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Get a better idea of the tuition and fees charged by New York Film Academy in order to prepare yourself effectively for 4-6 years. Examine the figures following to know how New York Film Academy’s cost measures up to other colleges and universities and if you should plan for tuition increases.
Tuition & Fees Analysis
The next table outlines how New York Film Academy measures up to other schools nationally, regionally and by state.
Nationwide | Far Western US | California | |
Tuition and Fees | Expensive | Above Average | Above Average |
How Much Will Tuition & Fees Be for New York Film Academy?
Full-time undergraduate students at New York Film Academy paid $31,447 in tuition and fees for the 2019 – 2020 school year, prior to modifications for financial aid. $29,434 was the cost of tuition. $2,013 was in fees. Find out more about the net price.
As opposed to public colleges, New York Film Academy does not offer a tuition discount to residents of the state.
Fees and tuition costs quoted on this page do not include room and board, which will increase your costs. Then again, many students wind up having to pay under full tuition because they qualify for financial aid as well as other reductions.
View the following table to see 2019 – 2020 academic year costs.
Tuition | Fees | Total | |
Undergraduate | $29,434 | $2,013 | $31,447 |
Looking for part-time costs?
For more info, visit New York Film Academy Cost Per Credit Hour.
Are Tuition and Fees Going Up or Down?
New York Film Academy tuition and fees have not changed significantly for the last five years. We estimate the cost of tuition and fees for this year will total $31,592.
If tuition charges continue to remain stable, two years here will run you $63,329 and four years will run you $127,241. Furthermore, you will probably have added costs for room and board, transportation, and books.
The subsequent chart reveals predicted future tuition and fees for undergraduate students at New York Film Academy.

Holders of the International Baccalaureate are eligible for a $500 per year Tuition Grant. Additionally, International Baccalaureate holders will receive special consideration for the Need Based Tuition Assistance Grant.

Need Based Tuition Assistance
The Need Based Tuition Assistance is designed for applicants with financial need in order to help reduce the cost of education in New York Film Academy’s long-term programs including the One-year and Two-year Conservatory Programs as well as the AFA, BA, BFA, MA and MFA degree programs. In order to qualify, applicants must show a credible need through documentation such as income tax statements or bank statements. Applicants must also submit an essay describing their need and accomplishments.
Fax completed application to the attention of Financial Aid: Fax: 818-333-3557
Talent Based Tuition Award The Talent Based Tuition Award is a program designed to identify applicants with exceptional aptitude for their program of study. All Talent Based Awards are based on an applicant’s audition or portfolio and determined by the Admissions Department during the admissions process. Please contact your Enrollment Advisor for more information about the guidelines or email admissions@nyfa.edu.
Merit Based Tuition Award The New York Film Academy’s Merit Based Tuition Award provides financial assistance to qualified candidates of the college’s Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts Programs. Recipients must demonstrate a history of academic achievement in addition to leadership, community service and a commitment to the arts.
In order to be eligible for a Merit Based Tuition Award, candidates must be accepted to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Fine Arts program. Applicants are evaluated based upon information provided in the admissions process including high school GPA and documentation of leadership roles, awards, community service or arts involvement.
*International Applicants that wish to be considered for a Merit Based Tuition Award must have academic transcripts converted by WES into a U.S. equivalent GPA.
Matthew Modine Masters Scholarship The New York Film Academy Matthew Modine Masters Scholarship provides financial assistance to outstanding candidates of the school’s Master of Fine Arts (MFA) programs in Filmmaking and Acting for Film. Recipients must demonstrate the values set forth by New York Film Academy to further the art of visual storytelling. Candidates will exhibit exemplary purpose, creativity, and commitment to community. All scholarship decisions by NYFA are at its sole and absolute discretion and final. CLICK HERE for more information.
Rising Artist Scholarship for Teen Camps New York Film Academy is looking to award extremely passionate and talented visual and performance artists with a scholarship for a New York Film Academy teen camp or workshop. The awarded teen will have the option to attend in-person at our New York or Los Angeles campus or complete the program online. Candidates must be current high school Freshmen, Sophomores, or Juniors (or equivalent). You must be nominated by a teacher, counselor, boss, or mentor. CLICK HERE for more information.
Federal Pell Grant (Pell)
The maximum Pell Grant for 2020-21 award year is $6,195
The Federal Pell Grant is awarded to eligible undergraduate applicants or students who have not earned a bachelor’s or professional degree. Award amounts are based on the applicant’s level of need and enrollment status. If the applicant is enrolled less than full-time, the award will be prorated. Applicants must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to begin the award review process. All information provided on the FAFSA is reviewed for accuracy by NYFA financial aid staff. Award amounts are not determined until a full file review has been completed.
Many states offer grant programs to qualified residents however most of the state grant programs require residency and attendance in that state for grant eligibility.
California: https://www.nyfa.edu/admissions/financial_aid_state_ca.php
Florida: https://www.nyfa.edu/admissions/financial_aid_state_fl.php
New York: https://www.nyfa.edu/admissions/financial_aid_state_ny.php
Many of our programs have been approved for veteran’s education benefits. In addition, all those who are not fully covered by the Post-9/11 GI bill will receive a 15% discount on tuition. Please see www.gibill.va.gov or call 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) for information on your eligibility and how to obtain your certificate of eligibility.
Please contact our Office of Veterans Services, 818-333-3558 to confirm program approvals.
New York Film Academy (NYFA) understands the major financial commitment involved for international students who wish to come to the United States, as well as for their families. For this reason, NYFA attempts to assist by providing as many funding resources and opportunities as possible.
A good place to start is by exploring internal NYFA tuition-funding prospects that the Academy offers to long-term applicants. Special NYFA scholarships, NYFA talent and merit awards, and NYFA need-based tuition assistance programs can be found here.
In addition to NYFA’s internal resources, the Academy’s international team has gone to great lengths to research and identify external-funding opportunities. This page includes information about specific global, regional, national, and intranational ‘educational and vocational training’ funding available to international students—both from public and private sources. For specific country resources, please click on your country of citizenship. NYFA cannot guarantee the accuracy of the details given directly by the providers’ websites and so we urge you to review the criteria and details of each source carefully.
An important additional resource is the Education USA Program. Education USA is a US Department of State network of over 400 international student-advising centers in more than 170 countries. Education USA is officially a branch in the Office of Global Educational Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Many students use creative solutions to help subsidize their NYFA educational experience, such as corporate sponsorship based on a return of investment, and utilizing crowdfunding platforms.
For all questions and assistance needed to help make your dreams of studying at NYFA a reality, please do not hesitate to seek support from your NYFA Admissions Specialist.
Fax your completed application to:
Fax number: 212-344-4434
Attn: Financial Aid
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Antigua, Argentina, Armenia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, East Timor, Ecuador, Finland, France, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea (South), Kosovo, Kuwait, Libya, Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Republic of Tatarstan, Thailand, Tibet, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam
United States Government Funded Programs
Regional Scholarship Programs
Miscellaneous Programs
- See regional scholarships
- AANO Scholarship Fund (Albanian American National Organization): An applicant must be a high school graduate who has been accepted into a course of study at a college or a similar institution for the purpose of continuing education, or who is presently enrolled as a student in a college or university. An applicant must be either an American or Canadian of Albanian descent or an Ethnic Albanian and is not required to be a member of the Albanian American National Organization, Inc. (Private) https://www.aano.org/scholarship.html
- See regional scholarships
- See regional scholarships
- Friends of Fulbright Scholarship (U.S. Embassy in Argentina): The program gives Argentine undergraduate students the chance to attend classes at an accredited US university and share the experience of living and studying with students from the United States and other countries. (US Government) https://ar.usembassy.gov/education-culture/programs/friends-of-fulbright/
- Armenian Studies Scholarship (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation): Students admitted or already pursuing a Master’s Degree, PhD, or Post Doc in an institution of higher education anywhere in the world. Modern and contemporary periods, including current issues facing Armenia and the diaspora will be privileged. Note that we define Armenian studies as broader than area studies. https://gulbenkian.pt/en/grant/armenian-studies-scholarship-2/
- John M Azarian Memorial Scholarship (The Azarian Group): Since its formation, this fund has awarded over $500,000 in grants to assist financially deserving Armenian students who might otherwise not be able to complete their undergraduate studies. It is our hope that someday those who we have helped will be able to give something back to those who are less fortunate. (Private) http://www.azariangroup.com/scholarship-program/
- Margarian Scholarship (The Margarian Law Firm): We are seeking students who have demonstrated commitment to their heritage, community, and society through persistence, dedication, success, and humility. Note that we do not only determine recipients solely on the basis of GPA or economic hardship, but seek the most deserving candidate based on a multitude of factors mentioned. The scholarship will be in the form of a check payable to the recipient and may be applied towards past, present, or future educational expenses. The scholarship prizes will consist of five (5) awards of $1,000 each. (Private) https://margarianlaw.com/scholarship/
- Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs): This international educational and cultural exchange program brings future leaders to the United States to experience the US educational system, enhance their knowledge, and explore US culture and values. It also affords students the opportunity to share their cultures and traditions with people in the United States. Finalists represent diverse disciplines, from architecture to engineering, biochemistry to literature and education. (US Government) https://am.usembassy.gov/education-culture/educational-exchange/
- Armenian International Women’s Association Scholarship (Amount: $1000): Awarded to full-time female students of Armenian descent attending accredited colleges or universities. Students entering their junior or senior year in college, as well as graduate students, are eligible to apply for the awards. Awards are based on financial need and merit. (Non-Profit) https://www.aiwainternational.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=616355&module_id=243124
- Edward Hosharian Scholarship for Music Students of Armenian Descent (Edward Hosharian Foundation): Amount: $5000. Assists Armenian students in pursuit of their educational goals in music. Applicants must be of Armenian descent, demonstrate financial need, be a full-time student at an accredited college/university in the United States, be a college sophomore or above, and be majoring in music performance or composition in order to apply. (Private) https://bit.ly/2LnHz5R
- Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship (AEF TUFENKIAN SCHOLARSHIP): Three $3,000 scholarships will be awarded to Armenian undergraduate students at an accredited United States college or university. To qualify for this scholarship, students must be of Armenian descent, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, show financial need, and be actively involved in the Armenian community. Students who meet the above criteria should visit our website for scholarship application and more information. http://aefweb.org/index.php/scholarships
- US Graduate Scholarship for Students of Armenian Descent (Armenian General Benevolent Union): Amount $5,000. Offered for Master’s, PhD, Post Doc degree in the field of all subjects. This scholarship is open to students of Armenian descent. (Nonprofit) https://www.wemakescholars.com/scholarship/u.s-graduate-scholarship-for-armenian-students
- See regional scholarships
- Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program: Students must have Bahraini citizenship. Students must be enrolled in Grade 11 / Year 12 / (or equivalent). Students must have a cumulative GPA of 97% or above for Grade 10 / Year 11 / and Grade 11 / Year 12 / (first semester). http://www.cpisp.bh/application/application.aspx
