If you are interested in learning about university of maine coastal engineering for the first time, you may find the subject overwhelming to those who have never researched the subject before, but you will become fascinated at first glance with the details you learn.
Find out more about university of maine engineering, university of maine civil engineering faculty, university of maine graduate school acceptance rate, and umaine engineering faculty. See also articles related to university of maine graduate programs on collegelearners.
Undergraduate Program
Welcome students! You are heading for an exciting career in Civil and Environmental Engineering. The faculty and staff are here to teach you and help you along the way so that you become a successful engineer.
Focus Areas
The main focus areas offered by the Department are described below. Students can also earn a concentration as part of their degree that must be declared with the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department before the start of their final semester.
- Transportation: focus on roadway design and planning
- Environmental: focus on interaction of engineering, soil science, chemistry and biology to resolve environmental problems
- Water Resources: focus on hydrology and design of water resources such as groundwater, surface water, and watershed engineering
- Structures & Mechanics: focus on mechanics , modelling and design of structures such as bridges and buildings
- Geotechnical: focus on the engineering behavior of soil and design of foundations and earth retaining structures
Graduate Program
Welcome prospective and current graduate students. The Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Maine is proud of its nationwide prestigious Graduate School. We are striving for succsess with our established Graduate School learning outcomes. A brief description of our key specialization areas follows.
- Transportation Engineering
- Structural Engineering & Mechanics
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
- 4+1 Masters of Engineering (ME) degree in “Water and Environment.”
You can start the application immediately within this page (bottom left side). Note that for the incoming year 2021, GRE scores are waived as part of the application process.)
Graduate Student Resources
- Advanced Structures and Composites Center (Research Center)
Job Openings
- Available positions for MS and PhD candidates in Transportation Engineering – contact Dr. Ali Shirazi at shirazi@maine.edu
- Available positions for Graduate Program candidates in Coastal Engineering – contact Dr. Kim Huguenard at kimberly.huguenard@maine.edu and Dr Lauren Ross at lauren.ross1@maine.edu
Useful Umaine Links
Questions can be directed to cie.graduate@maine.edu