A number of factors should be considered when applying or preparing for university. Here you will find information on tuition charges, school rankings, graduation rates, etc. You can easily decide which university to attend when you pay attention to all of these factors.
In this article, you’ll find information about the private colleges in west virginia. Read on for more information about small private colleges in west virginia, private colleges and universities in west virginia, best colleges in west virginia, virginia private colleges, public colleges in west virginia. You will also find related posts on the private colleges in west virginia on collegelearners.
Hampton UniversityHampton, VA

Founded in 1868 after the Civil War to provide education to freedmen, Hampton University is an Historically Black College and University on the Virginia Peninsula. Hampton is home to eight undergraduate colleges conferring bachelor’s degrees and…
Hampton University is an extremely strict insitution, were freshman are given a curfew and have limited freedoms. This maybe in order to have control over the freshman class and have them focus on school work, but to those who are mature, this is a… ” – Myles from Baltimore, MD23AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE1083AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE44%ACCEPTANCE RATEPRIVATETYPE OF INSTITUTION4 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONSMALL CITYCAMPUS SETTING$27,441AVERAGE NET PRICE4,321NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesOld Dominion UniversityNorfolk, VA

Old Dominion University is a 4-year public institution in Norfolk and a doctoral high research activity university. ODU hosts colleges of Arts & Letters, Business, Sciences, Education, Engineering, and Health Sciences as well as an Honors College…
College is definitely tougher than high school. I have found myself struggling in some classes but you’ll find that at any college. Overall I am doing well in school and I am learning something new every day. ” – Lindsay from Virginia Beach, VA21AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE1093AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE87%ACCEPTANCE RATEPUBLICTYPE OF INSTITUTION4 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONSMALL CITYCAMPUS SETTING$16,681AVERAGE NET PRICE24,176NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesNorfolk State UniversityNorfolk, VA

Founded in 1935, Norfolk State University is a 4-year public school and Historically Black College and University in southeast Virginia. Norfolk State confers bachelor’s degrees in 31 academic majors and is the only school in the state to offer a…

Regent University is a private, non denominational evangelical institution based on the coast of Virginia Beach, VA. It is a military-friendly university with a “selective” admissions process. Many students choose to study communications, biblical…
Regent University is an incredible university with a genuine faith filled atmosphere. The school’s motto is Christian leadership to change the world. Come here to grow. ” – Austin23AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE1057AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE82%ACCEPTANCE RATEPRIVATETYPE OF INSTITUTION4 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONMAJOR CITYCAMPUS SETTING$18,403AVERAGE NET PRICE9,889NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesTidewater Community CollegeNorfolk, VA

Tidewater Community College is a public, 2-year institution located in the state of Virginia. The college maintains four campuses and a number of centers throughout the region in Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, and Suffolk. Academics…
I’m majoring in Culinary Arts and learning the many aspects of the food service industry. The textbooks and instructors provide essential information and are both excellent tools of the learning experience. The courses I took last semester… ” – Adrian Howard from Hampton, VA–AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE–AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE–ACCEPTANCE RATEPUBLICTYPE OF INSTITUTION2 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONSMALL CITYCAMPUS SETTING$8,105AVERAGE NET PRICE20,941NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesThomas Nelson Community CollegeHampton, VA
Thomas Nelson Community College is a public, 2-year institution with campus locations in Hampton and Williamsburg, Virginia. TNCC offers over 100 academic and career-oriented programs, awarding associate’s degrees and certificates for college…–AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE–AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE–ACCEPTANCE RATEPUBLICTYPE OF INSTITUTION2 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONSMALL CITYCAMPUS SETTING$7,209AVERAGE NET PRICE7,685NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesECPI UniversityVirginia Beach, VA
Founded in 1966, ECPI University is a for-profit university with 16 locations in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Texas. ECPI is home to six colleges conferring bachelor’s degrees in 32 academic majors. All students enroll in…
ecpi university is an excellent school for the full-time professional. their fast paced courses are well designed and informative.
ecpi has excellent staff and study programs put in place to help you succeed. ” – Melissa from Chesapeake, VA–AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE–AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE72%ACCEPTANCE RATEPRIVATETYPE OF INSTITUTION4 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONMAJOR CITYCAMPUS SETTING$20,554AVERAGE NET PRICE13,487NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesVirginia Wesleyan UniversityVirginia Beach, VA

