What can you do with an Environmental Studies Degree?

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Types of environmental studies

Types of Environmental Science Programs

Environmental science is a comprehensive field that encompasses numerous types of science (biology, chemistry, ecology and geology, to name a few), along with studies in everything from math to sociology to government policy. While a basic environmental science degree is certainly an option, why not consider focusing your studies in a more specific aspect of this field? Check out the many types of environmental studies program available to see which one may be a great match for you.

If youโ€™re most interested in the way ecosystems work, an ecology program may be the best fit for you. In this type of program, students learn about how evolution impacts the development of ecosystems, how to keep ecosystems stable, and the ways in which modern life threatens the ability of these ecosystems to survive. Some programs look at the larger global impact on ecosystems, while others focus on learning the intricacies of smaller ecosystems. For example, forestry programs look specifically at the ecosystems which impact and sustain trees, while wildlife ecology and marine ecology programs focus on animals and bodies of water, respectively.

If youโ€™re someone who wants to focus on environmental rights and making changes at the government level, consider enrolling in an environmental policy program.

Strong ecology programs can be found at the following schools:

Cornell University: Get an environmental studies degree with a concentration in applied ecology, which focuses on the conservation and management of habitats.
Penn State: Penn is ranked among the top colleges worldwide for forestry studies.
University of Maine: Its top-notch wildlife ecology program has been around since 1935.
College of the Atlantic: All students major in human ecology, with various concentrations.
University of California at Berkeley: Berkeleyโ€™s is ranked as the best ecology graduate school program by U.S. News and World Report.
If youโ€™re a problem solver who wants to find real ways to help the planet, then consider a planning-related environmental studies program. There are three main options in this area: engineering, sustainability and natural resources management. While these programs are closely related, they are put into practice in different ways:

Environmental engineers create practical solutions to environmental challenges, whether theyโ€™re developing an erosion control system or finding better ways to control air pollution.
Sustainability programs train students to apply environmentally friendly practices in real-world situations, like helping a company create green products or finding ways for cities to reduce waste.
Natural resources management programs tend to be more science-focused. Students in these programs often go on to become conservation scientists or consultants who design ways for landowners to make their land healthier and more productive.
Strong environmental planning programs can be found at the following schools:

Yale University: Its environmental engineering program offers students the chance to participate in exciting faculty research. Yaleโ€™s Engineers without Borders student group has traveled to countries like Honduras and Cameroon to design and construct water supply systems for rural villages.
Arizona State University: ASUโ€™s School of Sustainability was the first degree-granting program of its kind when it was established in 2007. The school is part of the Global Institute of Sustainability and offers concentrations in areas like policy, international development, sustainable energy and economics.
University of Washington: This college was one of the first to have a natural resources program. The University of Washingtonโ€™s environmental science and resource management program partners with several research labs and projects to give students hands-on learning experiences.

If youโ€™re someone who wants to focus on environmental rights and making changes at the government level, consider enrolling in an environmental policy program. These programs allow students to learn about environmental science along with environmental law, sociology, the legislative process, economics, energy issues and other topics relating to environmental policies. Studies in this area are great for those who plan to practice environmental law after attending law school. However, you can also use an undergraduate degree in environmental policy in a career working for an environmental rights organization or for a politician with an environmental rights agenda.

Strong environmental policy programs can be found at the following schools:

Washington University in St. Louis: The environmental policy program at this school includes a number of interesting course options, including โ€œCulture and Environmentโ€ and โ€œArchaeology and Climate Change.โ€ In addition, students in this program are encouraged to spend a semester in Washington, DC, working with groups like the Sierra Club and the Environmental Protection Agency.
University of California at Berkeley: Berkeleyโ€™s College of Natural Resources offers an environmental economics and policy degree thatโ€™s perfect for students who want to look at the way that the economy and political policies regarding the environment affect one another.
With the many different types of environmental science programs available today, itโ€™s easy for students who are passionate about the environment to find a major that fits their specific interests and goals.

