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Philosophy is a study of the nature of existence, of knowledge, of truth and of ethics. It involves considering the most fundamental questions about who we are, and it examines philosophic thinking across the breadth of history right up to the present day. It enhances your ability to reason effectively and make coherent arguments, to write persuasively, and to improve your logical and critical thinking. It challenges your understanding and assumptions about concepts like human nature and whether God exists. The various sub-sections of philosophy address questions ranging from why we dream to whether there is free will.

PhD in Philosophy


The Department of Philosophy offers a Doctoral Program in a variety of areas, for instance Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, History of Philosophy, and Moral and Political Philosophy. For more information on possible areas of research, please consult the profiles of individual faculty members and our list of research areas.

Philosophy Doctoral students can also enrol to the Political Theory Track or the History and Philosophy Scheme.

In their first year, doctoral students have the status of Probationary Doctoral Candidates. They participate in the life of the department, attend courses offered by the department and write a first year paper. At the end of the first year of their studies, probationary doctoral candidates take the oral comprehensive examination. In the examination, they present their thesis plan and answer questions concerning their plan and first year paper.

Students who successfully complete their course work and pass the comprehensive examination receive the status of Doctoral Candidates. Doctoral candidates have a supervisor with whom they regularly meet and who supervises their work. During their second and third year, students are primarily engaged in independent research under the guidance of their supervisor. Doctoral candidates participate in the academic life of the department and attend seminars, lectures and programs, including the annual in-house graduate conference and the biennial international graduate conference, which they organise. In the second and third years, students attend the Doctoral Seminar, which provides a forum to acquire professional skills and receive continuous feedback on their work. Students can submit their dissertation at the end of the third year of their studies and not later than six years after the date of their original enrolment.

Summary of credits to be earned

First year

Second & third years

Dep. Colloquium

2 credits

Dep. Colloquium

4 credits


8 credits

Doctoral Seminar

8 credits

First Year Paper

4 credits

Teaching Assistantship

 2 credits


In the second and third years, students are also required to take a number of optional research-specific courses for which no credit need to be earned.

Doctoral Thesis and Defence

At the end of their studies, students submit a doctoral dissertation, which provides either an original contribution to the deeper understanding of one or more philosophical problems or a defensible attempt to solve them. A defence takes place after the receipt of a sufficient number of positive examinersโ€™ reports.

Earning a Ph.D. requires extended study and intense mental effort. A PhD is an academic study on which you concentrate for four to six years after obtaining your masterโ€™s degree, and that leads, if successful, to a PhD degree, the highest academic degree.

The study of philosophy is a pursuit of wisdom. It involves a type of thinking that is comprehensive and critical, and seeks to answer questions of reason, understanding, knowledge, emotion, values, rationality and different beliefs. Philosophy education may be beneficial for careers in law, politics, civil service and journalism

PhD Programs in Philosophy in Europe 2021

Europe is, by convention, one of the world’s seven continents. Comprising the western most point of Eurasia, Europe is usually divided from Asia by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways connecting the Black and Aegean Seas.

On 29 May 2019 the Doctoral School of the University of Wrocล‚aw, an organised form of doctoral training, was established. The training of doctoral students in particular disciplines will now be carried out in doctoral colleges established within the doctoral school at faculties appropriate to the respective councils of scientific disciplines.

The training programmes at the Doctoral School at the University of Wrocล‚aw focus both on providing doctoral students with the highest qualifications in a given scientific field and on supporting them in the implementation of their doctoral theses, and on sharing the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to independently manage their own careers (including building a research and teaching workshop, working in interdisciplinary and international teams and supporting them in conducting their own research projects). Doctoral students at the UWr Doctoral School benefit from implementation doctorates, Preludium BIS and OPUS projects. Currently, the Doctoral School at the University of Wrocล‚aw educates over 300 doctoral students, every tenth of whom is a foreigner.

Currently, there are 16 colleges at the UWr. The Doctoral School at the University of Wrocล‚aw offers about twenty courses, including some available in English. Education at all doctoral schools is free and lasts four years. In addition, each doctoral student at the Doctoral School receives financial support in the form of a scholarship.

Education at the Doctoral College of Philosophy will be provided in Polish or English language. The curriculum of the Doctoral College of Philosophy consists of three groups of subjects: general university subjects (including classes in law, ethics of scientific research and didactical methods at academic institutions), subjects provided within the scope of colleges at the Faculty of Social Sciences, and, finally, authorial subjects offered to doctoral students within the scope of the Doctoral College of Philosophy. Among them one may enumerate:  Criticism of Historical Sources in Philosophy, Methods of Text Analysis, Great Philosophical Disputes, Mysticism in Eastern Christianity, Philosophical Contexts of Iconic Turn, Aesthetics Dimensions of the Political Aesthetics in Practice, Applied Rhetoric, Contemporary Philosophical Anthropology, Contemporary Political Ontologies, Individual and his Society in American Neo-Psychoanalysis, Methodology of Social Science: A Historical Perspective, Social Order and the Struggle for Recognition: Contemporary Approaches in Political Philosophy, Archetype and Image: Anthropologic View on Imagerious Process and many others.

