Medical school admissions committees typically consider an applicant’s GPA and MCAT scores, but experts say these metrics alone aren’t enough. Admissions officials also look at applicants’ life experiences, including their employment, volunteer work, clinical experience and research experience.
The 10 most selective medical schools received between 4,299 and 14,464 applicants, ultimately offering acceptance to only a small number – ranging from just 100 total acceptances at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine to 390 acceptances at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

U.S. News ranks the quality of medical schools for both research and primary care, evaluating factors such as faculty resources and the academic achievements of incoming students. Two of the most selective medical schools are ranked among the top 10 Best Medical Schools for Research: New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine is ranked No. 2 and Stanford University in California is ranked in a tie for No. 4
So you want to go to medical school? If this is the case then you will likely be applying to several undergraduate and graduate colleges. Are you wondering where you can potentially attend medical school and get accepted? I’m sure many different things come up when you search for acceptance rates for colleges by major. In this post, I want to focus on medical schools acceptance rates for students with a particular college major (biology).
Choosing an undergraduate school is the first major step any student will make on the path to becoming a physician. Are you a student trying to know about top which pre med schools have the highest med school acceptance rates? So are you seeking for medical school highest acceptance rates? Are you interested in finding out more about best pre med degree? If you’re an aspiring pre-med student, you’ll want to give yourself the best opportunities and support networks in college and beyond. Applying to (and succeeding in)top 100 pre med schools is a grueling process, so you’ll need to be prepared.
Knowing medical school acceptance rates will allow you to accurately gauge your competitiveness for medical school admission. One trend regarding medical school acceptance rates is that they have been steadily decreasing over the past several years because medical school admissions is becoming increasingly more competitive. That said, there is a huge range of medical school acceptance rates.

When deciding where to apply to medical school, a student must research each medical school’s average acceptance rate. By understanding school of medicine acceptance rates, applicants can understand for what medical schools they are most competitive. However, many medical schools do not disclose how many applicants they actually accept. Medical schools may only publish how many applications they receive, the number of applicants they interview and how many actually matriculate. Therefore, it isn’t always possible to know what percentage of applicants interviewed are ultimately accepted.
Typically, the more competitive the medical school, the lower the acceptance rate. There are some medical schools that one might not think are very competitive based on the average GPAs and MCATs of accepted students. However, some of these “less competitive” schools receive a very large numbers of applications and interview a small percentage of applicants making them quite competitive.
There are many factors that impact medical school acceptance rates including the number of applicants to any given medical school, the number of seats in the medical school first year class, the desirability of a medical school, and whether or not the school is privately or state-funded. By reading this article, you will learn how to interpret medical school acceptance rates, the lowest and highest medical school acceptance rates, and other admissions data. You will also know how to use this information to your advantage and increase your chances of acceptance to medical school.

Collegelearners is replete with up-to-date information on medical school acceptance rates by undergraduate college, harvard medical school acceptance rate, which pre med schools have the highest med school acceptance rates, and so much more. Need more information? Kindly visit our catalog for more. What are you waiting for?
Which Pre Med Schools Have The Highest Med School Acceptance Rates
Finding accurate data on medical school acceptance rates by college is very difficult. Why? Colleges that write premedical committee letters do not compose a letter automatically on behalf of any student who wants to apply to medical school. If a student is not a competitive medical school applicant, the college may refuse to write a committee letter. Or, the college might agree to only write a committee letter for osteopathic medical school admission and not allopathic. Also, some colleges do not distinguish between allopathic and osteopathic acceptance rates so, the available data may be inclusive of both types of medical schools. However, the medical school feeder college data available is accurate. Generally speaking the more competitive and prestigious the undergraduate college, the higher their acceptance rate for medical schools.
Which undergraduate colleges have the most allopathic medical school applicants? The top 10 are listed below.
University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA: | 1,152 |
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL: | 869 |
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI | 764 |
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX | 903 |
University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA: | 728 |
University of California-San Diego, La Jolla, CA: | 621 |
The Ohio State University Main Campus, Columbus, OH: | 592 |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC: | 474 |
University of Georgia, Athens, GA: | 483 |
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI: | 521 |
What undergraduate colleges have the most osteopathic medical school applicants? The top 10 are listed below.
University of Florida: | 386 |
Michigan State University – East Lansing: | 321 |
University of California – Los Angeles: | 314 |
Rutgers State University of New Jersey – New Brunswick: | 265 |
University of South Florida – Tampa: | 284 |
Ohio State University: | 272 |
University of California – San Diego: | 234 |
University of California – Irvine: | 213 |
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor: | 247 |
University of California – Davis: | 210 |
Medical School Acceptance Rates By Undergraduate College
The overall acceptance rates vary from a high of 20.2% to a low of 1.0%. However at Florida State University, the in-state acceptance rate is 5.3% and the out-of-state acceptance rate is a meager 0.1%. At University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences the in-state acceptance rate is 56.2% and the out-of-state acceptance rate is 2.6%. In determining whether it makes sense for you to apply to these two programs (and many others), the difference between in-state and out-of-state acceptance rates can be more important than the overall acceptance rate.
A good pre-med program should meet 3 criteria, IMO–
- it should offer you a varieties of opportunities –including the opportunity to prepare for a Plan B career since over 60% of med school applicants fail to get a single med school acceptance.
- it should not cause you or your parent to go into debt to pay for it. Med school is hideously expensive and there is very little FA other than loans, loans and more loans. Pre-med are strongly advised to minimize their undergrad educational debt.
- It should be a good fit, academically and socially, since there is objective data that happier students are more successful academically.
Nice pluses for an undergrad–
–close to clinical volunteer sites
–has strong pre-med advising
–you’re in the top 25% of the incoming class in terms of stats (GPA and SAT/ACT scores) because you will directly competing against other students in your class for the crucial A grades needed to have a med school-worthy GPA.

