and analytical work. You will also develop problem-solving and evaluating skills.
From optimising DNA sequencing to discovering how algae can be used as an alternative for petroleum, you could say chemical engineers have solutions to any problem. Chemical Engineering graduates learn to develop new drugs, and fertilizers, increase energy efficiency and manage chemical plants.
Many people might not understand exactly what you do and how it works – but that’s ok. You can simply tell them that many of the things they take for granted on a daily basis are influenced by your work. There’s no need to go into complex chemical formulas. You will sleep better at night knowing that you’re making the world safer, faster, and healthier.
Students who graduate with Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering find jobs as chemical engineers, energy engineers, product development scientists, material scientists, nuclear engineers, and others.
Take out time to surf through our catalog right here on Collegelearners for more information on doctorate degree in chemical engineering, DLSU chemical engineering tuition fee, masters in structural engineering Philippines, UP chemical engineering, amongst others.

master’s degree in chemical engineering philippines
Department of Chemical Engineering
The Department of Chemical Engineering was established in the early 1950s with the four-year Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering program as its first offering. The then Bureau of Private Schools granted official recognition of the program after the first student cohorts graduated in 1956. In 2001, the department offered the Master of Science in Chemical Engineering,which was developed with assistance from the Kluyver Laboratory for Biotechnology of Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft) through funding from the Netherlands Joint Financing Program in Higher Education (NUFFIC). Three years later, the Master of Engineering major in Chemical Engineering program commenced.
The department’s B.S. Ch.E. program earned recognition from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as Center of Development (COD) in 1998 and 2006, and as Center of Excellence in 2016. It was also accredited by the Philippine Technological Council (PTC) after it implemented Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) as a continuous quality improvement framework consistent with Washington Accord standards. This is in addition to the Level II accreditation from the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines obtained through Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU) evaluation. The department excelled with 100% passing in the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) chemical engineer licensure examination for 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2016.
Research activities in the department’s Bioprocess Engineering and Research Center (BioPERC) has led to two technology patents which were commercialized in 2012 through the spin-off company Green Enviro Management System (GEMS), Inc.
Programs offered
- Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (M.S. Ch.E.)
- Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering (M.Engg. Ch.E.)
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (B.S. Ch.E.)

Career tracks
About 50% of our graduates work in manufacturing industries in the Philippines and overseas where they are involved in process engineering, plant and production management, product research and development, quality assurance, pollution control, safety management, and technical sales. Others work as design and patent engineers in design firms and as environmental management specialists in government institutions. Approximately 20% pursue graduate studies under scholarship grants and eventually work in higher education and research institutions.
Employers of our recent graduates include DASH Engineering, Fluor Daniel, Lexmark Research and Development, Kerry Food Ingredients, Shemberg, Universal Robina, Nestlé, P&G, San Miguel Brewery, Coca-Cola FEMSA, Manila Water, Petron, JG Summit Petrochemical, PASAR, Philippine Phosphate Fertilizer, Atlas Fertilizer, Mabuhay Vinyl, Taiyo Yuden, KEPCO SPC Power, Aboitiz Power, and DENR–Environmental Management Bureau.
Research groups
Bioprocess Engineering and Research Center (BioPERC)
The center was instituted in 2012 to carry out the department’s research agenda. To date, it has carried out several contract researches with industry partners before producing two patents on integrated processing of mango fruit processing residues. Investors funneled Php100M capital to create a full-scale plant to commercialize the patented technologies, prompting BioPERC to evolve into an R&D center for Green Enviro Management Systems (GEMS), Inc., which mainly produces mango flour from mango seed kernel. Funding from the CHED-Philippine Higher Education Research Network (PHERNet) totaling Php5.68M flowed into BioPERC in 2013–2015 for product development research. From 2015–2017, the USAID Science, Technology, Research, and Innovation Development (STRIDE) Collaborative Applied Research with Industry (CARWIN) grant amounting to USD200T funded R&D studies for mango polyphenol production using spray drying technology. For details, contact Evelyn B. Taboada, BioPERC Director.
Bioactive Products Research and Development Group
The group focuses on using local waste materials as sources of enzymes and bioactive compounds, investigating enzymatic activities of extracts of waste plant parts and the extraction of phenolic compounds from mango fruit processing residues. For details, contact Camila Flor Y. Lobarbio.
Biomass and Biofuel Engineering Research and Development Group
The group focuses on the exploitation and use of biomass and its residues in the production of bio-based materials and biofuels. It aims to provide scientifically sound, innovative alternatives and solutions for processing biomass into value-added products. Since its formation in 2016, it has conducted studies on valorizing spent coffee grounds, sugarcane residues, and cacao shells. For details, contact Alchris W. Go.
Environmental Sustainability Research and Development Group
Building up on the department’s track record of conducting contract researches on wastewater treatment design, this group now tackles both industrial and municipal problems pertaining to wastewater, solid waste, and air quality. The group integrates ad intra and ad extra extension into its research activities. Projects completed so far include treatment of wastewater using rotating biological contactor–packed media technology (RBC-PMT) and natural coagulants, composting and briquetting of solid wastes, and establishing the characteristic metal ratios of non-exhaust particulate matter (PM10) vehicular emissions. For details, contact Patrick U. Tan.

