
We’ve never been more ready for a new job than we are now.

In fact, according to the most recent labour market data, pharmacists are in high demand and are coming into a period of increased job-creation. The number of pharmacists is projected to increase by about 25% from 2014 to 2024, faster than the average for all occupations, which are expected to increase 14% over the same period.

So if you’re interested in becoming a pharmacist, this could be an excellent time to pursue a Pharmacy Technician Course In Germany!

We’ll share with you some other helpful information on College learners , like pharmacy technician salary in Germany and pharmacy courses in Germany. We’re pretty sure that you’ll find just what you need here!

Collegelearners affords you with ample information on how many years to study pharmacy in Germany, pharmacy in Germany salary, study pharmacy in Germany in English and so much more.

Study Pharmacy Tech In Germany for International Students

Study Pharmacy in Germany

Pharmacy is a very important part of healthcare chain, offering a broad job market for those who accomplish their title and right to be part of this ginormous circuit. According to Zeit Online rankings for the year 2013/2014, several criteria chosen carefully are presented in order to choose for the best German University to study Pharmacy. Among the pool of standards expected to be met, I chose the following five in order to come up with a list of best accomplished Universities in Germany to study Pharmacy.

  1. Laboratories โ€“ Students in Medicine and Natural Sciences assessed the availability and state of laboratory workstations.
  2. Support for stays abroad โ€“ Students assessed the attractiveness of the exchange programme, the attractiveness of the partner universities, the sufficiency of the number of exchange places, support and guidance in preparing the stay abroad, financial support (scholarships, exemption from study fees), the accreditation of studies performed abroad and the integration of the stay abroad into studies (no time loss caused by stay abroad).
  3. Research Reputation โ€“ Which tertiary institutions are the leading ones according to the opinion of the professors in research? Naming the own tertiary institution was not taken into consideration.
  4. Study Organization โ€“ Students assessed amongst other things the completeness of the courses offered in respect of the study regulations, the access opportunities to compulsory events and the co-ordination of the courses offered with the examination regulations
  5. Job Market Preparation โ€“ Students assessed the programs offered by their college to promote the relevance to the professional field and jobs market. This includes information events on professional fields and the jobs market, specific programs and lectures to provide job relevant and subject comprehensive qualifications, support in looking for work placements, arranging Diplom work subjects in co-operation with the world of work help when looking for a job after completing studies.

Zeit Online based the criteria on the students, alumni and professor judgments randomly questioned as well as fact and accurate data. The following list comprises of eight German Universities that popped to meet the selected criteria with flying colors, making for this yearโ€™s best choice to study the designated field.

Pharmacy Technician Diploma | American National University

List of Pharmacy Universities in Germany

1. TU Braunschweig

The University of Braunschweig’s pharmacy department is one of the oldest and largest in Germany. Our study of pharmacy centers around the scientific bases of medical drugs, including their preparation, chemical analysis, and pharmaceutical formulation as well as their effects on humans. We also gain insight into different aspects of current research carried out at our institutes under a common research focus: “Bioactive Molecules and Drug Development”. Our major research themes include rational drug design, molecular pharmacology of cardiovascular diseases, and the development of colloidal microparticles as drug delivery systems and biotechnology for bioactive compounds from plants.

2. Marburg University

Philipps-Universitรคt is not only a German university drenched in tradition, but also the oldest university in the world. It started as a Protestant institution in 1527. For nearly five centuries now the University has served as THE place of research and teaching.  Currently there are nearly 25,000 students studying in Marburg of which 12 percent come from all over the world.  Except for the engineering departments, the University hosts almost all the other scientific fields of study. The different disciplines are assigned to different faculties. Philipps-Universitรคt is considered to be the cradle of prosperity and emancipation in the Marburg region of Germany.

3. Greifswald University

Founded in 1456, the University of Greifswald was and is one of the oldest academic institutions in Europe taking pride in decades of tradition.  Over 12,000 students from all over the world receive the most modern academic guide ways and exciting research opportunities in a learning- friendly environment. Research priorities at the University of Greifswald are in the life sciences, physics and geosciences, cultural interaction in the Baltic/Nordic region, as well as law and economics. The students engage in inter-disciplinary collaborations across faculties and aim for excellence in both research and teaching.