- Tamkeen: Public authority established in August 2006, tasked with supporting Bahrain’s private sector and positioning it as the key driver of economic growth and development. Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030 has been established to lay the foundations of new economic opportunities with the guiding principles of sustainability, competitiveness, and innovation. https://www.tamkeen.bh/
- American Association of University Women (International Fellowships): Awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not US citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited US institutions are supported. Recipients are selected for academic achievement and demonstrated commitment to women and girls. Recipients return to their home countries to become leaders in business, government, academia, community activism, the arts, and sciences. (Private) https://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/educational-funding-and-awards/international-fellowships/
- All scholarship opportunities are listed at:
- Undergraduate Scholarship (Department of Adult and Higher Education):
- See regional scholarships
- Top Achievers Scholarship (Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology): Avail opportunity for a select number of students, who would have completed secondary education with outstanding academic performance to pursue careers that are of strategic importance in terms of driving the economic diversification agenda of the Republic of Botswana. Motivates young people at secondary education level to strive to excel and going recognition in their studies, enroll and learn at the best environments to realize their potential. Creates a pool of young professionals and/or exceptional leaders for the country and its economy. https://educationusa.state.gov/scholarships/top-achievers-scholarship
- See Regional Scholarships
- Ministry of Education Scholarship
http://www.moe.gov.bn/SitePages/Scholarship%20Section.aspx - Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brunei Darussalam): http://mfa.gov.bn/Pages/BDScholarship.aspx
- Civil Society Leadership Awards (Open Society Foundation):
- Manitoba Student Aid Program: Federal Canada Student Loans and provincial Manitoba Student Loans (Government) (https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/msa/)
- Arts Graduate Scholarships (Alberta Learning Information Service Alberta Scholarship Program): To provide assistance to students who demonstrated outstanding ability in the arts pursue graduate study. (Government) https://goo.gl/UAYFR3
- Dr. Robert and Anna Shaw Scholarships (ALIS, Alberta Scholarship Program): To recognize and reward the academic and leadership accomplishments of three students graduating from Sexsmith Secondary School who are entering post-secondary studies. (Government) https://alis.alberta.ca/
- BECAS Chile (CONICYT) graduate and PhD studies. Scholarships For Postgraduate Studies In Chile And Abroad https://www.conicyt.cl/becasconicyt/postulantes/oferta-becas/
- FONDART: https://www.fondosdecultura.cl
- Jóvenes Talentos Scholarship (ICETEX): Colombian applicants are eligible for an ICETEX loan/scholarship of up to $20,000,000 COP for programs between 12-24 months of duration. New York Film Academy will also award $8,500 USD to any student who is accepted to the 1- or 2-year programs, and is approved by ICETEX. (Government) https://portal.icetex.gov.co/Portal/Home/HomeEstudiante/becas/becas-para-estudios-en-el-exterior/artistas-jovenes-talentos/
- CONAPE: http://www.conape.go.cr
- Bakala Foundation: provides financial support to high-achieving students who intend to study at a top academic institution abroad. Offered in partnership with Fondation Zdenek et Michaela Bakala, in Switzerland, the scholarship is designed to help ambitious young people fulfill their academic and personal potential. https://www.bakalafoundation.org/en/programy/scholarship/
- Kellner Family Foundation Grants:
- Grants For Studies and Research in the USA and Denmark(The Danish-American Fulbright Commission): https://educationusa.state.gov/scholarships/danish-american-fulbright-commission-grants-studies-and-research-usa-and-denmark
- State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU): The rates are indicative, and it is your Danish educational institution that finally determines the maximum amount you can receive in a scholarship abroad for your study abroad. This is because it is your Danish educational institution that decides on a scholarship abroad for study abroad: https://www.su.dk/udland/om-su-til-videregaaende-uddannelser-i-udlandet/udlandsophold-som-led-i-dansk-uddannelse-studieophold/tilskud-til-studieafgifter-udlandsstipendium-til-studieophold/hvad-kan-du-faa-i-udlandsstipendium/satser/
- US Timor-Leste Scholarship Program (American Councils): undergraduate degree studies. https://ustlscholarship.org/index.php?action=view_eligibility
- IECE Ecuador (Instituto de Fomento al Talento Humano) Students from Ecuador who are accepted to NYFA are eligible to receive a student loan for international studies of up to $50,000 USD (Government) https://www.fomentoacademico.gob.ec/becas/
- SENESCYT: http://servicios.senescyt.gob.ec/proceso/becas/
- Ecuadorian Scholars Fund (Juventud Ecuatoriana): http://juventudecuatoriana.org/esf/
- Kela: https://www.kela.fi/web/en/financial-aid-for-students-how-to-apply
- ERASMUS: https://www.erasmusprogramme.com/
- LEPLE International Education Center: http://iec.gov.ge
- GuateFuturo (New York Film Academy): Students accepted to NYFA are eligible for $25,000 USD per year for master studies and living expenses. If a student is selected by GuateFuturo, NYFA automatically awards $10,000 per year as well. https://guatefuturo.org
- International Scholarship (Programa Presidencial Becas Honduras 20/20): https://becashonduras2020.gob.hn/
- HONDUFUTURO: http://www.hondufuturo.org/planear-un-posgrado-en-el-exterior/financiacion/
- Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education – graduate studies https://educationusa.state.gov/scholarships/indonesia-endowment-fund-education-lpdp-lembaga-pengelola-dana-pendidikan
- Darmasiswa (Ministry of National Education): http://darmasiswa.kemdikbud.go.id
- India 2021 Tuition Award: Additional tuition assistance opportunities for 2021 may be available to qualifying applicants from India for long-term programs. Contact indiaaward@nyfa.edu for additional information.
- See regional scholarship
- John R. Mott Scholarships (John R. Mott Scholarship Foundation): Applicants must be natives to the region of Calabria, Italy who are enrolled at any university or graduate school in the fall of current year and seeking an education leading to a degree or professional certificate. Recipients will be selected based on academic achievement and financial need. Consideration is also given to the candidate’s past and intended future contributions to the region. (Private) http://www.mottscholarship.org/scholar/eligibility-EN.asp
- Jasso Scholarship (Japan Student Services Organization): https://www.jasso.go.jp/ryugaku/study_a/scholarship/haken/
- Tobitate Japan Scholarship Program: The public private scholarship gives scholarships for Japanese high school and university students for short term study abroad https://www.tobitate.mext.go.jp/univ/program/planning/index.html
- See regional scholarships
- Bolashak Program (JSC – Center for International Programs): https://www.bolashak.gov.kz/en/novosti/1133-rezultaty-zasedaniya-respublikanskoj-komissii-po-podgotovke-kadrov-za-rubezhom.html
- The Korean Ancestry Grant (William Orr Dingwall Foundation): The exact number of Korean Ancestry Grants will be decided both by the number of exceptional candidates and by the amount of available Foundation funds. https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/ethnicity/south-korean/the-korean-ancestry-grant
- Scholarship For Exchange Program: (Mirae Asset Park Hyeon Joo Foundation) https://foundation.miraeasset.com/front/scholarship/schForeign.do
- Dream Scholarship (Kosaf): http://www.kosaf.go.kr/eng/jsp/aid/aid02_01_01.jsp
- Kosovo American Education Fund Graduate Fellowship Program (KAEF): https://www.kaef-online.org/?action=view_apply
- Kosovo Transformational Leadership Program (World Learning): Under TLP-SP, nearly 300 Kosovars will receive master’s degrees and professional certificates from US universities. Alumni return to Kosovo to work in key institutions, especially in the public sector, where they utilize their new knowledge and skills to create positive change. Along with the scholarships component, World Learning and its partners are working with the University of Prishtina (UP) – the largest and most influential university in Kosovo – to transform the institution’s capacity to prepare graduates to meet the needs of the growing economy and developing state. https://www.worldlearning.org/program/kosovo-transformational-leadership-program-scholarships-partnerships/
- Transformational Leadership Program (USAID): The purpose of this scholarship is to develop a cadre of leaders to drive significant change in Kosovo in priority economic, political, and social development areas. http://usaid-tlp-sp.org/En/ma-and-professional-certificate/24/tlp-sp-master-s-degree-scholarships-program/
- MOHE Scholarship (Ministry of Higher Education): http://www.kuwaitculture.com/mohe/home
- Libyan-North America Scholarship Program: (Canadian Bureau of International Education) https://cbie.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Academic-Student-Guidelines-USA.pdf
- Reserve Bank of Malawi: https://www.rbm.mw/#
- Malaysian Government’s Scholarship for Film or Art Study: https://mdec.my
- Graduate Excellence Program Scholarship (MARA): www.mara.gov.my
- Yayasan Khazanah: www.yayasankhazanah.com.my
- Yayasan Sime Darby: http://www.yayasansimedarby.com/scholarship/scholarship-information-malaysia
- Yayasan Saba Group: http://www.yayasansabahgroup.org.my/ucsf.cfm
- FONCA-CONACYT (Sistema de Informacion Cultural): This is a multidisciplinary financial aid opportunity to stimulate the education and development of Mexican creatives and researchers by helping them obtain scholarships for postgraduate and PhD programs for studies oriented toward research and professionalization. These opportunities are available for visual arts, architecture, design, dance, cultural studies, literature, audiovisual media, music, restoration of cultural heritage, and theatre. https://sic.cultura.gob.mx/ficha.php?table=convocatoria&table_id=191
- US Mexico Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange: www.comexus.org.mx
- Magdalena Vda. De Brockman Scholarship (BECAS MOB): www.becasmob.org.mx
- Fiderh (Banco de Mexico): http://www.fiderh.org.mx/calendario.html
- Professional Development Scholarship Program (OAS): http://www.oas.org/en/scholarships/PDSP/2018/PDSP-OpenCallScholarshipsProposals2018-EN.pdf
- FULBRIGHT (COMEXUS): Through the Fulbright-Garcia Robles Scholarship, COMEXUS supports students, researchers, and professors for postgraduate programs, research, and teaching abroad. These programs are financed by both Mexico and the US and, in small part, by companies and donations of private foundations. There is one call for entries every year at the very beginning of the year. http://www.comexus.org.mx/posgrado_eua.php
If you need more information about Mexico Scholarships and Financing you may also contact Cesar Mercado in our Mexico Office by email or by phone at +521 55 1014 5067 and +521 55 4395 0375
- HIAS Chicago Ludmila Smolyansky Empowerment Scholarship for Women (HIAS): https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/ethnicity/moldovan/hias-chicago-ludmila-smolyansky-empowerment-scholarship-for-women
- Dr. Gombojab Hangin Memorial Scholarship: To be given to a student of Mongolian heritage, defined as an individual of Mongolian ethnic origins, who has permanent residency in Mongolia, the People’s Republic of China, or the former Soviet Union to pursue studies in the United States of America. The amount of the award may be up to US $2,500. The award does not include transportation from the recipient’s country to the United States nor does it include board and lodging at the university where the recipient will study. http://www.abroadplanet.com/scholarships/mongolia-society/
- Myanmar Ministry of Education: http://www.moe.gov.mm/en/
- Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds: https://www.cultuurfonds.nl/fondsen
- Holland Scholarship (Nuffic): https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/holland-scholarship/
- Betty Hansen National Scholarship (Danish Sisterhood of America): https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/ethnicity/dutch/betty-hansen-national-scholarship
- Graduate Stipend (NORAM): https://noram.no/graduate-stipender/
- State Educational Loan Fund (Lanekassen): At Bachelor’s level, tuition support is given as 50 percent grant and 50 percent loan on the first NOK 68 400 you pay in tuition fees. Any tuition support beyond this is in the form of a loan, up to a maximum of NOK 133 752 per year. At Master’s level, tuition support is given as 70 percent grant and 30 percent loan on the first NOK 68 400 kr you pay in tuition fees. Any tuition support beyond this is in the form of a loan, up to a maximum of NOK 133 752 kr per year: https://www.lanekassen.no/nb-NO/Languages/norwegian-students-abroad/examples-of-funding-/
- Eckbos Legat: https://www.eckbos-legat.no/Soeke-om-stoette
- Jansons Legat: https://www.jansonslegat.no/Soeknad
- University of Oman External Scholarship (Ministry of Higher Education): https://mohe.gov.om/InnerPage.aspx?id=612cd2b4-f14c-4f48-9dc0-1fa809efe308&culture=en
- Panama Bilingue (Embassy of Panama): https://www.embassyofpanama.org/
- SENACYT: https://www.senacyt.gob.pa
- Becas Internacionales (IFARHU): https://www.ifarhu.gob.pa
- National Scholarship Program Abroad “Don Carlos Antonio Lopez” (CONACYT): http://www.conacyt.gov.py/becasenelexterior
- Beca 18 (PRONABEC): https://www.pronabec.gob.pe/becas_pronabec/
- Programa Credito Beca Reto Excelencia (SERVIR): https://www.retoexcelencia.gob.pe
- QF Merit Based Scholarship (Qatar Foundation): https://next.qf.org.qa/education/student-financial-services/
- Qatar Olympic Committee Scholarship Programme (Qatar Olympic Committee): https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/24946299/qatar-olympic-committee-scholarship-programme
- Russian Presidential Scholarship (Centre for Scholarships and Charitable Programmes): https://www.hse.ru/en/scholarships/presidential
- Algarysh Tatarstan (American Councils For International Education): http://alga.tatarstan.ru/rus/o_grante.htm
