
PhD in Educational Technology

The PhD is a three-year full-time programme of study, for students who already have a recognised Research Masters qualification in a relevant area.

The Institute of Educational Technology (IET) provides a stimulating, inclusive environment for full-time PhD research study in the areas of technology-enhanced learning, online and distance learning, mobile and game-based learning, learning analytics, learning design, design of learning technologies, and Higher Education policy and practice. A large cohort of 30+ PhD students work together on exciting, ground-breaking and internationally excellent research, from language learning in Indonesia, learning from history games, to sentiment analyses of emotions and providing blended learning for refugees.

In 2014, the UK’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) rated our research environment as 4* – the highest mark possible. OU research in Education ranks second in the UK for the quality and quantity of its research. The Institute manages a suite of labs for technology design, usability testing and study of learning with technology.

PhD students in IET all also belong to the Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology (CREET). Created in 2004 to bring together researchers from across the Open University, CREET is one of the largest educational research centres in the UK and is recognised internationally as a multi-disciplinary centre of excellence. IETโ€™s EdD and PhD studentships sit within CREETโ€™s research themes: Childhood Studies, Education Futures, Technology Enhanced Learning and Languages & Applied Linguistics. CREET works together with the IET and the School of Language Studies and Applied Linguistics in providing a world-leading research environment and developing field-defining contributions in these chosen themes.

How to Apply

Applications for PhD study with IET should be made through the Open Universityโ€™s Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology (CREET).

PhD Student Testimonials

Inge de Waard

Hello there, my name is Inge de Waard, I have been working in eLearning and mobile learning since 1998, and currently I am happy to be part of the PhD community at The Open University, affiliated with the Institute of Educational Technology.

Although I have earned eLearning awards, and have been successful professionally with several international eLearning and mobile learning projects behind my belt. I realized in 2012 that I needed a recognised and strong PhD title if I wanted to move on with my future career. This made me look around at potential PhD calls and opportunities. The reason I sent my application to the Open University, and more specifically to the Institute of Educational Technologies, was because I knew their reputation. Gladly, my PhD proposal got accepted, and since 2013 I started studying at IET with a full time studentship.

If your interest also lies in Online learning or technology enhanced learning, it does not take you long before you look at best practices from the Open University. They have been distributing open, evidence-based eLearning for decades, they have been leading the way forward. And now once again, with the MOOC platform FutureLearn as one of their partner flagships, they are again combining the latest online knowledge with new, ground-breaking social learning technologies.

My PhD topic investigates how experienced online learners self-determine their learning inside Massive Open Online Courses, in my case FutureLearn courses. I research courses that attract thousands of learners of all ages, and a variety of backgrounds, using multiple mobile or non-mobile devices to learn individually or collaboratively. And at the end I will enhance the knowledge of self-determined learning in massive open online courses, helping all of us.

Just imagine the topic of my PhD and then the supervisors I got! Within just a couple of weeks after being accepted my supervisors were chosen, one who is the lead pedagogical visionair behind the MOOC platform FutureLearn: Mike Sharples, and the other is one of the key mobile scholars around, namely Agnes Kukulska-Hulme. Their supervision, combined with rigorous work, and a plethora of PhD courses made available by IET, ensures a high quality PhD journey, which I enjoy every day.

So do not hesitate and have a look at all the PhD opportunities here.

Jenna Mittelmeier

My PhD research uses Learning Analytics to analyse student-generated data to design targeted support systems, particularly for ethnic minority and international students. I was initially attracted to the Open University because I had followed the work of IETโ€™s academic researchers while conducting my MA research and wanted the opportunity to work closely with leaders in my field.

The best part about doing my PhD with IET is that I can consistently work on a wide range of academic activities, including attending conferences, writing publication pieces and submitting bid proposals. I have the opportunity here to focus on my research topic, but also receive varied training on related topics to strengthen my overall research skills. The researchers in IET collaborate with one another and include PhD students as equals, which has allowed me to grow as a researcher in ways that could not have been possible elsewhere. As a result, I never feel that I must work independently at the OU, but rather that I have a wide set of contacts (both within and outside my supervision team) to approach when I have questions or want additional training. Overall, I feel confident that I am on track to becoming an independent researcher because of my time at IET and the OU.

Katy Jordan

I joined the Open University as a PhD student in October 2012, after completing a Masters degree in Educational Research at the University of Cambridge. During this and my earlier work on a range of technology-enhanced learning projects I developed an ambition to do a PhD and, with the award of a CREET studentship, IET was the ideal place to realise this.