4. Frankfurt University

Goethe University Frankfurt, positioned among the top international research universities, offers a wide variety of academic programs, a diverse group of research institutes, and a focus on interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex problems. The university is named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the Frankfurt-born polymath renowned for his exceptional contributions to literature, science, and philosophy. In the department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, 32 professors are involved in research and teaching. They are supported by 215 permanent members of staff and are involved in teaching for more than 1.850 undergraduate and 500 PhD students and postdoctoral fellows in four different subjects: Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biochemistry.

5. Freiburg University

Among the great study conditions and circumstances the University of Freiburg offers a great practical approach to its students. The pharmaceutical bioinformatics lab at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences develops algorithms and software for pharmaceutical research. The fields of research at this institution include the modeling of molecular interactions, prediction of biological effects of molecules, and identification of potential new drug agents. Also, different reactions and effects of therapeutics can be analyzed and explained. A further area of work in the lab is the evaluation of the vast amounts of data, produced by up-to-date measurement methods and processes of systems biology.

6. Kiel University

Situated in the city of Kiel Germany, the University of Kiels foundations go way back 1665. The institution was found and established as the Academia Holsatorum Chiloniensis by Christian Albert, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp. There are approximately 24,000 students studying in the University of Kiel today. The University of Kiel is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The Institute of Pharmacy belongs to the department of Pharmacy and is divided into the sub-departments Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutics and Bio pharmaceutics.

7. Wurzburg University

Interdisciplinary research training is the key to the success of tomorrowโ€™s life scientists, as the motto of the University states. The University of Wรผrzburg provides a world class environment of research institutions, which have a long and successful tradition of cooperation across faculties. The Graduate School of Life Science results from a common initiative of the Faculties of Biology, Medicine, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Physics, and Philosophy. It is this interdisciplinary spirit that propelled Wรผrzburg to among the top four German Universities in the Life Sciences.

8. FU Berlin

The Institute of Pharmacy at Freie Universitรคt Berlin is one of the largest pharmaceutical training facilities in Germany. In Berlin-Brandenburg Freie Universitรคt is the only university that has the discipline of pharmacy. Teaching and research are carried out in the fields of pharmaceutical biology, pharmaceutical chemistry, clinical pharmacy, pharmacology, and pharmaceutical technology. The institute focuses on drug development and testing, the analysis of natural substances, alternative testing methods, and innovative drug delivery systems.

ADEXA โ€“ The Trade Union For Pharmacy Staff In Germany

Overview of member country’s Pharmacy Technician Association

ADEXA is the trade union for all pharmaceutical employees (pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, etc.), and also for trainees and students. We negotiate the salaries and working conditions in German public pharmacies with the employers’ federations and give legal advice to our members.

ADEXA’s head office with the administrative and legal staff is located in Hamburg. The organisation was founded in 1954. ADEXA is not affiliated to the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB, Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund) or any of its unions.

Within ADEXA, each profession in the public pharmacy is represented by its own group. These groups meet regularly and discuss their special situation regarding their scope of work and their occupation. They also take care of their interests within ADEXA. The Pharmacy Technicians Group is responsible for the contact to and activities within the EAPT. Its representatives work on honorary capacity.

Since May 2016 we have four regional offices ( north, south, west and east ). Thus, we also changed the structure of the regional boards  – from former 17 boards to now 4 regional boards in January 2018.

Please visit our website www.adexa-online.de for more information on our work and professional aims.


Introduction of Structure of the Pharmacies

In 2018 there were 19.423 privately owned community pharmacies in Germany.
Only a pharmacist may own and operate a pharmacy. One pharmacist may own one main pharmacy and up to three subsidiaries. There were about 4172 subsidiaries in 2014.
No bigger chain pharmacies are allowed in Germany but there are several forms of cooperations where the pharmacies are privately owned but profit from a shared purchasing, advertising and corporate design.

Otherwise, there are no regulations as to where a pharmacy may be operated and how much pharmacies can be opened in a certain area.

157.284 employees are working in these community pharmacies.

Approximately 65.8236 pharmacy technicians are employed in the community pharmacies, and a much smaller number in hospital pharmacies, in the pharmaceutical industry and in health insurance etc.

