Established as a Foundation for Scientific Cooperation (Fondation de Coopération Scientifique) by the CNRS, the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), the École normale supérieure (ENS-PSL), the École des Ponts ParisTech, the INRAE and the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, the Paris School of Economics comprises a community of nearly 140 researchers and 150 doctoral candidates.
PSE conducts research and teaches economics courses at the highest international level, actively encourages exchanges between economic analysts and other social scientists, contributes to economic policy debates, and makes its scholarly research accessible to the general public.
The Paris School of Economics is the leading economics department in Europe and among the top five in the world, according to the RePEc ranking.
It has been designated, by the Program of Investment in the Future (PIA), a University Research School (EUR), with the name Paris Graduate School of Economics (PgSE), and thereby endowed with 23 million euros over 10 years.
The PSE Board of Directors, chaired by Jean-Pierre-Danthine, comprises the founding member institutions and PSE’s scientific partners, as well as other qualified individuals. PSE’s director is Jean-Olivier Hairault, nominated by the Board of Directors upon advice from the CLEOR (the council of representatives of PSE’s academic and administrative staff). The Scientific Council includes leading international scientific figures and is led by Pierre-André Chiappori. The PSE Ethics Committee monitors the application of its ethical charter, under the direction of Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline.

PSE Ethics Charter
PSE teaching and research are based on the highest ethical standards. Our values are reflected in the integrity, ethics, excellence, and independence of our research, respect for all members of the PSE community, and our social, civic, and environmental responsibilities.
As an institution, PSE is committed to taking a responsible approach to all its activities and to ensuring the commitment of all participants (students, teachers, researchers, and support staff) to the same. PSE will take all appropriate steps, in a collegial manner, to ensure that its values guide the behavior of all.
To this end, PSE is establishing an ethics committee whose aims are to define the form and content of the obligations implied by respect for the values enumerated below and to define the procedures designed to guarantee the adherence of the institution and all its members to these principles.
The PSE community is composed of students in PSE-accredited courses, Ph.D. candidates attached to PSE, employees of PSE, members of PJSE, and all researchers and teacher-researchers affiliated or associated with PSE, regardless of the academic institution to which they are attached.
Our values
- Scientific integrity
- Freedom and independence of research
- Respect for all
- Social, civic, and environmental responsibilities
The Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee is an offshoot of CLEOR. Led by a representative of the PSE-PJSE management, it includes seven other permanent members, representing Ph.D. candidates, researchers, and administrative and technical staff.
EUR – Paris Graduate School of Economics
The PSE project “Paris Graduate School of Economics (PgSE)” was selected in the first round of a call for project proposals for “Écoles Universitaires de Recherche, EUR” (University Research Schools), PIA3 (Investments in the Future). The program extends the Labex OSE (Open up economics) activities and aims to integrate research at the highest level with excellence in teaching.
Led by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, and initiated by the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the General Commission for Investment (CGI), this EUR project aim to promote the graduate school model in France, in line with the government’s plan to “reinforce our impact and international reputation […] in one or several scientific areas by bringing together Masters and Ph.D. courses in one or several fields backed by one or several top-level research institutions”.
Our goals
The Paris Graduate School of Economics will build on the experience gained through the Labex OSE to greatly expand its activities and potential by developing a post-graduate – Masters and Ph.D. – study program in world-level economics, expanding and diversifying scientific goals – methods, objects, data – and deepening exchanges with other disciplines, all while continuing involvement with the founding institutions, laboratories, and partners of PSE and OSE.

Jourdan Campus (PSE/ENS)
The Campus renewal (2013 – 2017)
On February the 23rd, 2017, the new ENS-PSE building of more than 12,000 m², situated on the Jourdan campus in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, has been officially inaugurated by President François Hollande. Also present was the minister for schools and higher education and research Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and president of the Regional Council for the Île de France, Valérie Pécresse.
Key Dates
2007 – The Ile-de-France region, for the greater part, and the city of Paris and the French state for the rest decided to fund the construction of a new building on the Jourdan campus, for the PSE and the ENS.
2011 – The TVAA agency (Thierry Van de Wyngaert, Véronique Feigel Associated Architects) proposed an ambitious and elegant project in the architectural tradition of its immediate environment. See the models and 3D project.
2017 – The construction, which began in autumn 2013, ends at the beginning of 2017 when the PSE community is gathered on a single campus: learn more about the campus renewal. The inauguration was February 23, 2017 (read this news). In 2017, PSE also celebrates its 10-year Anniversary!
Key Figures
€ 49 million (All Expenditure Mixed): € 31.5 million Région Ile-de-France, € 14.5 million State, € 3 million Paris City Hall
A new building of 12,500 m² (on a 1-hectare campus): 6300 m² PSE, 3900 m² ENS, 2300 m² common – including an amphitheater of 300 places, an SHS library of 870 m² with more than 50,000 books, a student home …
Nearly 2,000 users: students, teachers, researchers, and administrators ENS and PSE.
The building is certified “Bâtiments Tertiaires Démarche HQE / Label BBC Effinergie”.
paris school of economics tuition fees
The university fees are annual and set by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in France.
Since the 2019 entrance the French government has announced an increase in the registration fees up to € 3,770 for the Master’s degree for foreign students coming outside the European Union who are entering a new cycle of studies. The law has been voted. However, our partner institutions have been able to exempt international students from paying the full fees this academic year. They were able to give a waiver and allow all the students to pay the same amount of 250 euros per year, plus 90 euros contribution to the student and campus life (CVEC), that students need to pay to the CROUS. We can now confirm you that our partner institutions will be able to propose again waivers to the international students in 2020-2021 so they can pay the same enrollment fees as the French students.