Going through the internet for required information doesn’t always bring up the right answer sometimes, and that’s a fact. This is largely because the internet is filled with lots and lots of information that are not usually from credible sources. Now, if you’ve been searching for information on environmental engineering scope in germany, then the article below brings you all you need to know and more.
The MSc, or Master of Science, is a popular Master’s degree designation. Internationally recognized, the MSc is typically awarded after about five to six years of rigorous study in what is usually a science-based field.
In an environmental science program, a student learns about and studies the different ways the environment is being affected by human activity. Students learn about natural resources and how they can be maintained and protected through finding reasonable solutions that are practical to implement.
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Environmental science jobs in Germany

Study of Environmental Studies mainly deals with the study of Climatic Changes, Conservation of Energy, Soil, water and methods to treat air, water and soil pollution. The Scientific approach treating the Environment in Physical, Chemical and Biological Contexts is called Environmental Studies.also called as Ecology.
Building a Career in Environmental Science has a highest growth with Fruit full salaries and more opportunities on Research and Development.
Table of Contents
Environmental Science Career Scope
Are you curious about the biggest challenges for the world today like global warming, pollution, etc.? Do you want to spread environmental awareness to solve those issues? Are dreaming a better world with green nature and pollution free environment?
Then Environmental Science is the best career option for you. You can study the physical, chemical, and biological processes that take place on the Earth, as well as the social, political, and cultural methods which impact the planet.
Environmental scientists are recruited by the mines, fertilizer plants, textile and dying industry, food processing units, etc. After holding a degree in this field you will get a vast career option to choose.
By Studying environmental science, you’ll understand better the complex relationships between humankind and nature.
Importance of Environmental Science:
Before starting your career in Environmental Science, you should know the importance and future prospective of environment science.
To understand the impacts of modern development on the environment
To discover sustainable ways of living
To utilize natural resources efficiently without harming the environment
To understand the behavior of organisms under natural conditions and how to conserve those biodiversities.
To learn and create awareness about environmental problems at local, national, and international levels.
Environmental Science Books
Career Opportunities in Environmental Science
Career opportunities in environmental science are vast. Mainly we can divide career scopes in environment science into four parts. They are,
Work Opportunity in Government Organisations
Jobs in Private Section
Start Environmental Activism by creating NGO
Start your own business
Detailed Career Scope In Environmental Science Degree
Here we are providing few overviews so that you can understand the future scope in the field of environmental science.
Environmental Consultancy: After completion of a higher degree like MSc, ME/MTech, and Ph.D. in Environmental science, you can work as independent environmental consultants or work for any consultancy. For example, ecological consultancies like RAMKY, ENZEN, etc.
Environmental NGO: you can work for NGO’s like Green Peace, WWF, CSE Delhi, etc. or start an NGO.
State, National and International Agencies: You can join state, national, and international agencies like State SPCB, State EIA, CPCB labs, UNEP, WHO, etc.
Research Lab: Almost all the university and Govt research organization has an Environmental Department. You can start working as a JRF or Project Assistants for various projects.
Government PSUs: You can also join government PSU like NTPC, IOCL, CIL, etc. all have environment departments. They prefer MSc and Mtech in Environmental Engg.
Private Industries: You can also start your career in the private sector. Many Industries like Reliance, Adani Port. WIPRO etc. all have environmental departments, and they prefer environmental students for multiple positions.
Job Profiles In Environmental Science
A person having a degree in environmental science can apply for different job designation. According to the type of degree, i.e., bachelor or master degree, one will be eligible to apply for the various job profile.
We are providing few job profiles for your reference.
Environmental Scientist
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Science Manager
Wildlife Film-maker
Environment Photographer
Environment Journalists
Conservation Hydrologist
Director of Waste Management
Eligibility Criteria To Study Environmental Science
You should complete 12th in science stream with Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Mathematics as subjects to study Environmental Science at the BSc degree level. But generally, it is taught as an MSc program. Candidates aspiring to join an NGO usually need a B.Sc. or an M.Sc.
Courses Available in Environmental Science In India
In India, there are various courses available in the field of environmental science. One can peruse a course and start the career in this field.
Certificate Courses in Environmental Science:
Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES)
Certificate Courses in Environmental Science
Diploma Courses:
Diploma in Environmental Science
Diploma in Environmental Law
Diploma in Environment Protection
Bachelor Courses:
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Environmental Management
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science & Water Management
Master Courses:
Master of Philosophy in Environmental Sciences
Post Graduate Diploma in Environment
Master of Science in Environmental Management
Ph.D Courses:
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Science
Salary Structure For Environmental Science Degree
You can expect a better salary structure in environmental science like any other field. Salary may vary according to the size of the organization, sectors, working location, education, and various other factors.
We are giving you a rough idea here. The figures we are showing here may vary according to the organization. In India, the minimum salary of a bachelor’s degree holder in this field is around Rs 3 lakh per annum.
With a good experience in this field along with masters or Ph.D. degree, the average salary can go up to Rs. 8 lakh per annum.
One can easily earn from Rs 5,000 to Rs 15,000 per month in NGO jobs as fresher. In private industries, the starting salaries range from Rs 8,000 to Rs 15,000 per month approx. In the research field, the pay can start at approximately Rs 9,000 to Rs 12,000. The actual structures may vary in different organization.
Best Institutes In India To Study Environmental Science
Environmental Science Institutes/Universities Course
Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore MSc Course in Environmental Sciences
Wild life Institute of India, Uttaranchal MSc Course in Environmental Sciences
Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai MSc Course in Environmental Sciences
Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi MSc Course in Environmental Sciences
Government Engineering College, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh M.E. in Civil Engineering (Environmental Engg / Pollution Control)
Maulana Azad College of Technology , Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Environmental Engineering & Planning (Public Health Engineering)
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences
School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi Ph.D. in Environmental Planning
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi M.Sc, M.Phil & Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences.
Centre for Pollution Control & Biowaste Energy, Pondicherry Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering, Ecotourism
The Adventurers Wilderness School, Bangalore Ecotourism
College of Engineering, Chennai Environmental Engineering
Shri G S Institute of Technology & Science, Indore Environmental Engineering
P E S College of Engineering, Karnataka Environmental Engineering
Now you have a brief idea about the career scopes in environmental science. If you have an interest in nature and environmental studies, you should choose this as your career. Refer some best Environmental Science books to know what all topics to cover in the exam.
Do you have any confusion related to Environmental Science and its career scope? Feel free to comment below regarding Career Scope In Environmental Science.