Total FeesINR 21,350
Duration2 years (Distance/Correspondence)
Course LevelPG Degree
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  • Register and ApplyInterested candidates can apply online/ offline with the required information.
  • Merit ScreeningAdmission is based on the marks obtained in graduation.

True to the origin of the very discipline of Psychology from the roots of Philosophy, the Department of Psychology emerged from the Department of Philosophy in the University of Madras in the year 1943. Dr. G. D. Boaz, M.A., D.Phil (Oxon) was the Founder-Head of the Department. 

Subsequently many do’ yens in Indian Psychology occupied the Chair in this Department like Prof.T.E.Shanmugam.

Criminology was taught at Master level in the Department of Psychology until the establishment of Criminology Department in1983. In addition, this Department has contributed to the field of psychology by producing eminent psychologists who occupied many vital and important positions in the Government, Quasi Government and Public and Private sectors.

The Department of Psychology launched its Alumni Association and brought out a directory. More than 200 members are in the Alumni who include many distinguished personalities like:

Prof. B.C. Muthayya, former Deputy Director General, NIRD, Hyderabad

Dr. S. M. Diaz, Ex I.G. of Police, Tamil Nadu

Dr.K.Chockalingam, former Vice Chancellor, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli

Dr.Latha Pillai, Pro Vice Chancellor, IGNOU

Dr. Ramachandran, Scientist H and Director, Defense Institute  of Psychological Research

Dr. S. Karunanidhi,  Former Professor and Head,  Department of Psychology,  UNOM; Professor Emeritus , Department of Psychology, UNOM.

Thiru.Mathivananan, I.A.S., Chennai. etc.

Currently the Department is being headed by Prof. Dr.T Lavanya.

The Silver, Golden , Diamond and Platinium  Jubilees of the Department were celebrated on completion of 25, 50 , 60 years and 75 years of existence of the Department with National and International level Conferences, workshops  and seminars.

One of the major contribution in the field of academic and research by the Department of Psychology is the establishment of “The Madras Psychology Society” in the year 1944 followed by the publication of two International journals namely Journal of Psychological Researches and Indian Journal of Applied Psychology.

Students from medical colleges doing nursing courses, DPM course (after M.B.B.S), and students of M.Ed. were benefited by attending lectures by the faculty of the department for over few years.

Various research projects funded by the UGC, ICSSR, ICMR, BPR&D were undertaken by the Department.  Currently, the Department has undertaken a project on Research on Prisions and Rehabilitation of Prisioners – Phase 2, funded by Government of Tamil Nadu.  Phase 1 of the project was succussfully completed under the guideship of the  Former Head of the Department Prof. Dr S Karunanidhi. 

About 165 scholars have been awarded Doctor of Philosophy, 26 have successfully completed M.Litt, 2 Scholars were awarded D.Litt, and many number of M.Phil, degree were awarded.

Further, the Department annually organizes Endownment Lectures inviting eminent psychologist and mental health professionals to deliver a series of three lectures on varied field of applied psychology.  These lectures are attended in large numbers by faculty and students from various city colleges.  At present the Department has  three  endownment lectures viz., The Madras Psychology Endownment Lecturers , Psychology Department Platinium Jubilee Endownment Lectures and Dr S Karunanidhi Endownment Lecturers.

The Department has instituted the Psychology Department Platinium Jubilee Medal for the first rank holder of the M.Sc HRD Psychology post graduation program.

In addition to it, the Department belives in giving its students the direct exposure to learning professional skills and competencies.  In this respect, the Department encourages its students and scholars to mandatory go for field visits, institutional and industrial visits and participate in the weekly workshops arranged by the department in which Industrial experts are invited to train the students on specific competencies and HR skills required for effective functioning in the corporate / school sectors as psychologist.  


  • To identify unique, innate talents of human resources through psychological assessment and nurturing them for individual excellence by effective training.


  • To create excellent human resources through comprehensive quality teaching and research.

Significant Contributions

The following are the significant contributions of the Department of Psychology. Teaching Programme

  • M.A Applied Psychology (from 1976 to 2000)
  • M.Sc Human Resource Development Psychology (since 2001)
  • M.Phil Professional Psychology (1996 to 2006)
  • M.Phil Psychology (1976 to 1995 and from 2007 to 2019)
  • Ph. D Programme (from inception of Department of Psychology)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Learning Disabilities (2006-2007)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Organizational Development and Management of Change (since 2009-2011)

Research Projects

The Department of Psychology ever since its inception has been actively helping different segments of society through various research projects funded by Government, Non-Government and private agencies. The list of research projects carried out in the last two decades are presented below.

