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UMASS Amherst Medical School
That said, 76 percent of UMass Amherst students and alumni with cumulative and science GPAs of 3.6 or higher and who scored at or above the 74th percentile on the MCAT (510) were admitted to MD programs for fall 2020.
Perennially ranked in the top 10 percent for primary care education by U.S. News & World Report, UMass Medical School advances the health and well-being of the people of the Commonwealth and the world through pioneering education, research and health care delivery.
Located 45 minutes west of Boston in the second-largest city in New England, UMass Medical School offers rigorous health sciences programs in three graduate schools: the School of Medicine, the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and the Graduate School of Nursing. Its School of Medicine is ranked in the top one percent nationally for student satisfaction.
World-Leading Discovery
Boasting some of the world’s leading scientific minds, UMass Medical School’s faculty includes a Nobel Laureate, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigators and a Breakthrough Prize winner. UMass Medical School is a globally recognized leader in biomedical research, with its researchers making pivotal advances in the fight against HIV, cancer, diabetes, ALS and infectious diseases, and its campus hosting an institute for rare diseases research and an RNA Therapeutics Institute.
Funded Research
UMass Medical School’s relentless commitment to discovery is supported by nearly $400 million each year in external research funding. UMass Medical School ranks 14th nationally among public medical schools for funding from the National Institutes of Health, according to the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research.
UMASS Amherst Medical School Acceptance Rate
A school’s reported percentage of admits to medical/dental school can be difficult to interpret. Statistics can be misleading. Most graduate programs in the health fields strongly encourage students to get a committee letter—a letter of recommendation—from their undergraduate institution. Schools that want to say that 100 percent of their students who applied to medical school were admitted can simply decline to write a committee letter for anyone who is unlikely to be admitted. Nationally, about 40 percent of applicants get accepted to medical school.
UMass Amherst, being a public institution of higher learning and committed to transparency and flexibility, writes a committee letter for any student or alum who requests one by our deadline. Advisors coach students who are not on track for admission to fill the gaps in their application before applying but do not stop anyone from applying.
That said, 76 percent of UMass Amherst students and alumni with cumulative and science GPAs of 3.6 or higher and who scored at or above the 74th percentile on the MCAT (510) were admitted to MD programs for fall 2020. The rate of admission increased substantially beyond 76 percent when students had meaningful, sustained service and clinical experience before applying and when they were genuinely open to attending DO programs. For this reason, students are coached as early as orientation about what admissions committees will expect.

Department Requirements
Each major has its own requirements for the degrees that it offers. The CNS Majors and Minors page provides a list of all majors with links to departmental websites, which list the requirements. Students are encouraged to meet with a departmental adviser to learn more about their departmental degree requirements.
BS Degree: CNS Requirements
Students seeking a Bachelor of Science degree are required to complete at least 60 CREDITS OF COURSEWORK in courses offered by the departments in the college (or approved courses offered by departments outside the college). Credits earned to satisfy General Education and major requirements count toward this requirement.
BA Degree: CNS Requirements
Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree must demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language at the intermediate level, by one of the following methods:
- Completion of a foreign language course at the fourth semester level (Intermediate II or Intermediate Intensive courses numbered 240-249). Intermediate II courses may be graded on a Pass/Fail basis.
- Degree credit equivalent earned through an appropriate score on a College Board Foreign Language Achievement Test (SAT II) or a College Board Advanced Placement Test.
- Proficiency demonstrated in a test designed by a University of Massachusetts Amherst language department, or a test administered and validated by a local faculty member if the language is not one offered by a department at the university.
- Satisfactory completion in high school or college of either a fourth-level foreign language course, or of a third-level course in one language and a second-level course in another language.
- Successful completion of one year in a high school in which English is not the language of instruction.
- Successful completion of a semester or year’s study abroad program that leads to foreign language proficiency at the fourth semester (Intermediate II) level as approved by the appropriate language department.
Students who have not satisfied the Foreign Language requirement should select a foreign language course each term in residence until the requirement has been satisfied. The university offers sequences that satisfy this requirement in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish. Students who have not yet completed the Foreign Language requirement may not apply their Pass/Fail option to foreign language courses numbered below 240. Students who are certified by the Disability Services Office as having a significant hearing impairment or documented learning disability that seriously limits the acquisition of foreign language skills may qualify for special accommodation. These students should meet with their academic dean in the CNS Advising Center.
Secondary Majors and Degrees
A student whose primary major is not in CNS but who is pursuing a second major in CNS will not be subject to the CNS college requirements. Students pursuing a second degree in CNS will be subject to either the BS or the BA requirements described above, according to which degree they are pursuing, whether or not their first degree is in CNS.