Do you have any knowledge about agriculture courses Do you ever feel confused? Do you often feel overwhelmed with all the information available on agriculture courses so you can’t figure out which one is correct? This article will let you know about agriculture courses The best way to learn more is to keep reading to learn all about agriculture courses in related articles on collegelearners.
Agriculture is a very broad field of study that includes many different areas. You might be interested in studying agricultural engineering if you are interested in working with machinery and equipment used for growing crops and managing forests. If you are interested in growing food, then agricultural science might be an area of interest for you. If your passion lies in farming animals then animal science or veterinary medicine would be appropriate fields of study.
There are three main types of degrees offered by colleges and universities: associate’s degrees, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and doctorate’s degrees. Your choice should depend upon what type of career path interests you the most as well as how much time and money you’re willing to invest into obtaining a degree.
List of Free Online Agriculture Courses
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Free Online Course Info
Following are some of the courses offered by [school name] that you can take online. These are not actual college credit classes, but they are taught by instructors at our school and may be similar to those you would find in a traditional classroom.
Course Name: Introduction to Biology
Instructor: Professor John Smith
Course Description: This course is an introduction to the study of biology as it pertains to living organisms. Students will learn about the different areas of biology, including genetics and biochemistry, as well as how these areas work together to keep living organisms alive and healthy.
Course Name: Introduction to Chemistry
Instructor: Professor Jane Jones
Course Description: This course is an introduction to chemistry as it pertains to matter and energy. Students will learn about chemical bonds, chemical reactions, states of matter, atomic structure, etc.
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
- Plant Biotechnology
This class is divided into five modules that students may reference at any time. The modules can be reached through the left sidebar of the main teaching page. Each module has sub-categories that display as a labeled list when a given module is in use. Plant Biotechnology covers areas ranging from crop improvement to metabolic engineering, providing instruction on such topics as protoplast regeneration, electron microscopy, plant engineering bioreactors, molecular farming, and techniques in plant tissue culture. The course is viewable online in text format, with no materials available for download.
The National Academies Press
- Publicly Funded Agricultural Research and the Changing Structure of U.S. Agriculture
This book-length resource was created by the National Research Council’s Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources and is for sale as a published paperback volume. It is also viewable online in chapter increments free of charge, and students may additionally register on the site (which involves providing an email address) in order to download Publicly Funded Agricultural Research and the Changing Structure of U.S. Agriculture, either as an entire document or by individual chapter. Topics covered include technological implications in agriculture, current structural trends in U.S. farming, and issues of agricultural capital and labor, among others.
Open University
- How Do We Adapt Agriculture to Climate Change?
- Social Issues and GM Crops
The Open University offers a variety of online courses that can be completed at your own pace, in the comfort of your home. The courses are organized by linked and labeled sections and sub-sections in outline form, which remain visible in a left sidebar while main content is accessed by scrolling down.
How Do We Adapt Agriculture to Climate Change? discusses such topics as greenhouse gases, food security, and industrial agriculture, as well as a call for structural shifts in agriculture to account for climate change. A link is provided to a printable version that displays the full content of the course on one page.
Social Issues and GM Crops addresses effects, implications, and ethical questions regarding genetically modified (GM) food and crops. Students will learn about GM food safety assessment, the experiments and findings of scientist Arpad Pusztai, and food production considerations, among other subjects. This class is also viewable in printable form.
Purdue University

- Agricultural Biotechnology
- Pesticides and the Environment
- Weed Control in No-Tillage Systems
Rather than college courses per se, these resources are written expositions that were researched, composed, or made with significant contributions by Purdue University faculty members. The articles listed here are only a few in a catalog of such resources with categories like agribusiness and farms, crops, and livestock. Agricultural Biotechnology gives an overview and definition of biotechnology, along with a discussion of its potential effects, uses, and implications in the contexts of food and agriculture. The document is viewable online but not available for download. Pesticides and the Environment addresses ways the interactions between pesticides and environmental factors influence the effect pesticides have on the ecosystems to which they are introduced. This article may be viewed online but is also not downloadable. Weed Control in No-Tillage Systems outlines strategies for establishing and maintaining weed control, incorporating issues such as weed identification, herbicide application timing, and postemergence procedures. This paper may be downloaded as a PDF file and includes a chart delineating weed types and the recommended herbicides for controlling them among different kinds of crops.
The University of Florida
- Irrigation Components
- Soil Sampling and Testing
These free courses are accessible online in audio format and include corresponding PowerPoint slides. Though each course may play as a single audio file, a list of the content areas is also viewable in a sidebar, so students may click on a link any time to go to a particular topic. Irrigation Components teaches students about controllers, electrical valves, backflow prevention implements, and sprinklers, among other subjects. In Soil Sampling and Testing, students receive instruction about soil nutrients, how to interpret soil test results, and fertilizer suggestions. Information on the materials and steps required to obtain a soil sample is also provided.
University of Nottingham
- Orchestrating Cell Separation in Plants: What Are the Risks and Benefits?
- Sustainability: The Geography Perspective
These University of Nottingham courses are available in various configurations of video, text, and audio formats. All files are accessible online or available for download. Orchestrating Cell Separation in Plants: What Are the Risks and Benefits? is an audio lecture that describes observations and phenomena related to plant cell separation and the implications they may have on crop development. Ethical questions about influencing the natural processes of plants are also introduced. Sustainability: The Geography Perspective encompasses discussion about the definition of sustainable agriculture, utilizing sustainable water and energy, and issues like global trade. The course comprises written lectures that include references or further reading suggestions and sometimes incorporate video or audio files.
Utah State University
- Irrigation and Conveyance Control Systems
- Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation
- Surface Irrigation Design
These free Utah State University classes offer session notes, reading materials, and video lectures. In order to access the video format, students will need to utilize Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher. The Irrigation and Conveyance Control Systems course offers downloadable notes from all lectures, which address topics such as open channel current metering, canal gate calibration, and culvert design. PDF files of course exams and assignments with the solutions included are available for download. Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation also includes lecture notes that are downloadable as PDF files and cover subjects like center pivot operation and sprinkler uniformity, as well as planning considerations and types of irrigation systems. This class, too, offers assignments and tests with answers provided. Surface Irrigation Design comprises video lectures that cover such subjects as soil infiltration, tailwater reuse systems, and land leveling. A separate reading file available in PDF form covers topics like water management, different irrigation configurations, and a glossary. This class also offers a software download that allows students to design and simulate an irrigation system.
