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About University Of Calgary Medical School Application
Application Requirements
The MD Program has 162 positions available for exceptional qualified applicants.
Please review the requirements for application to the MD Program carefully. Should you submit your application but fail to meet any of the below requirements your application will be deemed incomplete or ineligible. Please note that meeting the requirements for application does not guarantee admission.

All applicants to the Doctor of Medicine Program must be registered in a baccalaureate degree from a program recognized by the University of Alberta and obtain their degree the year admission is sought or already have completed their degree program. We have no preference for which institution you attend nor which degree program you complete, provided that the institution and program you choose is recognized by the University of Alberta; you should be pursuing your own interests while fulfilling the requirements of your degree program. Applicants must have a minimum of 60 transferable units of course weight (ucw). We require that our applicants complete one academic year (September 1 through April 30) with a full course load prior to being admitted; the definition of full course load as ascertained by your accredited home institution must also be recognized by the University of Alberta. For example, the University of Alberta recognizes a full course load as 30 transferable ucw, equivalent to 10 half-year courses. The purpose behind this requirement is to assess whether students will be able to handle the course load in the Doctor of Medicine Program.
Courses from external institutions are converted to University of Alberta ucw. Labs that are co-requisites for lectures and are reported as separate courses on external transcripts will not be included in the total ucw; at the University of Alberta a course with a lab component is reported singularly as 3 or 6 ucw.
IB/AP credits received towards your baccalaureate degree are not considered part of post-secondary coursework and will not be used towards your application.
cGPA Calculation for 2021/2022 Application Cycle
To calculate cGPA, we include all transferable post-secondary coursework to which a grade was assigned while the student was enrolled full-time (by University of Alberta definition) during the academic year (September through April) or full-time during the Spring and Summer terms (May through August).
For undergraduate students, to be considered full-time you must complete 18 transferable units of course weight (ucw) during the academic year (September through April) or 12 ucw during the Spring and Summer terms (May through August).
All coursework completed as part of a course-based graduate program will be evaluated based on the above guidelines.
All coursework completed as part of a thesis-based graduate program to which a grade and course weighting was assigned will be included in the calculation of cGPA.
For information regarding how Winter 2020 coursework and grades are factored into cGPA calculation, please see the Use of Winter 2020 in cGPA Calculation notice.

For applicants presenting 4 or more full-time academic years (September through April) of transferable post-secondary coursework, we may exclude the lowest academic year from calculation, provided that it is not the most recent full-time academic year, nor the only year in which the student earned 30 ucw.
Meeting the minimum cGPA for application does not guarantee admission to the Doctor of Medicine Program. We encourage our applicants to have an alternate career path in mind as the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of positions we have available in our program.
The minimum cumulative GPA (cGPA) required to be eligible to apply for Albertan applicants is 3.30 on the UofA 4.0 grading scale.
The minimum cGPA required to be eligible to apply for Non-Albertan applicants is 3.50 on the UofA 4.0 grading scale.
Applicants must send official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions ever attended directly from the issuing institution to the Office of the Registrar. Photocopies, hand-delivered copies, unofficial copies, and WES evaluations will not be accepted. Students who have attended an international institution may be required to provide further supporting documentation, such as course descriptions. Please refer to your UAlberta Launchpad for required checklist items and forms. Required supporting documentation must be received by the Office of the Registrar before they are able to evaluate your file. Failure to provide these may result in your application being deemed incomplete, resulting in the closure of your file.
For concerns regarding your transcripts and supporting documentation please contact the Office of the Registrar directly.
Unofficial interim transcripts can be uploaded via your UAlberta Launchpad.
Official electronic transcripts can be sent to
Transcript Mailing Address:
Office of the Registrar
201 Administration Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2M7
Phone: 780-492-3113
Toll-Free: 1-855-492-3113
Note: Students do not need to request University of Alberta transcripts; we have access to them through the Office of the Registrar.
The University of Alberta may be able to obtain transcripts from participating Alberta post-secondary institutions on the applicant’s behalf via ApplyAlberta. You will have agreed to this process when completing the Application for Admission. Please check your UAlberta Launchpad for details of which transcripts the Office of the Registrar has requested on your behalf. Please be aware that there are instances where your institution may refuse to send transcripts to us, typically due to unpaid fees or if there is a discrepancy in your identifying information. If this occurs you must settle your account with that institution and request a transcript be sent to us yourself.