  • UGC Major Research Project on, “Personality Development Programme for Student Youth towards Nation Building”, 1997.
  • UGC Major Research Project on “Enhancing the Personal, Social and Academic Performance of High School students through Life Skills Training”, 1998.
  • “Psycho physiological Correlation of Injury Proneness among Sportsmen” funded by the UGC – 1990
  • “Adjustment Correlates of Working and Non-working Pregnant Women” funded by the UGC – 1997
  • ” Indian Approaches in Promotion of Health” funded by UGC – 2006.
  • “Knowledge attitude and Practice related to Coronary Heart Diseases” funded by UGC – 2004.
  • “A Study of Cognitive Functioning in Individuals living in High Natural Radio activity areas” funded by UGC – 2005.
  • A study on “Psychological Adoption” of children funded by UGC during 2003 funded by UGC.
  • “Development of a Behavioral Predictor Inventory for entry level assessment – Validation and Standardization” funded by Career India during 2004.
  • “Life Skills Training for Promotion of Health among Adolescents” funded by TANSAC during the year 2008.
  • “Life Skills Training for the students of Corporation Schools” sponsored by Corporation of Chennai during the year 2009.
  • “Influence of Certain Psychological Variables on Occupational Stress and Well being among Women Police” funded by BPR&D, during 2008-2010.
  • “Impact of Perceived Parental Expectation, Perceived Competence and Academic Pressure on Psychological Well-Being of Students during Adolescence”, funded by UGC during 2009-2011.
  • Research on Prision and Rehabilitation of Prisioners funded by Government of Tamil Nadu – 2015-2018.
  • Construction , Validation, Standardization and Application of Battery of Tests of Intelligence Based on Gardner’s theory of Mltiple Intelligence, funded by UGC, UPE – Phase II, 205-2017.
  • Psychosocial determinants of high risk behaviour among college students funded by University of Madras – 2015-2017.

M. Sc HRD Psychology

The Department of Psychology offers an exclusive module on M.Sc Human Resource Development Psychology. Even though M.A Applied Psychology was offered with an objective of rendering professional service to clinical, educational, organizational and community settings, the impact of globalizing propelled the Department of Psychology to radically redesign the course curriculum to suit the needs of corporate sector by introducing M.Sc in H.R.D. Psychology. The programme was structured and the core courses were selected based on the need of the hour with the help of UGC Curriculum development. The teaching faculties of the Department framed the syllabus with a provision to modify the courses at regular intervals under the Choice Based Credit System. The students of the M.Sc HRD Psychology attend the regular classes for the first three semesters. The unique feature of the course is that the students in their fourth semester are placed for internship in different multinational organizations for a minimum of three months. They either do projects proposed by the organizations or in areas of their own interest with research guidance from the HR manager of the organization and the respective supervisors from the Department. They attend the organization from Mondays to Thursdays and on Fridays they meet their guide for reporting their progress in the project or the work allotted for them to proceeding further. Based on the performance and the merit of the students, most of them get placed in the same organizations without any formal campus recruitment. Similarly, during the first year, students are provided with the opportunity to visit different institutions, industries/organizations for hands-on experience and for the practical exposure which will be helpful during the internship. Further, in all the semesters of their course, workshops are conducted based on experiential and interactive learning on various HR topics to the students to acquire applied skills in the work set up. Students of the Department are exposed to the functioning of various Institutions and Industries namely, Delphi TVS, ICF, Britannia, American Library, UCAL fuels systems Ltd, Rane, Institute of Mental Health, Bala Vihar, V-Excel, Spastics Society of India, Sneha, Vishranthi, Vidya Sagar, SCARF etc. Such of the students of the Department who have passed SET/UGC-NET examinations and have been awarded Junior/ Senior Research Fellowships to continue their research work. Meritorious scholars are also awarded TRF/URF to further their research work.  Exclusive features of the Department

  • Weekly seminars are organized every Friday where experts from various institutions and fields related to Psychology are invited to talk on various psychological concepts of current interests and also the M.Sc students, M.Phil and, Ph. D Research Scholars are given an opportunity to present their research papers during the seminars.
  • Training in Psychological Assessment and Intervention Skills are given periodically by organizing workshops.
  • Bridge courses are being conducted for I year M.Sc HRD Psychology students, to facilitate the understanding of the fundamental concepts in Psychology.

Extension services

  • The Department also provides counselling to couples with marital disputes referred by Family Court, Chennai with the help of faculty members and research scholars of the Department.
  • Motivational and Study Skills Training programme is being conducted for 10th and 12th unsuccessful students in collaboration with NSS since 2002 till date.
  • Counselling services are offered to slum and rural students in colloboration with a Non Government Organization – Bro Siga Animation Centre, Chennai
  • Training and Counselling services are offered to institutionalized students at Government Home, Royapuram, Chennai
  • Psychological Training and Counselling to school students in colloboration with Well-Being Centre,  Chennai

Consultancy services

  • Selection of personnel through psychological tests was done at M.R.F, Chennai.
  • In colloboration with PSCS Consultancy, Chennai, assessment is done for recruitment of personnels for various posts in leading corporate and manufacturing sectors.
  • Assessing the  Intelligence Quotient of twelth standard students in a slum at Santhome, Chennai adopted by PSCS Consultancy.

The Department and the Madras Psychology Society have organized workshops for Pondicherry and Karaikkal Government Employees from 2000 to 2007 on the following topics:

  • Empowerment of Women
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Stress Management
  • Leadership Excellence in Government
  • Performance Management in Government Department
  • Excellence in Responsive Service to people,
  • Motivational Techniques for Excellence in Performance
  • Alumni Association was launched on 2nd December 2006 and the 1st Directory was released by the Vice Chancellor, University of Madras.
  • Personality Development Level I and Level II courses are being offered by the Department of Psychology, University of Madras since 2007 as a Soft Skill component
  • Faculty Resource Support is being extended for the course on, “Prospective Social Entrepreneurs” offered by Centre for Social Initiative & Management (NGO).
  • Career guidance is provided to the Students of University of Madras.
  • Counselling Services are being offered to the distracted groups like Tsunami victims, Marital problems between Spouses , Immoral trafficking, Juveniles, etc

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