The ABDA – Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists has more information in English about the German pharmacy sector, for example the brochure “German Pharmacies โ€“ Figures Data Facts 2018”.

study pharmacy in germany for international students - College Learners

Careers in Pharmacy

There are three main professions in public pharmacies:
โ€ข Employed pharmacists (German: “Apotheker”)
โ€ข Pharmacy technicians, PT (German: PTA = Pharmazeutisch-technische Assistenten)
โ€ข Pharmaceutical commercial employees, PCE (German: PKA = Pharmazeutisch-kaufmรคnnische Angestellte)

Whereas a PCE works mainly in the back office and is not allowed to sell pharmaceutical products, a PT can work in the lab or at the counter, giving pharmaceutical advice for both prescription drugs and OTC drugs as well as handing out or selling both types of drugs.
According to German law, the PT is working under supervision of a pharmacist.

The PT profession is regulated by law (Gesetz รผber den Beruf des PTA, Apothekenbetriebsordnung)

Education and training of PT

In Germany, the PT education takes two and a half years, including two years fulltime in a specialized school for PT and six months as a PT trainee in a pharmacy. You need a General Certificate of Secondary Education to be accepted at a PT school.

Some schools are financed and operated by the federal states, some are privately owned.
Due to a cut back of money in the education sector, some of the public schools are closing or will be closing, and the private schools are rather expensive. Therefore there could be a shortage of PT in the future.

The PT education is regulated by law (PTA-Ausbildungs- und Prรผfungsverordnung) and PTs need a professional permit from the state.

Payment and working conditions

In her or his first year of work, a PT earns 1,968.00 โ‚ฌ minimum per month in a public pharmacy (according to collective agreement). This rises to 2,549.00 โ‚ฌ in the highest group (after 15 years of working). You can find the collective agreements on the ADEXA website. ADEXA members are also entitled to an agreed special payment (one monthly salary).

40 hours per week is the agreed full working time. All employees in public pharmacies are entitled to a 33 days holiday. There is also an agreement on six days for a further education holiday for PT and pharmacists every two years.
There is no mandatory further education for PT or pharmacists in Germany. On a voluntary basis, Pt can collect points for a certificate on continuing education that is regulated by the chambers of pharmacy. So far, there is no collective agreement for a corresponding rise in salary.

6. Recognition of foreign PT qualifications

If you are interested in working as a PT in Germany, please go to www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de
Recognition in Germany is the official information site for professionals seeking recognition of their qualification in Germany. You can find information in seven languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Turkish and German.

Link to chambers, professional institutions, registration office

ABDA – Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekerverbรคnde – www.abda.de
The ABDA – Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists is the umbrella organisation of the German pharmacists. It acts as the main professional political body of the community pharmacies in Germany. It also lists contact data for all German Chambers of Pharmacist and Associations of Pharmacists.

BVpta – www.bvpta.de
The “Bundesverband der Pharmazeutisch-Technischen AssistentInnen โ€“ BVpta e.V.” (= Federal Association of Pharmaceutical Assistants) is a professional association for pharmacy technicians (PTA) working in public pharmacies, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, research, public service, as teachers etc. The BVpta does not negotiate collective agreements with the employers.

News from Germany 2016

ADEXA resolution on maintaining drug price ordinance for Rx-drugs

The European Court of Justice (EUJ) ruling in regards to Rx-Boni (C-148/15) gives mail-order pharmacies in other European countries an immense competitive advantage against German public pharmacies as they do not have to abide with the price maintenance regulation that is effective throughout Germany.

This ruling will further accelerate the decrease of public pharmacies that is going on since 2009. As a result, many of the now 138,000 jobs in public pharmacies will then have to be retrenched. The nationwide pharmaceutical supply system in Germany is in danger and will further worsen in the near future.   

Public pharmacies fulfil many tasks of public service such as the performance of night-time and emergency services, tasks that not even recover the cost. Mail-order pharmacies in other European countries delivering drugs to Germany do not have and cannot abide to these tasks.

The reasoning of the EUJ ruling that public pharmacies could recover their losses caused by the mail-order pharmacies by selling special recipes or even by mark up their prices in rural areas is far from reality!

We postulate a general ban on mail-order for prescription drugs as it is law in most of the other European countries due to health protection reasons.

This would also put a stop to big logistic companies having no pharmaceutical expertise to enter this open and profitable market.

Moreover, the legislator should strengthen the scope of action of public pharmacies and use their pharmaceutical knowledge.    In order to reduce the costs within the German statutory health insurance system, public pharmacies should be responsible for the initial and following treatment with OTC-drugs for patients with less serious diseases.  