- HIAS Chicago Ludmila Smolyansky Empowerment Scholarship for Women (HIAS): https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/ethnicity/moldovan/hias-chicago-ludmila-smolyansky-empowerment-scholarship-for-women
- Saudi Cultural Mission (SACM): https://www.sacm.org/
- Misk Fellowship and Traineeship (Misk Foundation): https://misk.org.sa/fellowship/about/
- Saudi Aramco: https://www.aramcoservices.com/
- Your Job First and Then Your Scholarship Program (Ministry of Education): https://ksp.moe.gov.sa/
- See regional scholarships
- Public Service Commission: https://www.psc.gov.sg/home
- A*STAR Scholarships (Agency for Science, Technology, and Research): https://www.a-star.edu.sg/Scholarships/Overview
- Singapore-Industry Scholarship: https://www.singaporeindustryscholarship.sg
- SPH Journalism Scholarship (Singapore Press Holdings): https://www.sph.com.sg/careers-scholarships/scholarship-opportunities/
- Slovene Arts & Culture Residencies Programme (Slovenia Ministry of Culture): Artists Residencies available in New York (Government) https://www.culture.si/en/Slovene_Arts_%26_Culture_Residency,_New_York
- Sponsorships & Thusano Fund (National Youth Development Agency): With Thusano meaning “helping hand,” the Fund functions over and above the organizations’ sponsorships and is aimed at assisting small scale, immediate necessities. (Government) http://www.nyda.gov.za/Products-Services/Sponsorships-Thusano-Fund
- National Arts Council (Agency of the Department of Arts & Culture): Funding is available for arts projects and bursaries in the field of the arts. The NAC offers individual bursaries at the postgraduate level only. Bursaries for undergraduate students are offered through education and training institutions. (Government) http://www.nac.org.za/funding-overview/
- Programa de Becas Argos para el Desarrollo Regional (Fundacion Argos): https://fundacionargos.org/que-hacemos/Categoria/becas?id=5425
- La Caixa Foundation (Caixa Bank): https://obrasociallacaixa.org/es/educacion-becas
- Ministry of Education and Research: https://www.government.se/government-of-sweden/ministry-of-education-and-research/
- Swedish Board of Student Finance: https://www.csn.se/languages/english.html
- Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund (TASF) Program: https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/ethnicity/taiwanese/taiwanese-american-scholarship-fund-tasf-program
- Algarysh Tatarstan (American Councils For International Education): http://alga.tatarstan.ru/rus/o_grante.htm
- HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Scholarship: http://royalscholarship.buu.ac.th/2016/index.php
- Peter J. Hengel Thai Scholarship Program: https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/ethnicity/thai/peter-j-hengel-thai-scholarship-program
- The Tibet Fund: http://tibetfund.org/programs/education-vocational-training/scholarships-2/
- Tibetan Scholarship Program Alumni Association (TSPAA): http://www.tspalumni.org/
- Turkish Consulate General in NYC: http://newyork.meb.gov.tr
- Turkey Ministry of National Education: https://www.meb.gov.tr/meb_haberindex.php?LIST=&KATEGORINO=&SAYFANO=5&dil=en
- Turkish Gendarmerie General Command: http://www.fiep.org/member-forces/turkish-gendarmerie/
- Prep4Sucess (American Councils): http://americancouncilstm.org/p4s/
- Young Thinkers (Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education): http://www.alghurairfoundation.org/en/content/young-thinkers-program-0
- Film Scholarship (BAFTA): Provides scholarships for British graduate students anywhere in the US. Last year we gave over $80,000 of scholarships to British students studying film or film-related disciplines (such as film composition, production design, entertainment business studies etc.). Students should email this address (baftastudents@baftala.org) to request the application form. We also accept applications from students who have been recently accepted, or who are awaiting word of acceptance.
- BUNAC: https://www.bunac.org/usa
- WNISEF Seed Grant Program: http://seedgrant.org/
- National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII): www.anii.org.uy
- Islam Karimov Foundation: http://fondkarimov.uz/en/about-fund/scholarships/
- Vietnam International Education Development (VIED): www.vied.vn/
- Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (World Learning): www.worldlearning.org Provides non-degree undergraduate study abroad in the United States on a competitive basis to university students from Afghanistan, Algeria, Belarus, El Salvador, India, Iraq, Kosovo, Lebanon, Malawi, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ukraine. The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program is open to anyone who is/has:
- over 18 years of age;
- a citizen of a UGRAD participating country, currently residing in that country;
- enrolled as an undergraduate in good standing at any accredited university, public or private, and has at least one semester remaining at their home university at the conclusion of the UGRAD program;
- completed secondary education in their home country;
- a solid command of written and spoken English (English Language training for some finalists is possible);
- able to begin studies in the United States in August 2019 or January 2020 (selected participants may not defer to a later date);
- eligible to receive and maintain the US student exchange visa (J-1) required for the program;
- cleared by a physician to participate in the program; committed to returning to their home country after the completion of the program.
- Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (IREX): https://www.irex.org
- Fulbright Foreign Student Program (IIE, LASPAU, and AMIDEAST depending on country/region or by the bi-national Fulbright Commission of the sending country): https://foreign.fulbrightonline.org
- USAID Programs (World Learning, IIE): https://www.usaid.gov
- Baltic American Freedom Foundation: http://balticamericanfreedomfoundation.org
- IsDB Scholarship Programs (Islamic Development Bank): https://www.isdb.org/get-involved/scholarship-programme
- Diana Kamal Scholarship Program (AMIDEAST): https://www.amideast.org/our-work/find-a-scholarship/undergraduate-study/dkssf/diana-kamal-scholarship-search-fund-dkssf
- APIASF Scholarships (Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund): Supports and encourages all Asian and Pacific Islander American students to pursue higher education by developing future leaders who will contribute back to their communities. (Private) https://bit.ly/2RPkGuf
- Senyk Memorial Scholarships (The Yukon Foundation): Applicants must be 4th or 5th year post-secondary students, or Master’s or equivalent. (Private) https://bit.ly/2RPkGuf
- Latino Employee Resource Group Scholarship: (Pacific Gas & Electric Company): Amount $1000 – $2000. This employee group’s mission is to inspire Latinos to achieve their full potential at all levels within PG&E and the community, emphasizing leadership development, quality service, youth achievement, and appreciation for cultural diversity. All majors eligible; none required. (Corporate) https://bit.ly/2nUk360
- Gay Asian Pacific Alliance Foundation Scholarship (Gay Asian Pacific Alliance): Award $5,000. Provides financial assistance to students in high school, undergraduate, graduate, or professional or trade or vocational school who express activism in the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) and/or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities. Applicants should have a strong history of activism within either the API and/or LGBTQ communities; however, applicants need not identify as either to apply. Preference will be given to those who identify as both API and LGBTQ. (Private) https://gapafoundation.org/scholarships/
- Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy (OWLAG): http://owlag.co.za
- East African Development Bank: https://eadb.org
- West Africa Management Services LLC: http://wamsc.com
- Open Society Scholarship Programs: www.opensocietyfoundations.org/about/programs/scholarship-programs
- SHE CAN: www.shecan.global
- Davis UWC Scholarship Program: http://www.davisuwcscholars.org
- Marine Debris Creative Advocacy Competition: (NOAA) https://bowseat.org/programs/advocacy-competition/overview/
- US & Canada Grant (Margaret McNamara Education Grants): Open to women from developing countries who are currently studying in the US. See more: http://www.mmeg.org/apply/. See country eligibility list: http://www.mmeg.org/eligibility-country-list
- Resume Template Design Scholarships (VelvetJobs): Applicants must be US or international college or university undergraduate and graduate students. (Private) https://bit.ly/2Ux06AG
- TrustedPros Scholarships (TrustedPros Inc.): Applicants must be Canadian or US residents enrolled in an accredited Canadian or US college, university or trade school; have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. (Private) https://bit.ly/2QqQNE9
- The Jeff Iorilla And Roel Hinojosa Scholarship For Liberal Arts (PFLAG National): Eligibility: Be a graduating high school senior entering higher education for the first time that identifes as either a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender person, or as a supporter of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people; demonstrate an interest in service to the LGBT community; have applied to an accredited higher education institution in pursuit of either an associate degree leading to transfer credits towards a bachelor’s degree, or a bachelor’s degree program at a four-year college. https://www.internationalstudent.com/scholarships/1302/The+Jeff+Iorilla+And+Roel+Hinojosa+Scholarship+For+Liberal+Arts
- Phyllis Craig Scholarship Fund (WOMEN IN ANIMATION): Open to women (or those identifying as female) who are full-time students at an institute of learning that is offering courses in animation and accredited by a recognized accreditation organization (Corporate) http://womeninanimation.org/scholarship/
- Mister Rogers Memorial Scholarship (Scholarship Committee): The Television Academy Foundation’s Mister Rogers Memorial Scholarship Program awards two scholarships to graduating seniors (must be continuing directly to graduate school) and graduate students (master’s or PhD) to support and encourage them to pursue a career in children’s media and further the values and principles of Fred Rogers’s work. The scholarships are project-based and may not be used for tuition. Applicants must have the ultimate goal of working in children’s media. (Private) https://bit.ly/2zYKIV8
- International Peace Scholarship (Philanthropic Educational Organization): Award amount: $7,500 – $12,500. The PEO International Peace Scholarship Fund is a program which provides grants-in-aid for selected women from other countries for graduate study in the United States and Canada. If you hold citizenship or permanent residency in the United States or Canada, you are not eligible. Scholarships are not given for research, internships, dissertations or travel. In order to qualify for a first scholarship, you must have a full year of coursework remaining and be enrolled full-time and on campus for the entire school year. We do not fund online courses. (Corporate) https://www.petersons.com/scholarship/international-peace-scholarship-111_181862.aspx
- NCTA/AWM Scholarship (Alliance for Women in Media Foundation): The Internet and Television Association Scholarship allows a deserving female communications/media undergraduate or graduate student to create an original piece (essay, digital short, video, animation or other concept chosen by the student) that will be featured in NCTA and AWMF media distribution channels. In addition, the chosen student will receive a scholarship to their educational institution for $5,000 and a ticket to attend the Women in Media event in the Fall. (Private) https://allwomeninmedia.org/foundation/scholarships/
- Scholarship for Cancer Survivors (Bristol-Myers Squibb): Award amount: $10,000. This scholarship program was created to assist cancer survivors who plan to continue their education in college or vocational school programs. (Corporate) https://learnmore.scholarsapply.org/cancer-survivors/
- Blended and Online Learning Scholarship Program (The Foundation for Blended and Online Learning): Award: $10,000. For high school seniors who have completed a minimum of five (5) blended and/or online courses during their last two years of high school and plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school for the entire upcoming academic year. All students who meet this prerequisite are invited to apply, and scholarships are not granted based upon financial need. (Private) https://www.blendedandonlinelearning.org/scholarship-program
- Bonnie Tiegel Memorial Scholarship Program (CBS Television Distribution): Award: $2,500. For students pursuing an undergraduate degree in broadcast journalism, communications, or journalism. Applicants must be high school seniors, high school graduates, or current postsecondary undergraduates, and must be planning to enroll in full-time undergraduate study for the entire upcoming academic year. (Corporate) https://www.studentscholarshipsearch.com/scholarships/bonnie-tiegel-memorial-scholarship-program
Global Study IELTS Awards (British Council): Award: £10,000. Offered for bachelor’s or master’s degree in the field of any chosen program at admitted university. This scholarship is open to all nationalities. (Corporate) https://www.wemakescholars.com/scholarship/global-study-ielts-awards
New York Film Academy accepts students sponsored through the organizations listed below. Please visit the respective websites to see the requirements for becoming a sponsored student:
- FULBRIGHT is an organization that administers grants for sponsored students, mainly for Master’s programs, from countries outside the US. www.fulbright.state.gov
- AMIDEAST is an organization that administers grants for sponsored students from the Mideast and North Africa. www.amideast.org
- THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES (OAS) offers scholarships through its Academic Scholarship Program (Regular Program) every year for the pursuit of Master’s Degrees, Doctoral Degrees, and Graduate Research leading to a university degree. The OAS also has a Special Caribbean Scholarships Program (SPECAF), which grants scholarships for the last two years of undergraduate studies to citizens and residents of the English-speaking Caribbean OAS Member States and Suriname.