My research interests generally fall within the impact of the Internet upon Higher Education, and on this theme, my doctoral research project is focused upon academicsโ€™ use of online social networking services. Such sites have been identified as having the potential to revolutionise academicsโ€™ work by improving communication, supporting collaboration, and allowing online academic identity management. However, little empirical work has examined how such networks are being used in practice, and fewer studies have examined the network structure, which is a key affordance of social networking sites compared to institutional web pages for example. This project uses a mixed methods social network analysis approach to examine the reasons why academics use these sites, the structure of the personal networks which develop, and the participantsโ€™ interpretations of the network structures, across a range of academic job positions and disciplines.

IET is a great department to work in as it has an excellent reputation for research in open and online learning and digital scholarship. It reflects the OUโ€™s history as leaders in this field, whilst also being at the forefront of current issues and research. Whilst studying for my PhD, I had the opportunity to secure a grant from the Gates Foundation to undertake a small project based on MOOC completion rates, which won one of the OUโ€™s Engaging Research awards.

Maria Aristeidou

IET had always been a place I always wanted to join as it holds a world leading role in Technology-Enhanced Learning and I was very pleased when, back to 2012, I was accepted as a full time PhD research student. Currently, I am a 3rd year student, looking forward to complete my PhD thesis and move on to my academic career.

The aim of my PhD research is to explore the engagement of people in online communities of scientific investigations, focusing on how they can get support to start their own investigations to which other people can contribute. For my research I combined knowledge from Citizen Science, Inquiry-based Learning and Online Communities. My supervisors, Professors Mike Sharples and Eileen Scanlon have been my support during my journey.

The best part of doing your PhD in IET is the opportunity for networking and receiving feedback by people who are top names in the field. Alongside this opportunity, there are plenty of workshops and seminars available for our professional and academic development that we can join as university staff members. Last, but not least, people in IET are very welcome and they make you feel like you are having a second family – not to mention the regular presence of cakes, chocolates and biscuits!

PhD in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning

We are currently reviewing this programme to take into account student and tutor feedback, as well as new research in the field. We anticipate making some changes to the curriculum and structure of the programme for cohorts starting in January 2022 and beyond. Applications received for January 2022 will be held until the programme amendments have been finalised, we will then contact you to provide details of the planned changes and to check that you still wish us to consider your application. Applications will then be considered and offers made to suitable applicants. We would hope to have made all offers by the end of May 2021. This structured part-time Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning leads to a PhD.

The programme combines a limited number of face-to-face residential meetings with carefully designed ‘online’ learning activities and peer collaboration. It is available to anyone in the world wishing to develop their e-learning research and practice.

Key information

  • OverviewNote:  This programme is currently undergoing a full review. It is therefore likely that the modules and times that the modules run will be updated for the January 2022 start. This PhD doctoral progamme is designed specifically for professionals, for people who wish to study to an advanced level and carry out a piece of research of the highest possible standard in an aspect of their professional practice.The PhD in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning builds on the expertise of the members of the Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning in the Department of Educational Research and their long experience in running Masters Degrees in advanced learning technologies and networked e-learning.  You can find out more about the programme by downloading the TEL Programme Enquiry Handbook (2021).
  • Who is this programme for?This PhD doctoral programme is designed specifically for people who wish to study to an advanced level and carry out a piece of research of the highest possible standard in an aspect of their professional practice.Students taking this programme are highly motivated, self-managing individuals who work in positions of influence in any sector of education.This programme is suitable for senior managers, policy makers and experienced professionals in all areas of education, consultants and self-employed persons, and those in public and private sector organisations wishing to develop their understanding of the research and practice of technology enhanced learning. Learning technology professionals, educational developers and those with a strong interest in developing distance or blended learning in their courses are likely to be interested. The programme is aimed at those who are looking for a course of relevance to their current responsibilities and who wish to gain a doctorate. The focus of the programme is on technology enhanced learning in educational settings and sectors.By studying in this programme you will benefit from:
    • a two year structured set of modules which will introduce you to major research and practice themes in technology enhanced learning. Your learning will be paced according to the modules and you will have the opportunity of submitting course work and receiving detailed comment on it from tutors and other course participants;
    • being a member of an online learning community from where you will receive the support of participant and tutor members.
    The research component provides the means for carrying out research into your practice at a personal or institutional level.Details about some of our Alumni can be found on the Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning People webpages.
  • What is Technology Enhanced Learning?The term ‘technology enhanced learning’ encompasses all uses of information and communications technologies in learning and teaching. It is also sometimes referred to as ‘e-learning’, ‘online learning’ and ‘advanced learning technology’.Our programme aligns with a particular aspect of technology enhanced learning, which is ‘networked learning’ in which there is promotion of connections between learners, one-to-one, or one-to-many; connections between learners and teachers; and connections between members of groups and communities and the social networking that takes place on the Internet. This view of technology enhanced learning as ‘networked learning’ puts an emphasis on the ‘human’ aspects of technology in learning, and highlights the need to consider the educational and training values that underpin the use of technology. It questions a simple view of technological determinism and understands technology and learning as each shaping the other.
  • What is e-Research?The term ‘e-research’ indicates an emerging field in which advanced technologies are applied to existing research methods and approaches. This Programme will examine some of the trends in this new field and will lead participants in the use of accessible technologies for carrying out research into technology enhanced learning.The term e-Research encapsulates research activities that use a spectrum of advanced ICT capabilities and embraces new research methodologies emerging from increasing access to:
    • Broadband and mobile communications networks, research instruments and facilities, sensor networks and data repositories;
    • Software and infrastructure services that enable secure connectivity and interoperability;
    • Application tools, that encompass discipline-specific tools and interaction tools.
    E-Research capabilities serve to advance and augment, rather than replace traditional research methodologies, but there is a growing dependence on e-Research capabilities. Improved access to knowledge and information will enable researchers to perform their research more creatively, efficiently and collaboratively across long distances and disseminate their research outcomes. Using e-Research, researchers can work seamlessly from desk-to-desk within and between organisations. E-Research advances rather than replaces traditional research methodologies.
  • ResidentialsThere will be two four-day residential meetings in Part One of the programme. These meetings are compulsory and are designed to allow us to get to know each other and form a learning community, and for us to introduce you to the various modules, the virtual learning platform and associated technologies.Cohort 13The first year residential dates for our 2020 intake are 30th March – 2nd April, 2020
    The second year residential dates for our 2020 are 23rd – 26th March, 2021Cohort 14The first year residential dates for our 2021 intake are 22nd – 25th March, 2021
    The second year residential dates for our 2021 intake are still be arranged.Further information about timetables, accommodation, travel and visas is available on our Residentials web page.

