Rutgers Business School is a public institution that offers admissions across its two campuses located in Newark and New Brunswick. Currently, it has more than 9000 students representing 33 countries from across the world. Admissions to Rutgers Business School are invited for the fall semester for all the masters and specialty masters courses. Apart from FT MBA, PT MBA, and Executive MBA courses in Canada, the B-school also offers MBA in Professional Accounting. Among the popular courses at Rutgers, FT-MBA applications for international students are open until March 15 (now closed).
An application fee of 70 CAD is required to apply for the master’s courses at Rutgers Business School. Additionally, GRE/GMAT scores make an essential component of your applications. A competitive score enhances your chances of admission. Applicants with a UG degree in a technical stream can apply for GMAT waivers. Apart from standardized test scores, Resume, LORs (often 2), and two essays are the major components of your application to Rutgers. One of the major attractions offered by Rutgers Business School is the more than 70% of job placement rate.
Only previous Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark students and graduates from other Rutgers divisions may apply for re-enrollment. Re-enrollment students are accepted for fall and spring semesters as well as the summer term. Students interested in applying for reenrollment to the Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark must submit their online

Rutgers University-Newark: 2022 Requirements, Scores & GPAs
This is the go-to guide for getting into Rutgers University-Newark. We suggest you read until the end… Not only will we layout the exact GPA and test scores you should aim for when applying to Rutgers University-Newark, but we’ll also offer creative ways to help your application stand out from the pack. We breakdown Rutgers University-Newark statistics better than any article out there and show you how these have changed over time. Also, make sure to check out Rutgers University-Newark on CampusReel to see what it’s really like here. If you’re interesting in transferring to Rutgers University-Newark, the read our transfer guide. You can also use the below calculator to help determine your likelihood of acceptance at Rutgers University-Newark
What GPA Do You Need To Get Into Rutgers University-Newark?
Rutgers University-Newark’s average GPA is 3.33. Rutgers University-Newark does require GPA. This average GPA means Rutgers University-Newark is very selective. Often times, schools in this range are trying to increase their selectivity and “prestige”. We can’t read the minds of Rutgers University-Newark application readers, but they likely want to increase the average GPA from 3.33 to 3.5 this year – to play it safe, we recommend striving for the 3.5 GPA.
*BEFORE CONTINUING PLEASE NOTE: GPA and “prestige” DO NOT mean a college is right for you. Rutgers University-Newark may seem amazing on paper, but you may hate it… That’s why 700,000 students transfer colleges every year – they end up going to the wrong school. It’s crucial to watch the videos on CampusReel and make sure you can envision yourself on Rutgers University-Newark’s campus. These Rutgers University-Newark admission statistics do not sufficiently tell you what a college or university is like.
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate – Newark (RBS: NWK) accepts school-to-school transfers for the fall
and spring semesters. Students interested in applying for admission to RBS: UG-NWK must submit their
online application for admission no later than June 1st for the fall semester and by December 1st for the
spring semester.
RBS: NWK offers six majors leading to the Bachelor of Science degree: Accounting (010), Finance (390),
Management (605), Management Information Systems (625), Marketing (630), and Supply Chain Management

application for admission by the following dates:
Fall Semester – July 1
Spring Semester – December 1
Summer Term – March 1
The Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark offers six majors leading to the Bachelor
of Science degree: Accounting (010), Finance (390), Management (620), Management
Information Systems (625), Marketing (630), and Supply Chain Management (799).
Criteria for Admission
I. Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark returning students
- Residency and Credit Requirements
Disciplinary Status: Students must indicate on their application if they are
currently under review for disciplinary action, judicial sanction, or a violation of
the academic integrity policy.
Academic Status: Students must indicate on their application if they are in good
academic status or withdrew while on academic probation.
7-Year Rule: Students have 7 years from the time of admission to complete their
degree. Therefore, any business course taken 7 or more years ago must be retaken.
Students must earn a C or better.
Curriculum changes: Readmitted students are required to meet all current
curriculum requirements at the time of re-enrollment. - Grade-Point Average
Minimum Cumulative GPA: Students applying for re-enrollment must have a
cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 prior to submitting the re-enrollment
Students with a cumulative GPA below 2.5: Students applying for reenrollment whose cumulative GPA was below 2.5 and were on probation during
their last enrolled semester must indicate it on their application.
Missing Grades: Grades of NG, TF, TZ, or INC will be calculated into the
cumulative GPA as “F” for the purposes of determining admission. Students are
expected to have completed all coursework and be issued final grades prior to
submitting the re-enrollment application.
Business Courses taken 7+ years ago: Business courses taken seven or more
years ago will not be counted towards the completion of the degree requirements.
Academically Dismissed Students (Prior to Fall 2012): Students applying for
re-enrollment that were academically dismissed from the Rutgers Business
School: Undergraduate–Newark prior to fall 2012 must submit an appeal letter to
the Academic Standings Committee for re-enrollment at
Academically Dismissed Students (Fall 2012 and beyond): Students applying
for re-enrollment that were academically dismissed from the Rutgers Business
School: Undergraduate–Newark for fall 2012 and beyond are ineligible for
readmission to the Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark. - Transfer Credits
College credits earned after the last semester of enrollment will be reviewed.