masters in chemical engineering
Facilities and equipment
- Bioprocess Engineering and Research Center
- Chemical Engineering Research Laboratories
- Atago Digital Abbe Refractometer
- Akta Amersham Biosciences UPC-900 Fast Performance Liquid Chromatography (FPLC) System
- Labconco Vacuum Freeze Dryer
- Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 Ultra High-End GC-MS System
- Shimadzu High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) System
- Shimadzu TOC-L Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
- Shimadzu UV-1700 Pharmaspec UV-visible spectrophotometer
- VELP DK8 Kjeldahl Nitrogen Digester
Student life
The USC Chemical Engineering Council is the student organization of the department. It looks after the welfare of all chemical engineering students. Every year, the council organizes the freshmen assembly, acquaintance party, Christmas party, National Chemical Engineering Week celebration, and elections. The council has a representation in the Collegiate Engineering Council. The council officers also function as representatives to the Junior Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (JrPIChE)–Cebu Chapter.
There are two extra-curricular student organizations for chemical engineering students, namely the USC Chemical Engineering Society (CHES, founded 1957), and the USC Chemical Engineering Club (founded 1993). Membership to these organizations is by application.
masters in chemical engineering up diliman
All you need to know about our academic programs, requirements for admission (including downloadable forms), and enrollment schedules is right here. Also, check out our campus maps and avoid getting lost in our five campuses.
Application information
Simplified admissionand enrollment procedures are announced for incoming first year students, graduate students, and transferees. Please consult the memorandum issued by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs for guidance.
The USC College of Law also announced simplified application procedures for 1st semester, AY 2020-21. Download the full application guidelines here.
For students intending to apply for admission to the USC Senior High School, please check this page in February for the advisory from the SHS Registrar.
College Admission Examination schedule for AY2020-2021
The Admissions Office has announced off-site and on-site College Admission Examination schedules for AY2020-21 intake. Download the complete schedule here. Download our flyers here: admission flyer, academic programs, new applicants, transferees.
Enrolment Guide for International Students
The enrollment guide for International Students can be downloaded or opened here.
Master of Science in Library and Information Science (M.S. L.I.S.) bridging program
Intending to pursue a career in library science? A bridging program for non-Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B.L.I.S.) graduates is opened for students interested to enroll in the M.S. L.I.S. program. The bridging program consists of 12 units of core courses namely:
- LIS 1201 Collection Management of Information Resources (3 units)
- LIS 1202 Information Resources and Services 1 (3 units)
- LIS 1203 Organization of Information Resources 1 (3 units)
- LIS 2201 Management of Library and Information Centers (3 units)
For more information, visit the LIS section on the 2nd floor of the Baumgartner Learning Resource Center in Talamban Campus.
Admission to Basic Education
Admission requirements and other relevant information for admission to the North Campus can be downloaded here.