These are the list of Agricultural courses for science students in Nigeria
- Agric Extension and Communication Technology
- Agric Extension and Rural Development
- Agric- Extension and Rural Sociology
- Agric Extension Services
- Cooperative Management
- Agric-Economics and Extension
- Agricultural Administration
- Agricultural Business
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Economics and Farm Management
- Agricultural Resources Extension
- Agriculture
- Agronomy
- Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Animal Nutrition
- Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology
- Animal Physiology
- Animal Production
- Animal Production and Fisheries
- Animal Production and Health
- Animal Production and Health Services
- Animal Science
- Animal Science and Fisheries
- Animal Science and Fisheries Management
- Animal Science and Range Management
- Animal Science and Technology
- Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
- Crop and Environmental Protection
- Crop Production
- Crop Production and Landscape Management
- Crop Production and Protection
- Crop Production and Protection
- Crop Production and Soil Science
- Crop Production Technology
- Crop Protection
- Crop Science
- Crop Science and Biotechnology
- Crop Science and Horticulture
- Crop Science and Production
- Crop Science and Technology
- Crop, Production and Horticulture
- Crop, Soil and Environmental Science
- Crop, Soil and Pest Management
- Ecotourism and Wildlife Management
- Environmental Management and Toxicology – Under Faculty of Science
- Family, Nutrition and Consumer Science
- Fisheries
- Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology
- Fisheries and Aquatic Environment Management
- Fisheries and Wildlife Management
- Fisheries Management
- Fisheries Technology
- Food Science
- Food Science and Business
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Food Science and Technology
- Forestry
- Forestry and Environmental Management
- Forestry and Environmental Technology
- Forestry and Wildlife
- Forestry and Wildlife Management
- Forestry and Wildlife Technology
- Forestry and Wood Technology
- Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries
- Forestry/ Forest Resources Management
- Home and Hotel Management
- Home Economics
- Home Economics and Food Management
- Home Science
- Home Science and Management
- Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics
- Horticulture
- Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Livestock Production Technology
- Nutrition and Consumers Services
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Pasture and Range Management
- Plant Breeding and Seed Science
- Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
- Plant Physiology and Crop Production
- Plant Science and Biotechnology
- Plant Science and Crop Production
- Soil and Environmental Management
- Soil Science
- Soil Science and Land Agro-Climatology
- Soil Science and Land Management
- Soil Science and Technology
- Water Resources Management and Agrometeorology
- Water Resources, Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology
- Wildlife Management
Post graduate diploma in agriculture
Animal Science course deals with the science of understanding animal capacity with the view of relying on them for food and recreation. Courses can likewise incorporate animal conduct and government assistance.
The potential professions are different and incorporate creature exploration and warning administrations, animals sustenance, consultancy in the rural and food businesses and food advertising.
These courses are offered in both online and Offline mediums. Courses are offered at graduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate level.Apart from that there are different online certificate courses offered by colleges and different providers like Udemy, Coursera, edx etc.
Certificate ProgramsFor the most part offered by some institutes. Many online certification programs are self premise.DiplomaTop Diploma courses in India include Livestock Anatomy, Animal Physiology, Fodder Management and Grassland Management etcBachelorIt is a full time course. Duration of the course is 3 years.MasterTaken by those candidates who look for additional specialisation in the particular domainDoctorateMany universities offer PhD courses to students who want to go for research and teaching domain. |
- It is of 3 years at graduate level, 2 years at postgraduate level and long term in case of Diploma courses.Certificate programs identified with this field can be as short as a couple of hours and can even approach 1 year. Numerous online stages offer animal science courses with zero expenses too. Their projects are completely free and can be used for an indefinite period of time.
After graduating from courses students get jobs like Dairy Production Manager, Animal Husbandry Senior Clerk, Nurse Manager, Veterinarian etc. They can anticipate their compensation between INR 2 – 6 LPA.
Some of the top skills demanded in Animal Sciences are Analytical, Administration, Management, Animal Science, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary etc, therefore completing degrees in such fields will be really beneficial.
Animal Science Courses: Highlights
Since Animal Science courses can be pursued at UG, PG and as short term certifications, these courses help the students to improve their employability. Below are the highlights of different Animal Science courses offered in India.
Popular CoursesCertificate: Professional Program Certificate in Animal Breeding and Genetics (Wageningen University & Research), Animal Care, Equine & Land Based, Animal Assisted Therapy etcDiploma: Pet Care & Vet Assistant Diploma, Animal Biology and Wildlife Conservation etcUG: B.Sc , B.Voc in Animal Science.PG: M.Sc in Animal Science.Doctorate: PhD in Animal Science.DurationCertificate: Few hours to monthsDiploma: 1 – 2 yearsUG: 3 yearsPG: 2 yearsDoctorate: 2 yearsEligibilityCertificate: Pass in Class 10 or 12 from a recognized boardDiploma: Pass in Class 10 or 12 from a recognized boardUG: Pass in 10 + 2 with any streamPG: Pass in UGDoctorate: Pass in PG programAverage FeesCertificate: INR 1000 – 10,000Diploma: INR 5,000-30,000UG: INR 1-3 LPAPG: INR 1-5 LPADoctorate: INR 10,000-2,75,000Online CoursesAvailableTypes of Online CoursesCoursera, Udemy, Future learn etcTop Job ProspectsDairy Production Manager, Animal Husbandry Senior Clerk, Nurse Manager, Veterinarian etc.Average SalaryCertificate: INR 1-2 LPADiploma: INR 2-3 LPAUG: INR 3-6 LPAPG: INR 4-8 LPADoctorate: INR 5-8 LPA |
Now you might have some idea about each kind of Animal Science course by now, let’s discuss them in detail one-by-one.Certificate Courses
Certificate Animal Science Courses
The Certificate programs in Animal Science courses are offered through both Online and Offline mediums. Online Animal Science courses are expanding step by step. As referenced previously, certificate courses can be of any time length going from a couple of hours to a couple of months.
- Certificate programs of Animal Science courses are extraordinarily intended to furnish the competitors with extra aptitudes. They are appropriate for those candidates who need to proceed with their jobs position alongside learning additional ranges of abilities which can assist them with taking care of complex issues. A huge segment of these certificate courses are free and appropriately don’t demand a huge load of consistent hours from you.
Animal Science qualification courses are a good choice for students looking for short-term courses after tenth and twelfth grades.
Adding to one’s placement kit and earning new Certificates is a great way to do so.
How are Admissions in Certificate Programs of Animal Science Courses Done?
Admission in the Animal Science courses are not done in an authentic composed manner like that in Bachelor and Master courses. There are no particular selection tests either which are driven for admission in these courses.
- Enrollment of online certificate programmes is primarily accomplished by filling out an application on the course provider’s website.If there is a need for offline credential programmes, universities can accept you on the basis of validity. In this case, your grade in Class X or XII (as material) would be taken into account.
Diploma Animal Science Courses
Diploma courses vary as far as the qualification rules they ask for. While a diploma Animal Science course can be sought after you complete class 12 (class 10 likewise sometimes).
- While the Diploma courses are 1-year longThese courses are furthermore preferred by students who need to join the occupation territory soon, rather than submitting quite a while to clear guidance. Diploma courses give you the adaptability to pick a colossal arrangement of specialization abilities.
Students who are intending to save money on resources and complete a course situated program should go for Diploma.
The normal compensation after Diploma courses is around INR 1-3 LPA.
Top Diploma Animal Science Courses
Diploma courses are pursued after one has completed their bachelor or diploma course.Both should in the related subjects only.
