
PhD in Epidemiology Germany

A doctorate usually means that an individual is qualified to teach at a college level or to work in a specific field of work. There are two major types of doctoral degrees; a research-oriented degree, and a professional doctoral degree. Doctoral degrees are sometimes referred to as terminal degrees, which means that a final degree is available in a graduate school for students who wish it.

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What is Epidemiology? | Walden University

PhD in Epidemiology Germany

The main objectives of the International Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology programme fromTampere University are to increase knowledge and understanding of major public health problems, particularly in low-income countries, and to build sustainable public health capacity in these countries by working with global partners in training epidemiologists and public health personnel for leadership positions in research, administration, programme planning and policy development.

Completion of a doctoral degree usually requires 2-3 years after completion of coursework. A doctoral dissertation in epidemiology usually includes four original scientific papers published in a peer reviewed journal. After completion of coursework and successful public defense of dissertation, the candidate will receive a doctoral degree (PhD) in epidemiology or a related field.

According to Section 21 of the degree, the aim of postgraduate education is that the student

  • becomes well-versed in his/her own field of research and its social significance end gains knowledge and skills needed to apply scientific research methods independently and critically and to produce new scientific knowledge within his/her field of research
  • becomes conversant with the development, basic problems and research methods of his/her own field of research
  • gains such knowledge of the general theory of science and of other disciplines relating to his/her own field of research as enables him/her to follow developments in them.

The aim of postgraduate studies is to provide doctoral researches with the capabilities to successfully serve society in the role of a researcher, teacher or other type of expert.


The PhD in Epidemiology and Clinical Research is a structured, internationally oriented graduate programme over three years. Within the framework of the Universitรคtsallianz Ruhr (UA Ruhr) several departments are involved in the PhD study programme. These are the Center of Clinical Epidemiology (CCE) at the IMIBE at Essen University Hospital, the Chair of Mathematical Statistics with Applications in Biometrics at the TU Dortmund University, the Department for Medical Computer Science, Biometrics and Epidemiology and the Research Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine of the German Social Accident Insurance at the Ruhr University Bochum.

The PhD programme aims to enable its doctoral candidates to independently plan, conduct, evaluate and publish clinical studies concerning epidemiological and clinical questions (early detection, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis) in due consideration of Good Epidemiological Practice (GEP) and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). In their dissertation the candidates prove they can achieve results through independent scientific work, which serve the development of both the epidemiological area of studies and clinical medicine.

The three-year study programme comprises the integration of an individual research project and a two-year accompanying programme, which counts 300 teaching units of 45 minutes each. 263 teaching units will be held in mandatory and elective modules. 37 teaching units can be elected by free choice and serve the development of core competencies in epidemiology. The seminars will be taught as modular, three-day or week-long courses. Therefore, the knowledge and skills enabling the dissertation complement one another and are acquired in consecutive seminars. Amongst other things, mandatory modules of the PhD programme include:

  • Epidemiology
  • Biometrics/Statistics
  • Statistical Analysis Programmes
  • Medicine for Non-Physicians. 

As part of the Summer School international guest lecturers will offer sessions on interesting topics from the field of Epidemiology and Clinical Research. During the PhD study programme the doctoral candidates will be advised by at least two supervisors. The third year of the programme is used to finalize the dissertation. Upon successful completion of the PhD study programme the Medical Faculty of the University Duisburg-Essen will confer the candidates the doctoral degree โ€œDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)โ€. The language of instruction is English.

PLEASE NOTE: Admission to the PhD Programme is closed and any enquiries or applications concerning these courses should be addressed directly to their respective speakers or coordinators and not to the Graduate School of Biomedical Science. 

A doctoral researcher must become well-versed his/her special field but also obtain a broad view of the health sciences in general.

The purpose of doctoral education is to adopt scientific thinking, internalize good scientific practices and master the diverse skills of a researcher.

Course organisation

  • The duration of each PhD programme cycle is three years.
  • The PhD programme is structured into individual epidemiological research activity, on the one hand, and accompanying mandatory educational programme (minimum 300 teaching units), on the other hand.
  • The accompanying educational programme contains lectures and seminars as well as epidemiological fieldwork in our study centre and epidemiological laboratory.
  • All training elements are taught in English. The PhD programme is integrated in and supported by a network of PhD students, postdocs, and supervisors with various scientific backgrounds.

Types of assessment

The PhD programme is structured into individual epidemiological research activity on the one hand and an accompanying mandatory educational programme on the other hand (such as epidemiological and statistical courses, active conference participation, soft skills, journal clubs, etc., min. 300 teaching units).

  • One thesis committee meeting with supervisors each year
  • One midterm oral examination by supervisors
  • Submission of thesis (monographic or cumulative with min. two publications in peer-reviewed journals) to be evaluated by internal and external university professors
  • Final oral defence (examination board consisting of internal and external university professors)

Integrated internships

One epidemiological field module (minimum of 16 teaching units)Teaching/work obligations or opportunities

VoluntaryCourse-specific, integrated German language coursesNoCourse-specific, integrated English language coursesNo

Tuition fees per semester in EURNoneSemester contributionApprox. 400 EUR per semesterCosts of living1,000 EUR minimumFunding opportunities within the universityNo

Academic admission requirements

Very important: Declaration of consent for the application procedure

The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) takes the protection of personal data very seriously [according to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)]. Please refer to our privacy statement for further information: https://www.helmholtz-hzi.de/en/service/data-protection/.

If you wish to apply or have already applied via e-mail, please enclose a declaration of consent (see homepage) with your application.

Without this consent, we cannot consider/pursue your application any further, and all documents already sent will be deleted immediately.

Prerequisites for application:

  • Please attach the declaration of consent for the application procedure when contacting us for the first time (see note above).
  • University degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in the area of medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, natural science, or in another subject area with a biomedical or health-relevant focus 
  • Fluency in English, written and spoken
  • Knowledge and prior experience in the area of epidemiological methods and statistics equivalent to a degree like MSE, MSc Epidemiology, MPH, or MSAE. In individual cases, when such a formal degree is lacking, successfully passed courses in the field of statistics and epidemiology with 120 contact hours and/or 10 ECTS can also be acknowledged.
  • Submission of complete application documents (via e-mail), including a CV (listing academic degrees), a motivational letter, the Bachelor and Master’s certificates including corresponding transcripts (in original language and English translation)
  • Submission of a research proposal (use the Application Exposรฉ template โ€“ see website) that preferably addresses one of the listed research areas, see website
  • Funding: Financial framework that allows execution of the PhD project (e.g., by third-party project funding)
  • Successful presentation of the project to the PhD programme commission.

Language requirements

Fluent written and spoken English is a prerequisite of being accepted to the programme.Application deadline

It is possible to apply any time (via e-mail only). If all requirements are fulfilled, students may begin the programme in the winter or summer semester following their application and acceptance into the programme.Submit application to

Please send applications via e-mail only to phd-epidemiology@helmholtz-hzi.de according to the guidelines on our website: www.helmholtz-hzi.de/phdepi.

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