NYFA’s “Hands-Online” Workshops are active creative learning experiences where you will participate, from home, in every class, interact with your teacher and classmates, and create original work. Each workshop includes live interactive instruction, group meetings, and additional one-on-one consultations with the instructor.

Workshops offered in:
Film & Media
- Script Coordinator & Writers Assistant Training
- Final Draft Certification Program for Script Coordinators (Weekends Only)
- Filmmaking & Directing
- 15-Week Online Filmmaking (Part Time)
- 8-Week Online Filmmaking (Part Time)
- 8-Week Online Filmmaking
- 8-Week Online Commercial Storytelling
- 4-Week Online Filmmaking
- 2-Week Online Filmmaking
- 1-Week Online Filmmaking
- Cinematography
- 15-Week Online Cinematography (Part Time)
- 4-Week Online Cinematography
- Photography
- 15-Week Online Photography (Part Time)
- 4-Week Online Photography
- 2-Week Online Fashion Photography: Creating, Planning, and Producing Fashion Images
- Producing
- 15-Week Online Producing (Part Time)
- 4-Week Online Film & TV Producing
- 2-Day Line Producing – Online
- Documentary Filmmaking
- 15-Week Online Documentary Filmmaking & Micro Docs (Part Time)
- 4-Week Online Documentary Filmmaking & Micro Docs
- Editing/Post-Production
- 15-Week Online Adobe Premiere Editing (Part Time)
- 4-Week Online Digital Editing With Adobe Premiere Pro
- 4-Week Online Digital Editing With Avid Media Composer
- Screenwriting
- 15-Week Online Screenwriting
- 4-Week Online Screenwriting – Television Pilot (Beginners)
- 4-Week Online Screenwriting – Story & Structure
- Broadcast Journalism
- 4-Week Online Broadcast Journalism
- 1-Week Online Podcast Boot Camp
- 3D Animation & VFX
- 4-Week Online 3D Animation & VFX
Performing Arts
- Acting
- 15-Week Online Acting (Part Time)
- 15-Week Online Business of Acting; Auditioning for Television and Film
- 8-Week Online Acting
- 4-Week Online Acting
- 2-Week Online Acting
- 1-Week Online Acting
- Starting Your Voiceover Career Classes
- Musical Theatre
- 15-Week Online Musical Theatre
- 4-Week Online Musical Theatre
Online Workshop Start Dates
8, 6, 4, 2 and 1-Week Online Workshops:
- September 13, 2021
- October 11, 2021
- December 6, 2021
15-Week Online Workshops (Excluding 15-Week Online Screenwriting):
- September 20, 2021
Any program dates not listed above are outlined in the workshop description below.
8, 6, 4, 2 and 1-Week Online Workshop Schedules
All 8, 6, 4, 2 and 1-Week Online workshops will be held daily as a class with a live instructor, Monday through Friday (unless otherwise specified in the workshop description).
Scheduled classes are as follows (excluding Part Time 8-week and 4-week workshops, see Part Time Workshop schedule below):
- 2 x 2 hour classes per day (4 hours a day in total)
- Times of classes:
- 12:00 -2:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m., Eastern Time
- Translated to different time zones, the class hours are:
- 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Pacific Time;
- 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m., Central European Time
- For the start time for other time zones, click here
- There will be a total of 20 hours of class time for each week. Hours of class time for each program is as follows:
- 8-weeks = 160 hours of class time (8-Week Online Film Directing is the only exception, which is 120 hours of class time)
- 6-weeks = 120 hours of class time
- 4-weeks = 80 hours of class time
- 2-weeks = 40 hours of class time
- 1-week = 20 hours of class time
Scheduled classes for Part Time 8-week and 4-week Workshops are as follows
- 1 x 2 hour class per day (2 hours a day in total)
- Times of classes:
- 8:00 -10:00 a.m. Eastern Time
- Translated to different time zones, the class hours are:
- 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., China Standard Time (+1 hour during Daylight savings time)
- 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., Central European Time (+1 hour during Daylight savings time)
- For the start time for other time zones, click here
- There will be a total of 10 hours of class time for each week. Hours of class time for each program is as follows:
- 8-weeks Part Time = 80 hours of class time
- 4-weeks Part Time = 40 hours of class time
15-Week Online Workshops (Excluding 15-Week Screenwriting)
The 15-Week workshops follow the same curriculum as the 4-Week Workshops spread over 15 weeks, and are designed to meet the needs of students who have other commitments.
The 15-Week workshops will meet as a class with a live instructor Tuesdays and Thursdays with an additional class on Wednesdays for weeks 14 and 15.
Scheduled classes are as follows:
- 1 x 2.5 hour class on each meeting day, as indicated above.
- There are two program schedule options to choose from:
- All 15-Week Online workshops (excluding Screenwriting) are offered in Time Zone Option 1: 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Eastern Time / 4:00 – 6:30 p.m., Pacific Time (for the start time for other time zones, click here)
- 15-Week Online Filmmaking, Acting, Producing and Documentary are also offered in Time Zone Option 2: 8:00 – 10:30 p.m. China Standard Time / 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. India Standard Times (for the start time for other time zones, click here)
- There will be a total of 80 hours of class time for 15-week online workshops.
Other Workshop Duration Schedules
We offer other programs with varied duration. Their specific details can be found in the workshop descriptions below.
This 15-Week workshop follows the same curriculum as the 4-Week workshops but is spread over fifteen weeks. It’s designed to meet the needs of students who have other commitments.
Schedule Options
The program is offered for two different time zone options. Click here for the two options.
Workshop Description
The Evening Online Film Workshop gives students the instruction they need while allowing them to fulfill other obligations during the day throughout the workweek.
Over the course of fifteen weeks students will learn that film directing is all about making informed creative decisions that best serve the needs of the story. In addition to learning how a director communicates with cast, crew and, ultimately, the audience, participants will also get a thorough introduction to all roles found on a film set, including: Producing, Production Design, Cinematography, Editing, Screenwriting and Sound Design.
All classes are geared toward providing the building blocks needed to create a compelling short film. The course meets two evenings a week for 2.5-hour classes for the first thirteen weeks and three nights a week for the last two weeks.
Throughout the fifteen week commitment, in addition to the class hours, students will also have scheduled edit sessions to complete their projects and will participate in directing their own projects – three in total. It is truly a learning by doing experience.
This is an introductory workshop, no prerequisites are required nor any prior experience expected.
Weekly Breakdown
- Weeks 1-4:Visual Literacy/Understanding the Language of Cinema and shot design for continuity.
- Practicum: Continuity Exercise
- Weeks 5-9: Elements of Story, Pacing & Rhythm.
- Practicum: Music & Montage Exercise
- Weeks 10-13: Building Character, Creating POV, Working with Dialogue and the Importance of Sound.
- Practicum: Final Film Exercise physical Production
- Weeks 14 & 15: Putting it All Together
- Practicum: Post Production on Final Film
Class Details | Apply Now (Time Zone 1) |
This Part Time workshop is the equivalent of our 4-week Online Film Directing Workshop, but meets only once per day (instead of twice) Monday through Friday from 8am to 10am Eastern Standard Time (8pm to 10pm China Standard Time), over an 8-week period.
This workshop focuses on how a filmmaker writes, preps for and directs a short film while focusing on the fact that good storytelling is never about the technology but rather the story and the acting.
Through a series of online lectures and guided exercises this workshop will cover the tools available to help implement the Director’s vision in the unique narrative structure of the short film they write. Examined in depth this course covers including but is not limited to the necessary elements that make a good scene/story, how a director breaks down the written word into visual shots and creates point of view, getting good performances from the actors and designing a visual strategy for their story.
Students participate in a series of lectures, discussions, and in-class screenings to further hone their understanding of the art and craft of directing. This class has a special focus on pre-production and the elements of visual storytelling. A coherent visual approach to each proposed film should be arrived at by course end.
Prerequisites – Because all short-term Filmmaking workshops start at the introductory level no prerequisites are required nor any prior experience expected.
Weekly Breakdown/Focus
- Weeks 1&2: Intro to the Language of Cinema
- Intro to the Language of Cinema
- Practicum: Mise-en-scene Exercise
- Weeks 3&4: Continuity and Shot Design
- Practicum: Continuity Exercise
- Weeks 5&6: Elements of Story, Pacing & Rhythm
- Practicum: Music & Montage Exercise
- Weeks 7&8: Putting it all together
- Practicum: Polished cut of Music & Montage Exercise
- Practicum: Visual Director’s Prepro Book
- Practicum: Polished cut of Music & Montage Exercise
Program Schedule
- Two x 2-hour classes per day Monday-Friday for the first four weeks (80 total hours).
- One x 2-hour class per day in the remaining four weeks (40 total hours).
- Some days during the second month will be dedicated to self guided preparation, shooting and editing with no scheduled classes.
- All classes are scheduled for 12pm-2pm and/or 3pm-5pm EST.
- Total hours is 120 hours.
About the Program
Designed for people who wish to study the craft of filmmaking in an intensive environment, the 8-Week Online Filmmaking Workshop challenges students to produce five films over a period of two months.
For students with little or no filmmaking experience, the 8-Week Online Filmmaking Workshop offers the best of all worlds: focused learning with working industry experts and the opportunity to make a fully-realized final film.