How to Apply

The programme is now full for entry in January 2020 (CH13), the next start date is January 2021 (CH14).

Entry requirements

For admission to this programme applicants should normally have:

  • a good honours degree from a British university or CNAA, and a good taught Master’s degree; or
  • qualifications of a comparable standard from a university or recognised degree awarding body in another country.

The programme does not assume any previous research training but those admitted should normally have relevant professional experience.  Applicants should normally have at least three years’ experience of teaching, research or administration in an educational institution or similar experience from a commercial or industrial training context.

Preference will be given to applicants who have degrees in cognate areas (normally social science).

Language proficiency

Applicants will need to have an acceptable fluency in written and spoken English.

For students whose first language is not English, an English Language Test Certificate will be required, that is, IELTS Academic with an overall score of 6.5 with at least 6.0 for reading and writing.

Further information can be found at: English Language Requirements.


We are currently reviewing this programme to take into account student and tutor feedback, as well as new research in the field. We anticipate making some changes to the curriculum and structure of the programme for cohorts starting in January 2021 and beyond.

Applications received for January 2021 will be held until the programme amendments have been finalised, we will then contact you to provide details of the planned changes and to check that you still wish us to consider your application.

Applications will then be considered and offers made to suitable applicants. We would hope to have made all offers by the end of May 2020.

Fees and funding

The fee for each cohort is set annually by the University and represents the part-time fee for that academic year.  Once a student is on the programme the fee will be increased in line with inflation for each subsequent year of the course.

The course fee for:

  • 20/21 is ยฃ4,340 per academic year, for four years minimum, for UK/EU and ยฃ7,760 per academic year, for four years minimum, for overseas nationals.

Fees are subject to a small increase each academic year.

To help finance your postgraduate study at Lancaster, you can apply for funding from charities and other funders: further details are available on the Fees & Funding webpage.

Applicants from the European Union can read more information about Research Fees (from Lancaster University) following the 2016 Referendum.

When you apply you will need to indicate your likely source of funding for your fees. If you are not self-funding you should investigate possible sources of finance as soon as you can for the full period of your study. Many students have been supported by their employing institutions.

Find out what our graduates say about studying on our PhD programmesPhD in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning graduates

Several students have published journal articles arising from their module asssignments and theses.Examples of publications arising from TEL programme

Structure and modules

The programme is divided into two parts and has a modular structure. All modules are compulsory and they are assessed along with the thesis proposal and the final thesis.

  • Part One (years 1 and 2) consists of five modules that offer participants guided study in key areas of Technology Enhanced Learning.
  • Part Two (years 3 and 4) – participants carry out an original piece of research under the supervision of a member of staff and produce a thesis (50,000 words).

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