Bachelor Animal Science Courses
Bachelor courses are the most chosen courses as countless students hope to procure a full time degree. BVSc in Animal Science is a Bachelor level course. This part of science is creating at an especially quick in the present moment and similarly as getting the predominance in the field of assessment science and development
- The duration of Bachelor Veterinary Science of 5 years. The course is divided into 10 semesters involving a half year each. Toward the finish of every year students need to pass in the main exam to get admission in the following year.Admission is done essentially through entrance tests or merit basis.
Students who need to commit full an ideal opportunity to the field and make a drawn out vocation ought to pick the Bachelor course.
After finishing graduation they can anticipate a normal compensation between INR 2 – 6 LPA in the beginning.The pay may expand as per your experience.
How are Admissions in Bachelor Animal Science Courses Done?
To get Admission in an undergraduate Course you have to go for both entrance exams and merit based.
- Some of the top Entrance exams for bachelor courses are AAU VET ,OUAT ,RPVT, BHU UET etc.NEET is conducted for admission to BVSc in Animal Science.Other common entrance tests focus on the overall undergraduate courses of their universities.
Students need to have at least 55 percentage marks in their intermediate exams with science subjects.
Master Animal Science Courses
Masters in Animal Science are generally done by those students who are keen on this science, hard worker, can work for a great deal of hours and have challenging nature as they need to take up the assignment of task of breeding, raising, and feeding animals.Masters in Animal Science mainly focuses on topics like Animal Nutrition, Animal Health Management, Animal Health and Behaviour, Animal Breeding and Genetics etc.
- The duration of masters in animal course courses is 2 years in most of the cases.After completing this course candidates will be in position to go through the financial cases in a mathematical and logical way.Some Colleges do conduct their own entrance examination for admission in post graduation courses.
Even those students who are looking to enter the research field should go for master in animal science courses as they are required to pursue a PhD course.
The average salary after completing master is from INR 2-6 LPA. Many professionals have seen to be earning a lot more.
Top Postgraduate (PG) Animal Science Courses
Course NameColleges OfferingsAverage Fees | M.Sc. Animal SciencesBengaluru Central University Bharathiar University Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa VidyalayaINR 40,000 – 4,00,000 |
How are Admissions in Master Animal Science Courses Done?
Admissions in master in Animal Science Courses are also done through both common entrance exams and merit basis.
- There are some colleges which give admission on the basis of your JAM score.For admission to this course, students must have passed college entrance exams.Depending on the proportion of your undergraduate classes, certain universities will admit you based on your merit.
Candidates must have passed their graduation level examination from a recognized university with 55 percentage marks.
Doctorate Animal Science Courses
Doctorate Animal Science courses are mainly chosen by those who want to enter into the research field.
- This course has a minimum length of three years, although it can be extended depending on the schools.Students may also pursue careers as teachers and professors in universities after completing a PhD programme.
The average salary of Phd Students is around INR 5 – 8 LPA.
Top PhD Animal Science Courses
Course NameCollegeFees | PhD in Animal ScienceMahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya Tamil nadu Veterinary and Animal Science UniversityINR 40,000-2,00,000 |
How are Admission in Doctorate Animal Science Courses Done?
Admission in Doctorate courses follows both entrance based and merit basis.
- CSIR NET,GATE,UGC NET,ICAR etc are some of the exams for admission in PhD courses.Some colleges give admission on merit basis.
Students need to have 55 percent in Post-Graduation for admission in Doctorate Course.
What are the Top Job Options After Animal Science Courses?
After completing Animal Science course applicants can research how creature illnesses can be forestalled, for instance by methods for great nourishment, powerful lodging and by planning admirably reproducing programs.
Research and education in privately owned businesses, administrative examination foundations and colleges are likewise acceptable work regions for them.
Teaching at agricultural colleges, universities or in different sorts obviously exercises and going into business likewise are a decent choice for them.
Some of the job options after Animal Science Course are as follows:
Junior Research Scientist
Junior Research Scientists need to run different various explorations in the field of creature science and veterinary science by understanding the brain science of the creatures. They need to draw out those outcomes or discoveries of the examination in different diaries, clinical magazines and in advanced media.
Starting Salary: INR 6-8 LPA
Skills Required
- PatienceDeterminationScientific and numerical skillsFlexibilityDecisivenessA logical and independent mindMeticulous attention to detail and accuracyExcellent analytical skills
Veterinarians are needed to treat the homegrown creatures by directing through assessment of the creatures with respect to their agony and sickness by breaking down their wellbeing. They for the most part work in their private center and they are additionally enlisted in open clinics to give treatment and care to the homegrown creatures.
Starting Salary: INR 4-8 LPA
Skills Required
- love of animalsEmpathy, patience and sensitivityRational objectivityA thorough, methodical approachCommunication skillsScientific abilityCalmness in pressurised or emotional situations
Research Associate
Research Associates need to work under the direction of the Senior Research Scientist. They need to fundamentally work on the information on the creature science gathered from different sources.
Starting Salary: INR 4-7 LPA
Skills Required
- CommunicationAttention to detailCritical thinkingTechnical skillsStatistical and Graphical Analysis of DataAbility to maintain quality, safety and/or infection control standardsPlanning and schedulingInterviewing
Animal Nutritionist
Animal Nutritionists are specialists on Animal nourishment, hereditary qualities, development, propagation, and improvement of domestic animals. They give legitimate direction to the proprietor about the wellbeing of the animals and keep them mindful about.
Starting Salary: INR 4-6 LPA
Skills Required
- Ability to undertake independent researchAbility to communicate with clients, customers and fellow scientistsIT and numeracy skillsSelf management and self motivationAbility to write reports and keep good records
Professor of Animal Science
They are selected in different Public and Private universities to show animal science immaculately. They need to give right information to the understudies with respect to the subjects and furthermore outfit useful information to them.
Starting Salary: INR 3-6 LPA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekLHPhXk80w
Skills Required
- Speak clearly so listeners can understandRead and understand work-related materialsUnderstand written informationUnderstand spoken informationWrite clearly so other people can understandListen to others and ask questions

Skills Required
What Skills are Required in Animal Science Courses?
It’s important to have a deep understanding of Animal Science courses alongside its essential ranges of abilities to get yourself an employment in this field. A bit of these aptitudes have been referred to under close by tips how to hone these capacities. These abilities are sought after by the businesses
Animal Welfare
- Animal welfare assistance is imperative to meat creation since poor animal welfare assistance is related with helpless creature creation or wellbeing, and on the grounds that shoppers’ interests may impact market access. Animal Welfare is the subject of enactment, retailer guidelines, and codes of training.
Top Animal Welfare Courses
Course NameProviderDurationFees | Animal Welfare 101Udemy2 hoursINR 1,920Animal PhysiologyUdemy6 hoursINR 1,280 |
Animal Welfare Course Syllabus
Above Ground, Underwater: Amphibian HusbandryChirping, Crunching: Husbandry for the Humble InsectBubbles and Splashes: Aquatic HusbandryItsy-Bitsy and Invisible: Microscopic HusbandryMeowing, Purring: Cat HusbandrySlithering, Pattering ReptilesBarking, Meowing: Dog Husbandry- |
Animal Welfare Job Profiles
- Animal Welfare OfficerAnimal Welfare Attendant
- Study of human social institutions and more is called sociology.It is a diverse subject that can range from religion to crime, from state to family and form the variation of social class and race to the peoples with shared beliefs of a common culture. It can vary from radical change to social stability in the society for the study of the different variations of the subject.
