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A doctorate usually means that an individual is qualified to teach at a college level or to work in a specific field of work. There are two major types of doctoral degrees; a research-oriented degree, and a professional doctoral degree. Doctoral degrees are sometimes referred to as terminal degrees, which means that a final degree is available in a graduate school for students who wish it.

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Doctoral Degree In Business Administration

The PhD Program in Business Administration prepares our graduates to be successful researchers or to advance in their chosen careers. Our faculty members who are active in the area of Business Administration are excellent teachers who keep up-to-date on their disciplines through research and publication.

Research in Business Administration at Karlstad University is pursued in multidisciplinary and disciplinary groups that may involve researchers from Karlstad University and other universities. Business Administration at Karlstad University participates in the collaborative PhD programme of the National Research School in Management and IT, which includes departments from the Blekinge Institute of Technology, Uppsala University โ€“ Campus Gotland, Jรถnkรถping International Business School, Linkรถping University, Lund University, Mรคlardalen University, Uppsala University, ร–rebro University, Linnaeus University and Stockholm University.

Business Administration is a problem-oriented subject with different theoretical frameworks for different sub-disciplines. These sub-disciplines may be classified functionally (e.g. marketing, accounting, finance, financial management, and organisation), or according to subject area (e.g. entrepreneurship, internationalisation, logistics, service management). At Karlstad University many researchers in Business Administration have investigated service management problems as part of the multidisciplinary Service Research Centre (CTF).


A Swedish Ph.D. is expected to take four years to achieve, or five years if the student chooses to take part in lecturing at 20% of her or his time. It is mandatory for each Ph.D. student to have one main supervisor (being at least an associate professor), one additional supervisor (having at least a Ph.D. degree) and one examiner (being at least an associate professor), although. Supervisors and examiner can be changed during the process if the Ph.D. student so wishes. In total, the Ph.D. program consists of 240 credits, in terms of two major parts, of which one consists of course work (105 credits) and the other of the thesis itself (135 credits).

All open PhD positions at the school of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University are announced here: https://lnu.se/en/meet-linnaeus-university/work-at-the-university/. We do not accept applications in other forms.

Mandatory courses

The course work consists of several mandatory courses (in total 45 credits) as well as courses, which are chosen by the Ph.D. student. The purpose of these mandatory courses is to give the Ph.D. student a good understanding of methodological issues as well as writing texts and defending or discussing them during seminars in combination with learning to take part in the scientific discourse. The mandatory courses are:

  • Science of philosophy for Ph.D. students (7,5 credits)
  • Methodology and method, at least 7,5 credits qualitative and at least 7,5 credits qualitative (30 credits)
  • Active seminar participation (7,5 credits)

Research seminars

Writing the thesis is done with the support of the supervisors. However, the examiner takes a more active part at the seminars. It is mandatory for the Ph.D. student to present her or his on-going research at five seminars. The research seminars are:

  • Research proposal seminar, containing a research proposal in order to determine the viability of the research interest and thesis purpose (after one-two semesters)
  • Middle seminar, containing half of a thesis and usually a tentative description of empirical data as well as possible venues for analysis (after four-five semesters)
  • Final seminar, containing an almost finished doctoral thesis (after six-seven semesters)
  • Dissertation defense, that is the official defense of the Ph.D. student’s thesis (after eight semesters)

PhD in Management Sciences and Business Administration

  • To transfer to PhD students world-class cutting-edge research and scientific knowledge in the areas of economics and applied economics.
  • To involve the doctoral students in the research work of leading academics and to achieve results that are internationally recognized; mentor-student relationship building.
  • To involve the doctoral students in assignments that provide training in the fundamentals, in order to encourage PhD students to continue their academic work.
  • To build a wide range of international scientific-research network with institutions recognized in the disciplines both domestically and internationally.

Fields of Research

  • Agricultural economics
  • Economics
  • Management science

Admission requirements

Masterโ€™s degree. Intermediate (B2) English knowledge (TOEFL, IELTS, Attestation of Language Proficiency in case of former studies taught in English).

