This one-of-a-kind resource is the only book that compares Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) programs in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The rankings are based on student satisfaction with program quality, popularity among students in the major field of study, faculty quality and reputation, average GRE scores of accepted applicants, tuition rate information for each program including course costs per term in British Pounds, Euros or US dollars for countries outside North America.
Did you search the Internet to find information about Philosophy, Politics and Economics University Rankings? Are you confused by all the contradictory information you found on the subject? You will find the information you need right here on Collegelearners.
Read on to learn more about philosophy politics and economics university rankings UK, philosophy politics and economics major, philosophy politics and economics online course, best PPE programs in the world, is a PPE degree worth it, politics, philosophy and economics careers, philosophy politics and economics Oxford, politics philosophy and economics masters. You will also find up-to-date information in related articles on Collegelearners.

Philosophy Politics and Economics University Rankings UK
Philosophy, Politics and Economics, or ‘Modern Greats,’ as it was then known, dates from the 1920s, when it was established as an alternative to ‘Greats,’ which we now know as Classics. True to form, the university designed the degree as a pathway to the civil service, and among its first graduates was Harold Wilson. Through the interdisciplinary study of the elements of modern society, the degree was designed to equip its graduates with the means to shape it.
PPE encapsulates the stuffy privilege of the governing elite, it is said. Its students capture the union, the newspapers and student politics as testing grounds for the House of Commons, the BBC and the Square Mile. They represent everything that is wrong with British social mobility, a pipeline from public school to public life.
Have you always had an interest in politics,philosophy and econmics? Are you looking for the right school with philosophy politics and economics graduate program? Have you tried searching on the internet for politics philosophy and economics salary? Want to know more about PPE university world rankings?If yes, why worry yourself college learners provides answer to all this questions.
Philosophy Politics and Economics Major
Philosophy Politics and Economics is an excellent pre-law major and it also offers suitable preparation for graduate study in any of the constituent disciplines. As you explore your major options, take the time to consider how you might be interested in focusing the major and the kinds of opportunities a PPE major affords.
The Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) subject area has traditionally been an important part of the philosophy and history tripos. It is designed to provide students with a range of analytical tools acquired through studying political and economic thought–tools that they can then use to engage critically with current issues. The subject is not intended to lead to specific employment or professional training, but rather to equip students with an understanding of how certain key ideas in political and economic thinking have developed.
Is a PPE Degree Worth it
Studying Philosophy, you will develop analytical rigour and the ability to criticise and reason logically, and be able to apply these skills to questions concerning how we acquire knowledge or make ethical judgements. The study of Politics provides a thorough understanding of the impact of political institutions on modern societies. It helps you to evaluate the choices that political systems must regularly make, to explain the processes that maintain or change those systems, and to examine the concepts and values used in political analysis. Economics is the study of how consumers, firms and government make decisions that together determine how resources are allocated. An appreciation of economics has become increasingly necessary to make sense of governmental policy-making, the conduct of businesses and the enormous economic transformations throughout the world. PPE is a very flexible course which allows you to study all three branches, or to specialise in two after the first year.
As far as PPE courses, Warwick and UCL are extremely highly regarded. The former is probably the best interdisciplinary course because far more than Oxford it stresses the links between the two, and UCL’s PPE course has a really strong policy and quantitative focus. LSE course-wise is not famous or anything, but LSE as an institution you go for the name. You get a degree from LSE and you’ll have no problems landing a job so it doesn’t really matter, I mean no one goes to LSE for the student satisfaction, contact time or great social life because…well…it usually lacks in all three…
KCL is the least regarded you’ve listed unless you’re thinking about getting a job internationally, which KCL has a great reputation for mostly because it’s in London. But even if as institution/course domestically, Durham does better (largely because the university itself is usually academically stronger), but even York does because its PPE, the course is older and more well established than most of the listed options, even if as a university it’s usually lower down
Yeah as far as the course, pretty much anything from politics to finance. With PPE most fields people go into don’t require absolutely specific degrees, but a background in politics and economics opens up your options quite a bit. More important is work experience, contacts and the university you go to but the transferable skills you get from a PPE course are really useful too.

politics university rankings uK
1. The University of Warwick
The University of Warwick is a world-leading university, born out of boldness, imagination and collaboration. We’ve built a strong reputation for upholding the highest academic and research standards. Today, more than 26,000 students thrive in a supportive, welcoming space where everything you need to study, live and have fun is close to hand. Explore what Warwick has to offer, and you’ll develop a skillset that sets you apart, and sets you up to succeed. What that success looks like is up to you.
The PPE degree will help you understand and evaluate social, political and economic institutions at an advanced level. It is taught jointly by all three partner departments. As well as subject-specific content, the course includes core interdisciplinary modules in economics and philosophy, politics and economics, and philosophy and politics. We also offer a diverse menu of optional modules including interdisciplinary options, allowing you to follow your own interests and specialise.
2. University of Oxford

