Get more information regarding Master’s Degree in Leadership and Emotional Intelligence, what is emotional intelligence in leadership, master degree programs in leadership, what is a master’s degree in organizational leadership, what is a master in leadership, is emotional intelligence important in leadership, is a master’s degree in leadership worth it & is a master’s degree in organizational leadership worth it.
what is a master in leadership
The Master of Science in Leadership (MSL) is a master’s degree in leadership studies that is offered by a college of business. It is an alternative to, not a substitute for, the traditional Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. The MSL degree requirements may include some business/management courses that are required in an MBA program. However, this degree program concentrates heavily on leader-follower interactions, cross-cultural communications, coaching, influencing, team development, leading organizational changes, strategic thinking, project leadership, and behavioral motivation theories. It does not concentrate on financial or quantitative analysis, marketing, or accounting which are common in MBA programs. The degree program is appealing to businesspeople in well-established careers already. The MSL degree is similar to the Master of Science in Organizational Leadership (MSOL) degree or the Master of Leadership Sciences degree offered by the National School of Leadership in India.

what is emotional intelligence in leadership
Given the dynamic and disruptive nature of modern business, combined with time and resource pressures and the need to adopt a more inclusive and trusting style of leadership, this course aims to develop:
- responsible leaders with an understanding of the benefits of work-place coaching who are able to work with a diverse range of teams, in a variety of cultural contexts
- self-reflective practitioners with awareness of their self-identity and values
- critical and independent thought as a basis for understanding how to enhance coaching practice and participatory learning
- capacity to understand what makes effective coaching, including acting as an internal consultant to colleagues
- capacity to evaluate perspectives, policies and performances at individual and organisational or community level.
Both coaching and mentoring activity are strongly associated with management and leadership. There are tensions between the concepts of leadership and management, which are again explored throughout the programme. In some instances both coaching and mentoring may be employed to contribute to the development of leaders and managers. In others, coaching and mentoring may be employed as part of the leadership or management function.

This programme will create opportunities for you to develop through practice a range of coaching and mentoring skills and techniques, and enable the development of a critical understanding of issues related to the design and implementation of coaching and mentoring schemes.
The programme is delivered in such a way that you are encouraged to utilise your professional and work based context as a resource in which to practice and develop your skills in coaching and mentoring. You will be supported throughout the programme to develop appropriate ‘ground rules’, both in the learning context and the professional / work based context and to explore ethical issues.
Much of the learning is developed through the establishment of collaborative learning communities of programme participants and tutors – and you will become part of that community of learning. Your understanding is developed around the key skills, processes and practices of coaching, mentoring and leadership. Solutions to real problems are suggested, discussed and analysed within the learning community with the support of tutors and fellow learners.
The programme is international in its design and engages with themes on an international basis. Many different cultural contexts are utilised to help provide the setting for discussions. This programme provides opportunities to grow global networks both virtually and also through the residential activity that creates an environment for cross cultural peer to peer learning.
On completion of the programme, you will be able to critically evaluate a range of theories and models relating to organisations, coaching, mentoring and leadership and apply these to real life situations in order to inform your decision making. The network that you will develop over the duration of the programme often continues to be a supportive and strong community of practice post-graduation.
Most of the programme is delivered online, but you must attend a 5 day residential in either York or Zürich as part of the Capstone Project module. This is an excellent opportunity to network with fellow professionals, share learning and understanding, and build global relationships, alongside learning about how to conduct academic research to support you in the completion of your capstone project.
Aims and Outcomes
The overall aim of the programme is to develop your critical understanding and self-awareness of the issues relating to leading innovation and change, so that you may develop your own leadership skills and knowledge, and develop both your individual and organisational potential. You will be supported as you:
- develop critical awareness and understanding of the key concepts of leadership, innovation and change, organisational strategy, and national and organisational culture;
- develop the ability to connect theory with practice in creative and innovative ways and reflect upon the learning involved as well as the outcomes;
- develop critical awareness and understanding of the impact that leadership, strategy and culture can have on innovation and change processes within organisations;
- develop and enhance life-long learning skills and personal development in order to work with self-direction and originality.

You are equipped with the skills to be effective when leading a workforce in a complex, dynamic and increasingly global organisational environment. You apply theory to everyday situations in order to consult on, manage and lead effectively on a range of projects, issues and initiatives related to leading and coaching in business organisations.
2021/22 entry
Fee for UK applicants
£6,100 a year
Fee for international applicants
£13,000 a year
2021/22 entry
Fee for UK applicants
£680 for each 20 credits
- Length: 2 years
- Start date: September or January
- Semester dates
Entry Requirements
Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, achieved at Class 2.2 or above, from an approved University or Institution;
Current or recent work experience (within the last two years) appropriate to enable you to contribute to the programme;
If you have extensive work experience appropriate to enable you to contribute to the programme you can gain entry to the programme through the APEL (Accredited Prior Experiential Learning) process.