The courses will be selected by the doctoral student and his/her doctoral thesis supervisor. The emphasis will be put on carrying out their own research by doctoral students. They will be treated as professionals who have significant contribution in broadening of the knowledge. Our programme assumes promotion of mobility both in international dimension and between the university and other entities and within the university among various disciplines.

Recruitment rules to the Doctoral College of Philosophy at the Doctoral School of the University of Wrocล‚aw  

List of required documents

Application (including information on the planned subject of doctoral thesis and the name of the proposed research supervisor);

Personal questionnaire completed in applicable online candidate recruitment system;

Diploma of graduating from 2nd degree studies or uniform Masterโ€™s studies or other document entitling to apply for admission to a doctoral school (the original will be available for inspection to verify its conformity with the original); in the case of diploma acquired abroad (outside of Poland) an apostille or certification by the Polish consulate is required.

A written opinion of the research supervisor selected from among independent research fellows of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Wroclaw regarding the draft outline of doctoral thesis including the declaration of providing research guidance for the candidate;

The initial outline of doctoral thesis;

A certificate or a statement confirming the knowledge of English language at B2 or equivalent level (FCE, TOEFL- 550, IELTS 5,5-6,5, BEC Vantage and other equivalent international certificates); the candidates for whom English was a lecturing language during a previous stage of education or for whom it is a native language, are released from the obligation of presenting the certificate.

The copy of a document confirming the legalisation of stay in Poland along with the original for inspection (in case of foreigners); it is possible to be admitted to the entrance exam without the copy of the document confirming the legalisation of stay and to present the document in case of positive result of the entrance exam.

The documents should be submitted in Polish or English language.

The confirmation of the recruitment fee payment

Rules of recruitment

The candidates will be admitted to the Doctoral College of Philosophy of the Doctoral School of the University of Wroclaw based on a competition within the scope of the available limit of places.

The result of the competition expressed in points will be determining the admission to the Doctoral College of Philosophy of the Doctoral School of the University of Wroclaw.  

The following items are scored: draft outline of doctoral thesis accepted by the proposed research supervisor, research achievements to date and activity in student research clubs, answers during the oral entrance exam to questions regarding the draft outline of doctoral thesis and general knowledge of the candidate in the given research discipline.

The entrance exam can be conducted in the form of a videoconference upon the consent of the recruitment commission.

The minimum score required to be admitted to the Doctoral College of Philosophy is 60 points.

The following scoring is defined for the draft outline of doctoral thesis, research achievements and entrance exam:


Assessed topic

Requirements/detailed description



Initial outline of doctoral thesis

Acceptance by a proposed research supervisor; Volume 20-40 thousand characters including spaces, content encompassing as minimum: introduction and definition of a research topic including the justification, review of the literature on the subject, methodology and approach to the research; planned content of doctoral thesis, bibliography in Harvard style

0-30 points


Research publications

A copy of the publication or a statement confirming the admission to printing should be attached:

  1. 5 points โ€“ articles published in journals listed in databases: Scopus, Web of Science, ERIH Plus and own monographs published by publishers from the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) dated 18 January 2019.
  1. 3 points โ€“ other articles in journals from the list of journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education dated 25.01.2017, list from 2019 or the chapters in edited volumes published by publishers from the list of MNiSW dated 18 January 2019.

c. 1 point  โ€“ other research articles or chapters

0-10 points


Participation in research projects

Confirmation of participation from the project leader or decisions on allocation of funds should be attached.

  1. 3 points โ€“ role of a research fellow or a leader in projects: NCN, NCBiR, MNiSW, H2020, ERC, European Commission and other foreign institutions and organisations
  2. 1 point โ€“ role of a research fellow or a leader in other projects

0-5 points


Activity in student scientific clubs, participation in organisational committees of conferences or activity promoting the science

A statement from the organisers of the event should be attached, in case of student scientific clubs โ€“ a statement issued by the research club supervisor.

The commission shall award the score based on qualitative assessment of the achievements.

0-5 points


Active participation in a scientific conference (including a presentation, poster etc.)

Conference program and certificate/statement from the organisers should be attached

  1. 1 point โ€“ student-doctoral conference,
  2. 2 point โ€“ nation-wide conference,
  3. 3 point โ€“ international conference (minimum 30% of participants with the papers from outside the country of the organiser)

0-5 points


Research scholarships and awards awarded both within and outside the University, participation in student exchange programs  (Erasmus+, Most,  other)

A certificate, confirmation or a diploma should be attached.