The program is divided between online classes, consultations and the production by each student of a series of short films of increasing difficulty. Following production and post-production of each film, students screen their work for their classmates and instructors engaging in critique and discussion.
The first month of the program is dedicated to laying the foundational skills necessary for effective and compelling filmmaking. It is during this intensive period the first four film exercises are completed.
During the second month of the program each student writes, directs, and edits a final film of up to ten minutes. Students have a pre-production period to cast, scout locations, plan their final films and meet with instructors for one-on-one consultation.
Prerequisites – Because all short-term Filmmaking workshops start at the introductory level no prerequisites are required nor any prior experience expected.
Weekly Breakdown/Focus
- Week 1: Intro to the Language of Cinema
- Practicum: Mis-en-scene
- Week 2: Continuity and Shot Design
- Practicum: Continuity Exercise
- Week 3: Elements of Story, Pacing & Rhythm
- Practicum: Music & Montage Exercise
- Week 4: Understanding Dialogue & Directing the Performance
- Practicum: Subtext Exercise
- Week 5-8: Preproduction, Production and Post Final Film
- Practicum: Final Film
Class Details | Apply Now |
Please note: All other 8-Week Online workshops are 160 hours and priced at $3,600.
This particular 8-Week program is 120 hours hence the lower cost.
Program Schedule
- Two x 2-hour classes per day Monday-Friday for the first four weeks (80 total hours).
- One x 2-hour class per day in the remaining four weeks (40 total hours).
- Some days during the second month will be dedicated to self guided preparation, shooting and editing with no scheduled classes.
- All classes are scheduled for 12pm-2pm and/or 3pm-5pm EST.
- Total hours is 120 hours.
Program Description
The commercials business has taken many twists and turns over the years from an entire TV show being sponsored by a brand to huge multi-million dollar Superbowl commercials to where we are now; a mix between full up network commercials and hip branding videos that end up on Instagram.
In the initial four weeks you will learn about the history and methodology of the advertising industry, commercial genres and all the business elements that go into creating a commercial campaign. In the second four weeks each student will create/shoot/edit their own commercial spot and walk away with a reel worthy commercial spot.
Prerequisites – No prerequisites are required nor any prior experience expected.
Weekly Breakdown:
- Week 1: Intro to Commercials
- The industry, the history, ad agency, client, production company.
- Practicum: Download 3 commercials – be prepared to speak about what does and does not work for you.
- Week 2: The Business of Commercials
- From boards, conference calls, treatments, job awards.
- Practicum: Create and Submit sample boards
- Week 3: Commercial Genres
- An in-depth dive into what makes a great Comedy commercial.
- Storytelling
- Lifestyles & Babies
- Practicum: Write a treatment
- Week 4: Ideation & Pitching
- Treatments, budgeting & scheduling, working with the ad agency and what to expect on shoot days.
- Students will ideate their own commercial spot based in a single genre. Learn about treatments and research.
- Practicum: Students will pitch with visual treatments their commercial concepts in class to receive feedback from the teacher and other students
- Weeks 5-8: Preproduction, Production and Post Individual Spec Commercial
- Continuation of course sessions and individual consultations with instructors.
- Practicum: Spec Commercial
Class Details | Apply Now |
This workshop focuses on how a filmmaker writes, preps for and directs a short film while focusing on the fact that good storytelling is never about the technology but rather the story and the acting.
Through a series of online lectures and guided exercises this workshop will cover the tools available to help implement the Director’s vision in the unique narrative structure of the short film they write. Examined in depth this course covers including but is not limited to the necessary elements that make a good scene/story, how a director breaks down the written word into visual shots and creates point of view, getting good performances from the actors and designing a visual strategy for their story.
Students participate in a series of lectures, discussions, and in-class screenings to further hone their understanding of the art and craft of directing. This class has a special focus on pre-production and the elements of visual storytelling. A coherent visual approach to each proposed film should be arrived at by course end.
Prerequisites – Because all short-term Filmmaking workshops start at the introductory level no prerequisites are required nor any prior experience expected.
Weekly Breakdown/Focus
- Week 1: Intro to the Language of Cinema
- Intro to the Language of Cinema
- Week 2: Continuity and Shot Design
- Practicum: Continuity Exercise
- Week 3: Elements of Story, Pacing & Rhythm
- Practicum: Music & Montage Exercise
- Week 4: Putting it all together
- Practicum: Polished cut of Music & Montage Exercise
- Practicum: Visual Director’s Prepro Book
- Practicum: Polished cut of Music & Montage Exercise
Class Details | Apply Now |
The Two Week Online Filmmaking program provides a thorough introduction to the principles and grammar of the cinematic language, while emphasizing that good film directing is built on effective communication. Prioritizing the storyteller’s preparation students learn how a director translates the written word from page to screen.
Through a series of online lectures and guided exercises this workshop will cover the tools available to help implement the Director’s vision in the unique narrative structure of the short film they write. Examined in depth this course covers including but is not limited to: the necessary elements that make a good scene/story, how a director creates a shot list and floor plan, how to get story appropriate performances from the cast and designing a visual strategy for their story.
Students participate in a series of lectures, discussions, and in-class screenings to further hone their understanding of the art and craft of directing. A coherent visual approach to each proposed film should be arrived at by course end.
Prerequisites – Because all short-term Filmmaking workshops start at the introductory level no prerequisites are required nor any prior experience expected.
Weekly Breakdown
- Week 1: Intro to the Language of Cinema
- Practicum: Mis-en-scene
- Week 2: Continuity and Shot Design
- Practicum: Continuity Exercise
Class Details | Apply Now |
The 1-Week Online Filmmaking Workshop is the most intensive, instructional one-week program in filmmaking that can be found at any film school. In one short week, students are instructed in the basics of writing, directing, cinematography and digital editing. Each student writes, directs, shoots, and edits a short film project.
The pace of this 1-Week course is feverish, and students must be prepared to live and breathe filmmaking for the duration of the workshop. The 1-Week workshop was designed to serve the needs of a variety of students, yet through online classes and exercises, all students gain an understanding of the requirements and rigors of filmmaking, as well as experience the exhilaration of seeing a completed project.
For some, the workshop is an opportunity to see if filmmaking is the appropriate craft for them.
All students enrolling in the 1-Week Online Filmmaking workshop should be aware that this is an introductory course. The limitations of a one-week course should be apparent, given that many people spend years studying film and perfecting their craft. While the 1-Week Online Filmmaking workshop is not meant to be a substitute for longer-term programs, many students have made excellent projects and decided to pursue movie making in the future.
Program and Software Requirements
- To complete the assigned project, the student will edit using DaVinci Resolve, which can be downloaded free of charge.
- Students will also need a camera capable of recording video, in this course a mobile device will suffice.
Class Details | Apply Now |
This 15-Week workshop follows the same curriculum as the 4-week workshops but is spread over fifteen weeks. It’s designed to meet the needs of students who have other commitments.
This workshop is focused on understanding the basic principles of cinematography with a combination of online lectures, analysis of the history of cinematography, camera and basic lighting technology and techniques, including an introduction to editing and color correction using Davinci Resolve.
The students will test what they learn during the online lectures with 3 exercises that are designed to be realized even in isolation, if required by local health conditions, using a digital camera of their own possession, including a cell phone if nothing else is available.
Program and Software Requirements
- Computer: Mac, Windows or Linux based computer with the capacity of running Davinci Resolve on it and with webcam
- Internet access in order to follow the online classes live and interact with instructors and classmates
- Software: Davinci Resolve 16 Lite, free software downloadable at https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/
- Camera: Any camera will do for the program, even a cellphone. We suggest, but not require, apps like Filmic Pro to be able to control manually the functions of the video camera of the phone.
Class Breakdown
- Cinematographer’s Craft – 9 Classes
- History Of Cinematography – 3 Classes
- Camera – 2 Classes
- Lighting & Grip – 3 Classes
- Editing
- Editing On Davinci Resolve – 3 Classes
- Basic Elements Of Color Correction – 3 Classes
- Production Lab – 6 Classes
- Screen And Review – 3 Classes
Class Details | Apply Now |
This workshop is focused on understanding the basic principles of cinematography with a combination of online lectures, analysis of the history of cinematography, camera and basic lighting technology and techniques, including an introduction to editing and color correction using Davinci Resolve (free download available).
The students will test what they learn during the online lectures with 3 exercises that are designed to be realized using a digital camera of their own possession, including a cell phone if nothing else is available.
Projects are:
- Composition: As directed during the Production Lab prep class the students will create a series of shots to practice and test the knowledge of composition and the technical elements of cinematography (focus, exposure, color, basic camera movements).
- Continuity: The student will create a small scene, within a space that is safely accessible to them, in which they will use different framing, angles of view and available or self-made light to build the narrative. Could be fictional (ex: a mystery presence in the room) or documentary (ex: a family member/partner baking a cake)
- Montage: For their final film, the students will pick an abstract concept (ex: fear, excitement, love, solitude, etc.) and film images that will describe it visually either on their own or combined with others. The project focuses less on the narrative aspect of filmmaking and more on the capacity of cinematography to deliver a subtext of significance to otherwise unrelated images.
Class Details | Apply Now |
This 15-Week workshop follows the same curriculum as the 4-week workshops but is spread over fifteen weeks. It’s designed to meet the needs of students who have other commitments.
This 15-Week Online Digital Photography Workshop is an intensive exploration of photography in the digital age. Photo Arts Conservatory students are immersed in the art and craft of still photography, are introduced to the tools necessary to capture great images, and learn to refine them through digital imaging.
Photography students at New York Film Academy develop the skills necessary to research, compose, and capture digital photographic projects in hands-on courses. Students are encouraged to be creative, and are taught to think of each project as a concise statement of artistic and aesthetic intent. They expand their repertoire of techniques as they explore practical sources of light and shadow.
No prior experience is required to enroll in the 15-Week Digital Photography Workshop.
Please note: All students are required to bring a digital camera with manual exposure controls.
Program and Software Requirements
- A DSLR or mirrorless camera (either camera must have manual controls)
- A lens (any focal length)
- Adobe Lightroom Classic
- Adobe Photoshop
- Computer
Class Breakdown
- Week 1
- Class Session 1 – Photo
- Class Session 2 – Imaging
- Week 2
- Class Session 1 – Vision & Style
- Class Session 2 – Imaging
- Week 3
- Class Session 1 – Photo
- Class Session 2 – Imaging
- Week 4
- Class Session 1 – Vision & Style
- Class Session 2 – History of Photo
- Week 5
- Class Session 1 – Photo
- Class Session 2 – Imaging
- Week 6
- Class Session 1 – Vision & Style
- Class Session 2 – Imaging
- Week 6
- Class Session 1 – Vision & Style
- Class Session 2 – Imaging
- Week 7
- Class Session 1 – Photo
- Class Session 2 – Imaging
- Week 8
- Class Session 1 – Vision & Style
- Class Session 2 – History of Photo
- Week 9
- Class Session 1 – Photo
- Class Session 2 – Imaging
- Week 10
- Class Session 1 – Vision & Style
- Class Session 2 – Photo
- Week 11
- Class Session 1 – Photo
- Class Session 2 – Imaging
- Week 12
- Class Session 1 – Vision & Style
- Class Session 2 – History of Photo
- Week 13
- Class Session 1 – Photo
- Class Session 2 – Imaging
- Week 14
- Class Session 1 – Vision & Style
- Class Session 2 – Imaging
- Week 15
- Class Session 1 – Vision & Style
- Class Session 2 – Photo
Class Details | Apply Now |
This Online Photography workshop is constructed to deliver a great deal of content in a short time and is an exceptional opportunity for an intensive education in photography for four weeks. The course will cover Adobe Lightroom classic, camera operations, elements of exposure, the history of photography through 1960, and a deep dive into the creation of personal projects.