Graduate Students
All applicants are subject to the same application requirements.
Applicants who have obtained a Masters or PhD are eligible to receive additional points towards their rank score. For those nearing completion of their program who wish to have these points added to their score, please have your supervisor provide a letter as proof of successful completion once you have defended your thesis with no required revisions.
For those completing a Masters by coursework we will require a letter from your faculty indicating that you have completed the required coursework and have applied for and been approved to graduate.
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
All applicants must complete the MCAT and meet the minimum requirements for each section in a single test sitting to be eligible to apply to the Doctor of Medicine Program.
Meeting the minimum MCAT scores for application does not guarantee admission to the Doctor of Medicine Program. We encourage our applicants to have an alternate career path in mind as the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of positions we have available in our program.

MCAT scores must be released and verified in your UAlberta Launchpad by the October 1, 2021 11:59:59PM MT deadline. As such, the last testing date we will accept for the 2021/2022 application cycle is August 28, 2021.
When choosing your MCAT test date you should keep in mind that test results must be released to us, entered into your application, and verified in the UAlberta Launchpad prior to the application deadline. As such, you should be reviewing the test score release dates when choosing your test date.
You must release your scores to us via the THx system on the AAMC website prior to this deadline. The MCAT must have been written within the last five years prior to application deadline. As such we will not be accepting scores from test dates prior to October 1, 2016. If there is a discrepancy between the information you provide to us and that available from AAMC we will contact you through your email account to correct this prior to the October 1 deadline. Should you fail to have a discrepant MCAT score corrected and verified prior to the application deadline your application will be considered incomplete, resulting in the closure of your file.
Should you enter, save, and have your test scores verified in the UAlberta Launchpad and later wish to have them changed to a more recent set of scores that still fit our criteria please contact us immediately. The single set of test scores that you submit with your application are the only set of scores we will use.
The MCAT is comprised of four sections:
- Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems (CPBS)
- Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS)
- Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems (BBFL)
- Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behaviour (PSBB)
For course recommendations to complete the MCAT, please refer to the AAMC website.
The minimum MCAT score to be eligible to apply for Albertan applicants is 124 in all categories (CPBS, CARS, BBFL, PSBB)
The minimum MCAT score to be eligible to apply for Non-Albertans is 128 in CARS and 124 in CPBS, BBFL, and PSBB
Citizenship and Residency
The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry welcomes applications from qualified individuals who:
Are residents of Canada, either as a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
Meet the eligibility criteria
Believe they would be competitive in the selection criteria
We regret that we are unable to admit international students. Should you wish to attend another program at our institution please contact International Student Services.
Residency Status
Please refer to the University of Alberta Calendar for the residency definition. If you feel that this definition reflects your current and expected residence, you may claim Alberta residency on your application. We reserve the right to correct your residency claim should we feel that the information in your application does not support your claim and would refer the applicant to the Code of Applicant Behaviour. Any inquiries related to residency will be directed to the above statement.
Personal Activities
The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta values diversity in our entering medical class. To this end, the Personal Activities section gives you the opportunity to highlight your life experiences that you feel will enhance your application. The Personal Activities section is comprised of five subsections:
Employment: Include a brief description of the nature of the work, your responsibilities, a brief description of the time commitment (ie. part-time during summer, seasonal, full-time, etc), and the total number of verifiable hours worked in each position. (325 characters per)
Leadership Roles: List and briefly describe areas where you have provided a major leadership role. This applies to scholastic, sports, volunteerism, arts, and community activities. Include a brief description of the time commitment (ie. part-time during summer, seasonal, full-time, etc) as well as the total number of verifiable hours committed. (325 characters per)
Volunteer Work: Include total number of verifiable hours worked in each activity and a brief description of the time commitment (ie. part-time during summer, seasonal, full-time, etc). (325 characters per)
Life Experience & Achievements: This section encompasses many domains including, but not limited to, achievements and experiences in: education, arts, music, sports, athletics, science, research, languages, communication, cultural and ethnic experiences, and travel. You can include activities which you feel have defined your life. Include a brief description of the time commitment (ie. part-time during summer, seasonal, full-time, etc) as well as the total number of verifiable hours committed. (325 characters per)
Personal Highlights: This section is comprised of three questions, all of which are mandatory.