Transferable credits must have been completed with a C or better. Students who
previously transferred from community college with 65 credits and students who
previously transferred from a 4-year college with 90 credits are ineligible to
transfer additional credits.
Comprehensive Statewide Transfer Agreement (Lampitt) waiver: The
Comprehensive Statewide Transfer Agreement (Lampitt) general education
course waiver will not be granted to any previously enrolled Rutgers Business
School: Undergraduate–Newark student who withdrew and earned an associate’s
degree from a New Jersey community college. Transfer credits can be used to
satisfy the general education courses but all Newark College of Art and Sciences
general education courses must be completed to earn a degree from the Rutgers
Business School: Undergraduate–Newark.
Proceed to Part IV for information pertaining to all re-enrollment applicants.
II. Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark graduates and graduates from other
divisions of Rutgers University - Residency and Credit Requirements
Second-Degree Candidates: Second degree candidates must complete a
minimum of 30 credits to earn a second degree from Rutgers Business School:
7-Year Rule: Students have 7 years from the time of admission to complete their
degree. Therefore, any business course taken 7 or more years ago must be retaken.
Students must earn a C or better.
Curriculum changes: Readmitted students are required to meet all current
curriculum requirements at the time of re-enrollment.
Double Major: Students applying for re-enrollment cannot double major.
Students can only complete one major.
General Education Requirements: Students applying for re-enrollment as a
second-degree student are not required to complete the general education
requirements. - Grade-Point Average
Minimum Cumulative GPA: Students applying for re-enrollment must have a
cumulative grade-point average of 2.5 prior to submitting the re-enrollment
Missing Grades: Grades of NG, TF, TZ, or INC will be calculated into the
cumulative GPA as “F” for the purposes of determining admission. Students are
expected to have completed all coursework and be issued final grades prior to
submitting the re-enrollment application. - Transfer Credits
College credits earned after the last semester of enrollment will be reviewed.
Transferable credits must have been completed with a C or better. Students who
previously transferred from a community college with 65 credits and students
who previously transferred from a 4-year college with 90 credits are ineligible to
transfer additional credits.
Proceed to Part IV for information pertaining to all re-enrollment applicants.
III. Students from other Rutgers divisions are ineligible to re-enroll into the Rutgers
Business School: Undergraduate–Newark. Students looking for admission to the Rutgers
Business School: Undergraduate–Newark must re-enroll to their previous school of
affiliation and submit a school-to-school transfer application. Please see the school-toschool transfer admissions guidelines and criteria.
IV. General Information - Conditions
Admitted students are subject to all academic policies of the Rutgers Business
School: Undergraduate–Newark. - All previously earned degree credits and grades will be reviewed in
compliance with the Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark
academic policies. Students should be aware that the Rutgers Business
School: Undergraduate–Newark may decline credits that were previously
approved by their present college. - Once admitted to the Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark,
all students must remain in compliance with the policies of the Rutgers
Business School: Undergraduate–Newark. - Additional conditions will be noted in the notification message sent to
admitted students. Students are responsible for compliance with any
conditions specified. - Graduation Requirements
All Rutgers Business School–Newark students must: - Complete a minimum of 124 degree credits.
- Complete all Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark core and
major requirements. - Maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.000.
- Complete all business core and major course requirements with a
minimum grade of C. - Must successfully satisfy all academic, disciplinary, and financial
obligations to the university. - Application Deadline/Procedures and Notification Schedule
Students interested in applying for re-enrollment to the Rutgers Business School:
Undergraduate–Newark must submit their online application for admission by: - Fall Semester – July 1
- Spring Semester – December 1
- Summer Term – March 1
Applicants will receive notification of their admissions decision via email from
the college by: - Fall Semester – August 10
- Spring Semester January 15
- Summer Term – April 1
- Advising/Registration Information
Newly admitted re-enrollment students are required to meet with their assigned
academic adviser to declare their major and register for classes.
Applicants are urged to consult Degree Navigator ( for
information regarding degree requirements. - College Enrollment
By submitting an application, an admitted student declares his/her intention to
enroll at the Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark. The Rutgers
Business School: Undergraduate–Newark will assume that an application
represents a serious decision made by the applicant after thorough consideration
of the school’s requirements and policies. If the student is admitted, the Rutgers
Business School: Undergraduate–Newark Office of Student and Academic
Services will notify the University Registrar to change the student’s college of
registration to the Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark (school code
29). - Withdrawal of Application
Prior to a decision, an applicant may withdraw his/her application by visiting the
status screen and clicking on “Withdraw My Application.” - Withdrawal After Admission
If an admitted student chooses not to enroll in the Rutgers Business School:
Undergraduate–Newark, he/she must select the “Decline Transfer” button
displayed in their admission email within the timeframe indicated so that
his/her college of registration may be modified accordingly.
- Your high school record must show that you will graduate or have graduated with at least 16 academic units.
- Transfer students are expected to have completed our specific required high school entrance courses; if necessary, college courses may be used to satisfy high-school course requirements.
Entrance to an undergraduate school minimally requires the following:
- English: 4 years
- Foreign Language: 2 years of one language
- Mathematics: 3 years, including algebra I, geometry, algebra II
- Science: 2 years
- Other Courses: 5 other academic courses
- Total: 16 academic courses