Top Sociology Courses
CourseProviderDurationFees | Classical sociological theorycoursera13 Hrs.INR 3,616Feminism and social justicecoursera8 Hrs.INR 3,616Introduction to sociologyUdemy13 Hrs.INR 1,920 |
Sociology Course Syllabus
Sociological TheoriesSociology of DevelopmentPolitical SociologySociology of GenderSociological Research and MethodsSociety, Culture, Social Change, Social Stratification |
Sociology Job Profiles
- Guidance CounselorHuman Resources (HR) Representative
- The most important skill in our life is to be able to communicate effectively and efficiently.It allows people to transfer their information to other people for understanding what we are saying.
Top Communication Courses
Certificate NameProviderDurationees | English Communication skillsCoursera6 MonthsINR 3,616Communication Skills for beginnersUdemy31 HoursINR 8,640Communication Skills: Everyone should masterUdemy3 HoursINR 8,640Communication Skills : Personality and behaviourUdemy3 HoursINR 8,640 |
Communication Course Syllabus
Communicate effectively to individuals and small groupsDeliver presentationsDisplay basic public speaking skillsGrammar and English |
Communication Job Profiles
- Sales representativeAdmissions counsellorMovie reviewerAdvertising ExecutivePublic Relations Specialists
Fees and Rating Comparison
Animal Science Courses Online Fees and Rating Comparison
To know in detail about different courses, give a look to this table below here. We have listed the best online Animal Science courses in order of rating provided to them by the students enrolled. The fees and duration of Animal Science online courses are also mentioned.
Course NameProviderDurationRatingsFees | Animals and Society SpecializationCoursera3 months4.8INR 3,616Animal Behaviour and WelfareCoursera7 weeks4.8INR 3,616ANIMAL Communication CERTIFIED CourseUdemy8 hours4.7INR 8,640Asistente VeterinarioUdemy5 hours4.5INR 1,280Animal Breeding and GeneticsEdx3 months4.5INR 19,762 |
Comparison of Online Platforms Offering Animal Science Courses
The table below gives you some points to compare the online Animal Science courses offered by the two agencies Coursera and Udemy. In this case, we have compared their Animal Science Training courses.
ParametersCourseraUdemy | FeesINR 3,616INR 8,640Student Ratings4.74.7Enrollment21,2651,412Duration3 hours8 hoursCreated byUniversity of Colorado BoulderIn house |
National Open University of Nigeria
7203Programme TitleB. Agric. (Animal Science Option)Host FacultyAgricultural SciencesDegree TypeUndergraduateActiveYesPDF of Register-able Courses Animal Science and Fisheries May 2 2018.pdfAdmission Requirements
1. Admission available for 200 level only.
2. A minimum of 5 credits in O’ levels.
3. Compulsory courses required in O’levels are Mathematics, English Language and Chemistry
4. Any other relevant courses in O’levels(Biology, Agricultural Sciences, Physics, etc. )
Agricultural Science D
Biology E
Chemistry E
Economics E
Mathematics E
Physics E
6. A Diploma degree in Agricultural Economics and Extension or Animal Health and Production with a minimum of upper credit.

UTME and Direct Entry Requirements to Study Animal Sciences
Direct Entry Requirement for Animal Sciences:
Two (2) A level passes or its equivalent in Chemistry and one of Biology/Botany/Zoology/Agriculture Science/Geography/Geology/Mathematics/Economics.
UTME Requirement for Animal Sciences:
Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology/Agric Science and one of Physics, Geography or Economics.
UTME Subject combination for Animal Sciences:
Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and Mathematics /Physics.
Animal science requirements
Master of Veterinary Science in Animal Nutrition is a 2-year PG program that provides training in the field of nutrients regarding animals. It concentrates on areas where health and nutrients are most relevant to each other.
The basic eligibility criteria for enrolling in MVSc in Animal Nutrition is to qualify for the entrance exam and graduate with a minimum of 60%. Candidates can also appear for various entrance tests to get admission in this course as directed by universities and colleges. The average fees range from INR 8,000 to 3 Lacs per annum for this course.
MVSc in Animal Nutrition curriculum is well designed to make sure it qualifies the basic as well as advanced health and nutrient requirements in the animals. This course enables candidates to prepare themselves for nurturing breeds, livestock, and farm animals. The course includes animal science, animal health, and animal nutrition specializing in various species and breeds.
Graduates of MVSc Animal Nutrition can work as professors, researchers, doctors, etc. The starting salary of such graduates is INR 1 Lacs to 10 Lacs per annum.
MVSc Animal Nutrition: Course Highlights
Degree | MVSc in Animal Nutrition |
Full-Form | Master of Veterinary Science in Animal Nutrition |
Duration | Course Duration is 2 Years. |
Maximum age limit | no |
Minimum Percentage | Graduation with equivalent stream obtaining 60% and above with qualification in the Entrance exam. |
Subjects Required | Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology |
Average Fees Incurred | INR 8k-3 LPA |
Average Salary Offered | INR 1 LPA- 10 LPA |
Admission Process
MVSc Animal Nutrition: Admission Process
For candidates seeking admission to MVSc Animal Nutrition, eligible students need to clear the entrance exam, group discussion, and personal interview round.
- The registration forms for the exam, once available are shown on the desired colleges and university websites.
- The combination of marks scored at the graduation level and respective entrance examinations are considered for admission in this course.
- The selection process is carried out once the student clears the entrance test which is then followed by a GD round and PI round for getting admitted.
MVSc Animal Nutrition: Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for the MVSc Animal Nutrition program are suggested under:
- To be eligible, a candidate requires to qualify in the entrance exam required by the college/ university.
- The minimum percentage required to be eligible is 60% with qualified entrance examination
- Admissions can also be made through the management quota at the institutional level but either entrance or merit has to be in eligibility criteria.
Entrance Exams
MVSc Animal Nutrition: Entrance Exams
Below is the detailed information provided for the entrance examinations held for admissions for the MVSc in Animal Nutrition program. The admission is based upon qualifying these entrance exams from MVSc Animal Nutrition.
- CAT: The Common Admission Test is a PC based test for confirmation in an alumni management program. The test comprises three areas: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Ability. It is a different decision-based examination.
- CMAT: Common Management Admission Test is an on the web, public level PC based test led by the National Testing Agency, encouraging organizations to choose reasonable understudies for confirmation in all management programs. It is a different decision-based examination.
- MAT: Management Aptitude Test is a standard fitness test led for admission to MBA and associated programs by more than 600 business colleges across India. It is a numerous decision-based examination.
- Banaras Hindu University Research Entrance Test (BHU-UET/RET): BHU-UET/RET is a disconnected examination that is held for a span of 2 hours and 30 minutes. This examination is for the Undergraduate/postgraduate course individually. The Basic schedule of graduation level is requested for post-graduates. This examination is called Multiple Choice Questions. BHU-UET/RET is held once per year.