Classes: Photo 1, Imaging 1, Vision and Style, History of Photography
Students will need:
- A DSLR camera and lens (any focal length) that has manual controls
- Adobe Lightroom Classic (available for $10 per month)
- Computer
Class Details | Apply Now |
Are you excited about a career as a fashion photographer? Would you like to learn more about the fashion industry and how a professional fashion shoot is run? This class we will focus on the details that make the difference between a good and great fashion image. The course will give you an overview of the history of fashion photography as well as provide a working knowledge of current trends in clothing, hair, make-up, styling, working with a model, and producing a fashion shoot. Working models, make up artists, producers, magazine editors, and wardrobe stylists will join us in class to discuss their role on set and give you insight into the fashion industry.
There are 4 components to this workshop Fashion lecture, Fashion production, meeting with industry professionals, and class critique.
Program Schedule:
- 2 Week program
- 10 classes per week
- 1.5 hrs per class
- 30 class hours total
Upon the completion of the class students should be able to:
- Articulate an understanding of the various forms of fashion photography.
- Show an understanding of the roles within a creative team.
- Learn to identify and begin to become articulate in contemporary trends in: clothing, styling, models, hair and make-up.
- Identify and begin to articulate the details necessary to create a fashion photograph that meets industry standards.
- Start to develop a visual style and personal point of view.
- Self organize within collaborative teams
Students will need a computer and a digital camera (dSLR, mirrorless, or medium format)
This 15-Week workshop follows the same curriculum as the 4-week workshops but is spread over fifteen weeks. It’s designed to meet the needs of students who have other commitments.
Schedule Options
The program is offered for two different time zone options. Click here for the two options.
Workshop Description
This Online Workshop gives students a comprehensive overview of the entire producing for film and television process. Courses include: Producer’s Craft (explores every aspect of Creative Producing), Line Producing (students learn the elements of production management, including budgeting and scheduling), Pitching (an essential producing skill), Entertainment Law, Film Finance, Film Festival Strategies, as well as an introduction to the various crafts of filmmaking including: Screenwriting, Directing, Camera/Lighting, Sound and Editing. Graduates of the program will gain practical and pragmatic skills, tools, and knowledge, enabling them to develop and hone necessary skills for a career in the film and television industry.
There are no prerequisites for this Workshop.
Program and Software Requirements
Students are required to purchase Movie Magic Scheduling and Movie Magic Budgeting software, at a cost of $150/each, using the special NYFA discount code, at the start of the program. Total additional cost is $300. Students own the software in perpetuity following the conclusion of the Workshop
Class Details | Apply Now (Time Zone 1) |
This Online Producing workshop gives students a comprehensive overview of the entire producing process. Courses include: Producer’s Craft (explores every aspect of Creative Producing), Line Producing (in addition to tuition, students must purchase Movie Magic Scheduling and Movie Magic Budgeting software, using the special New York Film Academy discount code for a total cost of $300. Students will own this software even after the course is completed), Pitching (an essential producing skill), Entertainment Law, Film Finance, Film Festival Strategies, as well as an introduction to the various crafts of filmmaking including: Screenwriting, Directing, Camera/Lighting, Sound and Editing. Graduates of the program will gain practical and pragmatic skills, tools, and knowledge, enabling them to develop and hone necessary skills for a career in the film and television industry.
Classes: Producer’s Craft, Line Producing , Pitching, Entertainment Law, Story and Screenwriting, Film Finance, TV Industry Overview, Film Festival Strategies, Case Studies, Intro to Editing, Intro to Camera/Lighting, Intro to Sound, Directing for Producers
Additional cost: Additional cost: There will be an additional approx. US$300 cost incurred during the workshop for Movie Magic Scheduling and Movie Magic Budgeting software. During the course, you will be provided with a student discount code to purchase the software directly through the software company’s website. Students will own this software even after the course is completed.
Class Details | Apply Now |
We are bringing the very popular New York Film Academy 2-Day Line Producing Workshop online! In this workshop, participants learn all aspects of production management in a virtual hands-on setting. Central to the course is Movie Magic Scheduling and Budgeting software.
Workshop Schedule:
The workshop is offered on the weekend, both Saturday and Sunday. There are two classes each day:
- 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
- 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Next workshop dates:
- Mar 13, 2021 – Mar 14, 2021
- Jun 12, 2021 – Jun 13, 2021
- Sep 11, 2021 – Sep 12, 2021
- Dec 4, 2021 – Dec 5, 2021
Additional cost: There will be an additional approx. US$300 cost incurred during the workshop for Movie Magic Scheduling and Movie Magic Budgeting software. During the course, you will be provided with a student discount code to purchase the software directly through the software company’s website. Students will own this software even after the course is completed.
Class Details | Apply Now |
This Part-time 15-Week workshop follows the same curriculum as the 4-week workshop but is spread over fifteen weeks. It’s designed to meet the needs of students who have other commitments.
The Students in the 15 Week Workshop learn the fundamental aspects of narrative documentary filmmaking and are introduced to the fast emerging arena of digital social media micro docs. Classes include directing, documentary storytelling, camera & lighting, producing, and editing.
Through a series of lectures, in-class screenings, and practicum assignments, award-winning filmmakers shepherd students through the production of three (3) original 1-5 minute documentaries which can be made traditionally or as social media micro docs. Films include Observational Film, Interview Film, and Final Film.
Production and post-production of all films can be accomplished using a home computer and a smartphone. As each film is completed, students screen their work with their classmates and instructors and engage in feedback sessions and discussion.
There are no prerequisites for this workshop.
Program Requirements
- Smart Phone with a camera
- Filmic Pro app (additional student cost is approximately $14.99)
- DaVinci Resolve Editing Software (no additional student cost)
- Laptop or desktop computer with minimum specs for editing
Suggested Resources
- External hard drive (optional) would cost an additional $30-$200
- Voice Record (PRO) app which is free to download
Class Details | Apply Now |
4-WEEK ONLINE DOCUMENTARY FILMMAKING AND MICRO DOCSStudents in the 4-Week Workshop learn the fundamental aspects of narrative documentary filmmaking and are introduced to the fast emerging arena of digital social media micro docs. Classes include directing, documentary storytelling, camera & lighting, producing, and editing.
Through a series of lectures, in-class screenings, and practicum assignments, award-winning filmmakers shepherd students through the production of three (3) original 1-5 minute documentary films, which can be made traditionally or as social media micro docs. Films include Observational Film, Interview Film, and Final Film.
Production and post-production of all films can be accomplished using a home computer and a smartphone. As each film is completed, students screen their work with their classmates and instructors and engage in feedback sessions and discussion.
There are no prerequisites for this workshop.
Program Requirements:
- Smart Phone with a camera
- Filmic Pro app (additional student cost is approximately $14.99)
- DaVinci Resolve Editing Software (no additional student cost)
- Laptop or desktop computer with minimum specs for editing
Suggested Resources:
- External hard drive (optional) would cost an additional $30-$200
- Voice Record (PRO) app which is free to download
Please note: Students who submit applications later than Thursday at 5pm (ET) on the week preceding the start date of this workshop may not receive the Adobe Premiere software in time for the first day of class, as the issuance of your NYFA ID and account set-up requires, approximately, 12 business hours.
This 15-Week workshop follows the same curriculum as the 4-week workshops but is spread over fifteen weeks. It’s designed to meet the needs of students who have other commitments.
This workshop gives students all the necessary skills to edit with Adobe Premiere Pro. Students are also taught multiple theoretical editing approaches.
Over the course of the workshop, students are provided footage to edit 4 varying types of projects. Students will edit: a Montage, a short Documentary, and a Dialogue project. The final week of the workshop is dedicated to cutting a Reel.
Editors hold one of the most critical roles in the filmmaking industry. Filmmakers rely on an editor’s storytelling and digital editing skills to shape the narrative of their story in post production and to polish their films. Editors are not solely limited to the film industry; they work in many areas of media, including news, documentaries, television, and web series.
These programs provide students with hands-on instruction in editing theory, techniques and the fundamentals of digital editing. Students gain hands-on experience by editing various projects with footage provided to them in class. They also learn various theoretical concepts of editing and how to practically apply those theories.
Program requirements
- Camera (cell phone will suffice)
- Hard drive. Recommended specs are as follows:
- 7,200 rpm. This is how fast your drive spins, rpm stands for rotations per minute.
- 1tb of space.
- Recommended brands: Lacie or G-Drive
- Another option: SanDisk 1TB Extreme Portable external Solid-State Drive (SSD). SSD storage is much faster than its HDD equivalent.
- Premiere Pro and Photoshop – NYFA will provide the software during the workshop.
- As of April 1, 2020, Adobe is offering a promotional campaign of $19.99 per month for more than 20 Creative Cloud apps including Premiere Pro and Photoshop with a NYFA student email address.
- Laptop. Recommended spec requirements are as follows:
Class Details | Apply Now |
Please note: Students who submit applications later than Thursday at 5pm (ET) on the week preceding the start date of this workshop may not receive the Adobe Premiere software in time for the first day of class, as the issuance of your NYFA ID and account set-up requires, approximately, 12 business hours.
This Online Digital Editing workshop is designed to serve the needs of students from a wide array of professional, personal, and educational backgrounds. For students contemplating a longer-term education in editing or a career in the industry, it is an excellent introduction to the field. Students will edit various projects over the course, including a montage and two short narrative scenes.
In daily meetings, students are instructed on critical skills such as starting a project, making cuts, post-production workflow, sound design, media management, basic effects, and other advanced concepts.
Editors hold one of the most critical roles in the filmmaking industry. Filmmakers rely on an editor’s storytelling and digital editing skills to shape the narrative of their story in post production and to polish their films. Editors are not solely limited to the film industry; they work in many areas of media, including news, documentaries, television, and web series.
The New York Film Academy’s 4-Week Digital Editing Workshops provide students with instruction in editing theory, techniques and the fundamentals of digital editing. Students not only gain experience by editing various projects but they also learn the art of storytelling. They will master various theoretical concepts of editing and how to practically apply those theories.
Weekly Breakdown/Focus
- Week 1 and 2:
- Premiere Pro/Getting to know the software
- Creating a Montage (Theory)
- How to efficiently log footage, Open a project, Basic Editing
- Audio/Implement audio and perform audio mixing
- Project 1: Montage
- How to correctly export your project with the appropriate settings
- Intermediate Sound/Advanced audio mixing techniques
- Creative Storytelling/Be a better storyteller.
- Intermediate Editing techniques
- Project 2: Basic Narrative Scene
- Screening and Critique, Project 1 and 2.
- Week 3 and 4:
- Introduction to Graphics and Effects
- Color Grading and Correction
- Project 3: Intermediate Narrative Scene
- Photoshop/Intro
- Project improvements for an advanced, polished look.
- Screening and Critique, Project 3 and 4
Class Details | Apply Now |
This program is designed to immerse students comprehensively in both the technical craft and the conceptual art of Digital Post Production. Students learn the fundamentals of non-linear editing on their own Avid Media Composer Station.