harvard medical school acceptance rate
Harvard Medical School Acceptance Rate (2020-2021)
The Harvard Medical School acceptance rate was 3.3% for the most recent 2019-2020 entering class. This number does not vary much from year to year.
Here is the data broken down:
- Harvard received 6,815 medical school applications.
- Harvard conducted 948 medical school interviews.
- Harvard accepted 227 applicants or 24% of applicants interviewed .
- There were 165 medical school matriculants.
- The overall Harvard Medical School acceptance rate is 3.3%.
Harvard accepts international and out of state students.
It may seem obvious, but, Harvard medical school values and expects academic excellence in applicants. Therefore, if Harvard is your goal, be sure to challenge yourself in your undergraduate coursework as much as possible.
When reviewing Harvard’s acceptance data, realize that the numbers are averages! Not everyone who gets into Harvard has a perfect GPA and MCAT! Below is the data for accepted students.
Harvard Medical School Average MCAT (2021)
- Average MCAT Score – 520 (range 513-525)
Harvard Medical School Average GPA (2021)
- Average GPA – 3.94 (range 3.74 – 4.0)
- Average BCPM GPA – 3.94 (range 3.69 – 4.0)
medical school admission statistics 2021
When deciding where to apply to medical school, a student must research each medical school’s average acceptance rate. By understanding school of medicine acceptance rates, applicants can understand for what medical schools they are most competitive. However, many medical schools do not disclose how many applicants they actually accept.
Medical schools may only publish how many applications they receive, the number of applicants they interview and how many actually matriculate. Therefore, it isn’t always possible to know what percentage of applicants interviewed are ultimately accepted.
Typically, the more competitive the medical school, the lower the acceptance rate. There are some medical schools that one might not think are very competitive based on the average GPAs and MCATs of accepted students. However, some of these “less competitive” schools receive a very large numbers of applications and interview a small percentage of applicants making them quite competitive.
Medical School | Median GPA | Median MCAT | Medical School Acceptance Rate | Total Applicants | Total Interviewed | Total Accepted | Total Enrolled |
Albany Medical College | 3.7 | 511 | N/A | 10247 | 793 | N/A | 139 |
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University | 3.7 | 510 | 12% | 3074 | 558 | 372 | 233 |
Baylor College of Medicine | 3.93 | 518 | 4.9% | 6689 | 840 | 329 | 186 |
Boston University | 3.75 | 517 | 6.5% | 7771 | 1019 | 503 | 174 |
Brown University (Alpert) | 3.77 | 514 | 3% | 9995 | 380 | 276 | 144 |
California Northstate University | 3.69 | 512 | N/A | 4184 | 357 | N/A | 96 |
Case Western Reserve University | 3.81 | 518 | 7% | 7556 | 1083 | 530 | 214 |
Central Michigan University | 3.74 | 506 | N/A | 5393 | 423 | N/A | 103 |
Columbia University | 3.9 | 521 | 3.5% | 8258 | 1073 | 278 | 140 |
Cornell University (Weill) | 3.88 | 515 | 5.1% | 6385 | 798 | 323 | 106 |

medical school acceptance rates by major
As demonstrated by the medical school acceptance rates by major section, acceptance rates vary between 36.7% – 47.7%. Specialized health sciences majors have the lowest acceptance rate while physical science majors have the highest acceptance rate. Biological science majors are the most popular in terms of both applicants and matriculants, however, the acceptance rate of these individuals falls somewhere in the middle of the majors. Interestingly, math and statistics majors are the least common, with only 344 applicants, however, they have the second-highest acceptance rate of 47.3%.
Specialized health science majors also have the lowest applicant and matriculant MCAT score, which may be part of the reason why those with this major have the lowest acceptance rate. Matriculants with math and statistics, physical science and humanities majors scored the highest on the MCAT, with scores of 514.8, 513.1 and 512.9 respectively. The average accepted GPA between majors is close across the board with math and statistics and physical sciences majors tied with a 3.61. Social science majors have the lowest mean GPA of 3.52. It’s important to remember that the GPA and MCAT scores mentioned above refer to the mean scores of accepted students. If you choose to major in the physical sciences it doesn’t mean that you have an advantage and are guaranteed admission. Similarly, if you major in the specialized health sciences, it doesn’t mean that you’re at a disadvantage and won’t get accepted. You are an individual, with individual scores and experiences. Regardless of your major, you’ll be a competitive applicant if all areas of your application stand out, including your grades, test scores, extracurriculars for medical school, primary essays, and medical school secondary essays. Make sure to read over some medical school personal statement examples to get some inspiration to write your own outstanding statement. If your school requires its applicants to submit CASPer test scores, make sure to use CASPer sample questions to get ready for the test.