The NYU School of Medicine is one of the most prestigious medical schools in the United States and one of the most selective. For the Class of 2023, it accepted 6.31% of its 40,455 applicants. The acceptance rate for this class was lower than previous years due to an increase in applications over previous years.
So, you’re interested in going to New York University for your premed and medical school?
You aren’t alone. NYU is one of the most highly-rated and prestigious schools in the country—and it’s also one of the best for international students.
NYU accepts about 15% of its applicants and has an average GPA of 3.6. However, if you have a GPA below this range, you may want to consider another school. The best way to get into NYU is by taking courses that are required for admission and doing well in them. You can see which courses are required here:
If you have any questions about NYU or any other medical school, feel free to ask us! We are happy to help!
NYU School of Medicine is one of the most prestigious medical schools in the United States and one of the most selective.
NYU School of Medicine is one of the most prestigious medical schools in the United States and one of the most selective. It’s been ranked as a top 20 medical school by US News & World Report for many years running, and it has one of the highest acceptance rates among public medical schools at just over 9%.
If you’re curious about NYU’s application process, read on to learn more about what you need to do before applying, how much it costs, whether there are scholarships available and what happens if you get accepted.
For the Class of 2023, NYU accepted 6.31% of its 40,455 applicants.
NYU is a highly selective medical school, so you’re going to have to do your homework if you want an acceptance letter from them. For the Class of 2023, NYU accepted 6.31% of its 40,455 applicants—which makes it more selective than Harvard and Stanford and about as selective as Yale and Columbia (the latter two schools accepted 5.4% and 4.8%, respectively).
To put NYU’s acceptance rate in perspective, you should know that the school received over 40,000 applications and only accepted 2,531 students (for comparison, Harvard had 36,307 applicants and admitted 5.2% of them). The bottom line? You’ll need a stellar MCAT score if you want any chance at acceptance.
NYU’s medical school tuition is $58,150 for both in-state and out-of-state students.

If you’re an out-of-state student, your tuition will be $58,150 (amount subject to change). If you’re an in-state student, your tuition is free.
Tuition is not refundable or transferable for any reason and does not cover fees. It also does not cover university housing and meal plans nor does it cover federal or state grants.
School of Medicine is one of the most prestigious medical schools in the United States and one of the most selective. It’s been ranked as a top 20 medical school by US News & World Report for many years running, and it has one of the highest acceptance rates among public medical schools at just over 9%. If you’re curious about NYU’s application process, read on to learn more about what you need to do before applyinYour tuition is the same regardless of where you live in New York state. The University has set its tuition rate at $58,150 for all students, an increase from last year’s rate of $57,678. This brings the total cost of attendance (including room and board) to nearly $70,000 per year.g
In 2019, 6,183 people applied to NYU’s medical school and 241 were accepted, making the acceptance rate 3.91%.

In 2019, 6,183 people applied to NYU’s medical school and 241 were accepted. That means the acceptance rate was 3.91%.
NYU is one of the most selective medical schools in the US. The average acceptance rate for all medical schools in America is just under 9%. This makes NYU’s acceptance rate lower than both its New York counterparts, Columbia and Cornell (both around 5%), as well as those at other top-tier institutions nationwide — Johns Hopkins and Duke are both around 7%, while Harvard’s accepts only 5% of applicants.
A quick look at the numbers shows that NYU’s medical school is one of the most selective in the country. To be considered for admission, applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited institution with high academic standing and have taken either three years premedical study (for American schools) or two years (for Canadian schools). Applicants should submit their applications between November 15 and January 15.
In 2019, 71% of NYU students who applied to residency programs matched to their top choice compared to a national average of 67%.
In 2019, 71% of NYU students who applied to residency programs matched to their top choice compared to a national average of 67%. This means that NYU had a higher match rate than the national average of 67%.
In 2019, NYU had a higher match rate than the national average of 67%. This means that 71% of NYU students who applied to residency programs matched to their top choice compared to a national average of 67%.
In 2019, NYU had a higher match rate than the national average of 67%. This means that 71% of NYU students who applied to residency programs matched to their top choice compared to a national average of 67%. NYU had a higher match rate than the national average of 67%. This means that 71% of NYU students who applied to residency programs matched to their top choice compared to a national average of 67%.
Nearly 20% of accepted applicants are international students and they make up 22% of NYU’s MD Class of 2023.
NYU is a global university. It is home to the largest international graduate student body in the United States, with nearly 20% of its matriculating students coming from outside of the U.S. NYU’s medical school reflects this diversity, with over 22% of its MD Class of 2023 representing countries outside North America and Europe.
NYU Langone Medical Center has also been recognized as one of the most diverse academic medical centers in the country, with more than 40 different languages spoken by its faculty members and close to 30 different languages spoken at home by staff members. Diversity extends beyond language; throughout our history we have made efforts to recruit a diverse student body and faculty so that they reflect our patients’ needs and experiences here at NYU Langone Health
NYU is committed to enrolling first-year classes that are diverse with respect to gender, ethnicity, geographic background and economic circumstances.

- NYU’s medical school has a diverse student body
- NYU’s medical school has a diverse faculty
- NYU’s medical school has a diverse patient population
- NYU’s medical school has a diverse curriculum
- NYU’s medical school has a diverse research environment
If you’re interested in studying medicine at this world-class university, you’ll need a stellar application.
If you’re interested in studying medicine at this world-class university, you’ll need a stellar application.
Here’s what you should know:
- Early applications are recommended. The school accepts applications for fall enrollment only; the deadline for submitting your primary application is March 1st. If you apply after that date, your application will be considered by the school as a second choice and may not be considered if there are more qualified applicants than available spots.
- The MCAT is required of all applicants regardless of nationality or citizenship status (more on that below). New York University School of Medicine requires all applicants to take the MCAT between April and September before they can submit their primary application online through AMCAS (the Medical College Admission Test). You need a composite score of at least 24 in order to qualify for consideration; however, we recommend aiming higher than that so as not to risk rejection based on scores alone! If English isn’t your native tongue then take it up another notch and get yourself into test prep ASAP—it’s worth it!
This test costs $285 USD per administration but many hospitals around the country offer free tests through various organizations like Kaplan which may be helpful because some schools offer them free as well (like ours does), so check out what options are available before signing up for anything else just yet if money is tight right now.”
If you’re interested in studying medicine at this world-class university, you’ll need a stellar application. The school accepts just 3% of applicants each year and has an average GPA of 3.71 in the first semester of medical school. Students who apply to NYU also need to have exceptional extracurricular activities and volunteer work experience as well as strong letters of recommendation from their professors or employers.