13,000 CHF (Swiss Francs) – discounts may apply
what is a master’s degree in organizational leadership
Whether you’re interested in assisting your organization by working in human resources or think you have what it takes to become a manager, moving your career forward and upward is the goal. A master’s degree could be just what is needed to propel yourself to the next level.
You might be asking, what is organizational leadership and how can a degree in this field help me? Keep reading to find answers to these questions and more.
Why consider an organizational leadership degree?
“This is a degree that opens doors,” says Dr. Glenn Worthington, dean of the School of Business and Professional Studies at UMass Global.

A Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership (MAOL) is an interdisciplinary degree that applies psychology to leadership and team management, along with accounting, human resources, sales, marketing and procurement. There are many online master’s in organizational leadership programs for working professionals like you. Dr. Worthington explains that earning this type of degree can prepare you for a leadership position in one of many fields because you can be exposed to a broad range of skills that apply to nearly any industry.
Organizational leadership careers can be found in fields ranging from business to education to the military and more.
Dr. Susan Pailet, who earned her organizational leadership master’s degree at UMass Global, says her experience taught her different leadership styles along with decision-making, communication, marketing and human resources competencies. She shares:
The ability to take these skills and apply them immediately to my work environment improved my quality of work and made me a more valuable employee.
Along with hard skills, earning an MAOL is invaluable to your professional and personal development. Pailet says that earning her organizational leadership degree increased her confidence and helped her become a stronger leader, writer and negotiator.
7 potential master’s in organizational leadership jobs
There are numerous paths you could pursue, even if you don’t have a firm sense of your future career just yet.
“This degree is great for people who know what they want to do, and fabulous for people who aren’t so sure,” says Nadine Greiner, Ph.D. and author.
But what can you do with a master’s in organizational leadership, exactly? We identified seven careers you can work toward with an MAOL. You may just find your next opportunity in the list below. Learn more about potential jobs in this field of study:
1. Human resources manager
Human resources (HR) is one of the most common career fields for those with a master’s of organizational leadership. This is because its entire purpose is to improve the internal workings of a business.
HR managers do this by bridging an organization’s leadership and management teams to the rest of the employees. They strive to use the company’s talent efficiently and maintain high employee satisfaction.
Typical duties:
- Overseeing the hiring process of new staff
- Serving as a connection between employees and upper management
- Consulting with executives on strategic planning and HR issues
Projected employment growth (2020–2030): 9% (as fast as average)*
Median salary (2021): $126,230*
2. Organizational consultant
For those looking to step into more of a consulting role, becoming an organizational consultant may be of interest. Sometimes called management analysts, these professionals advise companies on how to improve their processes and increase efficiency. They often work as independent contractors and have multiple clients.
An MAOL degree prepares future analysts to examine an organization’s internal structures through research, data analysis and observation. They then help the company come up with the best solution, procedure or change — and assist in its implementation.
Typical duties:
- Collecting information about the company and the problem to be fixed
- Recommending or developing new systems, practices or procedures
- Presenting findings and gathered data to a company’s management team
Projected employment growth (2020–2030): 14% (faster than average)*
Median salary (2021): $93,230*
3. Military
Earning an MAOL can be especially helpful if you’re currently serving in or are beginning a career in the military. As an added benefit, at UMass Global, those with an E7 rank or above could earn a degree in as little as seven classes thanks to generous transfer policies.
Whether your goal is to stay in the military and climb the ladder or start a new career entirely, an MAOL can help you achieve your goals. “We have a lot of students who are looking to transition from military service back into civilian life,” says UMass Global professor Dr. Laura Galloway.
She goes on to explain that the MAOL program is a great bridge between these two worlds. “We show them how to redirect and repackage the valuable experience they already have.”
Enlisted personnel duties:
- Managing junior personnel
- Engaging in military operations, disaster relief and training, or combat
- Operating and repairing military equipment
Officer duties:
- Overseeing and providing medical, legal and other services to personnel
- Organizing and leading enlisted personnel in activities and operations
- Serving as command on ships, planes and armed vehicles
4. Healthcare manager
Healthcare managers are responsible for overseeing a specific medical department or an entire healthcare facility. They are in charge of planning, directing and coordinating medical and health services, all while ensuring efficiency and quality in the delivery.
These managers are also tasked with supervising staff and communicating with other leaders and stakeholders within the organization. This position requires a high level of leadership and collaboration, which are competencies that can be strengthened with an organizational leadership degree.