With campus just minutes from the Atlantic Ocean, Virginia Wesleyan University is a liberal arts institution in coastal Virginia affiliated with the United Methodist Church. VWU grants undergraduate degrees in 36 academic majors and 30 minors. In…
The campus is great. The environment you are in is great. The student body is great. ” – Jeremiah from Montross, VA21AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE1091AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE70%ACCEPTANCE RATEPRIVATETYPE OF INSTITUTION4 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONMAJOR CITYCAMPUS SETTING$24,311AVERAGE NET PRICE1,437NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesEastern Virginia Medical SchoolNorfolk, VA
Eastern Virginia Medical School is a public-private, medical education institution established in Norfolk. EVMS offers over 30 graduate degree and certificate programs, as well as fellowships, residencies, and continuing medical education. The…–AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE–AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE–ACCEPTANCE RATEPUBLICTYPE OF INSTITUTION4 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONSMALL CITYCAMPUS SETTING–AVERAGE NET PRICE1,303NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesBethel CollegeHampton, VA
Affiliated with the Assemblies of God, Bethel College is a 4-year Christian college in eastern Virginia dedicated to training students to become missionaries and church leaders. Bethel offers a bachelor’s degree, associate degree, and diploma in…–AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE–AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE–ACCEPTANCE RATEPRIVATETYPE OF INSTITUTION4 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONSMALL CITYCAMPUS SETTING$11,154AVERAGE NET PRICE31NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesSentara College of Health SciencesChesapeake, VA
Sentara College of Health Sciences is a healthcare-centered institution in the Norfolk metro area. Sentara functions as a nurse training academy offering bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in Nursing. Additionally, Sentara features six associate…–AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE–AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE–ACCEPTANCE RATEPRIVATETYPE OF INSTITUTION4 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONSUBURB OR TOWNCAMPUS SETTING–AVERAGE NET PRICE386NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesRiverside College of Health CareersNewport News, VA
The Riverside College of Health Careers is a school of nursing and health science in the greater Norfolk area. In addition to training programs in Professional and Practical Nursing, Riverside offers academic concentrations in Radiologic and Surgical…–AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE–AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE27%ACCEPTANCE RATEPRIVATETYPE OF INSTITUTION2 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONSMALL CITYCAMPUS SETTING$14,528AVERAGE NET PRICE328NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesVirginia Beach Theological SeminaryVirginia Beach, VA
Virginia Beach Theological Seminary is a Christian graduate school in coastal Virginia dedicated to training students for local church ministry and mission work. VBTS offers master’s degrees in Biblical Studies, Divinity, Theology, and Chaplaincy as…–AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE–AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE–ACCEPTANCE RATEPRIVATETYPE OF INSTITUTION4 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONMAJOR CITYCAMPUS SETTING–AVERAGE NET PRICE29NUMBER OF STUDENTSSee your ChancesWave Leadership CollegeVirginia Beach, VA
Established in 1999, Wave Leadership College is a private, Christ-centered institution located in Virginia Beach. WLC offers an Associate of Ministry degree program with five 12-credit professional development concentration options, as well as a BS…–AVERAGE ACT COMPOSITE–AVERAGE SAT COMPOSITE–ACCEPTANCE RATEPRIVATETYPE OF INSTITUTION2 YEARLEVEL OF INSTITUTIONMAJOR CITYCAMPUS SETTING$11,135AVERAGE NET PRICE65NUMBER OF STUDENTS