Public pharmacies should also be much more included in the analysis of medication for patients with chronically diseases or patients with multiple disorders.                                                        Public pharmacies do have the respective know-how! What is needed now is a general frame work that is both adequate and secures the business of public pharmacies.

We appeal to the legislative authorities to take effective action in order to safeguard the nationwide provision of the general public and in order to secure employment in German public pharmacies.

10 Best Pharmacy Technician Schools in the World | 2021

Pharmacy Technician Schools In The World

Currently, the need for pharmacy technicians is increasing. For this reason, the need to study pharmacy technician is advised. So if you desire to know the Best Pharmacy Technician Schools in the World. We got you covered!

In order to get a great start, most prospective applicants will first receive formal training at a pharmacy technician school. Most opt for a one-year certification or diploma program, but associate degree programs are also available.

Why Study Pharmacy Technician

Basically, Pharmacy technicians are responsible for filling prescriptions, organizing inventory, handling insurance claims/payments. And also by working with clients to make sure they understand their medications and instructions.

Above all, Pharmacy technicians (also called pharmacy techs) are an integral part of any pharmacy team. I believe you must have probably seen these associated health professionals working with pharmacists in retail stores. But they are also in hospitals and pharmacies in long-term care facilities.

When it comes to changing careers, youโ€™ll always want to weigh the potential benefits against the risks. You must be sure that if you are going to make sacrifices, you are working to achieve something worthwhile.

There are many reasons to become a pharmacy technician, including job security and a good salary. Also, itโ€™s a rewarding and satisfying career.

So, why is being a pharmacy technician so good?

Firstly, some choose a career as a pharmacy technician, as this can be a great first step in becoming a certified pharmacist. More training is needed to become a certified pharmacist, but pharmacy technicians analyze tasks more closely and can gain valuable experience.

Secondly, others are attracted to the profession of pharmacy technician because it offers the opportunity to work in the health industry without having to perform clinical tasks. There is no blood or fracture to handle. However, pharmacy technicians play an important role in the health industry.

Thirdly, the health care industry is growing rapidly and careers in this labor sector generally pay more than the national average salary. A pharmacy technician works in the health care industry and benefits from rapid growth, but there is no need to go to school for several years, as is the case with other careers in the health industry.

Another advantage of being a pharmacy technician is that it offers the opportunity to work closely with a variety of people. Pharmacy technicians not only work closely with a licensed pharmacist but also work with a variety of clients, helping them make prescription orders and submit insurance forms.

Pharmacies in Germany - Welcome Center Germany

How Long Does it Take to be a Pharmacy Technician

Frankly, a Pharmacy Technician occupies a position that requires great precision and attention to detail. As well as an understanding of basic pharmacology, experience in the distribution of medications. And a thorough knowledge of legislation and pharmaceutical ethics.

So how long does it take to become a pharmacy technician? Not as much as most people think! In fact, with the pharmacy technician flexible online course, you can complete your training and start applying for a job in just four months.

To be effective and excel in their work, pharmacy technicians must have at least formal training. But how long is a school of pharmacy technicians?

A traditional university establishment with standardized courses may take up to two years to complete. However, you can take an accelerated route and complete your pharmacy training through an accredited online program.

The first step in starting a career as a pharmacy technician is to obtain a high school diploma or equivalent from GED. With basic education, you can qualify for job training.

Some states require pharmacy technicians to have this formal training or pass a national certification exam.

However, there is a standard age requirement to become a certified pharmacy technician. The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) certification has a minimum age requirement of 18 years and requires applicants to have a high school diploma, complete a formal training program and have at least 1 year of work experience before they can take the certification exam.

Certification from the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) requires that pharmacy technicians have a high school diploma and pass a certification exam.

How to Study for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam

Pharmacy technicians are licensed state by state, so it is essential that anyone who pursues this career becomes familiar with the licensing requirements in their own state.

Prospective applicants should also be informed that state regulations can change, so it is advisable to request confirmation of the requirements of a given state before enrolling in a pharmacy technician training program.

However, some states accept or require certification from a nationally recognized organization as part of their registration or licensing process. The NHA offers the Pharmacy Technician (CPhT) certification, which is accredited by the National Commission of Certification Agencies.

The PTCB (Pharmacy Technician Certification Board) offers its own certification exam, which includes a criminal background check followed by an exam. While the PTCB and the NHA require certified pharmacy technicians to maintain their certification with approved continuing education courses throughout their careers.