The commission shall award the score based on qualitative assessment of the achievements.

0-5 points


Entrance exam โ€“ discussion on the submitted draft outline of doctoral thesis


0-20 points


Entrance exam โ€“ assessment of general knowledge in the area of the given discipline

Random questions from the list of exam topics

0-20 points



0-100 points

The list of exam topics (entrance exam)

Ancient and modern roots of European culture.

Scientific and social implications of philosophical systems in the period between 17th and 21st centuries.

Sources and main currents in contemporary social and political philosophy.

Ontological and epistemological theories in European philosophy.

Art and beauty as subject of aesthetics.

Individual in the world of culture.

Main currents of contemporary thought.

Elements of practical and applied philosophy.

Main ethical traditions.

Debates in contemporary moral philosophy.

Specific character of selected subdisciplines in philosophy with special focus on methods and examples of conceptual definitions.



Philosophy Career Outlook


The breadth of knowledge and skills that learners gain while studying philosophy allows them to pursue diverse careers, including as lawyers, engineers, and project managers. The following table illustrates salary potential for these careers based on experience.

Average Annual Salary for Philosophy Careers
(0-12 MONTHS)
(1-4 YEARS)
(5-9 YEARS)
(10-19 YEARS)
Attorney $61,780 $72,670 $95,980 $110,540
Project Manager $55,470 $64,220 $77,540 $87,130
Software Engineer $75,630 $83,100 $93,770 $103,830

Doctor of Philosophy Degree by Distance Learning: Program Overview

Distance learning programs that lead to Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees are available at many public and private universities in numerous fields such as business, technology management, psychology. Students looking for online doctoral degree programs should make sure their choices have been accredited by the U.S. Department of Education.

Ph.D. programs are offered on a full-time or part-time basis and use various forms of media and information technology to disperse materials, allowing faculty and students to communicate and facilitate lectures or group discussions. Students may require specific technologies, like speakers, microphones, and headsets, in addition to access to software such as Word or Photoshop.

Some schools offer programs that are 100% online, while other programs require students to attend some classes on campus or at a pre-determined time each semester. Additionally, some programs follow a class or lecture schedule, while others allow students to set their own pace. Other programs may require students to complete an in-person residency.

Online Doctor of Philosophy

Most distance learning Ph.D. programs award doctoral degrees in fields like business, technology management, psychology, health care administration and education. Other majors available online include history and classical civilizations. Many of these programs require yearly residency periods. Almost all distance learning doctoral degree programs lead to a final dissertation and research project in the student’s field of study.

Information and Requirements

Admission requirements for online Ph.D. programs vary from school to school, but generally include holding at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Students often also have to provide letters of recommendation and a writing sample. Some schools may require graduate standardized test scores.

Distance learning programs use a variety of technologies to deliver course content. In addition to websites and content management systems, schools utilize Power Point lectures, real time video lectures and electronic library databases. Students can communicate with faculty and classmates via e-mail, live chat rooms, instant messaging software and discussion boards.

Technology requirements include a high-speed Internet connection, speakers, a microphone and headset. Commonly-used software programs like Word and Adobe Photoshop may also be required, depending on the school and subject studied.

Career Information for Graduates

As a doctoral degree is the highest level possible, graduates from these programs will have the opportunity to apply to a number of senior positions that are not available to students with lesser degrees. Due to the highly specialized nature of most doctoral degree programs, possible career paths will be limited to specific occupations or fields of interest. Common careers include physician, surgeon, astronomer, and chiropractor.

One potential option for all graduates, regardless of major, is that of a postsecondary teacher. This profession is expected to experience faster-than-average growth, as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that job opportunities will grow by 9% from 2019-2029. These professionals earn a median salary of $79,540 per year, as of 2019.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs are available online in fields such as business, psychology and education. These programs all require at least a bachelor’s degree in a related field and often provide the opportunity for graduates to pursue a career in teaching at the post-secondary level.

15 Best Philosophy Schools in the World | 2021

Best schools for Philosophy
Best schools for Philosophy

What are the best Philosophy grad schools in the world?

We have put together a list of the best Philosophy schools in the world that offer bachelorโ€™s, masterโ€™s or doctoral degrees in Philosophy.

Moreover, we selected our 15 best Philosophy schools based on acceptance rate, graduation rate, student-faculty ratio, and tuition fees, our information from reliable government sources, student surveys, college graduate interviews, and editorial review.

Based on these criteria, here is the list of the best Philosophy graduate schools in the world:

  • University of Pittsburgh
  • New York University (NYU)
  • Rutgers โ€“ The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
  • University of Oxford
  • Harvard University
  • University of Cambridge
  • Princeton University
  • London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
  • The University of California, Berkeley
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitรคt Mรผnchen
  • Stanford University
  • Yale University
  • University of Toronto
  • Humboldt-Universitรคt Zu Berlin
  • University of Notre Dame

Fully Funded PhD Scholarships at University of Pardubice in Czech Republic

The Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, as part of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Pardubice, invites applications for its fully funded PhD programme in Philosophy.

