Going to the university can be expensive and demanding for students who come from low income homes or communities or have no financial support whatsoever. Scholarships, like university of arkansas architecture scholarships, can prove quite valuable.
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University Of Arkansas Architecture Scholarships
University of Arkansas Resources
Financial Aid
The University of Arkansas awards assistance each year to eligible students in the form of scholarships, student loans, grants and work-study. More than 76 percent of University students rely on financial assistance to meet the cost of tuition, room, board, and other expenses. More than 80 awards and scholarships are available exclusively to architecture, landscape architecture and interior design students each year. These funds can be applied to tuition fees, international study, leadership opportunities and the cost of supplies Scholarships
Check out the new information regarding all scholarships. The 2021-2022 Scholarship Application will be available January 1 — February 15, 2021.
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design has the opportunity to award numerous scholarships on an annual basis. These gifts allow us to support the University of Arkansas’ mission of recruiting and retaining high-achieving students who enrich and diversify the academic/design environment. Scholarships are available for both current and prospective students.
Each scholarship has specific criteria based on the donor’s wishes; however, the selection process is coordinated by the Fay Jones School’s Scholarship Review and Selection Committee. Examples of criteria include academic merit, financial need, department or major, interests, organizational involvement, and portfolio submission. Because most Fay Jones School scholarships (including renewable scholarships) are one-year awards, all current and prospective students are encouraged to apply each year.
NOTE: The AcademicWorks system will send email communications from scholars@uark.edu. Be sure to add this email address to your list of contacts or address book, as some email servers may block the address or mark them as spam/junk. Be sure to check your spam/junk folder for emails from the system if you are not receiving them.
To be considered for a Fay Jones School scholarship, you must complete the General Application using the AcademicWorks system before completing the college-specific application. All pieces of the scholarship application will be submitted online unless specifically noted. An essay, academic résumé will be required. Submission period is January 1 to February 15, 2021 (through 11:59 p.m. that Monday).
Read the application instructions and specific details about these scholarship requirements.
Review these important student reminders, and be sure to complete the scholarship application found by clicking the link on item 10, between January 1 and February 15, 2021. (This application may be saved and edited; be sure to press SUBMIT when completely finished.)
Only complete applications will be considered eligible for scholarship consideration. Many scholarships are awarded based on financial need and require completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you complete this as soon as possible.
Prospective students: The Fay Jones School has established several Freshmen Recruiting Awards to draw top-notch students into the program. Deadline is February 15.
Current students: The Fay Jones School also offers several All-School Awards, Architecture Student Awards, Landscape Architecture Student Awards and Interior Design Student Awards. Deadline is February 15.
Schorlarship recipients will need to fill out a biography form and write a letter of appreciation. Guidelines for writing the letter can be found here.
Faculty: The Fay Jones School also recognizes outstanding teaching and supports faculty research with Faculty Awards.
Honors College Fellowships & Grants: Each year, up to 90 new freshmen at the university receive prestigious fellowships that provide up to $72,000 in support over four years, with extra semesters of funding available for academic programs with degree plans longer than four years. Once enrolled at the university, honors students are also able to apply for more than $1 million in competitive study abroad and research grants that the Honors College offers each year. For more information, contact the Honors College at honors@uark.edu or 479-575-7678.
For more information on specific Fay Jones School awards and eligibility requirements, please contact Melinda Smith at melindas@uark.edu or 479/575-2399.
To learn about the undergraduate scholarships offered by the University of Arkansas, please visit the Academic Scholarship Office. Grants
Generally awarded on the basis of financial need, grants are “free money.” Unlike loans, grants need not be repaid unless you are awarded funds incorrectly or you withdraw from school. University of Arkansas students received more than $10 million in grants in 2007.
A little bit of research and a few forms could save you big bucks. The key: apply early!

There are four types of federal student aid grants:
- Federal Pell Grant
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
- Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)
- National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (SMART)
The State of Arkansas also provides student aid grants:
- The GO! Opportunities Grant
- The Workforce Improvement Grant
- The Challenge Grant/Scholarship
Corporate grants are available, as well. For example, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. has established the Wal-Mart Scholars Endowed Fund for Arkansas residents with demonstrated financial need.
For more information, visit the University of Arkansas’ Office of Financial Aid. Work Study
The Federal Work-Study program allows you to help pay your way through school. These jobs typically offer flexible hours and a minimal commute, saving you time (and gas money!).
Plus, you will gain work experience and develop professional contacts that will be valuable once the post-degree job hunt begins.
Work-study jobs cover a wide range of activities. You may
- Escort other students home at night
- Work as a lifeguard at the HPER pool
- Shelve books in a library
- Proof documents
- Answer the phone in an office
- Tutor other students
It all depends on what’s available each semester — and the skills you bring to campus. Your financial aid officer will help you find the best possible match.
Hours vary depending on the job. Typically a student will work 10 to 12 hours per week, but no more than 20 hours a week. Salaries vary by job, ranging from minimum wage to $16/hour. The average wage is about $8/hour.
For more information, check out the work study links on the Financial Aid web site. Loans
Loans allow you to invest in your future. According to the Census Bureau, a bachelor’s degree significantly raises your lifetime earning potential (over an adult’s working life, high school graduates earn an average of $1.2 million; bachelor’s degree holders earn about $2.1 million – Day and Newburger, 2002).
In 2007 more than 5,500 University of Arkansas students relied on loans to pay for their education.
Good things to know:
- The interest you pay on most student loans is lower than commercial rates, because in most cases the federal government subsidizes the rate.
- Student borrowers don’t begin to repay Perkins or Stafford loans until they leave school or drop below half time.
Good thing to remember:
Student loans must be repaid! Consider all of your financial aid options, and your post-degree earning potential, before taking out loans.
Major loan programs include:
- Federal Perkins Loans
- Stafford Loans
- Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program
Terms vary depending on the loan. Typically, the more hours you complete, the more money can be borrowed. Remember, in most cases students must begin repaying their loan within a year of graduation.
For more information, visit the University of Arkansas’ Financial Aid website.
Architectural scholarship targets Southeast Arkansas scholars

University of Arkansas Distinguished Professor Marlon Blackwell and his wife, Ati, both co-principals of Marlon Blackwell Architects, have pledged $120,000 to create an Advance Arkansas scholarship.
The scholarship will benefit Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design students from the Arkansas Delta, with the hope of increasing the diversity of the architecture and design professions.
The couple’s commitment also includes an annual gift, so scholarship awards can be made available starting with the 2021-22 academic year.