- DUET: Delhi University Entrance Test is an online entrance examination that is held for a span of 2 hours. This examination is for all candidates who need to take confirmation in Delhi university partnered schools. To be qualified, it is mandatory to clear the entrance test.
- Christ University EntranceTest (CU-ET): CU-ET is an online entrance test for the Undergraduate and postgraduate levels. For the most part, the span of this test is 2 hours and the format is Multiple Choice Questions are requested dependent on the prospectus from (10+2) for students and graduate-level schedule for postgraduates. The determination models to get chosen in the university depend on the total of legitimacy stamps and qualifying marks in the entrance examination.
- IPU CET 2020: Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test is an online entrance examination for two students and postgraduates. To be qualified to take admission to any of the Indraprastha university-partnered schools a candidate should fit the bill for this examination. The Duration of this entrance examination is 2 hours and 30 minutes.
- NPAT 2020: It is an online entrance examination that represents a length of 2 hours. The examination of different decision addresses based. The prospectus for this examination depends on (10+2) for Undergraduates and graduation level for Postgraduates.
- AMU Entrance Exam: The method of entrance examination is on the web. The length of this entrance examination is for 2 hours. The body directing this entrance examination is Aligarh Muslim University for all UG and PG courses.
- Jamia Millia Islamia Entrance Exam: The Mode of entrance examination is disconnected. The length of this examination is 1 hour and 45 minutes. This university gives a unique reservation to Muslim candidates.
Given below are the tentative dates of entrance exams for MVSc Animal Nutrition:
Entrance Exam | Registration Date | Exam Date |
CAT | September 23, 2020 | November 29, 2020 |
CMAT | December 2019 | January 28, 2020 |
MAT | October 5, 2020 | November 21, 2020 (for IBT Mode) December 6, 2020 (for PBT Mode) |
MVSc Animal Nutrition: Tips to clear the Entrance Exams
A Candidate needs to have unprecedented cutoff points and informational assortments to meet all necessities for the position test for MVSc Animal Nutrition. A couple of hints to help you with preparation and making mind-blowing execution in the entrance test are given under:
- Getting a few answers concerning the timetable for the situation test: irrefutably the essential advancement is to download a copy of the game plan from the individual school/choice test site page open. It is difficult to have to raise genuine factors of the structure that can help one with knowing the significance of the subject which is related to the course.
- Examining and altering past points: Do investigate and attempt to rethink subjects that can be staggeringly fundamental for the assessment as it can help with having an ideal use of the time and score remarkable inscriptions. Reevaluating old books or subjects furthermore helps with getting theoretical finding that makes it a lot less difficult for the contender at the test time.
- The Golden guideline of “Attentive solicitation achieves promising outcomes”: A Candidate should practice and rethink all the contemplations before the test the events possible with the objective that the late weight can be covered away
MVSc Animal Nutrition: What is it about?
- MVSc in Animal Nutrition is a 2-year PG program that provides training in the field of nutrients regarding animals.
- MVSc Animal Nutrition curriculum is well designed to make sure it qualifies the basic as well as advanced health and nutrient requirements in the animals.
- This course enables candidates to prepare themselves for nurturing breeds, livestock, and farm animals.
- The course includes animal science, animal health, and animal nutrition specializing in various species and breeds.
- The basic eligibility criteria for enrolling in MVSc Animal Nutrition is to qualify for the entrance exam and graduate with a minimum of 60%.
- Candidates can also appear for various entrance tests to get admission in this course as directed by universities and colleges.
- The average fees range from INR 8,000 to 3 Lacs per annum for this course.
- The starting salary of such graduates is INR 1 Lacs to 10 Lacs per annum.
Why Study MVSc Animal Nutrition?
- On completion of this course, students can easily get jobs as a professor, researchers, doctors, etc. The starting salary of such graduates is INR 1 Lacs to 10 Lacs per annum.
- If you have an interest in grasping all the aspects of this course you can land as a researching scientist in a named firm.
- Handsome salary packages are offered to MVSc Animal Nutrition graduates with an average salary of INR 1 – 10 Lakhs Per Annum.
pg diploma in animal welfare
Diploma in Animal Husbandry is a two or three year diploma course. It is a full-time course which focuses on giving knowledge of on the job training to the students in animal care and breeding.
The students are selected based on the merit and entrance examination in this diploma course. Some colleges conduct their own entrance examination. The students must have passed the 12th examination in science with Biology or Agriculture, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as compulsory subjects.
Some of the subjects which are taught in diploma in animal husbandry course are animal nutrition Genetics and animal breeding livestock production and management animal psychology and population Genetics applied to animal breeding.
The average annual fees which are charged by the universities of colleges is between INR 1,500 to 35,000. The average salary for freshers is between INR 1,00,000 to 6,00,000.
The future job profiles in which students can continue their career after completing a diploma in animal husbandry course are the students can get employment in animal clinics, private or government veterinary hospital as dairy farm manager, Veterinary, Farm supervisor/clerk or supervisor and the students can also get employed in Race clubs, stud farms, Dairy farms, poultry farms etc.
Diploma in Animal Husbandry Highlights
Course Level | UG Level |
Duration of Course | 2 or 3 Years |
Examination Type | Semester system |
Eligibility | Students must have passed Class 12 or equivalent from a recognized board with an aggregate of at least 50% marks |
Admission Process | Merit / Entrance Exam |
Average Annual Fees | INR 1,500 – 35,000 |
Average Annual Salary | INR 1,00,000 – 6,00,000 |
Recruiting Areas | Zoological Parks, State Animal Husbandry Department and Ministry of Agriculture, Dairy Farms, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries etc. |
Job Profiles | Farm Supervisor / Clerk / Supervisor, Veterinarian, Dairy Farm Manager etc. |
What is the Diploma in Animal Husbandry Admission Process?
Admission to this course will be done based on the candidate’s performance in the qualifying examination i.e. Class 10 exams. In merit-based selection, marks obtained by a candidate in the qualifying examinations are considered for offering admission into the course. The various steps involved in the admission process are given below.
- Registration:Registration date opens up annually and announcements are made in advance by the colleges. Registration will be done online where a profile needs to be created.
- Filling up of application form: Once a profile has been created, login and start the application process. Fill up the application form with past educational achievements, job experience, internships and projects done etc.
- Scan and upload documents: Documents like mark sheets, photograph, signature and transfer certificates must be scanned and uploaded online to the portal. All documents must be in a specific format and size only to be accepted.
- Application fee: A minimal application fee has to be paid to process the application. Payment can be done using online payment methods.
- Admission: Colleges take a couple of weeks to process applications. If a candidate meets the cut offs and all other criteria then an offer letter for admission is released.
Eligibility Criteria
Diploma in Animal Husbandry Eligibility Criteria?
Students who wish to pursue a Diploma in Animal Husbandry course must fulfil the following eligibility criteria.
- The basic eligibility to seek admission in diploma in animal husbandry course is that the student must have passed 12th examination from a recognized board.