Supported by a major multi-year grant from the European Research Development Fund, the Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Valuebrings together an internationally diverse group of researchers who conduct cutting edge research on issues surrounding the distinctive value of human life, and the ways in which this value may be either recognised or overlooked in both personal and political contexts. The Centre’s aim is to develop a conception of the nature and value of humanity and to apply it to a range of personal and political issues, including attitudes towards marginalised groups and issues surrounding populism, nationalism, religious conflict, migration and a changing European identity. The Centre has working links with partner institutions including King’s College, London and the University of Melbourne, Australia. Alongside conducting research, a key part of the Centreโ€™s mission is to foster the development of the next generation of academics specialising in practical philosophy. To its PhD students, it offers an inspiring environment, support for living costs, funding opportunities for travel, and the opportunity to engage in the philosophical work of the Centre, including participation in conferences, workshops and seminars. (More information about the Centre and its research activities can be found here: http://filosofie.upce.cz/en/224-centre-for-ethics/)

The Centre invites applicants from students working in ethics and political philosophy, broadly construed,

Examples of possible research projects:

The value of humanity; disregarded human value (nationalism, racism, xenophobia, social exclusion, poverty, affliction); love and hatred; emotions in political discourse; decent society and the virtue of civility

Socratesโ€™ and Platoยดs conception of love; ethical topics from Bernard Williams, Iris Murdoch and Raimond Gaita; Wittgensteinian approaches to moral philosophy

Good and evil; remorse, punishment, forgiveness; love and goodness; theory of action; wrongdoing, self-deception, akrasia and addiction, virtue ethics, moral change, ethics and historicity, questions of personhood and self-development

Morality in philosophy and art; philosophy and literature

The role of theory in ethics; questions of philosophical method in ethics

Understanding others; intimacy, strangeness and alienation

Kantian moral philosophy; dignity and human rights; impartiality and attachment

Health, luck and justice; distribution of healthcare resources; the philosophical foundations of health and healthcare

Applicants are encouraged to contact a prospective supervisor in the Centre in advance in order to discuss the suitability of their proposal. Possible supervisors include:

Ondล™ej Beran

Michael Campbell

Christopher Cordner

Niklas Forsberg

Nora Hรคmรคlรคinen

Tomรกลก Hejduk

Kamila Pacovskรก

Full-time, resident students admitted to the PhD programme at the Department of Philosophy pay no tuition fees, and receive a modest monthly stipend to defray living expenses for a study period of up to three years. Additionally, one doctoral candidate will be offered the position of Research Assistant in the Centre, to be held concurrently with their studies. The Research Assistantโ€™s duties are to conduct basic research and to assist in the running of the Centreโ€™s research activities. This is a fully funded appointment for three years, with a competitive salary and benefits such as health insurance. Decision about this appointment will be based on the quality of the Research Proposal and its general fit with the research agenda of the Centre. When applying for the PhD programme, applicants should indicate whether they would like to be considered for this position.

The working language of the PhD programme and of the Centre is English and applicants should have a good grasp of academic English, both written and spoken. No knowledge of Czech is required.

The University of Pardubice is located within walking distance from the historical centre of Pardubice, a charming city in the heart of Europe. Pardubice is well connected by train to several major European cities, including Prague (1 hour) and Vienna (3 hours) and (beginning in October) by air direct to London.

Application deadline:  May 31st, 2017

Interviews: 19th -20th June

Decision: mid July 2017

Starting date: October 1st, 2017

Admission Requirements

Applicants will ordinarily have a Masterโ€™s degree in Philosophy. In exceptional cases the admission committee can accept Masterโ€™s level graduation in another discipline but only if the relevance can be shown. Applicants are required to attach certified documents concerning their university education, including an academic transcript, to the application form. In exceptional cases where an applicant is due to graduate after the deadline for submitting applications, these documents must be submitted earliest possible. All required documents which are not originally in Czech, English or Latin must be translated into one of these languages and the translation must also be certified.

All applicants must have good grasp of spoken and written academic English. The admission interview will be conducted in English.

The applicants should submit a Research Proposal (1500-2000 words) outlining their future doctoral dissertation. It should formulate a clear research problem, and proposed methodology, as well as the basic sources and bibliography relevant to the topic. (The bibliography is not included in the word count.) It is advisable that the applicants explain their prior acquaintance with the subject. They can also attach the list of their own publication or presentation activities.

Documents and information to be submitted with the application form:

Certified copy of Masterโ€™s diploma.

Academic transcript.

Names and contact details of two academic referees.

Name of the preferred supervisor.

Research Proposal.

(Optional) A list of publications and presentations.

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