In addition to giving students a firm grounding in the craft of editing, the course gives students the opportunity to become Avid Certified Users with an Avid Certification test in the final week of the program. The course covers Avid’s Media Composer 101 Fundamentals I and Media Composer 110 Fundamentals II, which will give students a strong grounding in all the skills necessary for successful editing in an Avid environment. In addition to learning how to set up projects, input/output media, trim, and create effects, students will be doing additional creative projects throughout the course, including a dialogue scene, a music video. Students will also be introduced to color grading with DaVinci Resolve.
Class Details | Apply Now |
Our 15-Week Online Screenwriting courses offer instruction in specific areas of screenwriting, whether it be feature-length film scripts, television, or comic book writing, each of the courses is structured to deliver intensely focused and challenging lessons to help students improve their skills and develop projects of which they can be proud.
Our 15-week online screenwriting courses can be taken sequentially to follow the natural arc of project development, or taken a la carte to fulfill the exact needs of each student’s current goals.
15-Week Online Screenwriting workshops offered:
- Screenplay Story & Structure Workshop (schedule options available)
- Screenplay Workshop (schedule options available)
- Prerequisite: This workshop requires successful completion of 15-Week Online Screenplay Story & Structure Workshop or submission of full treatment and beat sheet.
- Screenplay Rewrite Workshop
- Prerequisite: This workshop requires successful completion of 15-Week Online Screenplay Workshop or submission of completed, full length, properly formatted feature film screenplay.
- Television Spec Workshop
- Television Pilot Workshop
- Prerequisite: This workshop requires successful completion of 15-Week Online Television Spec Workshop or submission of a complete, properly formatted, television script.
- Television Rewrite Workshop
- Prerequisite: This workshop requires successful completion of 15-Week Online Television Pilot Workshop or submission of a complete, properly formatted, television pilot script and series proposal.
- Writing For Comic Books Workshop
Please note that the Screenplay Rewrite and Television Rewrite Courses may combine, such that students of both mediums will be working together.
- All 15-Week Screenwriting Workshops meet once per week for 3 hours (two 1.5-hour sessions with a 30 minute break).
- Unless “schedule option available” is noted by the name of the program list above, the workshop will have weekly meetings on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. Pacific Time/8 p.m. Eastern Time.
- The workshops with “schedule option available” have several possible class times. Students must commit to one of three schedule options.
- Tuesdays at 10am Pacific Time/1pm Eastern Time
- Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific Time/8pm Eastern Time
- Wednesdays at 10am Pacific Time/1pm Eastern Time
- Additional video lessons are posted online and may be viewed according to a student’s personal schedule.
Workshop Details | Apply Now |
With over 580 shows currently broadcasting on TV, cable, and streaming services, there’s never been a better time in history to be a television writer. The 4-Week Online Television Writing program will prepare the emerging writer for every phase of TV Storytelling; from developing a concept, building characters, and pitching their ideas to crafting an outline and ultimately writing the teaser and first act of the teleplay (Half-Hour Sitcom or One-Hour Drama).
Topics covered in this course include but are not limited to: anatomy of the sitcom, building the one-hour drama, and the differences between network and cable shows. Students will complete the program with a Character Biography, Five-Minute Pitch, Detailed Outline, Completed Show Bible, and Teaser and First Act of their TV Show.
Sessions: One class subject each day, divided into two 1.5 hour segments with a break in between.
Classes: Feature Writing Workshop, Elements of Dramatic Narrative
Also see our 15-week online screenwriting programs.
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This Online Screenwriting Workshop will provide students with a hands-on experience on what it means to be a screenwriter in the film industry. Students will learn the basic building blocks of story – structure, character, dialog, and industry-standard formatting. They will use these tools to develop an original idea for a feature film into a detailed outline. The program focuses primarily on the basic tools all writers need to develop their stories. It provides a fundamental knowhow relevant to anyone who wants to write cinematically for the screen.
Students will complete the program with a Short Treatment and Detailed Beat Sheet for a Feature Screenplay, ready to go to pages. Students will have written script pages (practice scenes) for the Elements of Screenwriting portion of the program.
Sessions: One class subject each day, divided into two 1.5 hour sessions with a break in between.
Classes: Elements of Screenwriting, Feature Screenwriting Workshop
Also see our 15-week online screenwriting programs.
Class Details | Apply Now |
Please Note: This is a 4-Week course that is held in four-weekend sessions, online via Zoom.
The Course
New York Film Academy, in partnership with Final Draft, is offering this one-of-a-kind Script Coordinators and Writers’ Assistant Final Draft Certification. This course certifies students in the advanced uses of Final Draft software that are vital for these two roles in a writer’s room/television production.
Students will learn about the basic, intermediate and advanced functions of Final Draft required by Professional Script Coordinators. The class, built in conjunction with Final Draft, is a detailed how-to of the software, with a focus on functions that will be required in a TV Writer’s Room.
Completion of the program, including successfully passing the final exam, will earn the student official Certification as qualified to use the Final Draft software in the capacities required to serve as a Script Coordinator or Writer’s Assistant in a TV Writer’s Room.
This course runs for four-weekend sessions, online via Zoom. Each weekend, there will be two hours of instruction, a break, then two more hours. The final exam will be a take-home exam given out after the final session and due the following week.
- A computer able to run Final Draft & Zoom
- A copy of the latest version of Final Draft
- A Zoom account
- Familiarity with Screenplay format
- A basic understanding of Final Draft software
Program Start Dates (program runs 4 weekends, starting on the weekend listed):
- September 18, 2021
- January 29, 2022
Program Grant
Periodically, NYFA may have Grant opportunities for this particular workshop. The Grant is for students who cannot meet the tuition cost but wish to pursue this opportunity to complete the Final Draft Certification.
To be considered for the Grant:
- Complete the application.
- Email screenwritingdept.la@nyfa.edu with the subject line “Final Draft Certification Grant Inquiry”. In the email, please mention the start date you are looking to enroll in.
Apply Now
Offered for regular programming and additional workshops available for Asia time zones. To view schedules, click here.
This workshop offers an intensive hands-on curriculum, developed in collaboration with award-winning broadcast, cable and online journalists. Through both study and hands-on practice, students are trained in the fundamental principles, techniques and craft of digital journalism.
Students first learn, and then put into practice research, writing, interviewing, reporting, video/audio recording, editing, and producing skills. They also come to understand the impact digital and cross-platform distribution is having on traditional journalism. During teacher-supervised Production Workshops, the process of producing, shooting, interviewing and sound recording for news projects is put into practice prior to going out into the field.
Visual storytelling is an essential aspect of digital journalism. Students develop their storytelling skills through a combination of lecture, demonstration, in-class exercises and the students’ own work. Emphasis is placed on the key production skills utilized a wide range of program types, including national and local news, sports news, entertainment news as well as fashion/lifestyle news.
Students spend significant time, both inside and outside of class hours, creating their projects.
Program Requirements:
- Smart Phone with a camera
- Filmic Pro app (additional student cost is approximately $14.99)
- DaVinci Resolve Editing Software (no additional student cost)
- Laptop or desktop computer with minimum specs for editing (see table below)
Suggested Resources:
- Microphone for smartphone (optional) may cost an additional $60-$150
- External hard drive (optional) may cost an additional $30-$200
Weekly Breakdown/Focus
- Week 1: Basic Training – Students participate in interviewing, writing, shooting and editing exercises
- Week 2: The Voiceover – Students shoot and edit a 30-second Voiceover segment
- Week 3: The News Package – Students create a 90-second News Package
- Week 4: The Interview Profile – Students produce a short video profile, in which an engaging character tells his/her own story
Class Details | Apply Now |
In recent years, podcasts have become a wonderful addition to the information-based programming landscape and, as such, today they have a tremendous reach. Podcasts delve into all manner of subjects, often in great detail. They are a prime example of “narrowcasting,” as opposed to traditional “broadcasting.” Instead of aiming to reach a mass, largely undifferentiated audience, podcasts are geared towards specific groups of people. That’s what makes them so powerful, as target audiences are passionate about the subject matter. They also reflect the changing ways people seek out and use information.
While the subject matter of podcasts can differ tremendously, the way they are constructed essentially remains the same. The creative skill set is neutral, like an empty box. You can place into it any content you want.
This five-day “boot camp” provides students with the necessary tools to research, write and deliver podcasts of all kinds. Instructors offer their expertise to help students learn immersive storytelling by creating an actual project. They gain an understanding of writing for the ear, and using a smartphone to gather interview sound, natural sound and any other audio that will keep listeners engaged.
Students will be trained through study and hands-on practice in the fundamental principles of research, reporting, writing and storytelling. In this course, each student learns how to produce a 6-10-minute podcast story. An understanding of, and an ability to create this type of story are essential to success as a digital journalist.
The instructors are media professionals who understand both the editorial, as well as technical aspects, of podcasting. Students will leave with both a newly expanded skill set, as well as the confidence and ability to start turning their dream podcasts into reality.
Prerequisites – No prerequisites are necessary. However, general knowledge of production techniques and storytelling is helpful.
Program and Software requirements
Working computer with access to the Internet. Students must have word processing software such as Microsoft Word or Apple Pages. Students must download Audacity Audio Editing software.
Program Weekly or Daily Breakdown
Ten 2-Hour Workshops for the week: Two 2-hour classes M-F.
Total Course Hours = 20
Class Details | Apply Now |
This online 4-Week Survey of 3D Animation & VFX workshop is designed to deliver a bird’s-eye view of the tools, pipelines, and careers available in 3D animation and VFX. The course will cover basic introductions to modeling, texturing, rigging, lighting, rendering, compositing, and VFX. This survey course offers a window into the magnitude of the industry, giving the student a hands-on perspective of all its possibilities and a glimpse at some emerging technologies.
Additional Costs: Please note there may be some additional costs for software costing upto $165. This will depend on the student’s choice to use either trial versions for free or to purchase software with provided student discounts. Examples of software include Autodesk Maya, V-Ray (or Arnold), Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, DaVinci Resolve Editing Software (no additional student cost), Adobe After Effects (or Nuke), word processing, web design tools, presentation tools.
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15-WEEK ONLINE ACTINGTuition: $1,800 (USD)
This 15-Week workshop follows the same curriculum as the 4-week workshops but is spread over fifteen weeks. It’s designed to meet the needs of students who have other commitments.
Schedule Options
The program is offered for two different time zone options. Click here for the two options.
Workshop Description
The two principal areas of concentration in this intensive program are Acting for Film and Scene Study. These areas coincide in the creation of short, filmed scenes in which students act. The edited scenes are the main projects of the workshop. Scene Study emphasizes the theory and practice of the basic elements of the acting craft, using Stanislavsky’s system. While Acting for Film classes aim specifically at training students for the requirements of acting on a film set.
Courses encourage students to break down physical and internal inhibitions, and help each student find the most effective personal sources for the creation of truthful characters. Students should be prepared to work in non-traditional acting classes that emphasize the construction and control of character given the unique pressures of a film or television shoot.
The program is constructed to deliver a great deal of content in a short time, and is an exceptional opportunity for a total immersion experience in fifteen weeks. Classes will meet twice a week and students will need to do some preparation outside of class.
No significant prior experience or knowledge is assumed. The program brings everyone to the same level very quickly, beginning with the fundamentals while also filling the inevitable gaps in the understanding of those with prior experience.
There are no prerequisites for this Workshop.