Prerequisites for Obtaining a Doctoral Degree

  • The successful completion of a combined final exam.
  • At least two or three publications of academic work (at least one in a refereed national journal, or equivalent book, excerpt or chapter of a book, and at least one in a refereed international journal, book or equivalent, excerpt or chapter of a book, or at least two non-refereed foreign journals or equivalent, book, excerpt or chapter of a book).
  • The defending of a doctoral dissertation in-house and in a public debate.

General Study Plan

Third Level Courses in Business Administration

3FFE1086 Seminar participation, 7,5 ECTS

3FFE094 Family Entrepreneurship, 7,5 ECTS

More information

More information for PhD and licentiate students on the intranet: https://medarbetare.lnu.se/en/medarbetare/support-and-service/for-phd-and-licentiate-students/?l=en

Information about research education specifically for the School of business and Economics: https://medarbetare.lnu.se/en/medarbetare/organisation/school-of-business-and-economics/research-education/?l=en

PhD Programme

The Department of Business Studies conducts research in the following areas: Accounting and Finance, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Marketing, Organisation and Management.

PhD studies comprise of four years of full-time study and leads to a doctoral degree. The PhD studies consists of a number of courses (90 academic credits) and research for the doctoral thesis (150 academic credits), a total of 240 academic credits. 

Requirements For PhD Studies

To be admitted to the PhD studies you need to:

  • Fulfill the general entry requiremens: Awarded a master level, or equivalent, qualification, has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded at the master level, or has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.
  • Fulfill the specific entry requirements: Courses in Business Studies comprising 90 credits. Those who have acquired the equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad also meet these specific entry requirements.
  • Have the ability in general to cope with the Programme.

Language requirements

All applicants need to verify English language proficiency that corresponds to English studies at upper secondary (high school) level in Sweden (“English 6”). This can be done in a number of ways, including through an internationally recognised test such as TOEFL or IELTS, or through previous upper secondary (high school) or university studies.

The minimum test scores are:
IELTS: an overall mark of 6.5 and no section below 5.5
TOEFL: Paper-based: Score of 4.5 (scale 1โ€“6) in written test and a total score of 575. Internet-based: Score of 20 (scale 0โ€“30) in written test and a total score of 90
Cambridge: CAE, CPE

More information about English language requirements can be found on Universityadmissions website.

More information about the requirements can be found in the theGeneral Study Plan (Pdf)for PhD studies at Department of Business Studies at Uppsala University.

What Are The Career Prospects? 

The PhD Programme aims to provide excellent scholarly training. PhD’s hold positions as researchers and academics in Sweden and abroad at various universities and Business Schools. There are also opportunities to work outside of academia. In recent years, graduates from the PhD Programme have been offered positions in the Business Community and with various NGOs, the media and authorities.

Application And Admission

Admission to the PhD Programme takes place once a year. Vacant PhD positions are advertised on our website from 1 March, with the application deadline 31 March. How many students that can be admitted depends on the possibilities of financing. The admitted PhD students receives financing for the entire PhD Programme, equal of four years full time. It is possible to apply for only a Licentiate Degree, equal of two years full time.

Applications are processed separately by an evaluation committee consisting of Department supervisors. The most qualified applicants are called to an interview. The PhD Programme starts 1 September.


Programme Structure

The most important people in your surrounding as a PhD student are your supervisors. They are experienced senior researchers from the Department. Together with your head supervisor you set up an individual study plan outlining how the research will be conducted and which courses are appropriate. The Faculty Board monitors and reviews the individual study plan once a year.

During the first year all new PhD students follow and introduction Programme consisting of four mandatory courses. The Programme is offered together with the Stockholm School of Economics and SLU (Swedish Agricultural Univeristy).

Many of our PhD students spend some time, escpecially towards the end of their education, as a guest at a foreign Unviersity.

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