Environmental Studies Requirements

Postgraduate study , Department of Ecology, Environment and Evolution, La  Trobe University
  • Human relationships with the natural world range across disciplines, from the cultural, philosophical, ethical, and aesthetic to the scientific, economic and political. Environmental Studies (ENV) is an interdisciplinary major, in which students learn critical thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills. ENV students learn to synthesize diverse disciplines and approaches, drawing on and learning to integrate theoretical and empirical approaches from the natural sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities to understand and develop strategies for solving environmental problems. Explorations of environmental theory and research methods, independent research, internships, and course-based service-learning are all integral to the ENV major.ENV students are active on and off campus, working with members of the faculty, staff, and administration and with members of the local community on research and sustainability projects involving recycling, energy efficiency, water resource management, purchasing and contracting policies, planning and land management, reforestation and forest mapping activities, food systems and agriculture, and other issues. ENV students have held internships in many local, regional, and national organizations involved in all facets of environmental science and policy, with organizations such as the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. National Marine Sanctuary Program, Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy, Philadelphia Zoo, Elmwood Park Zoo, Academy of Natural Sciences, environmental engineering and consulting groups, outdoor education centers, organic farms, and many other organizations. ENV majorsโ€™ professional experiences are tied closely to the ENV academic program; the integrated nature of ENVโ€™s approach to learning and practice helps to prepare ENV majors to be successful leaders and decision makers in the environmental arena.In addition to the focus on service and practice in the ENV curriculum, Ursinus College features a Sustainability Office, the staff of which work to connect students, faculty, and staff on the collegeโ€™s sustainability initiatives.The ENV major offers both a breadth of environmental education and the opportunity for students to focus on an area of expertise relevant to promoting critical thinking and an environmentally sustainable society. Students majoring in environmental studies at Ursinus prepare for successful graduate study and careers in environmental sciences, conservation, policy, planning, education, engineering, agriculture, journalism, law, and many other areas.Requirements for MajorsAll students majoring in Environmental Studies must take a minimum of 12 courses, including ENV-100, an internship, an elective, and one course from each of the following categories: introductory natural science, intermediate natural science, advanced natural science, introductory social science or humanities, introductory synthesis, intermediate synthesis with community engagement and applied problem-solving, intermediate synthesis with interdisciplinary data analysis and problem-solving, advanced critical thinking, and capstone. At least two of three natural science courses must have a S designation (BIO-101 and one from either the introductory or advanced natural science categories below).  All ENV majors are also encouraged to complete a minor (or major) in an additional field of study. Environmental Studies majors fulfill the college requirements for writing, oral presentations, and capstone experience by completing one of the Environmental Studies capstone courses: ENV-450W, 452W, or 454W. The ENV capstone courses also convey the applied nature of ENV by engaging students in an applied group project. These projects typically entail a partnership with either an off-campus organization or another (i.e., non-ENV) branch of the College. The ENV curricular requirements are as follows: ENV core courses (must complete all of the following):
    • ENV-100, Introduction to Environmental Studies
    • One introductory natural science course (BIO-101Q; CHEM-101Q/101L; ENV-140Q, 142; or, if the department chair approves, ENV-112)
    • One intermediate natural science course (ENV/BIO-234, ENV-244, 266, 268, or, if the department chair approves, ENV-350)
    • One advanced natural science course (ENV/BIO-310, 320, 325, 330, 334, 336, 365, 415W, 455W; ENV-370, 372, or, if the department chair approves, ENV-350)
    • One introductory social science or humanities course (ENV-110, 111, 216, 238; ENV/SOC-220; ENV/ANTH-230; ENV/PHIL-248; ENV/PSYC-260; ENV/ENGL-262; ENV/SOC-288; ENV/SOC-290; ENV/HIST-254 or, if the department chair approves, ENV-350)
    • Three synthesis courses (one from each of the following synthesis categories): 
      • one introductory synthesis course (ENV-242, 272, or, if the department chair approves, ENV-350)
      • one intermediate synthesis course with community engagement and applied problem-solving (ENV-332, 338, 340, or, if the department chair approves, ENV-350)
      • one intermediate synthesis course on interdisciplinary data analysis and problem-solving (ENV-360, 366, or, if the department chair approves, ENV-350)
    • One social science course in advanced critical thinking: ENV-428W, 430W, or, if the department chair approves, ENV-350)
    • One advanced synthesis capstone course in synthesis, integration, and community engagement: ENV-450W, 452W, or 454W
    • Completion of an internship: ENV-381 or 382
    • One ENV elective – For their elective, ENV majors must complete one of the following: an additional course from any of the non-internship categories listed above, four credits of ENV practicum (ENV-001 โ€“ ENV-006), four credits of directed research (ENV-391, ENV-392), or MATH/STAT-141Q. Only one three- or four-credit internship will count toward the major requirements. Substitutions may be made with the approval of the ENV Chair.
    In consultation with the ENV Chair, students may petition to have ENV-481W or 482W (independent research), or ENV-491W and 492W (honors research) satisfy requirements in one of the natural science, social science/humanities, or synthesis categories. For independent or honors research to fulfill the major requirements, students must have completed 12 semester hours of environmental studies courses, including ENV-100, and receive permission of the ENV Chair.ENV majors will receive a B.A. or B.S. degree. Students who minor or double major in a natural science discipline will have the option to elect a B.S. degree (for example, ENV majors who minor in Politics will receive a B.A., etc.; however, ENV majors who minor in Biology may elect to receive a B.S.).Requirements for MinorsAll students minoring in Environmental Studies must complete a minimum of six courses that count towards the environmental studies major:
    • ENV-100
    • One introductory synthesis course 
    • One course in introductory, intermediate, or advanced natural science
    • One course in introductory social science and humanities or advanced critical thinking
    • One intermediate synthesis course
    • One additional course from one of the following categories: intermediate synthesis, advanced critical thinking course, or advanced synthesis.  ENV/GEOL-102Q does not fulfill this requirement. 
    If they have not already done so, students minoring in ENV are also encouraged to take an advanced synthesis capstone course (ENV- 450W, 452W or 454W). ENV-350 (Topics in Environmental Studies) courses, independent research, or internships may satisfy the requirements of the minor. Students must receive permission of the ENV Chair for independent research or an internship to fulfill requirements of the minor.Teaching Certification in Environmental EducationStudents interested in teaching may obtain a Pennsylvania teaching certification in Environmental Education (K-12). Requirements for certification include the successful completion of a major in Environmental Studies, a minimum GPA of 2.7 in Environmental Studies coursework, and other requirements as specified by the Ursinus College Education Department and the State of Pennsylvania. These additional requirements include further coursework, a minimum GPA of 3.0 in Education courses, an overall GPA of 3.0, any necessary PAPA (Reading, Writing, and Mathematics) and Praxis II exams, and student teaching. Please work in close coordination with your academic advisor within Environmental Studies and consult the Ursinus College Education Department to coordinate your schedule to fulfill these requirements.

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