Please list and describe your top two personal achievements/experiences. (750 characters per)
Please share a life experience where you encountered challenges and describe how you addressed the situation(s). You may include a different experience that you have not previously addressed in your application which will further serve the goal of learning more about you as an applicant. (2000 characters)
Please share an experience that you have had which was significant enough, potentially even life altering, that helped you become a better person. (1500 characters).
Please note that applicants are not required to reveal anything that is considered protected under human rights legislation.
For Employment, Leadership Roles, Volunteer Work, and Life Experiences & Achievements: you should be selective and concise in the activities you choose to include. A minimum of one entry, to a maximum of four, is required per section. By not including any items in these any of these sections you are accepting a 0 for that section. Details about each activity are required, such as length of time commitment, description of time commitment, number of verifiable hours committed, and description of activity. For example, when calculating the number of hours committed to an activity, please do not include hours dedicated to sleep. We suggest that you discuss the information you are choosing to include with your verifier and notify them that they will be contacted. For employment activities we recommend that you confer with your payroll department to confirm hours of employment.
As all activities are verified, you must provide us with the contact information for someone who can confirm the details you have provided for each activity. You should not be using yourself as a verifier. When possible, avoid using family members or close friends as verifiers. Should we have any issues during this process we will add a checklist item in your UAlberta Launchpad for you to complete. If you do not hear from us, assume that everything is fine.
Reference Letters
For application to the Doctor of Medicine Program you will submit the contact information for two referees, or recommenders, as part of the Application for Admission. Please only select individuals (ie. coach, co-worker, employer, leader of volunteer organization or club, professor, supervisor, research supervisor, teacher, etc.) who know you in a supervisory or professional capacity and who presently know you well enough to speak to your moral and ethical character.
When filling out the recommender portion of the AFA please keep the following in mind:
Once you save your recommender’s information the application immediately sends them the request via email.
You must fill out the text box otherwise your recommender will not know what the email is regarding. We recommend filling referencing the Doctor of Medicine Program at the University of Alberta and indicating the deadline of October 1, 2021 at 11:59:59PM MT.
Your referees, or recommenders, will complete their reference letters in the form of a series of standardized questions; this must be submitted to us by October 1, 2021 at 11:59:59PM MT. We will not be accepting formal written letters.
Referees absolutely cannot be relatives, family members, friends, close family friends, or personal physicians.
Additional Testing
All applicants who successfully complete and submit their Application for Admission AND complete all required checklist items and forms AND meet the minimum academic requirements for application will be required to do additional testing in Fall 2021. The online assessment (CASPer), provided by Altus Assessments, will cost approximately $60. Successful completion of CASPer is mandatory in order to maintain admission eligibility. In order to take CASPer, you will be responsible for securing access to a computer with audio capabilities, a webcam, and a reliable internet connection on your selected test date. We do not require that you do the CASPer Snapshot for the 2021/2022 application cycle.
Please go to to sign up and reserve a test using your U of A Student ID Number and a piece of government-issued photo ID.
CASPer test results are valid for one application cycle. Applicants who have already taken the test in previous years will, therefore, be expected to re-take it. Applicants who will be taking the CASPer at an earlier testing date than those mentioned on our website will not need to retake the test. The testing dates listed below are specifically for students who will not have written it at any point prior for any other institution.
August 8, 2021 @ 1:00PM ET
August 31, 2021 @ 5:00PM ET
September 23, 2021 @ 5:00PM ET
October 7, 2021 @ 5:00PM ET
October 14, 2021 @ 8:00PM ET
October 19, 2021 @ 5:00PM ET
Please note that these are the current dates and times as we know them to be true. You can begin registering for the CASPer when fall dates become available. If you are already completing the CASPer on a date not listed above for a different Canadian institution we will accept the score from that test date. Direct any inquiries on the test to Alternatively, you may use the chat bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen on the CASPer website.
CASPer test results must be released to us by December 1, 2021.