Typical duties:
- Overseeing daily operations of a medical department or facility
- Developing departmental goals and monitoring progress toward reaching them
- Preparing and overseeing budgets, work schedules and staff recruiting and training
Projected employment growth (2020–2030): 32% (much faster than average)*
Median salary (2021): $101,340*
5. Training and development manager
The training and development field is similar to human resources but covers one area in-depth rather than a large swath of internal relations. These managers focus on ensuring employees are equipped with the knowledge and information they need to excel within a company.
By understanding what employees need in order to be successful, training and development managers are able to improve efficiency, increase happiness and contribute to the overall success of an organization. This is why they fall into the category of organizational leadership jobs.
Typical duties:
- Overseeing a company’s training and development of staff
- Budgeting and implementing training programs, and assessing their effectiveness
- Selecting course content to align training with the organization’s strategic goals
Projected employment growth (2020–2030): 11% (faster than average)*
Median salary (2021): $120,130*
6. Sales manager
“Those in organizational leadership make great sales directors, because it’s not just a numbers game,” Griener explains. She adds that these professionals need to understand the psychology of sales and what motivates people to buy.
Sales managers are responsible for selling goods and services to other businesses or to consumers. They need to understand the fundamentals of business and also understand organizational leadership principles to manage and motivate the sales representatives on their own teams.
Typical duties:
- Directing the sales of goods and services by setting goals and analyzing data
- Determining the profitability of goods and products
- Recruiting, hiring and training new sales representatives
Projected employment growth (2020–2030): 7% (as fast as average)*
Median salary (2021): $127,490*
Advance your career with an organizational leadership degree
So, what can you do with a master’s in organizational leadership? You clearly have options. If one or more of these careers has caught your eye, consider learning more about the online or self-paced master’s in organizational leadership program at UMass Global.
is a master’s degree in leadership worth it?
5 Advantages of a Master’s in Leadership
- Career Advancement
- Educational Options
- Builds Leadership Qualities
- Internationally Known
- Less Expensive
There are several benefits to earning a Master’s in Leadership beyond the pride of saying one has a master’s degree. The leadership degree prepares students to seek leadership and management positions in a variety of industries and fields. It not only qualifies the individual to apply for these positions but also provides them with the leadership skills and knowledge required to excel in these positions. The Master’s in Leadership degree offers an advanced education beyond the baccalaureate degree, which proves to be advantageous in the job market. Here are five benefits of earning a Master’s in Leadership.
1. Career Advancement
One of the main reasons why individuals choose a master’s degree is to advance their careers, and this is the case with the Master’s in Leadership. The master’s degree offers the student the chance to obtain the leadership qualities needed to advance his or her career. When a leadership position is available in an organization, the candidate with a master’s degree in leadership typically has the best chance because employers look favorably on applicants with high education. Career advancement is easier to obtain with a master’s degree especially when the degree is in leadership.
2. Educational Options
Unlike some degrees that must be earned in a brick-and-mortar college, the Master’s in Leadership can be earned online. Leadership master’s degree programs have many courses that must be completed in the field, but the majority of the courses can be completed through distance learning. The online Master’s in Leadership program may be offered in a regular format or through an accelerated program. Depending on what option the student chooses, the master’s degree can be completed in 18 to 24 months according to U.S. News & World Report.
3. Builds Leadership Qualities
Regardless of what career an individual chooses, the candidate must possess leadership skills if he or she ever hopes to advance in the company. Typical leadership skills required are persistence, dedication, diligence and being mindful of others in the company. The master’s degree in leadership programs provides students with these qualities and more. While these skills are necessary and important in all areas of our lives, they are especially beneficial to someone working in a leadership position. Earning a master’s degree helps the individual stand out among other employees.
4. Internationally Known
Master’s in Business or Leadership programs are generally very popular in most industries. One benefit of earning a Master’s in Management or Leadership program is that this degree is offered abroad and known internationally. This is very beneficial for the student who wants to expand his or her horizons and gain as much experience as possible in the business world. Students in this program can also choose universities that partner with other universities across the globe.
5. Less Expensive
Many individuals choose not to pursue a master’s degree because of the high cost. This is especially true with the Master of Business Administration degree. However, the Master’s in Leadership degree is much less expensive than the MBA. This is extremely helpful to aspiring students who don’t have the finances to pay for all the courses required for the degree. The MIL degree program provides students with much of the same courses and skills as the MBA but at a much lower cost.
Regardless of what type of career a candidate might choose, the best options are typically offered to those with the most experience and education. A leadership master’s degree prepares students to work in leadership positions in almost any industry they choose. When combined with the salary potential for graduates, it’s easy to see the many benefits of earning a Master’s in Leadership.