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Home/Academics & Research/8 Lucrative Career Paths for DBA Graduates
8 Lucrative Career Paths for DBA Graduates
Florida TechNovember 26, 2018
The possibilities go far beyond the C-suite
Getting a doctor of business administration degree doesn’t limit you to just one career path. A DBA degree is versatile, with hands-on training in a variety of areas related to running a business that can help you tap new career possibilities. Here are some lucrative career options with a doctor of business administration.
1. C-suite
The most obvious career path for DBA graduates is a corporate executive. Although an MBA may still qualify you for some executive-level positions, a DBA is often preferred or expected for CEO, COO and other top C-suite roles. One of the benefits of a doctor of business administration degree is the superior preparation it gives to C-suite candidates, however.
2. Consultant
A DBA degree is ideal for consulting work that can help businesses solve problems plaguing them and maximize their productivity and profits. Business operation specialist and market research analyst are two positions that lend themselves to consulting work, and a DBA degree will provide the experience in research and data analysis needed for these positions.
3. Economist
While there won’t be thousands of jobs for economists in a given year, a DBA degree qualifies you to be an economist and share your observations about the economy with policy-makers and business leaders to guide their business moves and other decisions. DBA degrees teach students how to understand and research economic indicators and trends.
4. Logistician
Logisticians are responsible for planning out the life cycle of a product, from conception and manufacture to distribution and sale. Most companies that sell products need logisticians to handle the complex planning and oversight needed for their sales campaigns.

5. Professor
Teaching is always an option for those with advanced degrees, and someone needs to pass along information and skills to the next generation of business leaders. While some DBA graduates will go on to focus exclusively on teaching, others will become part-time or adjunct faculty while still pursuing other work in the field. And while other degrees may also prepare graduates for academic life, a DBA degree will be better preparation for teaching active skills.
6. Entrepreneur
Because of the active, hands-on nature of DBA degrees, many degree-holders decide to stop working for others and start their own businesses to bring a unique product or service to market. A DBA degree can give an entrepreneur a foundation in skills that will enable them to be successful as a business owner where others might not be.
7. Director of Human Resources
Large companies need highly skilled administrators to handle their complex human resources needs and operations. A DBA degree can provide advanced skills for human resource management to qualify graduates to meet highly specialized HR needs.
8. Government Employee
Federal, state and local governments need employees who understand how businesses work and can administrate other government employees in similarly effective ways. In some cases, governments benefit from running like businesses and DBA graduates can implement systems to help them do so.
Florida Tech offers a DBA degree program that prepares students for top-tier positions in a great variety of fields and positions. Learn more about our DBA program including flexible scheduling and online options for those who are working while pursuing a degree.