
Prairie View A&M University Graduate Programs

Graduate Programs at PVAMU

Prairie View A&M University offers 30 Master’s and 5 Doctoral programs with various concentrations and certifications.


College of Agriculture and Human Science

MS Human Sciences

The Department of Agriculture, Nutrition, and Human Ecology offers a M.S. degree, which requires a minimum of 33 credit hours of course work and 3/6 credit hours of a clinical practicum. The program will give an understanding of mental health and the skills required to work with individuals, couples, and families. We currently do not offer online or hybrid course. Our course offerings are face-to-face.

For more information please contact Dr. Selena Tate at (936) 261-2517 or

College Arts and Science

MS Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry at Prairie View A&M University offers a research-based M.S. degree program, which requires a minimum of 24 credit hours of course work and 6 credit hours of research work.

For more information, please contact Dr. Remi Oki at (936) 261-3106 or

MA Sociology

The Division of Social Work, Behavioral and Political Sciences offers a Master of Arts (MA) degree in sociology, which requires a minimum of 36 credit hours of course work. The M.A. degree program in sociology offers a curriculum that enables students to analyze, critically evaluate and engage in the planning of solutions that evolve from patterns of human social interactions. The M.A. in sociology prepares students for careers in business, nonprofit management, education and law enforcement.

For more information, please contact Dr. Farrah Cambrice at (936) 261-3210 or

PhD in Clinical Adolescent Psychology

The Department of Psychology offers a Scientist-Practitioner Ph.D. degree program, which requires 96 credit hours. Students are admitted after the Bachelor’s degree and are expected to complete the degree in five or six years. This includes a year on a full-time internship. Students will take courses and have opportunities to develop research skills and to perform clinical practice. Graduates with this degree will be eligible to pursue licensure as a clinical psychologist.

For more information, please contact Dr. Stacie DeFreitas at or (936) 261-5205.

Admission Requirements

In addition to meeting requirements set forth by Graduate Studies, applicants to the Ph.D. program must have a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution with at least 24 semester hours of psychology coursework in all of these domains: abnormal; developmental; experimental or research methods; learning or cognition; personality; psychophysiology; statistics; and social psychology with a 3.00 undergraduate GPA. Applicants must submit official GRE scores, a departmental application, a 1000 word essay, and an individual interview. GRE scores must not be older than five years old. The competitive application deadline to apply for the program deadline is February 1.

College of Business

Master of Business Administration

The College of Business offer the Master of Business Administration degree program, which requires completion of 36 credit hours of coursework, including 30 credit hours of required coursework and 6 credit hours in approved elective coursework. The program is designed to provide driven professionals with the knowledge necessary to advance in for-profit or not-for-profit enterprises. Individuals who complete the program will develop strategic-thinking skills sought out by organizations for future management and leadership roles. This program can be completed in an online or face-to-face format.

For more information, please contact Mr. Gabriel Crosby at (936) 261-9217 or

Admission Requirements

In addition to meeting requirements set forth by Graduate Studies, MBA applicants must submit an essay regarding their desire to pursue a business degree and submit a curriculum vitae or resume. A student whose GPA does not meet the required GPA for regular admission may be considered for conditional admission with submission of GRE or GMAT scores and a departmental interview. Scores must not be older than five years old.

MS Accounting

The College of Business offers the M.S. in Accounting degree program, which requires completion of 30 credit hours of coursework, including 21 credit hours of required coursework and 9 credit hours in approved elective coursework.  Students enrolled in this program gain advanced accounting knowledge applicable to careers in public or corporate accounting.  Coursework earned in the MSA program can also be used to help meet requirements to sit for the Certified Public Accountancy (CPA) exam. This program is taught in a hybrid format.

For more information, please contact Mr. Gabriel Crosby at (936) 261-9217 or

Admission Requirements

In addition to meeting requirements set forth by Graduate Studies, MSA applicants must submit an essay regarding their desire to pursue a business degree and submit a curriculum vitae or resume. A student whose GPA does not meet the required GPA for regular admission may be considered for conditional admission with submission of GRE or GMAT scores and a departmental interview. Scores must not be older than five years old.

Executive MBA

The College of Business offers a hybrid 2-year EMBA Program, which requires a minimum of 36 credit hours of course work. The Program meets on alternate Saturdays between 9 am – 4 pm at the North West Houston Campus at 9449 Grant Road, Houston, TX 77070. Your tuition fee of $42,000 includes breakfasts and lunches, textbooks and case studies, and an 8-day international field trip in late spring. A small cohort of 25, will a conducive venue to learn, interact, and network with your professors, peers, and professionals.

In view of its returns on investments, visibility, recognition, and popularity, MBA Today has ranked PVAMU EMBA Program number 14 among the ‘68 Best EMBA Programs in Texas‘ in 2018 and 2019.