- Students must have studied Biology or Agriculture/ Physics/ Chemistry and Mathematics as compulsory subjects and with minimum 50% marks as in aggregate. 5% relaxation is also given to the students of the reserved category.
Entrance Exams
Which are the top Diploma in Animal Husbandry Entrance Exams?
There are only a few colleges which conduct an entrance test for admission to the Diploma in Animal Husbandry course. The examination mostly has a duration of 2 to 3 hours during which the students are required to attempt objective type questions. The examination details are released by the colleges every year. For university specific entrance exams, students are advised to regularly visit the official website of colleges/ universities for further updates.APPLY NOWDOWNLOAD COURSE SYLLABUS IN PDFDOWNLOAD COURSE CUTOFF
How to Prepare for a Diploma in Animal Husbandry Entrance Exams?
Some of the important points that candidates can keep in mind while preparing for Diploma in Animal Husbandry entrance exams are given below:
- Syllabus: Students must go through the syllabus of the course and mark all the important topics from syllabus
- Revise important topics: Revise all the important topics from the syllabus. Make sure to solve all questions that are related to the important topics.
- Practice Previous Year’s Question Papers: Solve previous year’s question paper so that you can get use to the question and it will also help in increasing your speed as the exam will be in online mode
- Mock Test: Candidates can solve and give the online mock test at the official website. It will increase efficiency and speed and will boost up your confidence.
How to get admission in a good Diploma in Animal Husbandry college?
To secure admission into a top-ranked Diploma in Animal Husbandry college, a number of factors come into play. Some of the following tips will be helpful in that regard.
- The admission process to the course is either entrance based or merit-based.
- Since most colleges enroll students on the basis of merit, candidates are advised to procure high percentages in the papers in their higher secondary schooling.
- Participation and certification in various extra-curricular activities such as clubs, sports, and NGO volunteering can be an addendum to the list of merits.
- In the case of entrance based selection, it is very important to perform well and score above the qualifying marks in the entrance test in order to get admission in a good college.
- One must be well aware of the latest exam pattern. One must also know the weightage assigned to each section in the exam and prepare accordingly.
- One must start preparing for the entrance exam a year before as this gives ample time for learning and revision. Do keep your target institute in mind.

Diploma in Animal Husbandry Syllabus
The syllabus for Diploma in Animal Husbandry is given below:
Semester I | Semester II |
Introductory Livestock Anatomy | Elementary Statistics |
Introductory Animal Physiology | Introductory Folder Management and Grassland Management |
Introductory Animal Management I | Introductory Animal Breeding |
Introduction to Computer Application | Introductory Animal Management II |
– | Introductory Animal Husbandry Extension I |
– | Introduction to Environment Science |
Semester III | Semester IV |
Introductory Veterinary Microbiology | Introductory Animal Husbandry Economics and Marketing |
Introductory Veterinary Parasitology | Introductory Animal Nutrition II |
Preliminary Pathology | Introductory Pharmacology |
Introductory Animal Husbandry Extension II | Introductory Animal Reproduction I |
Introductory Animal Nutrition I | Introductory Animal Health Care I |
Semester V | Semester VI |
Introductory Animal Health Care II | Farm Practice Training |
Introductory Animal Reproduction II | Two months of cattle and buffalo |
Introductory Veterinary Public Health | One month of sheep |
Introductory Animal Management II | One month poultry |
Minor Veterinary Surgery | One month and three weeks of government dispensary |
_ | Seven days of educational tour |
_ | Report writing |
Diploma in Animal Husbandry College Comparison
The following table depicts the comparison made among the top three Diploma in Animal Husbandry Colleges in India.
Parameters | NDRI, Karnal | Kamdhenu University, Gandhinagar |
Overview | National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal offers a BTech degree in Dairy Technology (DT), Diploma in Dairy Technology, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying, Master’s program in dairying and doctoral programs in the various disciplines of dairying and dairy technology. | Kamdhenu University is a state university located at Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. It offers programs at undergraduate, postgraduate and diploma levels in the field of veterinary sciences, animal husbandry, and dairy. |
Location | Karnal | Gandhinagar |
Admission Process | Merit-Based | Merit-Based |
Average Annual fees | INR 8,456 | INR 12,480 |
Average Annual salary | INR 2,55,000 | INR 3,30,000 |
Top Recruiters | Dairy Farms, Wildlife sanctuaries, Zoological parks, State Animal Husbandry Department and Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries | Dairy Farms, Wildlife sanctuaries, Zoological parks, State Animal Husbandry Department and Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries |
Course Comparison
Diploma in Animal Husbandry Course Comparison
Diploma in Animal Husbandry vs Diploma in Agriculture
Both Diploma in Animal Husbandry and Diploma in Agriculture are related to each other, however, there are some differences between them.
The differences between the two courses mentioned above are provided in the table below:
Topics | Diploma in Agriculture | Diploma in Animal Husbandry |
Duration | 2 Years | 2 or 3 Years |
Focus Area | Focuses on basic methodologies of farming. | Focuses on imparting knowledge of on-the-job training to the students in animal care and breeding. This course basically focuses on nutrition breeding management breeding diseases genetics and hygiene. |
Admission Criteria | Merit / Entrance Exam | Merit / Entrance Exam |
Eligibility Criteria | The student must have passed Class 10th from any recognised university. | Students must have passed the 12th examination and science stream with Biology or agriculture physics chemistry and mathematics as compulsory subjects and with a minimum of 50% marks as in aggregate. 5% relaxation is also given to the students of the reserved category. |
Average Annual Fees | INR 5,000 – 2,00,000 | INR 1,500 – 35,000 |
Job Positions | Agriculture Inspector, Agriculture Engineer, Ecologist, Lecturer etc. | Farm Supervisor / Clerk / Supervisor, Veterinarian, Dairy Farm Manager etc. |
Job Areas / Recruiting Companies | Grant Thornton, HSBC Bank, National farmers association, Soil Association, etc. | Zoological Parks, State Animal Husbandry Department and Ministry of Agriculture, Dairy Farms, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries |
Average Annual Salary | INR 5,00,000 – 17,00,000 | INR 1,00,000 – 6,00,000 |
Future Scopes
Future Scopes of Diploma in Animal Husbandry
Diploma in Animal Husbandry program is gaining popularity nowadays and offers diverse career opportunities. This further affirms the immense popularity of the course among students. The most popular choices of education on completion of a Diploma in Animal Husbandry are as follows.
- PGD: A large number of Diploma holders choose to go for the PGDM course. Admissions are offered through a national level entrance test.
- Competitive examinations: Another route that Diploma holders can go for is to prepare for competitive examinations. Examinations that are meant for job opportunities in Government sector organizations are most popular. Jobs in this sector are secure with assured high pay and regular increments.
Job Prospects and Career Options after Diploma in Animal Husbandry?
The future job prospects and career options in which students can continue their career after completing a diploma in animal husbandry course are the students can get employment in animal clinics, private or government veterinary hospital as dairy farm manager, Veterinary, Farm supervisor/clerk or supervisor and the students can also get employed in Race clubs, stud farms, Dairy farms, poultry farms, etc.