Meanwhile, certification is not required in some states, but most employers prefer pharmacy technicians to be certified. An online technical certification program for pharmacies must provide comprehensive training to prepare a student to take the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) exam.

Hence, people interested in the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) certification must have at least one year of work experience, which can be obtained through an internship program offered by the school.

Finally, pharmacy technicians must re-certify every 2 years to make sure they are up to date with changes and advances in medical care that affect their field of practice. You can do this by completing 20 hours of continuing education to make sure your skills are up to date.

How to become a Pharmacist in Australia - HealthTimes

Cost of Studying Pharmacy Technician In Germany

The cost of your pharmacy technician diploma will vary mainly according to factors: the type of program (online or on-campus) and its duration.

Online schools are significantly cheaper because the cost of obtaining such a diploma is low for the school. Firstly, they do not need to pay for the equipment, to enter into contracts with pharmacies so that their students are placed there for an internship, etc.

At the same time, they offer a well-designed program and offer all the benefits of learning at your own pace: you can combine your training with a full-time job. The pharmacy technician degree at that school generally costs $500 to $800 and takes up to 6 months to complete.

On-campus schools are more expensive but have a number of very significant advantages. First, they combine theory with practical training in real life. Most importantly, they have much better facilities and training at that school generally works better.

These schools have concluded agreements with pharmacies, hospitals and other local establishments where their students receive practical training.

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Pharmacy Technician Salary In Germany

Pharmacy technicians are essential for the daily operations of any pharmacy, nursing home or hospital. They work in a wide range of environments and their functions vary by the workplace. This means that the expected salary of a pharmacy technician varies considerably according to education, experience, and workplace.

According to the most recent data published in the Occupational Outlook Manual of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for pharmacy technicians is $ 31,750. Depending on where you work, your salary may increase, as rates may be higher in outpatient services and in hospitals than in supermarkets or pharmacies.

A full-time pharmacy technician will usually be offered a benefits package that includes medical care, paid license and sick leave, and a 401 (k) plan.

Pharmacy Technician Schools In The World

Indeed, it is useful if you are in a college or university that stands out in Pharmacy Technician and can make the whole process more bearable. There are a good number of Pharmacy Technician Schools in the world, but knowing the best is what really matters.

To help you find one, we have compiled a list of top and best Pharmacy Technician Schools in the world. And we will be stating a full detail of our 2020 ranking criteria.

Ranking Methodology

In selecting the best Pharmacy Technician schools in the world, we will be considering several factors. They include:

Number of Programs: We consider these as one important criterion for ranking the best Pharmacy Technician Colleges. Because some of these schools can have a good number of programs they offer.

Accreditation: This criterion is very much important because a school can be cheap but yet do not have quality. So, we consider the body of accreditation as well as certification for each of these schools before ranking them. Whether they fall in the category of regional or national accreditation.

Acceptance Rate: This is one aspect that is considered important because of the lower the acceptance rate, the better the school.

Graduation & Employment Rate: Here, we consider if these schools have a high tendency of graduating their students. Some can get enrolled but get stuck at the end. Also, we put into consideration whether school graduates are employable by great institutions. These factors are equally very much important.

Becoming a Registered Pharm Tech | Stenberg College

List of 13 Best Pharmacy Technician Schools in the World

We have compiled a list of top and best Pharmacy Technician Colleges in the world. And we will be stating a full detail of our 2020 ranking criteria.

So, here is a list of Best and Accredited Pharmacy Technician Schools in the world, with their acceptance rate, graduation rate, and the number of programs they offer.

  1. National University College
  2. Florida Vocational Institute
  3. Manhattan Institute
  4. San Joaquin Valley College-Visalia
  5. Mountainland Technical College
  6. Columbus State Community College
  7. Cleveland Clinicโ€™s School of Pharmacy Technology
  8. Cerritos College
  9. Pima Medical Institute-Chula Vista
  10. Salt Lake Community College

1. National University College

  • Program: Associate Degree
  • Address: Calle Manuel Pรฉrez Avilรฉs, Arecibo, 00612, Puerto Rico

The Associate Degree in Pharmacy Technician will train the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to work as a pharmacy technician, always under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist.

The graduate of this program can work in pharmacies and hospitals, as a pharmacy technician in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Board of Pharmacy of Puerto Rico.

