TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine (Medical School at University of North Texas Health Science Center) was established in 2018 and is based in Fort Worth, Texas. The University of North Texas Health Science Center is a public, four-year school with a total enrolment of 2,276 students. The enrolled students’ average GPA is 3.62, and their average MCAT score is 508.
TCU medical school ranking, does TCU have a medical school, how to apply to TCU medical school, UNT TCU medical school acceptance rate, is TCU good for pre med, and other topics are covered in depth by Collegelearners. Take a look around our catalog for more information on related subjects.
TCU Medical School Requirements
In 2018, TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine were established. TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine is located in Fort Worth, Texas, at TCU Box 297085. The University of North Texas Health Science Center is a public, four-year school with a total enrolment of 2,276 students. Medical school has 60 students, including 24 males and 36 women. TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine welcomed new students last year.
In July 2021, the TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine welcomed its third class of 60 Empathetic ScholarsTM. These outstanding individuals were chosen from 8,100 applications from throughout the country, representing 39 undergraduate institutions, and have decided to continue their education at one of the country’s newest and most creative medical schools. Students prepare for the future of medicine by focusing on genetic and molecular medicine and studying using the newest breakthroughs in virtual reality and artificial intelligence, in addition to traditional skills. These are the physicians of the future, with compassion and great communication abilities.

TCU Medical School Acceptance Rate
The Texas Christian University Medical School is a cutting-edge, fast-track curriculum designed to meet the growing demand for physicians in Texas and abroad. TCU is devoted to produce compassionate, competent physicians and scientists by integrating medical education with clinical and research opportunities while delivering a solid medical education. Every day, donations to the medical school have an impact on people’s lives. You may designate your gift to assist one of the following areas of focus:
• Student Scholarships and Assistance
• Faculty Recruitment
• Endowed Chairs and Professorships
• Innovative Academic Program Support
is TCU a good Medical School
A private medical school, the TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine relies heavily on philanthropic support from generous donors. Gifts to supplement the annual operating budget, as well as building a long-term endowment to sustain our people and programs in perpetuity, are vital and will be gratefully received.
The Texas Christian University School of Medicine is committed to educating physician, scientist and community medical leaders who will provide quality, accessible and affordable health care for all Americans.
The medical school at Texas Christian University has an application deadline of Nov. 22. The application fee at Texas Christian University is $100. Its tuition is full-time: $60,318. The faculty-student ratio at Texas Christian University is 2.2:1. The medical school has 264 full-time faculty on staff.
TCU medical school ranking
Texas Christian University is Unranked in Best Medical Schools: Research and Unranked in Best Medical Schools: Primary Care. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.
is tCU medical school accredited
The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) granted the TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine Provisional Accreditation, bringing the medical school one step closer to full accreditation.
Transfer Requirements
Students with special talents whose application profiles differ from the general population of admitted and enrolled students, such as artists, athletes, dancers, musicians, poets, and others who demonstrate exceptional ability or potential in their chosen academic, athletic, or other area of interest, will be given special consideration. The Chancellor shall appoint committees or admission officials to make Special Talent admission decisions.
Students admitted to the university will receive, with their letter of admission, a transcript evaluation sheet listing all transferable courses. A course listed as “transferable” on the transcript evaluation is not necessarily applicable or acceptable under certain degree programs.

Residency Requirement
Regardless of the amount of credit hours transferred, a total of 58 semester hours in residence must be successfully completed to obtain a TCU degree. Students must designate a major field of study after completing 54 college hours. A maximum of 66 hours from another accredited college may be applied to a TCU degree. Physical education exercise courses may count for no more than 8 semester hours toward graduation requirements.
Academic Requirements
Admission to TCU as a transfer student is based upon evidence of ability to succeed in college-level work. The applicant’s total record will be assessed, taking into account the following:
- the cumulative grade point average
- quality of curriculum
- the number of hours and GPA in core subjects
- the high school record and test results (if possessing fewer than 24 transferable semester hours at the time of application)
- extracurricular activities, achievements and honors
- essay
The applicant must have an excellent academic record and be eligible to return to all previous institutions. Official transcripts from each college attended must be submitted, regardless of whether the work was satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or interrupted. Failure to divulge any aspect of a previous academic record is a serious breach of trust that can result in a student’s dismissal and loss of credit earned while at TCU.
Evidence of satisfactory academic standing and adequate academic credentials at a regionally accredited institution or university are necessary. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required for consideration, while admission normally requires a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher on transferable academic coursework. Every application will be considered on its own merits. Academic work accomplished in recent semesters is typically given more weight than work completed in previous semesters.

Academic Fresh Start is provided for undergraduate students who have demonstrated better than average academic performance in recent college coursework. Only applicants who have completed academic course work ten or more years prior to their current application may be considered for Academic Fresh Start. Students electing to use the Academic Fresh Start policy may request forfeiture of all credits earned prior to ten years from the date of their currently requested admission to TCU. Students must submit transcripts from all colleges attended and the Academic Fresh Start form for consideration.
Grades on all attempted transferable courses except physical education activity courses (including repeated courses and those in which grades of F, D or I) will be used in calculating the grade point average to determine the applicant’s qualification for admission. Once admitted, a student’s transfer grades will not be entered on the student’s permanent record at TCU.
Courses that do not transfer to TCU include the following:
- courses in which a grade lower than C was earned
- courses considered to be developmental (e.g., orientation, time management, library skills) or remedial (e.g., those in English, math and reading)
- Vocational-Technical courses

International Transfer Requirements
- English Proficiency as demonstrated by one of the following – For those whose native language is not English. Required scores: 80 TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or 6.5 IELTS (International English Language Testing System). The TOEFL/IELTS may be waived for applicants with strong SAT or ACT scores or for those who have completed at least 24 hours of transferable academic credit (including English composition) from a college in the U.S.
- TCU Financial Statement completed by the applicant and the applicant’s sponsor and accompanied by a letter from the sponsor’s bank and employer.
- Optional interview – If you aren’t able to visit TCU in person, please contact
Separate academic requirements exist for:
Strategic Communication