One of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world, the University of Oxford attracts top scholars and students to its 44 colleges and halls. Entry standards are high and admission is competitive; on average, it receives five applications for each available place.
As is common in the UK, the university offers a number of joint honors program that combine two subjects at undergraduate level. In total, there are 250 undergraduate degree combinations. The combination of philosophy, politics and economics is a particularly prestigious degree course on offer, although it is no longer unique to Oxford.
Undergraduates and postgraduates belong to a college and often live in the college building or college-owned accommodation. Social life and recreational activities – such as rowing, cultural events and societies – also revolve around the college. Undergraduates are taught almost exclusively by tutors in their college, while postgraduate students are primarily served academically by a centralized faculty.
There are more than 100 libraries at Oxford, the most famous of which is the Bodleian, built in 1602. The city also boasts a number of museums, including the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, which houses the remains of a dodo, and the Museum of the History of Science, which displays a blackboard used by Albert Einstein.
More than 30 world leaders, 27 British prime ministers, 50 Nobel prizewinners and 120 Olympic medallists were educated at Oxford. Stephen Hawking, Hugh Grant and Indira Gandhi are some of its famous graduates.
3. University of Cambridge
Like Oxford, the University of Cambridge is fundamentally collegiate and is also one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world. The town is just an hour from London.
The university is home to more than 19,000 students and 9,000 staff. There are 31 colleges, some of which date back to the 13th century, and more than 100 academic departments.
Cambridge is particularly renowned for excellence in mathematics and has educated some of the most famous British scientists. In total, 117 Nobel laureates are affiliated with the university and Cambridge-affiliated mathematicians have won 11 Fields medals.
Getting an undergraduate place at the university is extremely competitive; the acceptance rate is less than 25 per cent and more than half of rejected candidates have received A grades for all of their final school exams.
Undergraduates are taught via lectures and supervisions – intimate tutorials with only a couple of other students at most. The workload is heavy but terms are shorter than at many other universities in the UK.
Cambridge libraries are home to extensive collections of medieval manuscripts and the university museums display collections of archaeological artefacts and zoological specimens.
Notable alumni include actors, politicians, royals, athletes and cultural figures, including biologist Charles Darwin, environmental broadcaster David Attenborough, conservationist Jane Goodall and actress Olivia Colman.

4. Imperial College London
Imperial College London is consistently ranked among the best universities in the world for science, technology, engineering, medicine and business.
It was formed in 1907 from a merger of three colleges in London and now has 17,000 students and 8,000 staff. The student cohort is extremely international and is made up of more than 125 nationalities.
In addition to top scientists, Fields medalists and Nobel prizewinners, Imperial also produces influential government advisers and policymakers. Many graduates go on to achieve breakthrough innovations in industry and business, and are highly sought after by blue-chip companies and start-ups.
Imperial’s main campus is near Kensington Palace in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, with other campuses around the city.
The author H. G. Wells and Sir Liam Donaldson, head physician to the Queen, are among Imperial’s famous alumni.
5. UCL
UCL was the first university in England to admit students irrespective of class, race or religion, and the first to admit women on equal terms with men, following the educational philosophy of Jeremy Bentham – the university’s “spiritual founder”.
It is one of the most selective British universities and is thought to produce some of the most employable graduates.
UCL’s main campus is in the central London area of Bloomsbury.
For undergraduate admission, candidates generally have all A grades at A level or a grade equivalent of 6, 6, 6 in subjects studied at higher level in the International Baccalaureate. The most competitive degree is the BSc in philosophy, politics and economics, which receives 30 applicants for every place.
Nearly half of all UCL students are from outside the UK, with significantly more from Asia than from continental Europe. Famous alumni include Mahatma Gandhi; Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone; and Coldplay’s Chris Martin, who met the other members of his band at the university.
6. London School of Economics and Political Science
Of all UK universities, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) has the highest proportion of international students, at 70 per cent.
The university has particular strengths in law, economics, history, philosophy and politics. Currently, 26 per cent of all Nobel prizes for economics were awarded to alumni or affiliates of the LSE. Famously, economic theorists at the LSE have long disagreed with theorists at Cambridge, particularly over solutions to economic problems in society.
LSE’s campus is in the Clare Market area in London, close to important institutions such as the Royal Courts of Justice, Lincoln’s Inn, the Royal College of Surgeons and the British Museum.
Like other top universities in the UK, LSE generally requires entry standards of A grades or higher
Prominent cultural, political and academic figures, including Nelson Mandela and George Soros, have given public talks at LSE as part of the university’s prestigious lecture series.
The main architect of the Indian constitution, B. R. Ambedkar, worked on a doctoral thesis at LSE while enrolled on the Bar course at Gray’s Inn in London. Other top ranking universities include;
- Trinity College, Dublin
- Claremont McKenna College
- Denison University
- Duke
- King’s College
- Pomona College
- Princeton
- Tulane University
- University of Akron
- University of Arizona
- University of Iowa
- University of Michigan
- University of North Carolina
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Richmond
- University of Virginia
- Western Washington University
- Yale University

philosophy university rankings
How do the university rankings work
The QS World University Rankings are among the most important, most-referenced rankings. The QS ranking relies heavily on its academic survey, asking thousands of academics worldwide about the reputation of universities.
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings compile a wide range of statistics. Equal weight is put on teaching quality, research excellence, and research impact through citations (meaning how often a university’s research is referenced elsewhere).
The Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University (often just Shanghai Ranking) focuses on research output and quality, for example measured by the number of published and cited scientific papers and the number of staff or alumni winning the Nobel Prize or Fields Medal.
Why Study PPE
PPE is a challenging degree that caters for a broad range of interests. It helps you develop your analytical skills in a wide range of areas. It teaches you to write, reason and think. A great reason to study it is because you want to develop these skills. Aside from how it will help you develop intellectually, it will also help you get any number of different useful jobs, or you could go on to graduate studies in public policy or law.
One of the main focus of PPE students is on economics rather than politics—especially on studying how markets work and how the division of labor that markets promote affects human welfare and intellectual progress. As early “political economists” such as Hume, Smith, Marx, and Mill recognized, market exchange typically operates in the context of a political system that determines what can be owned and traded, which contracts will be enforced, and which activities will be permitted or prohibited. All these facts affect the welfare of market participants and the distribution of goods that market exchange produces.