It has not yet been decided whether interviews for the 2021/2022 application cycle will be virtual or in person. Please check back later in the cycle. Interview notifications are sent in early to mid February. Applicants who receive an interview invitation will find out more information about the weekend, including social events, on the Candidate Information website. Please note that anything you have included in your application may be discussed with you during the interview process. We recommend that you review your application prior to arrival. We understand and respect that you may choose to share highly sensitive personal information either on your application or during the interview process; this information is kept in the strictest confidence and is unlikely to negatively impact your application. We do appreciate the strength that is required to discuss these topics.
2021/2022 Application Cycle Interview Dates
March 19-20, 2022
Important Notes
- Conduct by individuals seeking admission to the University of Alberta that compromises the integrity and fairness of assessment for admission threatens the proper functioning of the University. Procedures outlined in the Code of Applicant Behavior should be reviewed and adhered to.
- You must be conscientious when choosing referees, writing personal activities, and during the interview weekend. If you receive a negative assessment or if the validity of the information you have provided on your application comes into question your application may be negatively impacted. Please review the Code of Applicant Behaviour to ensure that you are not jeopardizing your application; our expectation is that our applicants behave in a professional manner at all times.
Why take the Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program?
This intensive four-year program is designed to develop knowledgeable, compassionate, collaborative, reflective, and professional physicians committed to quality health care and lifelong learning.
Our innovative curriculum combines lectures and laboratory instruction with small-group case studies, problem-based learning, and preceptor-guided clinical skill sessions, providing a well-rounded degree that emphasizes education, research, and patient care.
You’ll spend years 1 and 2 building your foundational knowledge and skills while gaining progressive clinical exposure, culminating in immersive clinical training in years 3 and 4.
The MD Program is broad and deep, with an expansive yet highly structured curriculum and numerous opportunities for research and specialization.
Why study Medicine at the University of Alberta?
Established in 1913, the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta is one of Canada’s premier health science institutes, with an international reputation for medical education and research and state-of-the-art teaching and clinical facilities.
As part of the largest teaching hospital in Western Canada, we are able to offer more than 50 residency programs, including Family Medicine, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Neurology, and Cardiology.
For more information please visit the MD Program webpage.
Possible Careers
Canadian Forces Commissioned Officer
Megan, from Wainwright, is a Medicine student, mental health advocate, and volunteer. As an undergrad, Megan spent four summers in Ecuador working with a non-profit, shadowing physicians and volunteering with rural housing construction. Now, she’s back at the U of A to complete her degree.
Program requirements
Tuition & fees
Scholarships & financial support
Non-Direct Entry
This program does not allow admission directly from high school. See requirements below for more details.
Important information about admission to the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
You must be a Canadian citizen or a Permanent Resident of Canada.
There is no direct entry from high school into the Doctor of Medicine program. Applicants must have obtained a baccalaureate degree prior to admission to the Doctor of Medicine program, completing a minimum of 2 years of transferable coursework (★60, of which ★30 must be taken full-time in one Fall/Winter) (★ = units of course weight)
To be eligible to apply, a minimum GPA of 3.30 is required for Alberta residents and 3.50 for Non-Alberta residents.
Applicants are required to write the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). To be eligible to apply, a minimum score of 124 in all categories is required for Alberta residents; for Non-Alberta residents applicants must have a 128 in CARS and 124 in CPBS, BBFL, and PSBB.
Applicants are required to complete the Secondary Medicine Application. It is comprised of reference letters, personal activities, and additional information.
Applicants who successfully complete both applications and meet all minimum requirements will be required to do additional testing.
Based on selection criteria, competitive applicants will be selected to participate in an interview for admission into the University of Alberta Doctor of Medicine Program.
Preference is not given to one degree program over another. There are no pre-requisite courses.
Note: Applicants to the Doctor of Medicine program must apply using the online application.
Alberta Grade 12 Preparation: It is recommended that students have the following Grade 12 subjects: English Language Arts 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Mathematics 30-1 and Physics 30.
Additional Requirements:
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) – All applicants must know their MCAT scores prior to the application deadline of October 1. If an applicant has written the MCAT more than once, applicants should submit MCAT scores from the most successful sitting. Scores from the new MCAT2015 exam will only be considered and have been written within the last five years prior to the application deadline. See University of Alberta Calendar for more information.