Class Details | Apply Now (Time Zone 1) |
Workshop Description
This course provides an introduction to the Business of Acting for professionals preparing to enter the current market, as well as an introduction to the preparation and techniques necessary to succeed in film and television auditions. The course will survey the elements of an actor’s professional toolkit including headshots, resumes, and reels. The role of agents and managers, basic contracts, and current business practices will be discussed, as well as strategies for targeting representation, and other self-marketing opportunities. In addition, this course will develop the actor’s cold reading and auditioning skills through a variety of mock, on-camera audition situations. Self-taped auditions will be viewed and critiqued with the aim of preparing students to enter today’s competitive industry.
Program and Software requirements:
Students will be required to submit self-taped auditions and must have appropriate equipment to tape and share video submissions.
- Smart Phone with a camera
- Laptop or desktop computer with minimum specs for simple editing
There are no prerequisites for this Workshop.
Final Deliverables:
- Resume, formatted to industry standards
- Personalized cover letter template
- Several practice self-tape auditions
- Personalized business plan
Class Details | Apply Now |
8-WEEK ONLINE ACTINGTuition: $3,600 (USD)
This online intensive program will help develop the skills you need to compete in the business of professional acting. Students will learn how to choose and workshop monologues, how to write, shoot and produce their own original material, discover how to breakdown and prepare a script, watch and discuss great performances from some of the best talent in the industry, and prepare for the business by learning how to self-tape and submit for auditions. This unique experience is a wonderful way to study at the New York Film Academy with people from all over the world, with the convenience of an online platform.
Final Deliverables: Two self-written and produced original shorts, Two monologues that are audition ready, several practice self-tape auditions and practical experience in interviewing and auditions.
Class Details | Apply Now |
4-WEEK ONLINE ACTINGTuition: $1,800 (USD)
This online intensive program will help develop the skills you need to compete in the business of professional acting. Students will learn how to choose and workshop monologues, learn how to write, shoot and produce their own original material, discover how to breakdown and prepare a script, watch and discuss great performances from some of the best talent in the industry, and prepare for the business by learning how to self-tape and submit for auditions. This unique experience is a wonderful way to study at the New York Film Academy with people from all over the world, with the convenience of an online platform.
Final Deliverables: A self-written and produced original short, a monologue that is audition ready, several practice self-tape auditions
Class Details | Apply Now |
This online intensive program will help develop the skills you need to compete in the business of professional acting. Students will learn how to choose and workshop monologues, learn how to write, shoot and produce their own original material, discover how to breakdown and prepare a script, watch and discuss great performances from some of the best talent in the industry, and prepare for the business by learning how to self-tape and submit for auditions. This unique experience is a wonderful way to study at the New York Film Academy with people from all over the world, with the convenience of an online platform.
Final Deliverables: A self-written and produced original short, understand how to choose and prepare a monologue for auditions, several practice self-tape auditions
Class Details | Apply Now |
This online intensive program will serve as an introduction to developing the skills you need to compete in the business of professional acting. Students will learn how to choose and workshop monologues, how to write, shoot and produce their own original material, discover how to breakdown and prepare a script, watch and discuss great performances from some of the best talent in the industry, and prepare for the business by learning how to self-tape and submit for auditions. This unique experience is a wonderful way to study at the New York Film Academy with people from all over the world, with the convenience of an online platform.
Final Deliverables: Understand how to choose and prepare a monologue for auditions, practice self-tape auditions, pitched idea for an online video, and a chance to discuss and analyze a great performance
Class Details | Apply Now |
Tuition: $800 (USD)
- 5 weeks long meeting on Tuesday and Thursday
- 25 hours total
- One 2.5-hour class per day
- 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. ET
- It is recommended you have a USB mic for this class
Step up to the mic and dive into the world of voiceovers. This introductory workshop breaks down what it takes to pursue a career as a voiceover artist. Over the five weeks, students will study different areas of voiceover including commercial, promo and animation, how to take care of your voice, the basics of setting up a home studio, how to create your own voice over demo reel and how to pursue a career in the voiceover industry.Apply Now
This online Musical Theatre Workshop introduces students to the integral skills required for success in the musical theatre field and teaches them how to prepare themselves for the various demands of a musical theatre career. It is designed for individuals with singing and movement abilities who may or may not have prior experience on a musical theatre stage. Upon completion, students will have gained invaluable knowledge and experience in the art and craft of musical theatre through the convenience of an online platform.
Classes: Acting, Performance Lab, Ballet, Jazz/Theatre Dance, History of Musical Theatre, Voice Studio Lab, Audition Technique, Basic Music Theory
Class Details | Apply Now |
This online Musical Theatre Workshop introduces students to the integral skills required for success in the musical theatre field and teaches them how to prepare themselves for the various demands of a musical theatre career. It is designed for individuals with singing and movement abilities who may or may not have prior experience on a musical theatre stage. Upon completion, students will have gained invaluable knowledge and experience in the art and craft of musical theatre through the convenience of an online platform.
Classes: Acting, Performance Lab, Ballet, Jazz/Theatre Dance, History of Musical Theatre, Voice Studio Lab, Audition Technique, Basic Music Theory
Additional cost: Once weekly one-on-one voice lessons (four total) for an additional US$250.
Filmmaking is not something that is simply learned. Being confined to a classroom where one is taught the basic criteria for bringing a story to life will ultimately limit one’s development as a filmmaker. At the New York Film Academy, our philosophy is learning by doing, something students will experience from the second they step into one of our many facilities around the world. Whether potential students are interested in creating feature length films, shorts, music videos, or documentaries, the Academy’s diverse filmmaking courses will fit each student’s specific needs as an aspiring filmmaker.
The Academy offers a rich multitude of degree programs and short courses for students of all ages and experience, from intensive one-week workshops to two-year Associate of Fine Arts three-year Bachelor of Arts and one- and two-year Masters of Fine Arts programs. In creating the curriculum that makes up our film school, we worked directly with filmmakers, producers, screenwriters, and many more to foster an environment that promotes success at every level. By adapting the techniques and ideas from the leading university film schools to a set of courses that focus on in-depth vocational training, our students receive not just an education, but a set of experiences that give them the hands-on experience necessary to actually realize their goals as filmmakers.

There are many roads to the world of filmmaking and we make it our priority to give students the means to engage in every discipline related to the art and craft of visual storytelling. Our filmmaking course structure is as varied and extensive as you can expect from a world class institution that has jumpstarted innumerable success stories. Just a quick perusal of our illustrious alumni will give you an idea of the company you will be joining when enrolling in one of our many hands-on courses. It’s no wonder that our student body is made up of individuals from around the world who share the same passion for telling stories with the moving image.
At NYFA, students don’t just learn how to make a film, but how to achieve actual success in a competitive industry.
So how do we train a diverse body of students with varied levels of experience and differing needs and interests to place them on the path of realizing their goals as filmmakers? Each course is comprised of a wide ranging set of subjects that cover all of the fundamental bases of the medium including directing, cinematography, screenwriting, producing, and editing. These topics are all taught by filmmaking professionals and accredited faculty whose varying specialties ensure that students receive the best possible education in each aspect of the filmmaking process. Through a concentrated schedule of classroom learning, teacher-supervised workshops, and outside projects, our courses in film making aim to give students the confidence to have a working understanding of production.
No education in film is complete without directly experiencing the highly collaborative environment that filmmaking requires and students work with each other and faculty to develop their own particular interests while getting hands-on training in all of the elements at work on a film set. From the start, students are placed behind the camera to learn the many visual, dramatic, and technical challenges a director faces. This includes assisting their crews in the roles of director of photography, assistant cameraperson, and gaffer/grip, so that each student receives extensive set experience.

Our courses are based on the premise of total immersion, with the lessons learned in the classroom applied directly to original film production that students will create, forming the foundation of their education. At the core of our filmmaking are courses in the Director’s Craft, Writing, Editing, Hands-On Camera/Lighting, Production, Sound Design, and Cinematography. Regardless of the course a student decides is right for him or her, one can expect a thorough education that not only stresses the fundamentals of these different disciplines, but will have students applying what they learn in the classroom to a variety of different film projects that will help them develop the technical and creative skills needed for visual and dramatic storytelling. Students’ education at the Film Academy will culminate in the pre-production, production, and post-production of an original short or feature-length film, depending on the course they enrolled in. At the end of each New York Film Academy course, students’ hard work and commitment are celebrated with a school screening of their films open to cast, crew, friends, and family.
While the number and range of course work will vary depending on which program or workshop a student enrolls in, those taking part in NYFA’s filmmaking courses can expect to receive the following fundamental education.

- Director’s Craft: An introduction to the language and craft of directing film, students will receive the necessary preparation and instruction in the fundamentals of visual storytelling. Instructors will challenge students to discover the most effective and expressive means by which to shoot their films by educating them on the history of how the most renowned directors have approached film. In addition, each students will write, direct, and edit his or her own films and work directly with other students by assisting them on the creation of their films as well.
- Cinematography: This course will train students in the essentials of shooting film with the use of video cameras and their accessories. With the aid of workshops and film tests, students will also learn the essential lighting techniques and how these inform the mood of a story while also experimenting with expressive lighting styles.
- Screenwriting: Every film starts with an idea for a story, but how does one develop that into an actual script? The Academy’s screenwriting courses teach students how to bring their stories to life by concentrating on the basics of visual storytelling and constructive analysis in taking an idea and building it into a treatment, an outline, rough draft, and ultimately, a shooting script. Each student will write his or her own screenplay that they will bring to life in their films.
- Producing: In the Academy’s production courses, students are taught to break down a film to its essential elements for budgeting and scheduling. Students will learn all of the essential forms to use in their own film projects.
- Digital Editing: Learning how to edit a film together is the essential element to bringing any story to life. Students learn a variety of aesthetic approaches to editing film and video and how to achieve temporal and spatial continuity in their projects.
- Film History: In creating an original story, students must learn the varied history of the motion picture and the critical filmmaking terminology that they will put to use in their other course work. Students are educated in the essential canon of cinematic history in order to become better filmmakers.
When enrolling in a course at the New York Film Academy, students will have access to the best possible equipment in order to prepare them for the real world of filmmaking. Students in a degree course learn to shoot on a wide spectrum of film, which includes 16mm, 35mm, Hi-Def, Super 16mm, Red Dragon, Red Epic and Red Scarlet cameras.
For those students taking one of the Academy’s Filmmaking Workshops, they will learn to shoot on 16mm film with Arriflex-S cameras and portable Lowel lighting packages. Those taking our Digital Filmmaking Workshops will use a Panasonic HMC150 digital video camera.
Aspiring auteurs in our One-Year Filmmaking Program will shoot with Arriflex 16mm cameras, the 35mm Panavision camera, and HD digital video cameras.
Across all of our filmmaking courses, students will edit digitally with digital editing software using Macintosh computers.
Additionally, students at our Los Angeles campus will have access to Universal Studio’s extensive prop and costume collection at a reduced rate.

Students enrolling in one of the many Film Academy courses have the unique experience to study at a number of different locations around the world, depending on the course that is the right fit for you.
The New York Film Academy offers filmmaking courses in the following locations –
- New York City
- Los Angeles, CA
- Abu Dhabi, UAE
- Gold Coast, Australia
- Florence, Italy
- Paris, France
- Harvard University, Massachusetts
- Disney Studios, Florida
- South Beach, Florida
- Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
- Beijing, China
- Shanghai, China
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Madrid, Spain
Regardless of where students choose to attend the Academy, they will learn under an exceptional faculty with professional experience and who have worked on professional productions and film sets. Through our set of courses that place students straight onto a variety of film sets while learning the fundamentals and history of film, students will be prepared to enter the world of filmmaking upon completion.