Finally, the institution is authorized by the Board of Education of Puerto Rico to offer certification programs, associate degrees, bachelorโ€™s degrees, and masters, through certifications.

2. Florida Vocational Institute

  • Program:
  • Address: 3520 Enterprise Way, Miramar, Florida

This program prepares students for a position as a pharmacy technician. A diploma will be awarded at the end of this program.

In the Pharmacy Technicians Training Program of the Florida Vocational Institute (FVI), we can provide you with the skills you need to enter this industry and prosper.

The pharmacy technician program provides instructions on how to help the pharmacist pack and dispense medications. Graduates can find employment in hospitals (private and government), nursing homes, private and chain pharmacies. As well as drug manufacturers, wholesale pharmacies and health maintenance organizations.

Students will also study the professional and technical skills necessary for direct employment as a pharmacy technician.

Once you have completed our FVI approved training program, you can obtain certification by passing a certification exam approved by the State Board of Pharmacy in Florida.

You can only take this exam after completing your FVI training courses. To prepare for certification, the FVI offers you 40 hours of preparation to make sure youโ€™re prepared!

Pharmacovigilance & Pharmacoepidemiology (Eu2P) - University of Bordeaux

3. Manhattan Institute

  • Program: Associate of Science Degree program
  • Address: 45 West 34th St, New York, NY

For more than 40 years, the Manhattan Institute has been an important force in the configuration of American political culture. And the development of ideas that promote economic choice and individual responsibility.

Above all, the Pharmacy Technician training at the Manhattan Institute is designed to prepare you for employment in this growing profession.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor of the United States, the employment of pharmacy technicians is expected to increase rapidly in the coming years due to advances in medicine and the aging population.

With your diploma in the hands of our pharmacy technician schools, you will feel safe working in retail pharmacies, hospital pharmacies or any pharmacy within a medical establishment.

4. San Joaquin Valley College-Visalia

  • Program: Associate of Science Degree program
  • Address: 8344 W Mineral King Ave, Visalia, CA 93291

The SJVC program prepares you to work under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist as part of a team responsible for complying with doctorsโ€™ pharmaceutical orders.

Graduates can complete the Certificate of Completion of Pharmaceutical Technology program in just 9 months, or the Associate Pharmacy Technician Science Degree program in just 15 months.

Their pharmaceutical technology students can obtain a certificate of completion in just 9 months. Graduates of the pharmacy technician program can obtain an associateโ€™s degree in science in just 15 months.

5. Mountainland Technical College

  • Program:
  • Address: 1410 W 1250 S, Orem Utah

This program consists of two parts. Part 1 is ongoing and laboratory training (400 hours). Part 2 is an external training for a pharmacy technician (200 hours). Students who successfully complete this training must have a high school diploma or GED to qualify to take the national exam.

Most importantly, after passing the national exam, students can apply to become licensed pharmacy technicians in the state of Utah. Equally, students must complete the license application process with the State of Utah within two years (24 months) of the program start date.

The MTECH pharmacy technical program is accredited by the ASHP and recognized by the PTCB.

6. Columbus State Community College

  • Program: Certificate
  • Address: 550 East Spring St. Columbus, OH 43215

Basically, the Pharmacy Technician Program is an entry-level certification program that prepares students for knowledge. As well as skills necessary for a career as a pharmacy technician.

Specifically, students will learn how to prepare medications for distribution, perform dose calculations, comply with national and federal regulations. As well as to provide excellent customer service skills, inventory and order supplies while exposing themselves to real situations facing pharmacies today.

Completion of the program normally requires 26 to 32 weeks of instruction for full-time students, which are taught over a period of 2 semesters. Above all, the program is divided into didactic, simulated and experimental components. Including an external internship period of 140 hours required for ASHP accreditation.

7. Cleveland Clinicโ€™s School of Pharmacy Technology

  • Program: Certificate Program
  • Address: 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195

Specifically, the Cleveland Clinic is a leader in efforts to expand the role of pharmacy technicians. As one of the only accredited schools of hospital technicians in the country, the School of Pharmacy Technology paves the way for new technical leaders.

Also, the Cleveland Clinic School of Pharmaceutical Technology was designed to achieve what no other pharmacy technician program has done before. In order to combine the two educational trainings with real and practical training, from day one.