The following YouTube video provides feedback on our Program and the recent international field trip.

For more information about EMBA Program, please contact Ms. Andrea Wilkins at (713)-790-7212 or or Dr. Gin Chong at (713) 790-7283 or

Admission Requirements

In addition to meeting requirements set forth by Graduate Studies, EMBA applicants must submit evidence of a minimum of three years of professional management experience (e.g. as a project manager, director, or district manager), a curriculum vitae or resume, a two-page, double-spaced personal statement summarizing how an EMBA will advance your career goals and personal objectives, and a departmental interview.

Pvamu Graduate Application Deadline

Application Deadlines

Applicants who do not enroll for the semester for which they are admitted, must submit a new application for the semester they wish to attend and pay the $40.00 application fee.

The Spring 2021 document deadline for freshman, transfer, and international students is December 15th.

SpringSummerFall (Scholarship Priority)Fall
Undergraduate – FF, FI, TIDecember 1stMarch 1stDecember 1stMarch 1st
Undergraduate  – AT, TR, RADecember 1stApril 1stDecember 1stJuly 15th
GraduateJuly 15thAugust 1stAugust 1st
Graduate – InternationalJuly 15thAugust 1stAugust 1st

FF-First Time Freshmen, FI-Freshmen International, TI-Transfer International, AT-Transfer, RA-Re-Admit/Former, TR-Transient

*All accompanying documents must be received in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions by the deadline date.

University College (Freshman Housing)

  • Summer – N/A
  • Fall – July 1
  • Spring – December 1

University Village (Upperclassmen Housing)

  • Summer – N/A
  • Fall – July 1
  • Spring – December 1

Financial Aid

  • Summer – March 1
  • Fall – March 15
  • Spring – November 1


  • Summer – N/A
  • Fall – March 1
  • Spring – November 1

Domestic Admissions

Admission Requirements

A completed application for admission is required and must be received by the Office of Graduate Studies by the posted deadlines. An applicant whose admission credentials are received after a stated deadline date should contact the Office of Graduate Studies to request an evaluation for admission for the next enrollment period.

Even though an applicant may meet the general requirements for admission to Graduate Studies, he/she must also meet the admission requirements of a specific programs as well. Admission to a department/program is not guaranteed until the applicant receives official notification by the Office of Graduate Studies. The student may not enroll in any graduate courses until this official notification is received. Failure to adhere to this policy will nullify any graduate level coursework undertaken by the student.

Requirements for the admission process are outlined below:

  1. A completed online application for admission to Graduate Studies ( and payment of a $50 non-refundable application fee.

Pay Graduate Application Fee

  1. A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university or, for most doctoral programs, a master’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university (degrees from institutions outside of the U.S. must be evaluated for equivalency to U.S. degrees).
  2. An official transcript from the registrar of each regionally accredited college or university previously attended (undergraduate and graduate).
  3. A bachelor’s degree documenting a minimum undergraduate cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.75 on a 4.00 or a last 60 semester credit hour GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 grading scale for regular graduate status. For doctoral study, most programs require a minimum 3.00 graduate GPA; please refer to program specific requirements.
  4. A bachelor’s degree documenting a minimum undergraduate cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.50 on a 4.00 grading scale for conditional or non-degree graduate status. *
  5. Three letters of recommendation from persons in the field of the applicant’s academic major or area of concentration.
  6. Recommendation for admission by the department head and dean of the college or school offering the graduate program to which the student is seeking admission. The recommendation is submitted by the department head and dean to the Office of Graduate Studies.  Formal acceptance and notification comes from the Office of Graduate Studies.

Please note that some programs have additional requirements such as submission of GRE or GMAT scores, personal essays, departmental applications, and interviews. Please visit the Graduate Programs at PVAMU webpage for program specific admission requirements.

If GRE or GMAT scores are required, scores must be official and may not be older than five years.

* A student with a cumulative undergraduate GPA below 2.50, who has acquired relevant experience that could contribute to ensuring their success in graduate study may be considered for conditional admission upon a holistic review and recommendation by the respective department head and dean.

Domestic Application Deadlines

A completed application for admission and all supplemental material must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies by the following deadlines:

  • May 1 for the Fall Semester
  • October 1 for the Spring Semester
  • March 1 for the Summer Semester

All supporting documents (original transcript, letters of recommendation, essay) should be mailed to:

Office of Graduate Studies
Graduate Admission
P.O. Box 519 – Mail Stop 2800
Prairie View, TX 77446

Or emailed to when applicable. Transcripts, when possible, should be submitted electronically using school code 36360.

Check your Application Status

Please visit PantherTracks for an update on your application. Allow seven to ten working days to process credentials. All items required to complete an application must be received by the Office of Graduate Admissions by closing date to assure consideration for admission.

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