Letters of reference
Additional Testing
Spoken English language proficiency
Required From Accepted Applicants:
Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Check(PIC)
Medical Testing and Immunization Records
Basic Life Support
N95 Fit Testing
Admission Requirements
Students wishing to apply to the Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science degree program in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta must meet a series of pre-professional, non-academic and post-acceptance requirements.
Please note: This is a competitive program, and meeting the admission requirements does not guarantee entrance. All applicants must comply with the Code of Applicant Behaviour.
For High School Students:
Please note that you cannot enter our program directly from high school. You will be required to complete or be in the process of completing your pre-professional courses when you apply. If you are planning on attending the University of Alberta for your pre-professional courses you can access all required courses from either the Faculty of Arts or the Faculty of Science. You can also access equivalents to our pre-professional courses at any Campus Alberta post-secondary institution; however, you will be responsible to ensure that your courses are equivalents. It is recommended that any students considering our program complete the following courses: English Language Arts 30-1; Biology 30; Chemistry 30; Mathematics 30-1.
The selection process is competitive, and applicants will be ranked on the following: GPA of preprofessional courses, cumulative GPA, letter of intent, and multiple mini interview (MMI).
Technologists with general certification from the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) may pursue degree completion on a full or part time basis. See BSc in MLS (Post Certification)
Academic Requirements
Those wishing to enrol in the MLS integrated BSc program are required to complete a preprofessional year prior to applying for admission to the Faculty. The required courses, or their equivalents, are available at a number of universities and community colleges in Alberta. Students are encouraged where possible to take these courses (equivalent to *30 at the University of Alberta) as one year of full-time study.
The following ★30 of preprofessional course work are required.
English ★6
General Chemistry ★6
Organic Chemistry ★3
Biology ★3 (cell biology)
Biology ★3 (molecular genetics and inheritance)
★3 from Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, or Zoology
Statistics ★3
★3 options (any Faculty)
A minimum application GPA of 2.7 is required in preprofessional course work. With the exception of ENGL, all preprofessional courses are prerequisites for senior courses.
The preprofessional program may be completed through full- or part-time study at a number of post-secondary institutions that offer courses accepted as equivalent. For equivalencies visit the Alberta Council on Admission and Transfer.
Please note: A minimum grade of C- (or equivalent) is required in any transfer course (i.e. courses not completed at the University of Alberta) used to meet a prerequisite requirement. Grades of D+, D, D- and F are considered deficient for transfer coursework. You can visit the University of Alberta’s Transfer Students page for more information.
Non-Academic Requirements
Letter of Intent:
Applicants must upload a letter of intent to the University of Alberta’s LaunchPad.
Prospective students are encouraged to tour a clinical laboratory, speak to staff in a clinical laboratory or investigate the career online to assist in their understanding of the program.
Applicants whose letter of intent is submitted by April 1 and whose application for admission is active will be invited to an interview. These applicants will be interviewed to determine if they have the qualities necessary for the profession. Communication, teamwork, reflection, conflict resolution, empathy, responsibility, initiative, problem-solving ability, prioritization, organization and other such qualities will be evaluated. Short-listed applicants will be advised of the mandatory in-person interview date.
See Interviews for the date.
English language requirements:
Applicants must meet English requirements as specified in the University of Alberta Calendar.
Technical Standards:
Students admitted to the program must adhere to the Division of Medical Laboratory Science Technical Standards Policy which defines the knowledge, skills, professional behaviors, and attitudes required.
Post-Acceptance Requirements
Submit a non-refundable deposit.
Complete and submit your Police Information Check. Applicants should be aware that a clear Police Information Check, which must include a Vulnerable Sector Check, is required at the time of admission. Students who fail to provide a clear Police Information Check may be required to withdraw from their program. See the University of Alberta Calendar for more information on the general requirements concerning Police Information Checks and the fees associated with them.
Immunizations: Students are required to obtain specified immunizations. The form and further details will be provided on admission to the program
Participate in a mandatory student orientation. Not participating in orientation may result in your admissions status being revoked.
Participate in mandatory N-95 Respirator Fit Testing. Fit testing is done prior to term 2 and students are responsible for the costs.