Some of the popular professional avenues open to such professionals are listed below with the corresponding salaries offered for the respective positions:
Job Profile | Job Description | Average Annual Salary |
Dairy Production Manager | Dairy production manager maintain supervision production packaging in test quality of milk farm hygiene and health of dairy animals and other dairy products | INR 2,40,000 – 4,00,000 |
Animal Husbandry Supervisor | Animal husbandry supervisor supervises all the activities of the animals directly, trains the workers and monitors care, manages the activities of the farm, observes the signals of injury and illness, etc. | INR 1,00,000 – 2,40,000 |
Animal Husbandry Senior Clerk | Animal husbandry senior clerk assessed the task and portrayed the activities of the department. He also manages the transportation of the stock and manages the storage of the stock as well. | INR 1,10,000 – 4,10,000 |
Veterinarian | The veterinarian works in the clinic or the hospitals. These people treat the disease of the pet animals which surgical tools, ultrasound, x-ray machines and medical equipment | INR 1,20,000 – 6,00,000 |
Veterinary Officer Junior | Veterinary officer junior manages production management, milking management, junk stock management and herd management | INR 2,40,000 – 4,00,000 |
List of Postgraduate Courses in Agriculture
Education in agricultural will help to develop new techniques and varieties in the concerned field. There are many undergraduate as well as postgraduate courses available in the field of agriculture. One needs to select the course that will help in achieving the desired results. Government encourages candidates to pursue these courses as qualified candidates are the needed for the growth of this sector. Given below are a list of Postgraduate courses available in this field.
List of Postgraduate Courses
M. Tech. Environmental Engineering
M. Sc in Agriculture
M. Sc in Agricultural Extension
M. Sc in Agronomy
M. Sc in Soil Science
M. Sc in Agricultural Biotechnology
M. Sc in Agricultural Marketing
M. Sc in Agricultural Microbiology
M. Tech in Agricultural Engineering
M. E in Agricultural Engineering
Master of Agriculture in Entomology
Master of Agriculture in Horticulture
Master of Agriculture in Animal Sciences
Master of Agriculture in Entomology
Master of Agriculture in Plant Pathology
Master of Agriculture in Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Master In Agriculture And Rural Development
Doctor of Philosophy in Nutrition and Food Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture
PhD in Agricultural Engineering
P.G. Diploma in Agricultural Marketing
Career Prospects
There are opportunities for the students in agricultural field within India and abroad. In today’s world, high-tech farming is carried out to increase the productivity and the quality. Hence there is a need to specialise in the field of agriculture. They do have quite a few options after completing courses like MBA like being a Agribusiness Manager, Trading in Agricultural Commodities etc.
Being an agricultural scientist, one has to study on the different variety plants. Candidates who have completed the various courses in agriculture can seek jobs in the public as well as in the private sector. There is a need of these professionals in construction companies for clearing soil related doubts.
Aspirants who have the potential can get placed in Banking sector, farming, agricultural business and so on. Qualified professionals can also seek for employment in the teaching areas like teachers or lecturers in agricultural institutions. Professionals can expect excellent scale of pay working in agricultural sector. Those who have gained much experience can even start research institutions or farm schools.
Courses after BSc
Top 10 Career Options after BSc
Science has often been termed as the stream of opportunities with immense prospects of higher education and employment in a variety of fields. BSc graduates have a wide range of choices available in terms of subjects, fields, topics to look for in their postgraduate level degree programs. Non-science degree programs span across the disciplines of Computer Technology, Animation, Journalism, Management, Hospitality, Law, Social Work, etc. Here are the top career options after BSc:
- Master of Science (MSc)
- Master of Business Administration (MBA): MBA in Data Science, MBA in IT, MBA in Hospital Management, etc.
- Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
- Masters in Management (MIM)
- Masters in Data Science
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
- Appear for Government Exams like UPSC, IAF, IFS exam, RBI exams, etc.
- Bachelor of Education (BEd)
- Technical Short-term Courses like PGDM
Courses After BSc Chemistry
There is an immense career scope of BSc Chemistry and you can choose from a wide range of careers, both government and private jobs as well as masters level courses after BSc Chemistry.
Here are the top courses after BSc Chemistry:
- MSc Molecular Chemistry
- Masters in Computational Chemistry
- MSc Environment & Green Chemistry
- MSc Biochemistry
- MSc Oil & Gas Chemistry
- MSc Physical & Materials Chemistry
- MSc Theoretical Chemistry
- MSc Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- MSc Drug Chemistry
- MSc Medical Chemistry
- MSc Instrumental Analysis
- MSc Analytical Chemistry
- MSc Organic Chemistry
- MSc Inorganic Chemistry
- ME or MTech in Chemical Engineering
- MSc Applied Chemistry
- MSc in Chemistry
- MPhil Chemistry
- MSc Physical Chemistry
- MSc General Chemistry
BSc Agriculture Scope
BSc Agriculture also has a higher scope to help you land a high-paying job in Agricultural Research, Agribusiness and more. Here are the most popular jobs after BSc Agriculture:
Job Profile | Average Salary Per Annum |
Agricultural Officer | 9 Lakhs |
ICAR Scientist | 7 Lakhs |
Agriculture Analyst | 4.2 Lakhs |
Agriculture Sales Officer | 4.80 Lakhs |
Marketing Executive | 3.5 Lakhs |
JRF/SRF | 2 Lakhs |
Research Assistant | 3 Lakhs |
Project Associate | 4.2 Lakhs |
Plant Breeder | 7.7 Lakhs |
Animal Breeder | 4 Lakhs |
Seed Technologist | 3 Lakhs |
Agriculture Technician | 3.5 Lakhs |
Take a look at the best courses after BSc Agriculture:
- MBA in Agriculture
- Master’s in Agricultural Engineering
- Master’s in Environmental Agrobiology
- MSc in Agriculture
- Master’s in Agroecology
- Master of Food Science and Agribusiness
- MBA in Agribusiness
- MSc in Plant Pathology
- Master’s in Sustainable Agriculture
- Master’s in Agronomy
- MSc in Agricultural Economics
- MScAgric in Genetics
- Master’s in Plant Science
BSc Nursing Scope
Another prominent BSc course, BSc Nursing can help you enter the noble profession of nursing thus opening you to a new world of opportunities in the field of Medical Science. The best jobs after BSc Nursing are:
- Nurse
- Nursing Tutor
- Nursing Assistant
- Home Care Nurses
- Ward Nurse & Infection Control Nurse
- Junior Psychiatric Nurse
- Nurse Manager
- Nursing Assist. Supervisor
- Ward Nurse & Infection Control Nurse
- Community Health Nurse (CHN)
- Staff Nurse
- Assistant Nursing Superintendent
- Military Nurse
- Deputy Nursing Superintendent
Here are the best courses after BSc Nursing:
- MSc Nursing
- MPhil in Nursing
- MSc in Medical Surgical Nursing
MSc Courses after BSc
If you are looking for courses after BSc PCM, then Master of Science or MSc Courses are the most popular ones. These courses can either be pursued in the same specialisation like MSc Zoology after BSc Zoology or any of its specialisation like MSc Biotechnology after MSc Biology. Here is the list of best courses after BSc Chemistry, Zoology, Biology, Maths, Physics, etc.