Equally, students acquire the necessary skills to pass the pharmacy technician certification exam and work in a pharmacy. Above all, graduates of the Cleveland Clinic School of Pharmacy Technology are well prepared to meet the needs of expanding pharmaceutical practice.

Finally, the graduate students of the Cleveland Clinic School of Pharmacy Technology can be considered to work in the Cleveland Clinic Health System.

8. Cerritos College

  • Program: Certificate
  • Address: 11110 Alondra Blvd. Norwalk, California 90650

For residents of Southern California, the pharmacy technician program at Cerritos College is practical. The program offers a certificate and an associateโ€™s degree for incoming students. The Cerritos College program has been accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) since 1999.

The successful completion of any of the programs allows students to enroll in the California State Pharmacy Board, which is a requirement. prior to get a job as a pharmacy technician in California.

9. Pima Medical Institute

  • Program: Certificate
  • Address:

With accredited institutions in the western part of the United States, PMI offers a full program of pharmacy technicians to students from Arizona, California, Washington, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado.

At 840 credit hours, plus a clinical internship, students will be ready to write the National Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (CPhT) of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB).

10. Salt Lake Community College

  • Program: Certificate
  • Address: 4600 South Redwood Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84123

Salt Lake Community College (SLCC), located in 10 different locations in Utah, welcomes more than 60,000 students a year, making it the largest university in the state of Utah.

Basically, the university is known for its flexible schedules and exceptional teachers. Specifically, the one-year certificate program at SLCC must be completed in 3 consecutive semesters. And also requires 180-hour job training in accordance with the laws of the state of Utah.

You will work at a local pharmacy during your last semester and get valuable experience. The courses include medical terminology, pharmacology, calculations, preparation of sterile and non-sterile preparations and pharmacy laws.

Above all, the university also has a very efficient job placement service that will help you review your CVs and simulate interviews.

3 Canadian Programs That Will Let You Immigrate as a Pharmacist โ€“  International Education Consultants | Study Abrod | Lagos, Nigeria

Other Pharmacy Technician Colleges You Can Explore

Are there Pharmacy Technician Online Schools?

Completing online pharmacy technician courses is an excellent way for busy people to continue their education without having to travel to campus. Many schools offer a selection of online courses, while others offer completely online pharmaceutical technology programs.

It is important to keep in mind that clinical experience, although not a licensing requirement in all states, can be an important factor in finding employment. For this reason, in most cases, it is better to choose an online program that also offers the placement of external practices.

So here is a list of Pharmacy Technician Online Schools:

  • San Francisco State University
  • Coastal Carolina Community College
  • Ashworth College

1. San Francisco State University

As part of its expanded learning program, SFSU offers an online pharmacy technician program that students can follow at their own pace.

Upon successful completion of the program, students will obtain a professional development certificate and be eligible for the PTCB certification exam.

2. Coastal Carolina Community College

Basically, at CCCC, students can choose between a class track, a hybrid program or an online pharmaceutical technology study course.

Although the school does offer job placement assistance, there is no external internship component of this particular program, which may make it less attractive to some students.

3. Ashworth College

Ashworth College offers a hybrid program that includes online components and a 120-hour clinical internship.

This allows students to really learn at their own pace while obtaining the experience desired by many employers.

4. Accredited Pharmacy Technician Schools

Higher education institutions require accreditation to assure their incoming students that their education will meet the high standards of accreditation bodies.

Schools generally have institutional accreditation in addition to specific program accreditations. Institutions may be accredited by regional groups, such as the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCC) or the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS). The credentials of each school must be available on their website.

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) offers a specific accreditation for pharmacy technician programs. To be accredited, schools must complete an application. Which includes a professional registration and a CV for the director of the pharmacy technician training program and submit application fees. Upon receiving these documents, the ASHP will organize an accreditation survey on the site to determine school eligibility.

The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) also offers accreditation for pharmacy schools, but not specifically for pharmaceutical technology programs. Programs must meet 30 ACPE standards. More information about their accreditation process is available on their website.

Hence, students should look for more schools that have obtained accreditation from the Pharmacy Technician Accreditation Commission, which is a joint effort between ASHP and ACPE.

The Pharmacy Technician program has only been around since the end of 2014, but already it is helping to define the quality of education at pharmacy technician schools across the country. By making a list of accredited pharmacy technician schools available to aspiring pharmacists, we are helping to facilitate their guarantee of quality education.

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