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What is New York University’s transfer acceptance rate?
For more than 150 years, NYU has been home to talented scholars, artists, writers and others who have been drawn from all over the world to teach, perform, create, and study. We have achieved an international distinction in a wide range of areas – in the liberal arts, the sciences, education, the health professions, law, medicine, business, the arts, communications, public service, and the performing arts.

In 2019, New York University received 8138 transfer applicants.
The school accepted 2004 students. Therefore, the transfer acceptance rate for New York University is 24.63%.
our Guide to Applying
On this page you’ll find step-by-step application instructions on applying as a transfer student to NYU via the Common Application.
Admission for transfer students is highly competitive. NYU’s evaluation will focus primarily on your college/university grades and your high school/secondary school performance. Our most competitive applicants have completed at least 32 credits/points of coursework by the time they enroll at NYU.
If the following applies to you, follow the instructions below to apply as a transfer student:
- You have completed the equivalent of a United States secondary school education (approximately 12 years of formal education starting at age six), and have either an appropriate diploma or leaving certificates.
AND any of the following apply to you:
- You are currently or have been enrolled as a degree-seeking student at a college or university that is regionally accredited in the U.S.;
- You are currently or have been enrolled as a degree-seeking student at a college or university outside the U.S. that is nationally recognized by the country’s primary accrediting council/agency;
- You are currently or have been enrolled in a non-degree seeking program in the U.S. and will have completed 24 semester credits or more by the time you plan to enroll at NYU.
If any of the below apply, you should submit a first-year application:
- You are participating in a dual-enrollment program, even if you are earning enough credits for an associate’s degree. (Dual-enrollment means that you are in high school and also in a college-level program.); or
- You are currently enrolled in a college or university program in the United States that is not regionally accredited; or
- You are currently enrolled in a non-degree seeking program in the United States after high school completion and you will have fewer than 24 credits complete by the time you plan to enroll at NYU; or
- You withdrew from all your college level classes and have not received any grades for college coursework.
*If you’re unsure of your degree-seeking status or accreditation of your most recent school, we recommend you contact your school’s registrar’s office.

How do I apply?
The Common Application is required for students applying as transfers to our New York campus. Please ensure that you complete the Common Application for Transfer Students rather than First-Years. Currently NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU Shanghai do not accept transfer students.
You’ll need:
- Official secondary/high school transcript (or General Education Diploma) with graduation date, regardless of when you graduated.
- Official college/university transcripts from all institutions you have attended. See below for guidelines on sending official documents.
- The Common Application Instructor Evaluation form and letter of recommendation completed by a college professor, or a direct supervisor if it has been more than a year since you were last enrolled in classes.
- Many of our programs have additional requirements, which may include an audition, portfolio, or prerequisite courses. Please carefully review the additional program requirements for your school, college, or program.
- Nonrefundable $80.00 application fee.
Other Considerations:
- Standardized Testing must be submitted if you have not already completed at least one year of full-time study at a college or university or 32 semester credits of part-time study at the point of application. Certain programs do not require testing, so be sure to review our policy in detail.
- An audition or portfolio for art and music programs at the Steinhardt School and Tisch School of the Arts.
- English Language Testing must be submitted If you have not completed at least three years of study where English is the sole language of instruction or English is not your native language.
- NYU reserves the right to request the Common Application Midterm Report from any transfer student, even though it is not required.
Are you ready? Start the application now.
Please note: NYU will only allow one application to a program per term. If you apply to more than one program per term, your additional applications will be withdrawn automatically and you will not receive an application refund.
When should I apply?
Follow the key dates and deadlines below.
If you’re applying to a program that requires an artistic review, we recommend submitting your Common Application one month earlier to give you time to prepare your portfolio or an audition by the deadline.