- MSc Chemistry
- MSc Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- MSc Biochemistry
- MSc Biology
- MSc Biotechnology
- MSc Food Technology
- MSc Physics
- MSc Organic Chemistry
- MSc Inorganic Chemistry
- MSc Forensic Science
- MSc Applied Mathematics
- MSc Agriculture
- MSc Botany
- MSc Zoology
- MSc Electronics
- MSc Microbiology
- MSc Environmental Sciences
- MSc Horticulture
- MSc Forestry
- MSc Bioinformatics
Jobs After BSc
There are several jobs after BSc that you can pursue in the private as well as government sector. Let’s take a look at the best jobs after BSc:
- Research Scientist
- Clinical Research Specialist
- Lab Technician
- Biochemist
- Assistant Professor/Lecturer
- Lab Assistant
- Assistant Nurse
- IT/Technical Jobs
- Medical Representative
Here are the best government jobs after BSc:
- Forest Department- IFS Officer
- Indian Air Force
- AIIMS- Nursing Officer
- IARI- Laboratory Assistant
- FCI- Trainee
- RBI Grade B Officer
- Indian Railways – Assistant Officer/ JE
- Public Sector Bank- Probationary Officer
Master of Science or MSc/MS
When it comes to higher studies, this is one of the most common and logical choices among the list of courses after BSc. Master of Science is a postgraduate degree in various specialised fields of science such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Botany, Food Science, Life Science, Environmental Science, Computer Science, and so on. It also allows students to undertake independent research that contributes to knowledge in a specified area of Science over a shorter period of time.
Top Universities for MSc/MS
Many times, the course you want to study is not available in India. In that case, opting for study abroad comes to reuse. Considering that, we have curated the following list of top universities abroad offering plentiful courses after BSc:
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Stanford University
- University of Oxford
- The University of Melbourne
- University of Cambridge
- University of Toronto
Master of Business Administration or MBA
An MBA degree is the most sought-after career choice for graduates from every field. Pursuing an MBA helps individuals with technical and scientific knowledge to develop managerial skills. Various universities and colleges have come up with new-age MBA programs, especially for science graduates, the trending ones are listed below:
- MBA in Hospitality Management
- MBA in Information Technology
- MBA in Healthcare Management
- MBA in Healthcare
- MBA in Production Management
- MBA in Shipping & Logistics Management
- MBA in Laboratory Management
- MBA in Pharmaceutical Management
- MBA in Communication
- MBA in Biotechnology and Oil & Gas Management
Top Universities for MBA
Given below is a list of top MBA colleges abroad for students to who aim to study an MBA course after BSc:
- University of Pennsylvania
- INSEAD France
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Harvard University
- London Business School
- GLOBIS University
Master of Computer Application or MCA
With a tremendous boom in the IT sector, lucrative career opportunities for graduates in BSc has increased in the computer application and the IT industry. MCA courses are devoted more on the development of software applications, hardware, mobile computing, programming languages, algorithms, computer science, etc that can be used in various spheres of life. Making it a popular career choice of fresh graduates looking out for course after BSc.
Top Universities for MCA
Following is a list of top universities to pursue MCA:
- Kutztown University
- University of New Haven
- University of North Texas
- Troy University
- Virginia International University
Bachelor of Education or BEd
Students who have the potential to be expert teachers and professors, BEd degree is an excellent career choice of advancing studies. It coaches graduates into different and unique pedagogy techniques aiming to improve teaching prowess even further. BEd courses help individuals to develop skills and widen their understanding in order to impart quality education to their students. Teaching offers job security, job satisfaction, earning high income and flexible schedule.
Top Universities for BEd
Top universities to pursue BEd are as follows:
- University of Alberta
- University of Prince Edward Island
- Victoria University of Wellington
Technical Short Term Courses
BSc graduates who are looking to pursue skill-based programs can take up various technical short term courses like graphic design, web design, programming languages, financial accounting, post-graduation diploma, foreign languages, SEO and PPC courses and much more. Students going for short term courses in various fields acquire technical and theoretical knowledge to excel in their professional career. These courses are both classroom training programs and available via online mode.
LLB or Legum Baccalaureus is a bachelor of law degree of duration 3-4years which is yet another popular course after BSc. It is necessary for candidates to have an undergraduate degree to pursue this course. The curriculum is designed in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the legal system of a nation. Constitutional Law, Civil Procedure Code, Criminal Procedure Code, etc are some of the popular topics covered in LLB. It further leads to a plethora of diverse paths, as the stream offers a wide range of specializations ranging like Cyber Law, Environment Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law, etc.
Top Universities for LLB
- University of Sydney
- The University of Queensland
- Middlesex University London
- The National University of Singapore
- University College London
Masters in Management (MIM) is a postgraduate – level degree program that lasts for a duration of 1 or 2-year depending upon the country and university one plans to join. Like other management degrees, MIM concentrates on Marketing, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Consulting and related fields. It is an excellent course for those looking for postgraduate courses with a good ROI. Working professionals can upgrade their position at work by opting for higher studies. Students with a knack for Finance, Marketing and Management realms can opt for MIM courses. Applicants looking for management courses apart from MBA can consider MIM as a great option.
Top Universities for MIM
HEC Paris
London School Of Business And Finance
Essec Business School
Imperial College Business School
Another popular course after BSc is PGDM. Are you also wondering what makes it different from the traditional MBA programs? The answer to that is – it provides quality management-related knowledge in a specific and condensed curriculum. Typically running up to a period of six months to two years, depending on the location and nature of the programs, it focuses on breaking down the related aspects of management, i.e, Finance, Human Resources, Accounting, amongst others. As an example, a PGDM with a concentration in Finance aims to provide a sound understanding of management from the lens of financial tools such as investment, capital etc. In addition to this, students have the option to choose from a range of electives on offer so as to gain a multidimensional overview.
Top Universities for PGDM
- London School of Business and Finance
- Trinity College Dublin
- Monash University
- University of Toronto
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Career Opportunities
Science graduates can surely look for employment opportunities in the following sectors depending upon their specialization and field of interest.
- Hospitals
- Health Care Providers
- Space Research Institutes
- Educational Institutes
- Food Institutes
- Agriculture Industry
- Oil Industry
- Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Industry
- Chemical Industry
- Testing Laboratories
- Industrial Laboratories
- Research Firms
- Biotechnology Firms
- Seed and Nursery Companies
- Wildlife and Fishery Departments
- Geological Survey Departments
- Forensic Crime Research
- Forest Services
- Wastewater Plants
- Aquariums
- Environmental Management and Conservation
Government Exams after BSc
If you want to pursue a job in the government sector, here are the major exams you can prepare for after BSc:
- Indian Forest Services Exam
- UPSC Exams
- Railway Exams
- Bank Exams
- LIC AAO Exam
- AFCAT Exam