Were you ever faced with the difficulty of finding accurate information for ohio state university computer science curriculum? Did you feel conflicted by the conflicting opinions that you received when searching the web? This article will provide the answers to these questions.

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The BS CIS curriculum consists of the following components:
- Required Math and Science (19)
- Major Program (minimum grade of C- reuired in each course and minimum 2.0 GPA overall)
- Computer Science Core (31 hours)
- Computer Science Core Choices (17 hours)
- Technical Electives (16 hours)
- General Education (41 hours)
The minimum total hours for the BS CIS degree is 124 credit hours.
Required Math and Science
- ArtsSci 1100 Arts and Sciences Survey (1 hr)
- Calculus I (5 hrs)
- Calculus II (5 hrs)
- Math 3345 (3 hrs)
- Physics 1250 (5 hrs)

Computer Science Core
- CSE 2221 and 2231 Software I and II (8 hrs)
- CSE 2321 and 2331 Foundations I and II (6 hrs)
- CSE 2421 and 2431 Systems I and II (7 hrs)
- CSE 3341 Principles of Programming languages (3 hrs)
- Choose one of the following:
- CSE 2501 Social, Ethical and Professional Issues in Computing (1 hr)
- Philos 1338 Ethics in the Professions: Introduction to Computing Ethics and Effective Presentation (4 hrs)
- ECE 2060 Intorduction to Digital Logic (3 hrs)
- Stat 3470 Intro to Probability and Statistics for Engineers (3 hrs)
Computer Science Core Choices
- CSE 3231 or 3241 Software Eng or Databases (3 hrs)
- CSE 3421 or 3461 Systems: Architecture or Networking (3 hrs)
- CSE 3521 or 3541 Applications: AI or Graphics (3 hrs)
- CSE 390X Project: Design, Development and Documentation (4 hrs)
- CSE 591X Capstone Design (4 hrs)
Technical Electives
- Choose at least 16 hours that meet the following criteria
- Any CSE course 3000-level or above not already used to fulfill another requirement
- At most 1 hour of CSE 4251-4255
- At most 2 hours of CSE 4193, 4193H, 4998, 4998H, 4999 or 4999
- At most 7 hours of non-CSE coursework at the 2000-level and above approved by the academic advisor
Note: Majors must select a specialization option. Requirements for the specialization options may dictate core and technical elective choices.
General Education
- Writing and Related Skills (6 hrs)
- Natural Science (10 hrs) (including Physics 1250)
- Literature (3 hrs)
- Visual and Performing Arts (3 hrs)
- Social Sciences (6 hrs)
- Historical Study (3 hrs)
- Cultures and Ideas (3 hrs)
- Language Proficiency (12 hrs)